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Andrey Gusev (anguss)
Tournament Report - 1E - Online Event
2017-01-30 - 12:00 AM
FederationTNG deck, DS9 dilemmas
Time to go for more 1E only play achievements!

Round 1Mark NapierFL (-20)
Vs Mark Napier playing Starfleet. This was a strange game with four shared missions. I didn't find the treaty and never had a chance to activate Sleeper Trap. Mark was able to solve his third mission just a turn before I would have solved my final mission.

Round 2Michael Van BreemenFL (-28)
Vs Michael playing Dominion. Michael played a lot of people quickly but somehow my weird dilemma combos could stop him long enough so that I actually solved two missions and got a shot at the third one, but failed. Again, didn't find the treaty and never had a chance to activate Sleeper Trap.

Round 3ByeBY (0)

Round 4FerengiBruce ParrishMW (+62)
Vs Bruce playing Ferengi. Tough spaceline for me - one his mission, one mine and so on. He used ships to keep us in terror, blown up one of my ships that just was launching for Chipherians flight but I used Escape Pod. I solved three missions for 95 and had a one chance with Quantum Incursions before the time was up and failed option #1 - no AU.

Closing Thoughts
Chula dilemmas sucks or maybe I just can't play them properly