Reflections A Physical Expansion released on 2000-10-18. |
Reflections: The First Five Year Mission is well-named. Each Reflections pack gives you 17 randomly assorted cards from Premiere through The Dominion sets plus an 18th card, a foil version of a classic Star Trek CCG rare. Reflections introduces "topper" cards. Four of these premium foil cards will randomly appear, one per display, on top of the packs inside the 30-pack display box. They are normal-sized, playable foil cards... four of the best-looking and most desirable cards we have ever made! There are 4 ultra-rare foils, 50 super rare foils, and 46 very rare foils, resulting in a 100-card set size.
Download and print this physical expansion!
[PDF] Download Expansion (Low Resolution) (A4)
For high-resolution versions of physical cards, purchase them from a specialty gaming store.
Collectors Info | Name | Type | Affiliation | Extra card info |
VR | Betazoid Gift Box | Artifact | ||
VR | Cryosatellite | Artifact | ||
SR | Data's Head | Artifact | ||
SR | Horga'hn (Errata) | Artifact | ||
SR | Kurlan Naiskos | Artifact | ||
VR | Magic Carpet Ride OCD | Artifact | ||
VR | Ressikan Flute (Errata) | Artifact | ||
VR | Armus - Skin of Evil | Dilemma | ||
SR | Barclay's Protomorphosis Disease | Dilemma | ||
SR | Borg Ship (Errata) | Dilemma | ||
VR | Crystalline Entity | Dilemma | ||
SR | Cytherians | Dilemma | ||
VR | DNA Clues | Dilemma | ||
SR | Q (Errata) | Dilemma | ||
VR | Scout Encounter | Dilemma | ||
VR | The Sheliak (Errata) | Dilemma | ||
VR | Yuta | Dilemma | ||
SR | Devidian Door (Errata) | Doorway | ||
SR | Bynars Weapon Enhancement (Errata) | Event | ||
VR | Interrogation (Errata) | Event | ||
VR | Ocular Implants | Event | ||
SR | Regenerate | Event | ||
VR | Retask | Event | ||
VR | Revolving Door (Errata) | Event | ||
VR | Supernova | Event | ||
VR | System 5 Disruptors | Event | ||
VR | Wall of Ships | Event | ||
SR | Chamber of Ministers | Facility | Bajoran | |
SR | Central Command | Facility | Cardassian | |
SR | The Great Link | Facility | Dominion | |
SR | Office of the President | Facility | Federation | |
SR | The Great Hall | Facility | Klingon | |
SR | Office of the Proconsul | Facility | Romulan | |
VR | Alas, Poor Queen | Interrupt | ||
VR | Klingon Death Yell | Interrupt | ||
SR | Espionage Mission | Mission | ||
VR | Investigate "Shattered Space" | Mission | ||
VR | Investigate Rumors | Mission | ||
VR | Pegasus Search | Mission | ||
VR | Study Nebula | Mission | ||
VR | Wormhole Negotiations (Corrected) | Mission | ||
VR | Assimilate Homeworld (Corrected) | Objective | ||
VR | Plans of the Tal Shiar | Objective | ||
VR | Bareil Antos | Personnel | Bajoran | |
SR | Kira Nerys (Corrected) | Personnel | Bajoran | |
SR | Odo | Personnel | Bajoran | |
UR | ✶ Borg Queen | Personnel | Borg | |
BT | Gowron of Borg (Corrected) | Personnel | Borg | |
CT | Seven of Nine | Personnel | Borg | |
VR | Damar | Personnel | Cardassian | |
SR | Dukat | Personnel | Cardassian | |
SR | Elim Garak | Personnel | Cardassian | |
VR | Garak | Personnel | Cardassian/Non-Aligned | |
SR | Founder Leader | Personnel | Dominion | |
VR | Kira Founder | Personnel | Dominion | |
VR | O'Brien Founder | Personnel | Dominion | |
SR | Weyoun | Personnel | Dominion | |
BT | Admiral Riker (Corrected) | Personnel | Federation | |
SR | Benjamin Sisko | Personnel | Federation | |
SR | Beverly Crusher | Personnel | Federation | |
SR | Beverly Picard | Personnel | Federation | |
SR | Data | Personnel | Federation | |
SR | Deanna Troi | Personnel | Federation | |
SR | Geordi La Forge | Personnel | Federation | |
SR | Jadzia Dax | Personnel | Federation | |
UR | Jean-Luc Picard | Personnel | Federation | |
SR | Julian Bashir | Personnel | Federation | |
SR | Tasha Yar - Alternate | Personnel | Federation | |
SR | William T. Riker | Personnel | Federation | |
SR | Worf | Personnel | Federation | |
SR | B'Etor | Personnel | Klingon | |
SR | Governor Worf | Personnel | Klingon | |
SR | Gowron | Personnel | Klingon | |
VR | Kahless | Personnel | Klingon | |
VR | Kurn | Personnel | Klingon | |
SR | Lursa | Personnel | Klingon | |
SR | Martok | Personnel | Klingon | |
SR | 10 and 01 | Personnel | Non-Aligned | |
SR | Dathon | Personnel | Non-Aligned | |
SR | Galen | Personnel | Non-Aligned | |
SR | Madam Guinan | Personnel | Non-Aligned | |
SR | Roga Danar | Personnel | Non-Aligned | |
BT | Dr. Telek R'Mor | Personnel | Romulan | |
SR | Sela | Personnel | Romulan | |
VR | Taris | Personnel | Romulan | |
VR | Toreth | Personnel | Romulan | |
SR | Major Rakal | Personnel | Romulan/Federation | |
SR | Queen's Borg Cube (Corrected) | Ship | Borg | |
SR | ❖ Keldon Advanced | Ship | Cardassian | |
VR | Prakesh | Ship | Cardassian | |
UR | Future Enterprise | Ship | Federation | |
UR | U.S.S. Defiant | Ship | Federation | |
SR | U.S.S. Enterprise | Ship | Federation | |
VR | U.S.S. Enterprise-C | Ship | Federation | |
VR | I.K.C. Bortas | Ship | Klingon | |
VR | I.K.C. Fek'lhr | Ship | Klingon | |
VR | I.K.C. Hegh'ta | Ship | Klingon | |
VR | I.K.C. Rotarran | Ship | Klingon | |
VR | Gomtuu | Ship | Non-Aligned | |
SR | ❖ D'deridex Advanced | Ship | Romulan | |
VR | Decius | Ship | Romulan | |
VR | Khazara | Ship | Romulan | |
VR | Cha'Joh | Ship | Romulan/Klingon | |
VR | Montana Missile Complex | Time Location | ||
BT | 100,000 Tribbles - Clone | Tribble |