The Terran Empire A Virtual Expansion released on 2016-11-25. |
The Continuing Committee is proud to bring you The Terran Empire - a sixty-two (62) card First Edition virtual expansion. Celebrate the birth of the Imperials in the Mirror Quadrant with the final expansion in the Mirror Block. Players will have many options in the dark alternate universe. Follow a lowly member of the crew through promotions and deception until they become Emperor (or Empress), or perhaps take command of a futuristic starship and use it to dominate the spaceline. Use the tools around you before they disappear, and try to get by with limited resources in your hand. The Mirror Quadrant is not a place for the faint of heart!
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[JPG] (680 KB) Pack Art
[PDF] (42.7 MB) Download Expansion
[PDF] (36 MB) Imperial Starfleet Starter
Collectors Info | Name | Type | Affiliation | Extra card info |
1 V | Alien Conspiracy | Dilemma | ||
2 V | Archaic Ritual | Dilemma | ||
3 V | Multitronic Menace | Dilemma | ||
4 V | Quality of Life | Dilemma | ||
5 V | Reflections | Dilemma | ||
6 V | Suliban Cloaking Device | Equipment | ||
7 V | A Real Game | Event | ||
8 V | Amanda Rogers: Protector (Errata) | Event | ||
9 V | Captain's Prerogative | Event | ||
10 V | Loyal Subordinate | Event | ||
11 V | Security Drills | Event | ||
12 V | Technical Wizardry | Event | ||
13 V | Terran Flagship: Predator | Event | ||
14 V | Tyranny | Event | ||
15 V | Will You Kindly Die? | Event | ||
16 V | ❖ Imperial Outpost | Facility | Starfleet | |
17 V | Imperial Palace | Facility | Starfleet | |
18 V | ❖ Starfleet Outpost | Facility | Starfleet | |
19 V | Radiation Monitoring | Incident | ||
20 V | UFP: One Small Step | Incident | ||
21 V | Watch Dog | Incident | ||
22 V | Deliver Ancient Artifact | Mission | ||
23 V | Incapacitate Inhabitants | Mission | ||
24 V | Launch Military Strike | Mission | ||
25 V | Monitor Population | Mission | ||
26 V | Observe Spatial Coordinates | Mission | ||
27 V | Sabotage Biosphere | Mission | ||
28 V | Unsanctioned Attack | Mission | ||
29 V | Assert Authority | Objective | ||
30 V | Betray Captain | Objective | ||
31 V | Consolidate Power | Objective | ||
32 V | Declare New Sovereign | Objective | ||
33 V | ❖ Carri | Personnel | Non-Aligned | |
34 V | Dr. Cochrane | Personnel | Non-Aligned | |
35 V | ❖ Haon Obst | Personnel | Non-Aligned | |
36 V | ❖ Admiral Black | Personnel | Starfleet | |
37 V | Captain Forrest | Personnel | Starfleet | |
38 V | Chief Engineer Tucker (Corrected) | Personnel | Starfleet | |
39 V | Chief Surgeon Phlox | Personnel | Starfleet | |
40 V | Comm Officer Sato | Personnel | Starfleet | |
41 V | Commander Archer | Personnel | Starfleet | |
42 V | Commander T'Pol (Alt Image) | Personnel | Starfleet/Vulcan | |
43 V | ❖ Corporal Scott | Personnel | Starfleet | |
44 V | ❖ Crewman Biggs (Corrected) | Personnel | Starfleet | |
45 V | ❖ Crewman D'Vela | Personnel | Starfleet | |
46 V | ❖ Crewman Gham | Personnel | Starfleet | |
47 V | ❖ Crewman Terev | Personnel | Starfleet | |
48 V | Crewman Soval (Alt Image) | Personnel | Starfleet/Vulcan | |
49 V | ❖ Ensign Guerrero | Personnel | Starfleet | |
50 V | Ensign Kelby (Corrected) | Personnel | Starfleet | |
51 V | Major Reed | Personnel | Starfleet | |
52 V | ❖ Private Brown | Personnel | Starfleet | |
53 V | ❖ Private Palmer | Personnel | Starfleet | |
54 V | Sergeant Mayweather | Personnel | Starfleet | |
55 V | ❖ Sergeant Moreno | Personnel | Starfleet | |
56 V | Starship Defiant | Ship | Federation | |
57 V | I.S.S. Avenger | Ship | Starfleet | |
58 V | I.S.S. Enterprise NX-01 | Ship | Starfleet | |
59 V | ❖ Imperial Interceptor | Ship | Starfleet | |
60 V | Phase Cannons (Corrected) | Tactic | ||
61 V | 22nd-Century Japan | Time Location | ||
62 V | Vintaak Drydock Station (Reverse side) | Time Location |