Trekcc First Edition

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1E Virtual editions map Premiere Remastered Alternate Universe: Twilight Lifesigns Showdown: Four Lights Supplemental Showdown: Four Lights Ships of the Line Nemesis Paradise Lost The Motion Pictures Remastered Second Star to the Right The Trial Never Ended Official Tournament Sealed Deck Remastered Dogs of War A Private Little War The Neutral Zone Q Who? Borderless Promos The Cage Equilibrium The Gift Enterprise Collection Remastered Coming of Age Metamorphosis Cold Front Warp Pack: Holiday 2017 Live Long and Prosper Pre-Warp Pack Broken Bow The Terran Empire Star Trek 50 Through the Looking Glass Crossover: Supplemental Crossover Homefront VI The Gamma Quadrant 20th Anniversary Collection The Maquis Warp Pack: Emissary Homefront V Emissary: Supplemental Emissary Homefront IV The Sky\'s the Limit Engage Homefront III The Next Generation: Supplemental The Next Generation Resistance is Futile Homefront II Shades of Gray BaH! Straight and Steady Homefront Life From Lifelessness Chain of Command Virtual Promos Identity Crisis Referee Reprints
1E Virtual editions map Premiere Remastered Alternate Universe: Twilight Lifesigns Showdown: Four Lights Supplemental Showdown: Four Lights Ships of the Line Nemesis Paradise Lost The Motion Pictures Remastered Second Star to the Right The Trial Never Ended Official Tournament Sealed Deck Remastered Dogs of War A Private Little War The Neutral Zone Q Who? Borderless Promos The Cage Equilibrium The Gift Enterprise Collection Remastered Coming of Age Metamorphosis Cold Front Warp Pack: Holiday 2017 Live Long and Prosper Pre-Warp Pack Broken Bow The Terran Empire Star Trek 50 Through the Looking Glass Crossover: Supplemental Crossover Homefront VI The Gamma Quadrant 20th Anniversary Collection The Maquis Warp Pack: Emissary Homefront V Emissary: Supplemental Emissary Homefront IV The Sky\'s the Limit Engage Homefront III The Next Generation: Supplemental The Next Generation Resistance is Futile Homefront II Shades of Gray BaH! Straight and Steady Homefront Life From Lifelessness Chain of Command Virtual Promos Identity Crisis Referee Reprints
1E Virtual editions map Premiere Remastered Alternate Universe: Twilight Lifesigns Showdown: Four Lights Supplemental Showdown: Four Lights Ships of the Line Nemesis Paradise Lost The Motion Pictures Remastered Second Star to the Right The Trial Never Ended Official Tournament Sealed Deck Remastered Dogs of War A Private Little War The Neutral Zone Q Who? Borderless Promos The Cage Equilibrium The Gift Enterprise Collection Remastered Coming of Age Metamorphosis Cold Front Warp Pack: Holiday 2017 Live Long and Prosper Pre-Warp Pack Broken Bow The Terran Empire Star Trek 50 Through the Looking Glass Crossover: Supplemental Crossover Homefront VI The Gamma Quadrant 20th Anniversary Collection The Maquis Warp Pack: Emissary Homefront V Emissary: Supplemental Emissary Homefront IV The Sky\'s the Limit Engage Homefront III The Next Generation: Supplemental The Next Generation Resistance is Futile Homefront II Shades of Gray BaH! Straight and Steady Homefront Life From Lifelessness Chain of Command Virtual Promos Identity Crisis Referee Reprints
1E Virtual editions map Premiere Remastered Alternate Universe: Twilight Lifesigns Showdown: Four Lights Supplemental Showdown: Four Lights Ships of the Line Nemesis Paradise Lost The Motion Pictures Remastered Second Star to the Right The Trial Never Ended Official Tournament Sealed Deck Remastered Dogs of War A Private Little War The Neutral Zone Q Who? Borderless Promos The Cage Equilibrium The Gift Enterprise Collection Remastered Coming of Age Metamorphosis Cold Front Warp Pack: Holiday 2017 Live Long and Prosper Pre-Warp Pack Broken Bow The Terran Empire Star Trek 50 Through the Looking Glass Crossover: Supplemental Crossover Homefront VI The Gamma Quadrant 20th Anniversary Collection The Maquis Warp Pack: Emissary Homefront V Emissary: Supplemental Emissary Homefront IV The Sky\'s the Limit Engage Homefront III The Next Generation: Supplemental The Next Generation Resistance is Futile Homefront II Shades of Gray BaH! Straight and Steady Homefront Life From Lifelessness Chain of Command Virtual Promos Identity Crisis Referee Reprints
1E Virtual editions map Premiere Remastered Alternate Universe: Twilight Lifesigns Showdown: Four Lights Supplemental Showdown: Four Lights Ships of the Line Nemesis Paradise Lost The Motion Pictures Remastered Second Star to the Right The Trial Never Ended Official Tournament Sealed Deck Remastered Dogs of War A Private Little War The Neutral Zone Q Who? Borderless Promos The Cage Equilibrium The Gift Enterprise Collection Remastered Coming of Age Metamorphosis Cold Front Warp Pack: Holiday 2017 Live Long and Prosper Pre-Warp Pack Broken Bow The Terran Empire Star Trek 50 Through the Looking Glass Crossover: Supplemental Crossover Homefront VI The Gamma Quadrant 20th Anniversary Collection The Maquis Warp Pack: Emissary Homefront V Emissary: Supplemental Emissary Homefront IV The Sky\'s the Limit Engage Homefront III The Next Generation: Supplemental The Next Generation Resistance is Futile Homefront II Shades of Gray BaH! Straight and Steady Homefront Life From Lifelessness Chain of Command Virtual Promos Identity Crisis Referee Reprints
1E Traditional editions map Premiere Traditional Enterprise Collection All Good Things The Motion Pictures Holodeck Adventures The Borg Voyager Mirror, Mirror Enhanced Premiere Reflections Tournament Foils Trouble with Tribbles Starter Decks The Trouble with Tribbles Second Anthology Armada Rules of Acquisition Blaze of Glory The Dominion Enhanced First Contact Starter Deck II Deep Space 9 Official Tournament Sealed Deck Away Team Pack Fajo Collection First Contact First Anthology Introductory 2-Player Game Q Continuum Alternate Universe Premiere (Collector\'s Tin) Warp Pack Premiere Beta (WB95) Premiere Alpha (WB94) Premiere
1E Traditional editions map Premiere Traditional Enterprise Collection All Good Things The Motion Pictures Holodeck Adventures The Borg Voyager Mirror, Mirror Enhanced Premiere Reflections Tournament Foils Trouble with Tribbles Starter Decks The Trouble with Tribbles Second Anthology Armada Rules of Acquisition Blaze of Glory The Dominion Enhanced First Contact Starter Deck II Deep Space 9 Official Tournament Sealed Deck Away Team Pack Fajo Collection First Contact First Anthology Introductory 2-Player Game Q Continuum Alternate Universe Premiere (Collector\'s Tin) Warp Pack Premiere Beta (WB95) Premiere Alpha (WB94) Premiere
1E Traditional editions map Premiere Traditional Enterprise Collection All Good Things The Motion Pictures Holodeck Adventures The Borg Voyager Mirror, Mirror Enhanced Premiere Reflections Tournament Foils Trouble with Tribbles Starter Decks The Trouble with Tribbles Second Anthology Armada Rules of Acquisition Blaze of Glory The Dominion Enhanced First Contact Starter Deck II Deep Space 9 Official Tournament Sealed Deck Away Team Pack Fajo Collection First Contact First Anthology Introductory 2-Player Game Q Continuum Alternate Universe Premiere (Collector\'s Tin) Warp Pack Premiere Beta (WB95) Premiere Alpha (WB94) Premiere
1E Traditional editions map Premiere Traditional Enterprise Collection All Good Things The Motion Pictures Holodeck Adventures The Borg Voyager Mirror, Mirror Enhanced Premiere Reflections Tournament Foils Trouble with Tribbles Starter Decks The Trouble with Tribbles Second Anthology Armada Rules of Acquisition Blaze of Glory The Dominion Enhanced First Contact Starter Deck II Deep Space 9 Official Tournament Sealed Deck Away Team Pack Fajo Collection First Contact First Anthology Introductory 2-Player Game Q Continuum Alternate Universe Premiere (Collector\'s Tin) Warp Pack Premiere Beta (WB95) Premiere Alpha (WB94) Premiere
1E Traditional editions map Premiere Traditional Enterprise Collection All Good Things The Motion Pictures Holodeck Adventures The Borg Voyager Mirror, Mirror Enhanced Premiere Reflections Tournament Foils Trouble with Tribbles Starter Decks The Trouble with Tribbles Second Anthology Armada Rules of Acquisition Blaze of Glory The Dominion Enhanced First Contact Starter Deck II Deep Space 9 Official Tournament Sealed Deck Away Team Pack Fajo Collection First Contact First Anthology Introductory 2-Player Game Q Continuum Alternate Universe Premiere (Collector\'s Tin) Warp Pack Premiere Beta (WB95) Premiere Alpha (WB94) Premiere
previous cardPremiere Remastered
A Virtual Expansion released on 2025-01-24.
Lead Designer:

Celebrate the game's 30th anniversary in style with Premiere Remastered, with all of the game's original 363 cards in high definition. Featuring tweaks and modernizations, never has the games debut set looks so good and been so clear. Premiere Remastered features corrected lore references, new technology, and modern wording but keeps the original spirit of the game alive. 

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[PDF] (197 MB) [DL] Expansion
Premiere Remastered contains: 363 cards (121 C, 121 R, 121 U)
Collectors InfoNameTypeAffiliationExtra card info
1 RBetazoid Gift BoxArtifact
2 RHorga'hnArtifact
3 RInterphase GeneratorArtifact
4 RKurlan NaiskosArtifact
5 RThought MakerArtifact
6 RTime Travel PodArtifact
7 RTox UthatArtifact
8 RVaron-T DisruptorArtifact
9 RVulcan Stone of GolArtifact
10 UAlien AbductionDilemma
11 UAlien ParasitesDilemma
12 CAnaphasic OrganismDilemma
13 RAncient ComputerDilemma
14 CArcherDilemma
15 RArmus: Skin Of EvilDilemma
16 RBarclay's Protomorphosis DiseaseDilemma
17 UBirth of "Junior"Dilemma
18 RBorg ShipDilemma
19 UChalnothDilemma
20 UCosmic String FragmentDilemma
21 RCrystalline EntityDilemma
22 RCytheriansDilemma
23 UEl-Adrel CreatureDilemma
24 CFemale's Love InterestDilemma
25 UFirestormDilemma
26 UGravitic MineDilemma
27 UHologram RuseDilemma
28 UHyper-AgingDilemma
29 CIconian Computer WeaponDilemma
30 CImpassable DoorDilemma
31 RKtarian GameDilemma
32 CMale's Love InterestDilemma
33 UMatriarchal SocietyDilemma
34 CMenthar Booby TrapDilemma
35 CMicrobiotic ColonyDilemma
36 CMicrovirusDilemma
37 RNagilumDilemma
38 UNanitesDilemma
39 UNausicaansDilemma
40 UNitrium Metal ParasitesDilemma
41 UNull SpaceDilemma
42 CPhased MatterDilemma
43 UPortal GuardDilemma
44 RQDilemma
45 URadioactive Garbage ScowDilemma
46 URebel EncounterDilemma
47 UREM FatigueDilemma
48 RSarjenkaDilemma
49 UShaka, When the Walls FellDilemma
50 UTarellian Plague ShipDilemma
51 RTemporal Causality LoopDilemma
52 RTsiolkovsky InfectionDilemma
53 UTwo-Dimensional CreaturesDilemma
54 RWind DancerDilemma
55 CEngineering KitEquipment
56 CEngineering PADDEquipment
57 CFederation PADDEquipment
58 CKlingon DisruptorEquipment
59 CKlingon PADDEquipment
60 CMedical KitEquipment
61 CMedical TricorderEquipment
62 CRomulan DisruptorEquipment
63 CRomulan PADDEquipment
64 CStarfleet Type II PhaserEquipment
65 CTricorderEquipment
66 UAlien ProbeEvent
67 RAnti-Time AnomalyQ Event
68 CAtmospheric IonizationEvent
69 RBynars Weapon EnhancementEvent
70 UDistortion FieldEvent
71 CEspionage: Federation on KlingonEvent
72 CEspionage: Klingon on FederationEvent
73 CEspionage: Romulan on FederationEvent
74 CEspionage: Romulan on KlingonEvent
75 UGaps in Normal SpaceEvent
76 UGenetronic ReplicatorEvent
77 RGoddess of EmpathyEvent
78 UHolo-ProjectorsEvent
79 UKivas Fajo: CollectorEvent
80 RLore ReturnsEvent
81 RLore's FingernailEvent
82 UMasaka TransformationsEvent
83 UMetaphasic ShieldsEvent
84 UNeural Servo DeviceEvent
85 UNutational ShieldsEvent
86 CPattern EnhancersEvent
87 CPlasma FireEvent
88 CQ-NetEvent
89 URaise the StakesEvent
90 CRed Alert!Event
91 CRes-QEvent
92 CSpacedockEvent
93 CStatic Warp BubbleEvent
94 CSubspace Warp RiftEvent
95 RSupernovaEvent
96 UTelepathic Alien KidnappersEvent
97 CTetryon FieldEvent
98 UThe Traveler: TranscendenceEvent
99 CTreaty: Federation/KlingonEvent
100 CTreaty: Federation/RomulanEvent
101 CTreaty: Romulan/KlingonEvent
102 RWarp Core BreachEvent
103 CWhere No One Has Gone BeforeEvent
104 C❖ Federation OutpostFacilityFederation
105 C❖ Klingon OutpostFacilityKlingon
106 C❖ Romulan OutpostFacilityRomulan
107 RAlien GroupieInterrupt
108 UAmanda RogersInterrupt
109 CAsteroid SanctuaryInterrupt
110 UAuto-Destruct SequenceInterrupt
111 RCrosisInterrupt
112 CDisruptor OverloadInterrupt
113 UDistortion of Space/Time ContinuumInterrupt
114 CEmergency Transporter ArmbandsInterrupt
115 UEnergy VortexInterrupt
116 CEscape PodInterrupt
117 UFull Planet ScanInterrupt
118 RHonor ChallengeInterrupt
119 RHughInterrupt
120 UIncoming Message: FederationInterrupt
121 UIncoming Message: KlingonInterrupt
122 UIncoming Message: RomulanInterrupt
123 RJaglom Shrek: Information BrokerInterrupt
124 UKevin UxbridgeInterrupt
125 RKlingon Death YellInterrupt
126 CKlingon Right of VengeanceInterrupt
127 ULife-form ScanInterrupt
128 CLong-Range ScanInterrupt
129 CLoss of Orbital StabilityInterrupt
130 UNear-Warp TransportInterrupt
131 CPalor Toff: Alien TraderInterrupt
132 CParticle FountainInterrupt
133 UQ2Interrupt
134 CRogue BorgInterrupt
135 CScanInterrupt
136 CShip SeizureInterrupt
137 CSubspace InterferenceInterrupt
138 USubspace SchismInterrupt
139 CTachyon Detection GridInterrupt
140 UTemporal RiftInterrupt
141 RThe DevilInterrupt
142 UThe JugglerInterrupt
143 UTranswarp ConduitInterrupt
144 UVulcan MindmeldInterrupt
145 CWormholeInterrupt
146 RAvert DisasterMission
147 UCloaked MissionMission
148 CCovert InstallationMission
149 UCovert RescueMission
150 RCultural ObservationMission
151 UDiplomacy MissionMission
152 UEvacuationMission
153 REvaluate TerraformingMission
154 CExcavationMission
155 RExplore Black ClusterMission
156 RExplore Dyson SphereMission
157 RExplore Typhon ExpanseMission
158 UExpose Covert SupplyMission
159 RExtractionMission
160 CFever EmergencyMission
161 UFirst ContactMission
162 RHunt for DNA ProgramMission
163 RIconia InvestigationMission
164 RInvestigate "Shattered Space"Mission
165 RInvestigate Alien ProbeMission
166 CInvestigate AnomalyMission
167 RInvestigate DisappearanceMission
168 RInvestigate DisturbanceMission
169 RInvestigate MassacreMission
170 RInvestigate RaidMission
171 RInvestigate Rogue CometMission
172 RInvestigate SightingMission
173 RInvestigate Time ContinuumMission
174 RKhitomer ResearchMission
175 UKrios SuppressionMission
176 RMedical ReliefMission
177 RNew ContactMission
178 RPegasus SearchMission
179 UPlunder SiteMission
180 CRelief MissionMission
181 CRepair MissionMission
182 URestore Errant MoonMission
183 RSarthong PlunderMission
184 USecret SalvageMission
185 RSeek Life-formMission
186 UStrategic DiversionMission
187 RStudy "Hole in Space"Mission
188 RStudy Lonka PulsarMission
189 RStudy NebulaMission
190 CStudy Plasma StreamerMission
191 CStudy Stellar CollisionMission
192 RSurvey MissionMission
193 CTest MissionMission
194 RWormhole NegotiationsMission
195 R❖ Albert EinsteinPersonnelFederation
196 UAlexander RozhenkoPersonnelFederation
197 RAlynna NechayevPersonnelFederation
198 UAlyssa OgawaPersonnelFederation
199 UBenjamin MaxwellPersonnelFederation
200 RBeverly CrusherPersonnelFederation
201 C❖ CallowayPersonnelFederation
202 C❖ Christopher HobsonPersonnelFederation
203 C❖ Darian WallacePersonnelFederation
204 RDataPersonnelFederation
205 RDeanna TroiPersonnelFederation
206 RDr. La ForgePersonnelFederation
207 R❖ Dr. Leah BrahmsPersonnelFederation
208 UDr. SelarPersonnelFederation
209 UErik PressmanPersonnelFederation
210 U❖ ExocompPersonnelFederation
211 UFleet Admiral ShanthiPersonnelFederation
212 RGeordi La ForgePersonnelFederation
213 C❖ GiustiPersonnelFederation
214 UHannah BatesPersonnelFederation
215 RJean-Luc PicardPersonnelFederation
216 UJenna D'SoraPersonnelFederation
217 RK'EhleyrPersonnelFederation
218 UKareel OdanPersonnelFederation
219 RLeah BrahmsPersonnelFederation
220 C❖ Linda LarsonPersonnelFederation
221 RLwaxana TroiPersonnelFederation
222 C❖ McKnightPersonnelFederation
223 C❖ MendonPersonnelFederation
224 RMorgan BatesonPersonnelFederation
225 UMot the BarberPersonnelFederation
226 RNella DarenPersonnelFederation
227 UNikolai RozhenkoPersonnelFederation
228 UNorah SatiePersonnelFederation
229 RReginald BarclayPersonnelFederation
230 RRichard GalenPersonnelFederation
231 URivaPersonnelFederation
232 RRo LarenPersonnelFederation
233 RSarekPersonnelFederation
234 RSatelkPersonnelFederation
235 RShelbyPersonnelFederation
236 C❖ Simon TarsesPersonnelFederation
237 R❖ Sir Isaac NewtonPersonnelFederation
238 USirna KolramiPersonnelFederation
239 C❖ Sito JaxaPersonnelFederation
240 USorenPersonnelFederation
241 UT'PanPersonnelFederation
242 C❖ TaittPersonnelFederation
243 RTam ElbrunPersonnelFederation
244 RTasha YarPersonnelFederation
245 C❖ TaurikPersonnelFederation
246 RThomas RikerPersonnelFederation
247 UToby RussellPersonnelFederation
248 RVashPersonnelFederation
249 RWesley CrusherPersonnelFederation
250 RWilliam T. RikerPersonnelFederation
251 RWorfPersonnelFederation
252 RB'EtorPersonnelKlingon
253 C❖ B'iJikPersonnelKlingon
254 UBa'elPersonnelKlingon/Romulan
255 C❖ BatrellPersonnelKlingon
256 C❖ DivokPersonnelKlingon
257 C❖ DukathPersonnelKlingon
258 RDurasPersonnelKlingon
259 U❖ Fek'lhrPersonnelKlingon
260 C❖ GorathPersonnelKlingon
261 RGowronPersonnelKlingon
262 C❖ J'DanPersonnelKlingon
263 UK'mpecPersonnelKlingon
264 UK'TalPersonnelKlingon
265 C❖ K'TeshPersonnelKlingon
266 UK'VadaPersonnelKlingon
267 RKahlessPersonnelKlingon
268 RKarganPersonnelKlingon
269 UKellPersonnelKlingon
270 C❖ KlagPersonnelKlingon
271 C❖ Kle'egPersonnelKlingon
272 UKonmelPersonnelKlingon
273 UKoralPersonnelKlingon
274 UKorothPersonnelKlingon
275 UKorrisPersonnelKlingon
276 C❖ KrommPersonnelKlingon
277 RKurakPersonnelKlingon
278 RKurnPersonnelKlingon
279 UL'KorPersonnelKlingon
280 RLursaPersonnelKlingon
281 UMoragPersonnelKlingon
282 UNu'DaqPersonnelKlingon
283 UToqPersonnelKlingon
284 UTorakPersonnelKlingon
285 UToralPersonnelKlingon
286 C❖ TorinPersonnelKlingon
287 UVaghPersonnelKlingon
288 C❖ VekmaPersonnelKlingon
289 UAmariePersonnelNon-Aligned
290 UBaranPersonnelNon-Aligned
291 UBokPersonnelNon-Aligned
292 UDevinoni RalPersonnelNon-Aligned
293 C❖ Dr. FarekPersonnelNon-Aligned
294 UDr. ReygaPersonnelNon-Aligned
295 UEtana JolPersonnelNon-Aligned
296 UEvekPersonnelNon-Aligned
297 C❖ GortaPersonnelNon-Aligned
298 UIshara YarPersonnelNon-Aligned
299 UJo'BrilPersonnelNon-Aligned
300 C❖ NarikPersonnelNon-Aligned
301 UOcettPersonnelNon-Aligned
302 RRoga DanarPersonnelNon-Aligned
303 C❖ VekorPersonnelNon-Aligned
304 RAlidar JarokPersonnelRomulan
305 UBochraPersonnelRomulan
306 C❖ GalathonPersonnelRomulan
307 C❖ JaronPersonnelRomulan
308 C❖ JeraPersonnelRomulan
309 RMendakPersonnelRomulan
310 UMirokPersonnelRomulan
311 UMovarPersonnelRomulan
312 UN'VekPersonnelRomulan
313 UNeralPersonnelRomulan
314 C❖ PaltethPersonnelRomulan
315 UPardekPersonnelRomulan
316 UParemPersonnelRomulan
317 RSelaPersonnelRomulan
318 C❖ SelokPersonnelRomulan
319 UTaibakPersonnelRomulan
320 C❖ TakketPersonnelRomulan
321 C❖ TallusPersonnelRomulan
322 C❖ TarusPersonnelRomulan
323 C❖ TaulPersonnelRomulan
324 UTebokPersonnelRomulan
325 C❖ TheiPersonnelRomulan
326 UTokathPersonnelRomulan
327 RTomalakPersonnelRomulan
328 C❖ TomekPersonnelRomulan
329 RTorethPersonnelRomulan
330 C❖ VarelPersonnelRomulan
331 C❖ RunaboutShipFederation
332 C❖ Type VI ShuttlecraftShipFederation
333 RU.S.S. BrattainShipFederation
334 RU.S.S. EnterpriseShipFederation
335 C❖ U.S.S. ExcelsiorShipFederation
336 C❖ U.S.S. GalaxyShipFederation
337 RU.S.S. HoodShipFederation
338 C❖ U.S.S. MirandaShipFederation
339 C❖ U.S.S. NebulaShipFederation
340 C❖ U.S.S. OberthShipFederation
341 RU.S.S. PhoenixShipFederation
342 UU.S.S. SutherlandShipFederation
343 RU.S.S. YamatoShipFederation
344 RI.K.S. BortasShipKlingon
345 RI.K.S. BurukShipKlingon
346 RI.K.S. Hegh'taShipKlingon
347 C❖ I.K.S. K'VortShipKlingon
348 RI.K.S. PaghShipKlingon
349 RI.K.S. Qu'VatShipKlingon
350 C❖ I.K.S. Vor'ChaShipKlingon
351 UI.K.S. VornShipKlingon
352 C❖ Combat VesselShipNon-Aligned
353 U❖ Husnock ShipShipNon-Aligned
354 C❖ Mercenary ShipShipNon-Aligned
355 C❖ Yridian ShuttleShipNon-Aligned
356 C❖ Zibalian TransportShipNon-Aligned
357 C❖ D'deridexShipRomulan
358 RDevorasShipRomulan
359 RHaakonaShipRomulan
360 RKhazaraShipRomulan
361 RPiShipRomulan
362 C❖ Science VesselShipRomulan
363 C❖ Scout VesselShipRomulan