Trekcc First Edition

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1E Virtual editions map Premiere Remastered Alternate Universe: Twilight Lifesigns Showdown: Four Lights Supplemental Showdown: Four Lights Ships of the Line Nemesis Paradise Lost The Motion Pictures Remastered Second Star to the Right The Trial Never Ended Official Tournament Sealed Deck Remastered Dogs of War A Private Little War The Neutral Zone Q Who? Borderless Promos The Cage Equilibrium The Gift Enterprise Collection Remastered Coming of Age Metamorphosis Cold Front Warp Pack: Holiday 2017 Live Long and Prosper Pre-Warp Pack Broken Bow The Terran Empire Star Trek 50 Through the Looking Glass Crossover: Supplemental Crossover Homefront VI The Gamma Quadrant 20th Anniversary Collection The Maquis Warp Pack: Emissary Homefront V Emissary: Supplemental Emissary Homefront IV The Sky\'s the Limit Engage Homefront III The Next Generation: Supplemental The Next Generation Resistance is Futile Homefront II Shades of Gray BaH! Straight and Steady Homefront Life From Lifelessness Chain of Command Virtual Promos Identity Crisis Referee Reprints
1E Virtual editions map Premiere Remastered Alternate Universe: Twilight Lifesigns Showdown: Four Lights Supplemental Showdown: Four Lights Ships of the Line Nemesis Paradise Lost The Motion Pictures Remastered Second Star to the Right The Trial Never Ended Official Tournament Sealed Deck Remastered Dogs of War A Private Little War The Neutral Zone Q Who? Borderless Promos The Cage Equilibrium The Gift Enterprise Collection Remastered Coming of Age Metamorphosis Cold Front Warp Pack: Holiday 2017 Live Long and Prosper Pre-Warp Pack Broken Bow The Terran Empire Star Trek 50 Through the Looking Glass Crossover: Supplemental Crossover Homefront VI The Gamma Quadrant 20th Anniversary Collection The Maquis Warp Pack: Emissary Homefront V Emissary: Supplemental Emissary Homefront IV The Sky\'s the Limit Engage Homefront III The Next Generation: Supplemental The Next Generation Resistance is Futile Homefront II Shades of Gray BaH! Straight and Steady Homefront Life From Lifelessness Chain of Command Virtual Promos Identity Crisis Referee Reprints
1E Virtual editions map Premiere Remastered Alternate Universe: Twilight Lifesigns Showdown: Four Lights Supplemental Showdown: Four Lights Ships of the Line Nemesis Paradise Lost The Motion Pictures Remastered Second Star to the Right The Trial Never Ended Official Tournament Sealed Deck Remastered Dogs of War A Private Little War The Neutral Zone Q Who? Borderless Promos The Cage Equilibrium The Gift Enterprise Collection Remastered Coming of Age Metamorphosis Cold Front Warp Pack: Holiday 2017 Live Long and Prosper Pre-Warp Pack Broken Bow The Terran Empire Star Trek 50 Through the Looking Glass Crossover: Supplemental Crossover Homefront VI The Gamma Quadrant 20th Anniversary Collection The Maquis Warp Pack: Emissary Homefront V Emissary: Supplemental Emissary Homefront IV The Sky\'s the Limit Engage Homefront III The Next Generation: Supplemental The Next Generation Resistance is Futile Homefront II Shades of Gray BaH! Straight and Steady Homefront Life From Lifelessness Chain of Command Virtual Promos Identity Crisis Referee Reprints
1E Virtual editions map Premiere Remastered Alternate Universe: Twilight Lifesigns Showdown: Four Lights Supplemental Showdown: Four Lights Ships of the Line Nemesis Paradise Lost The Motion Pictures Remastered Second Star to the Right The Trial Never Ended Official Tournament Sealed Deck Remastered Dogs of War A Private Little War The Neutral Zone Q Who? Borderless Promos The Cage Equilibrium The Gift Enterprise Collection Remastered Coming of Age Metamorphosis Cold Front Warp Pack: Holiday 2017 Live Long and Prosper Pre-Warp Pack Broken Bow The Terran Empire Star Trek 50 Through the Looking Glass Crossover: Supplemental Crossover Homefront VI The Gamma Quadrant 20th Anniversary Collection The Maquis Warp Pack: Emissary Homefront V Emissary: Supplemental Emissary Homefront IV The Sky\'s the Limit Engage Homefront III The Next Generation: Supplemental The Next Generation Resistance is Futile Homefront II Shades of Gray BaH! Straight and Steady Homefront Life From Lifelessness Chain of Command Virtual Promos Identity Crisis Referee Reprints
1E Virtual editions map Premiere Remastered Alternate Universe: Twilight Lifesigns Showdown: Four Lights Supplemental Showdown: Four Lights Ships of the Line Nemesis Paradise Lost The Motion Pictures Remastered Second Star to the Right The Trial Never Ended Official Tournament Sealed Deck Remastered Dogs of War A Private Little War The Neutral Zone Q Who? Borderless Promos The Cage Equilibrium The Gift Enterprise Collection Remastered Coming of Age Metamorphosis Cold Front Warp Pack: Holiday 2017 Live Long and Prosper Pre-Warp Pack Broken Bow The Terran Empire Star Trek 50 Through the Looking Glass Crossover: Supplemental Crossover Homefront VI The Gamma Quadrant 20th Anniversary Collection The Maquis Warp Pack: Emissary Homefront V Emissary: Supplemental Emissary Homefront IV The Sky\'s the Limit Engage Homefront III The Next Generation: Supplemental The Next Generation Resistance is Futile Homefront II Shades of Gray BaH! Straight and Steady Homefront Life From Lifelessness Chain of Command Virtual Promos Identity Crisis Referee Reprints
1E Traditional editions map Premiere Traditional Enterprise Collection All Good Things The Motion Pictures Holodeck Adventures The Borg Voyager Mirror, Mirror Enhanced Premiere Reflections Tournament Foils Trouble with Tribbles Starter Decks The Trouble with Tribbles Second Anthology Armada Rules of Acquisition Blaze of Glory The Dominion Enhanced First Contact Starter Deck II Deep Space 9 Official Tournament Sealed Deck Away Team Pack Fajo Collection First Contact First Anthology Introductory 2-Player Game Q Continuum Alternate Universe Premiere (Collector\'s Tin) Warp Pack Premiere Beta (WB95) Premiere Alpha (WB94) Premiere
1E Traditional editions map Premiere Traditional Enterprise Collection All Good Things The Motion Pictures Holodeck Adventures The Borg Voyager Mirror, Mirror Enhanced Premiere Reflections Tournament Foils Trouble with Tribbles Starter Decks The Trouble with Tribbles Second Anthology Armada Rules of Acquisition Blaze of Glory The Dominion Enhanced First Contact Starter Deck II Deep Space 9 Official Tournament Sealed Deck Away Team Pack Fajo Collection First Contact First Anthology Introductory 2-Player Game Q Continuum Alternate Universe Premiere (Collector\'s Tin) Warp Pack Premiere Beta (WB95) Premiere Alpha (WB94) Premiere
1E Traditional editions map Premiere Traditional Enterprise Collection All Good Things The Motion Pictures Holodeck Adventures The Borg Voyager Mirror, Mirror Enhanced Premiere Reflections Tournament Foils Trouble with Tribbles Starter Decks The Trouble with Tribbles Second Anthology Armada Rules of Acquisition Blaze of Glory The Dominion Enhanced First Contact Starter Deck II Deep Space 9 Official Tournament Sealed Deck Away Team Pack Fajo Collection First Contact First Anthology Introductory 2-Player Game Q Continuum Alternate Universe Premiere (Collector\'s Tin) Warp Pack Premiere Beta (WB95) Premiere Alpha (WB94) Premiere
1E Traditional editions map Premiere Traditional Enterprise Collection All Good Things The Motion Pictures Holodeck Adventures The Borg Voyager Mirror, Mirror Enhanced Premiere Reflections Tournament Foils Trouble with Tribbles Starter Decks The Trouble with Tribbles Second Anthology Armada Rules of Acquisition Blaze of Glory The Dominion Enhanced First Contact Starter Deck II Deep Space 9 Official Tournament Sealed Deck Away Team Pack Fajo Collection First Contact First Anthology Introductory 2-Player Game Q Continuum Alternate Universe Premiere (Collector\'s Tin) Warp Pack Premiere Beta (WB95) Premiere Alpha (WB94) Premiere
1E Traditional editions map Premiere Traditional Enterprise Collection All Good Things The Motion Pictures Holodeck Adventures The Borg Voyager Mirror, Mirror Enhanced Premiere Reflections Tournament Foils Trouble with Tribbles Starter Decks The Trouble with Tribbles Second Anthology Armada Rules of Acquisition Blaze of Glory The Dominion Enhanced First Contact Starter Deck II Deep Space 9 Official Tournament Sealed Deck Away Team Pack Fajo Collection First Contact First Anthology Introductory 2-Player Game Q Continuum Alternate Universe Premiere (Collector\'s Tin) Warp Pack Premiere Beta (WB95) Premiere Alpha (WB94) Premiere
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A Physical Expansion released on 1994-12-12.
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The 363 cards of the Premiere Edition contain a galaxy of characters and story elements from all seven seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation television series. They are sold in starter decks of 60 cards each, or in expansion packs of 15 cards each. The cards of this edition introduce the ships, crew members, aliens, defenses and missions that players love best. They provide each player with a solid foundation from which to "expand his power in the universe." Unlimited white border 94

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For high-resolution versions of physical cards, purchase them from a specialty gaming store.

Premiere Alpha (WB94) contains: 363 cards (121 C, 121 R, 121 U)
Collectors InfoNameTypeAffiliationExtra card info
RBetazoid Gift BoxArtifact
RHorga'hn (Errata)Artifact
RInterphase Generator (Corrected)Artifact
RKurlan NaiskosArtifact
RThought MakerArtifact
RTime Travel PodArtifact
RTox UthatArtifact
RVaron-T DisruptorArtifact
RVulcan Stone of GolArtifact
UAlien Abduction (Corrected)Dilemma
UAlien ParasitesDilemma
CAnaphasic OrganismDilemma
RAncient ComputerDilemma
RArmus - Skin of Evil (Corrected)Dilemma
RBarclay's Protomorphosis DiseaseDilemma
UBirth of "Junior" (Corrected)Dilemma
RBorg Ship (Errata)Dilemma
UCosmic String FragmentDilemma
RCrystalline EntityDilemma
UEl-Adrel CreatureDilemma
CFemale's Love Interest (Corrected)Dilemma
UFirestorm (Corrected)Dilemma
UGravitic MineDilemma
UHologram Ruse (Corrected)Dilemma
UHyper-Aging (Corrected)Dilemma
CIconian Computer WeaponDilemma
CImpassable DoorDilemma
RKtarian GameDilemma
CMale's Love Interest (Corrected)Dilemma
UMatriarchal SocietyDilemma
CMenthar Booby Trap (Corrected)Dilemma
CMicrobiotic ColonyDilemma
UNitrium Metal Parasites (Corrected)Dilemma
UNull SpaceDilemma
CPhased Matter (Corrected)Dilemma
UPortal GuardDilemma
RQ (Errata)Dilemma
URadioactive Garbage Scow (Corrected)Dilemma
URebel EncounterDilemma
UREM Fatigue Hallucinations (Corrected)Dilemma
UShaka, When the Walls FellDilemma
UTarellian Plague Ship (Corrected)Dilemma
RTemporal Causality LoopDilemma
RTsiolkovsky Infection (Corrected)Dilemma
UTwo-Dimensional Creatures (Corrected)Dilemma
RWind Dancer (Corrected)Dilemma
CEngineering KitEquipment
CEngineering PADDEquipment
CFederation PADDEquipment
CKlingon DisruptorEquipment
CKlingon PADDEquipment
CMedical KitEquipment
CMedical TricorderEquipment
CRomulan DisruptorEquipment
CRomulan PADDEquipment
CStarfleet Type II Phaser (Corrected)Equipment
UAlien ProbeEvent
RAnti-Time Anomaly (Errata)Event
CAtmospheric Ionization (Errata)Event
RBynars Weapon Enhancement (Errata)Event
UDistortion Field (Errata)Event
CEspionage: Federation on KlingonEvent
CEspionage: Klingon on FederationEvent
CEspionage: Romulan on FederationEvent
CEspionage: Romulan on KlingonEvent
UGaps in Normal SpaceEvent
UGenetronic Replicator (Errata)Event
RGoddess of EmpathyEvent
UHolo-Projectors (Errata)Event
UKivas Fajo - CollectorEvent
RLore ReturnsEvent
RLore's FingernailEvent
UMasaka TransformationsEvent
UMetaphasic Shields (Errata)Event
UNeural Servo DeviceEvent
UNutational Shields (Errata)Event
CPattern EnhancersEvent
CPlasma FireEvent
URaise the StakesEvent
CRed Alert! (Errata)Event
CStatic Warp BubbleEvent
CSubspace Warp RiftEvent
UTelepathic Alien KidnappersEvent
CTetryon FieldEvent
UThe Traveler: TranscendenceEvent
CTreaty: Federation/KlingonEvent
CTreaty: Federation/RomulanEvent
CTreaty: Romulan/KlingonEvent
RWarp Core BreachEvent
CWhere No One Has Gone BeforeEvent
C❖ Federation Outpost (Corrected)FacilityFederation
C❖ Klingon Outpost (Corrected)FacilityKlingon
C❖ Romulan Outpost (Corrected)FacilityRomulan
RAlien GroupieInterrupt
UAmanda Rogers (Errata)Interrupt
CAsteroid SanctuaryInterrupt
UAuto-Destruct Sequence (Corrected)Interrupt
CDisruptor Overload (Corrected)Interrupt
UDistortion of Space/Time Continuum (Errata)Interrupt
CEmergency Transporter Armbands (Errata)Interrupt
UEnergy VortexInterrupt
CEscape PodInterrupt
UFull Planet Scan (Errata)Interrupt
RHonor ChallengeInterrupt
UIncoming Message - FederationInterrupt
UIncoming Message - KlingonInterrupt
UIncoming Message - RomulanInterrupt
RJaglom Shrek - Information BrokerInterrupt
UKevin Uxbridge (Errata)Interrupt
RKlingon Death YellInterrupt
CKlingon Right of VengeanceInterrupt
ULife-form ScanInterrupt
CLong-Range ScanInterrupt
CLoss of Orbital Stability (Corrected)Interrupt
UNear-Warp TransportInterrupt
CPalor Toff: Alien Trader (Errata)Interrupt
CParticle FountainInterrupt
UQ2 (Errata)Interrupt
CRogue Borg MercenariesInterrupt
CScan (Errata)Interrupt
CShip SeizureInterrupt
CSubspace InterferenceInterrupt
USubspace SchismInterrupt
CTachyon Detection GridInterrupt
UTemporal Rift (Errata)Interrupt
RThe DevilInterrupt
UThe Juggler (Corrected)Interrupt
UTranswarp ConduitInterrupt
UVulcan Mindmeld (Errata)Interrupt
CWormhole (Errata)Interrupt
RAvert DisasterMission
UCloaked Mission (Corrected)Mission
CCovert Installation (Corrected)Mission
UCovert RescueMission
RCultural ObservationMission
UDiplomacy MissionMission
UEvacuation (Corrected)Mission
REvaluate TerraformingMission
RExplore Black ClusterMission
RExplore Dyson SphereMission
RExplore Typhon Expanse (Corrected)Mission
UExpose Covert SupplyMission
CFever EmergencyMission
UFirst ContactMission
RHunt for DNA ProgramMission
RIconia Investigation (Corrected)Mission
RInvestigate "Shattered Space" (Corrected)Mission
RInvestigate Alien ProbeMission
CInvestigate AnomalyMission
RInvestigate DisappearanceMission
RInvestigate DisturbanceMission
RInvestigate MassacreMission
RInvestigate RaidMission
RInvestigate Rogue CometMission
RInvestigate Sighting (Corrected)Mission
RInvestigate Time Continuum (Corrected)Mission
RKhitomer Research (Errata)Mission
UKrios SuppressionMission
RMedical ReliefMission
RNew ContactMission
RPegasus SearchMission
UPlunder SiteMission
CRelief MissionMission
CRepair MissionMission
URestore Errant MoonMission
RSarthong PlunderMission
USecret SalvageMission
RSeek Life-formMission
UStrategic Diversion (Errata)Mission
RStudy "Hole in Space"Mission
RStudy Lonka PulsarMission
RStudy NebulaMission
CStudy Plasma StreamerMission
CStudy Stellar CollisionMission
RSurvey MissionMission
CTest MissionMission
RWormhole Negotiations (Corrected)Mission
R❖ Albert EinsteinPersonnelFederation
UAlexander RozhenkoPersonnelFederation
RAlynna NechayevPersonnelFederation
UAlyssa OgawaPersonnelFederation
UBenjamin MaxwellPersonnelFederation
RBeverly CrusherPersonnelFederation
C❖ CallowayPersonnelFederation
C❖ Christopher HobsonPersonnelFederation
C❖ Darian WallacePersonnelFederation
RDeanna TroiPersonnelFederation
RDr. La ForgePersonnelFederation
R❖ Dr. Leah BrahmsPersonnelFederation
UDr. SelarPersonnelFederation
UEric PressmanPersonnelFederation
U❖ ExocompPersonnelFederation
UFleet Admiral ShanthiPersonnelFederation
RGeordi La ForgePersonnelFederation
C❖ Giusti (Corrected)PersonnelFederation
UHannah BatesPersonnelFederation
RJean-Luc PicardPersonnelFederation
UJenna D'SoraPersonnelFederation
UKareel OdanPersonnelFederation
RLeah BrahmsPersonnelFederation
C❖ Linda LarsonPersonnelFederation
RLwaxana Troi (Corrected)PersonnelFederation
C❖ McKnightPersonnelFederation
C❖ Mendon (Corrected)PersonnelFederation
RMorgan BatesonPersonnelFederation
UMot the BarberPersonnelFederation
RNeela DarenPersonnelFederation
UNikolai RozhenkoPersonnelFederation
UNorah SatiePersonnelFederation
RReginald BarclayPersonnelFederation
RRichard GalenPersonnelFederation
RRo LarenPersonnelFederation
C❖ Simon TarsesPersonnelFederation
R❖ Sir Isaac NewtonPersonnelFederation
USirna KolramiPersonnelFederation
C❖ Sito JaxaPersonnelFederation
UT'Pan (Errata)PersonnelFederation
C❖ TaittPersonnelFederation
RTam ElbrunPersonnelFederation
RTasha YarPersonnelFederation
C❖ TaurikPersonnelFederation
RThomas RikerPersonnelFederation
UToby RussellPersonnelFederation
RWesley Crusher (Corrected)PersonnelFederation
RWilliam T. RikerPersonnelFederation
C❖ B'iJikPersonnelKlingon
C❖ BatrellPersonnelKlingon
C❖ DivokPersonnelKlingon
C❖ DukathPersonnelKlingon
U❖ Fek'lhrPersonnelKlingon
C❖ GorathPersonnelKlingon
C❖ J'DdanPersonnelKlingon
C❖ K'TeshPersonnelKlingon
C❖ KlagPersonnelKlingon
C❖ Kle'egPersonnelKlingon
C❖ KrommPersonnelKlingon
UToral (Corrected)PersonnelKlingon
C❖ TorinPersonnelKlingon
C❖ VekmaPersonnelKlingon
UDevinoni RalPersonnelNon-Aligned
C❖ Dr. FarekPersonnelNon-Aligned
UDr. ReygaPersonnelNon-Aligned
UEtana JolPersonnelNon-Aligned
C❖ GortaPersonnelNon-Aligned
UIshara YarPersonnelNon-Aligned
C❖ NarikPersonnelNon-Aligned
RRoga DanarPersonnelNon-Aligned
C❖ VekorPersonnelNon-Aligned
RAlidar JarokPersonnelRomulan
C❖ GalathonPersonnelRomulan
C❖ JaronPersonnelRomulan
C❖ JeraPersonnelRomulan
C❖ PaltethPersonnelRomulan
C❖ SelokPersonnelRomulan
C❖ TakketPersonnelRomulan
C❖ TallusPersonnelRomulan
C❖ TarusPersonnelRomulan
C❖ TaulPersonnelRomulan
C❖ TheiPersonnelRomulan
C❖ TomekPersonnelRomulan
C❖ VarelPersonnelRomulan
C❖ RunaboutShipFederation
C❖ Type VI ShuttlecraftShipFederation
RU.S.S. BrittainShipFederation
RU.S.S. EnterpriseShipFederation
C❖ U.S.S. ExcelsiorShipFederation
C❖ U.S.S. GalaxyShipFederation
RU.S.S. HoodShipFederation
C❖ U.S.S. MirandaShipFederation
C❖ U.S.S. NebulaShipFederation
C❖ U.S.S. Oberth (Corrected)ShipFederation
RU.S.S. PhoenixShipFederation
UU.S.S. SutherlandShipFederation
RU.S.S. YamatoShipFederation
RI.K.C. Bortas (Corrected)ShipKlingon
RI.K.C. BurukShipKlingon
RI.K.C. Hegh'taShipKlingon
C❖ I.K.C. K'VortShipKlingon
RI.K.C. PaghShipKlingon
RI.K.C. Qu'VatShipKlingon
C❖ I.K.C. Vor'ChaShipKlingon
UI.K.C. VornShipKlingon
C❖ Combat VesselShipNon-Aligned
U❖ Husnock ShipShipNon-Aligned
C❖ Mercenary ShipShipNon-Aligned
C❖ Yridian ShuttleShipNon-Aligned
C❖ Zibalian TransportShipNon-Aligned
C❖ D'deridexShipRomulan
C❖ Science VesselShipRomulan
C❖ Scout VesselShipRomulan