Rule Change Viewer
The rules of a living card game are always evolving. Unfortunately, rule changes can leave players uncertain about where things stand, especially when returning to the game after a long time away. This tool should help!
Changes listed as epochal are gargantuan, and sometimes define eras of the game. Major changes are big enough that you effectively can't play the game without knowing them. Moderate changes are significant enough that the average player will bump up against them, but not necessarily right away. Minor changes are usually pretty fine-grained points that don't show up in every game, or don't have a big effect when they do, or flow naturally enough from other game systems that a player can pick it up in context no problem. Negligible changes have no gameplay impact, being obvious clarifications, fiddly fine-tuning, or error correction. Terminology changes introduce (or update) language on cards without changing existing gameplay. (These classifications are a judgment call, decided by the Rules Master, who is open to hearing your arguments about why they are wrong on the forum.)
If you are returning after less than six months away, you probably want to see everything. If you're returning after less than a year away, then you will probably want to see some details. If you've been away for a year or more, you most likely will want to use the "Just show me what I need!" setting, at least to start.
This tool describes changes in the general rules of the game. Rulings on specific cards are far too numerous to catalog. (Errata may be viewed in the Errata Database.) Moreover, this tool reflects the rules used at the Worlds championship series each year. (That's why this tool includes several changes that were introduced in Revised, but not all of them, and nothing from X-List or Warp Speed.) In short, 1994-2008: Open. 2009: Revised. 2010+: Modern OTF.
There are a still a few rules documents for which we don't have an original copy. These are marked with an asterisk. In most cases, we have linked to another contemporary document that includes the same changes. (For example, we don't have the June '99 CRD, so we link to the July '99 CRD instead.)
Win by scoring 100 points / most points
The first player to score 100 points wins.
Original | Superseded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Superseded by:
Intermix Ratio rule (I): Differential and mod wins OK (2009 May)
Intermix Ratio rule (IV): No mod win (2016 Mar)
Win with most points when either deck empties
As soon as either player decks out, the game ends.
Original | Superseded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Superseded by:
Game ends if both players deck out
The Golden Rule: cards trump rules
A card's specific text overrides an otherwise-applicable rule.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Resolve genuine ambiguities by TrekSense
If a situation arises that is unclear and/or not addressed by these or other rules, use common sense to resolve the issue within the spirit of Star Trek, then proceed.
Original | Modified
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Modified by:
TrekSense rule restored and modified (2018 Nov)
Resolve ambiguities by text only (1998 Jul)
Federation affiliation
An interstellar alliance dedicated to peace and progress
Major New Affiliation | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Klingon affiliation
An honor-driven warrior race
Major New Affiliation | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Romulan affiliation
A cunning people known for their political intrigues
Major New Affiliation | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Non-Aligned affiliation
Everyone not in another affiliation!
Major New Affiliation | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Affiliations are incompatible
Cards from different affiliations cannot work together, unless otherwise specified.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Non-Aligned cards work with anyone
Non-Aligned cards are compatible with all other cards, unless otherwise specified.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Non-Aligned is not a "true" affiliation
Since Non-Aligned is not a "true" affiliation,
Non-Aligned ships do not require a matching personnel to staff them.
Original | Rescinded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Rescinded by: Non-Aligned is now a "true" affiliation
Mission cards
Planet and space locations that can be attempted and solved for points.
Major New Card Type | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Dilemma cards
Cards typically "seeded" beneath missions to disrupt mission attempts.
Major New Card Type | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Artifact cards
Powerful cards that must be "seeded" beneath a mission and "earned" by solving the mission.
Major New Card Type | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Outpost cards
Cards that allow ships, personnel, and equipment to "report for duty" (play).
Major New Card Type | Modified
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Modified by:
Ship cards
Cards that carry personnel and equipment, equipped with RANGE, WEAPONS, and SHIELDS.
Major New Card Type | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Personnel cards
Cards representing people, which do the attempting and solving of missions. They have skills, classifications, INTEGRITY, CUNNING, and STRENGTH.
Major New Card Type | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Equipment cards
Cards personnel can carry to provide local, useful effects.
Major New Card Type | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Event cards
Cards that interject special occurrences or conditions into the game. Tend to be long-lasting.
Major New Card Type | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Interrupt cards
Cards that interject special occurrences into the game… and can play even on opponent's turn! Tend to be short-lived.
Major New Card Type | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
60-card deck
No more than 60 cards in your game deck, and no less, either.
Original | Superseded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Superseded by:
"Advanced" option for an 80-card deck (1996 May)
30/30 Rule (60-card deck limit eliminated) (1997 Dec)
No more than 30 seed cards
At the time, the wording was "no more than half your deck may be seed cards," but that was equivalent to the modern 30-card seed limit, since all decks were 60 cards.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Must seed one outpost per affiliation
If an affiliation is in your deck, you must seed an outpost for it.
Original | Rescinded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Rescinded by:
Outposts no longer required
Cards you own point toward you
Keep track of your cards! Each player should always place their cards on the playing surface facing themselves. Make this a habit. This will make it easier to retrieve your cards after the game.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Mission Phase
The seed phases begin with a mission phase, where each player draws from his mission pile and places them on the "spaceline", side by side, in turns.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Space/Time Continuum
The spaceline is sometimes called the Space/Time Continuum.
Original | Rescinded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Rescinded by:
Certain terminology deprecated
Mission theft
Any player may attempt a mission seeded by either player, as long as all requirements (including matching affiliation) are met.
Original | Superseded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Superseded by:
Fair Play rule (mission "theft" restricted)
Dilemma phase
Dilemmas (and artifacts) are slid under missions face-down to serve as future challenges.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Last / bottom card seeded is first encountered
When multiple cards are seeded at a location, each card after the first is seeded, face-down, beneath the first. When mission attempted, the bottom card is first encountered.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Mis-seeds: Dilemmas at wrong location type
When a dilemma is encountered at a mission where it could not seed (Planet dilemma at Space mission or vice versa), it is a mis-seed.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Mis-seeds: One copy per location
If more than one copy of a seed card is encountered at a location, the second copy is a mis-seed (even if they were seeded by different players). (In later parlance, they are "not duplicatable by mission.")
Original | Modified
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Modified by:
Seed cards "unique per mission"
Mis-seeds: Artifacts at planet only
If an artifact is encountered at a space location, you guessed it: it's a mis-seed.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Mis-seeds: Discard mis-seeds
A mis-seeded card is discarded when encountered.
Original | Superseded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Superseded by:
Mis-seeds go out-of-play
Seed phase passing
Either player can pass during a seed phase. When both players pass, the seed phase ends… even if either player still has unused seed cards.
Original | Superseded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Superseded by:
Batch seeding: original
Discard unused seed cards
After both players pass at the end of the seed phases, any remaining cards in the seed deck that have not been used are discarded.
Original | Superseded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Superseded by:
Unused cards in the seed deck go out-of-play
Discard pile face-down
The discard pile is a face-down pile of cards near your draw deck.
Original | Superseded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Superseded by:
Discard pile is face-up
Outpost phase
Outposts are seeded at missions.
Original | Modified
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Modified by:
"Outpost Phase" renamed
Outposts: matching affiliation requirement
To seed or build an outpost at a mission, the mission must have at least one affiliation icon (facing the outpost-builder) that matches the outpost's affiliation.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Outposts: slide beneath missions
Most of an outpost card is slid beneath a mission, leaving only the affiliation icon and SHIELDS indicator active.
Original | Superseded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Superseded by:
Facilities no longer go beneath missions
Draw 7 cards to start the game
At the start of the play phase, draw 7 cards.
Original | Modified
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Modified by:
Opening draw moved to end of facility phase
Turn: Play Phase + Your Normal Card Play
Before executing orders, you may play one card from your hand. That's it! No mana, no costing, no counters. Play one card.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Turn: Execute Orders Phase
After your (optional) play phase, you may Do Stuff with your cards in play. (A list of legal Orders will follow.)
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Turn: Draw Phase / End-of-Turn Phase
At the end of your turn, you must draw one card. The final card draw is always the final action of your turn.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Playing ships/personnel/equipment
Personnel and equipment may report aboard your outpost. Ships also report to your outpost, but there are details.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Docking means at the Outpost location
All compatible ships at the same location as your outpost are considered docked with it.
Original | Superseded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Superseded by:
Docking is a form of movement
Ships report docked
When a ship reports for duty (at a facility), it reports docked.
Original | Modified
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Modified by:
Ships must play docked at facilities with docks
"Reporting for Duty"
Playing personnel, ships, and equipment is called "reporting for duty." You must announce their card play with, "[name of card], reporting for duty!"
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Non-Universal and Universal
Ships and personnel are non-universal: you may only have one of each such personnel in play at a time. Cards with the symbol in their title may ignore this limit. (They are "representative" of an archetype.)
Original | Modified
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Personnel lines
Personnel at your outpost are placed face-up on the table in a line where opponent may see them.
Original | Superseded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Superseded by:
Personnel on outposts no longer visible
Say "Interrupt!"
You play an interrupt by saying, "Interrupt!" and then playing the card on the table.
Original | Rescinded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Rescinded by:
Certain terminology deprecated
Interrupts suspend play
Interrupts allow you to interrupt an action at literally ANY time. In modern parlance, they suspend play, taking "precedence over everything else in the game."
Original | Superseded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Superseded by:
Interrupts play "at any time" speed
Interrupts are FIFO unless nullified
If several interrupts are played in a row, they are handled in the sequence they are played. The only exception is when an interrupt nullifies another interrupt; then, the previous interrupt is indeed nullified.
Original | Superseded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Superseded by:
Valid responses
Stopped cards can take no actions for the remainder of the turn.
Original | Modified
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Modified by:
Stopped cards may contribute traits/skills
Battle stops
All cards that participate in a battle are stopped after the battle.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Attacked cards are unstopped to battle
When cards are attacked, they are "unstopped" long enough to participate in the battle. (Show Archivist's Comment)
This was actually super-important at the time, because stopped cards could perform no actions. By the time of its recission, however, this rule had become a nullity, thanks to changes to the stopped rule over time.
Original | Rescinded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Rescinded by:
Being attacked does not "unstop"
Order: Embark/Disembark on Ships
Place compatible personnel and equipment beneath a ship at an outpost (now facility) to "load" onto it. Reverse to "unload." While "loaded," the cards aboard the ship move with the ship.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Command ability star
Represents command ability and can be used in ship staffing.
Major "Loaded" icon | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Staffing ability star
Represents staffing ability and can be used in ship staffing.
Major "Loaded" icon | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Ship staffing
Ships may move only if a matching personnel is aboard AND their staffing requirements are met, represented by Command Stars and Staff Stars on ships (the requirements) and on personnel (the ability stars that meet the requirements.)
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Command Stars can meet Staff Star requirements
A command star personnel can meet either a command-star requirement or a staff-star requirement. (He cannot meet both simultaneously.)
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Stalled ships
An undocked ship without full staffing requirements aboard is "stalled." It cannot move.
Original | Rescinded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Rescinded by:
Certain terminology deprecated
Order: Move ships
A staffed ship moves by using its RANGE to fly to (or past) other locations, counting the span of the destination plus each mission passed but NOT the starting mission.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Order: Beam personnel and equipment
Use transporters to beam between planets and ships at same location.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
SHIELDS protect against beaming
You can't normally beam through a ship's (or, it is here implied but later clarified, outpost's) SHIELDS.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Order: Attempt missions
Your personnel may attempt missions in order to score their points.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Matching personnel needed to begin attempt
At least one person in the attempting crew or Away Team must match one of the affiliation icons on the mission (specifically, the end facing you).
Original | Modified
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Planet missions attempted by Away Team
Planet missions may be attempted by any one Away Team on the planet's surface.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Space missions attempted by any ship's crew
Space missions may be attempted by any one crew aboard a ship at the mission's location.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Space mission attempted by outpost crew
Personnel located at an outpost can attempt the outpost mission (if it is in space) without boarding a ship. Simply designate outpost personnel as an Away Team and attempt the mission as usual. ("Away Team" vs "crew" confusion abounded as a result of this rule.)
Original | Rescinded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Rescinded by:
Space missions need a ship to attempt (1998 Feb)
Outposts stopped by failed attempts (1997 Sep)
Ignore ship effects if attempting from outpost (1994 Nov)
Solve a mission by meeting its requirements
To solve a mission and score its points, meet its requirements.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
No solving a mission if dilemmas remain
You cannot solve a mission until all seed cards have been encountered and no dilemmas remain seeded beneath the mission.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Flip over the mission to reveal seed cards
Flip over the entire mission card pile to see what's there, showing only the bottom card, one at a time. (Today, we slide out the bottom seed card instead, to avoid accidentally seeing other seed cards.)
Original | Superseded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Superseded by:
Slide out dilemmas one at a time in attempts
Dilemma encounters: conditions
Many dilemmas have conditions, such as "to get past must have Computer Skill" or "Unless MEDICAL, SECURITY, and SCIENCE present." Overcome a dilemma (or at least the relevant effect) by meeting the conditions. Otherwise, pay the price!
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Pooling skills
Members of a crew or away team can pool their skills and attributes to meet conditions and requirements, including on missions and dilemmas.
Major Clarification | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Dilemma encounters: bonus points
You score bonus points from a dilemma with a bonus point box only if you overcome it by meeting all its conditions/nullifiers. Discarding it after it has its full effect does not score the points.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Dilemma encounters: failure = stopped
If your crew or Away Team fails to overcome a dilemma with conditions, they are stopped, the dilemma is reseeded to be encountered again (unless it says otherwise), and the mission attempt ends.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Random Selection
To randomly select a target, shuffle eligible targets and present them to opponent, with backs facing opponent so they are not visible. Opponent then selects the target from your arrayed cards.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Owner's/Opponent's Choice
An owner's choice or opponent's choice selection is made by the specified person. He or she gets to see the entirety of each eligible card while choosing, with full information.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Order: Battle
You can attack another player's cards as an order.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Battle occurs at same location
Opposing forces must be at the same location (same spaceline location for ship battle; same planet location for Away Team battle). Really, opposing forces must be present together, although there was very little practical difference between "here" and "present" as of Premiere, because it was difficult/impossible to be, say, intruders, or to split an Away Team.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
"Leader" = Leadership or OFFICER
Personnel with Leadership or OFFICER are considered "leaders".
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Away Team Battle: No leader? You lose.
If your Away Team does not have a leader, it automatically loses the battle.
Original | Rescinded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Rescinded by:
Away Team Battle: No leaders? Both lose! (1994 Nov)
Leader not required for defense (1997 Dec)
Away Team Battle: One casualty
One member of the losing group dies (random selection).
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Away Team Battle: Sum STRENGTH
After all responses to the battle are played out (and, after 1997, the additional battle steps are complete), sum up the total remaining STRENGTH on both sides. The winner is the side with the most total STRENGTH. (Ties = no winner.)
Original | Modified
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Modified by:
Personnel battle overhaul
Ship Battle: No leader? No WEAPONS
A ship without a leader aboard can defend itself with SHIELDS, but cannot fire WEAPONS.
Original | Rescinded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Rescinded by:
Leader not required for defense
Ship Battle: Both sides target one ship
In a ship battle, each opposing force chooses one ship to target.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Ship Battle: Score a hit with WEAPONS>SHIELDS
Each force whose total WEAPONS exceeds the SHIELDS of the target scores a hit.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Ship Battle: Hit causes damage
Each ship that is hit takes damage.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Rotation Damage
To indicate damage under the rotation damage system, place a Rotation Damage Marker on the target, or simply rotate the ship 180 degrees. (You must use this system if you do not have a Battle Bridge Door.)
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Rotation Damage: effects
A ship damaged with rotation damage has RANGE set to 5, its Cloaking Device (if any) is disabled, and it is destroyed if damaged again. (In modern terms, its HULL is reduced by 50%.)
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Repairing damage
A ship with rotation damage is repaired after it spends two FULL turns docked at an outpost (or other facility that says it repairs ships).
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Outpost battle: hit causes destruction
Ship attacks against Outposts are like ship vs. ship battles in all respects except one: if an outpost takes a hit, it is immediately destroyed rather than first being damaged.
Original | Rescinded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Rescinded by:
Facility damage
Standard attack restrictions
Cards may not battle against other cards of the same affiliation (except defensively).
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Federation: Strict attack restriction
cards may ONLY battle defensively.
Major Affiliation: Federation | Modified
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Modified by:
Federation may attack Borg
Klingons: Loose attack restriction
cards may battle cards of their own affiliation.
Major Affiliation: Klingon | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Ship destruction causes crew death
When a ship is destroyed, its crew dies. (Earliest form of the "if a card leaves play, cards played or placed on it leave play the same way" rule?)
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Ship Battle: WEAPONS>SHIELDSx2 = direct hit
In a ship battle, if an attacking force's total WEAPONS are more than double the target's SHIELDS, the target is damaged twice -- generally causing its instant destruction. This is called a "direct hit."
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Docked ships get 50% SHIELD extension
While docked, a ship adds 50% of the facility's SHIELDS to its SHIELD total.
Original | Modified
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Modified by:
Docked ships gain only DEFENSE, not SHIELDS
Away Team Battle: No leaders? Both lose!
If neither side in an Away Team battle has a leader, both sides lose and take a casualty.
Minor Clarification | Superseded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Superseded by:
Leader not required for defense
Prior Ruling:
Away Team Battle: No leader? You lose.
Rotation damage disables Cloaking Devices
When a ship takes damage, its Cloaking Device is knocked off-line (if using rotation damage).
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Showing Your Cards
After reporting a card for duty (and, from 1994-1999, after removing the personnel from the personnel line), your crews and Away Teams are no longer visible to your opponent, except as necessary to prove compliance with the rules (e.g. showing staffing icons to prove a ship is staffed, or showing skills to overcome dilemmas).
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Super Personnel: Classification and Skill
Personnel with the same skill (such as ENGINEER) in both their classification and their skill box have total skill of ENGINEER x2.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Cards are cumulative unless otherwise specified
Multiple copies of the same card can have the same effect on the same target on the same time, unless marked not cumulative. (Most cards in Premiere were explicitly marked one way or the other, and I'm not sure which unmarked card broke and caused Decipher to supersede this rule.)
Original | Superseded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Superseded by:
Cards are not cumulative unless so marked
Order: Cloak
A ship with Cloaking Device may cloak or decloak once each turn. Flip the ship over to represent this.
Original | Modified
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Modified by:
Cloaking requires a personnel aboard
Cloaked ships cannot be targeted
Cloaked ships could not be attacked by other ships.
Original | Modified
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Modified by:
Cloaked cards can be targeted where logical
Cloaked ships cannot beam or attack
They can't! In fact, they can't even participate in a battle that erupts at their location.
Original | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Holographic Re-Creations
Represents a virtual person, projected from hard light.
Major "Loaded" icon | Active
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Holograms need holodecks to activate
Holograms may exist on ships and facilities only if a holodeck activates them. (At the time, the mere presence of a holodeck or holo-projector automatically and permanently activated the holos.)
Original | Modified
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Modified by:
Holograms reactivate start of following turn
Holograms cannot die
Holograms can be stopped, but not killed. A hologram that would be killed on a ship ignores it. A hologram killed on a planet deactivates and returns to the ship.
Original | Modified
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Modified by:
Holograms deactivate when killed
Holograms are projected from ships to planets
If a card allows a hologram to exist on a planet (such as Holo-Projectors), the holograms must still be projected by "their" ship (the one they beamed down from). Thus, if the ship moves away, the hologram is immediately deactivated and returns to the ship.
Original | Rescinded
Premiere Rulebook (10 Nov 1994)
Rescinded by:
Holograms not projected from ships to planets
Ignore ship effects if attempting from outpost
If a dilemma specifically affects a ship, and you are attempting from an outpost with no ship, ignore it. But if it affects the crew, it still plays out.
Moderate Clarification | Superseded
FAQ v.1 (25 Nov 1994)
Superseded by:
Space missions need a ship to attempt
Prior Ruling:
Space mission attempted by outpost crew
Artificial life-forms immune to some effects
Androids, exocomps, etc. are not affected by cards that specifically affect living things… as long as there is good reason to believe they logically would not be. For example, Hyper-Aging does not affect androids. "Usually common sense will answer any particular instance of this type."
Moderate Addition | Superseded
FAQ v.1 (25 Nov 1994)
Superseded by:
Holograms immune to Mindmeld (1996 Dec)
Artificial life immune to DNA-related dilemmas (1996 Dec)
No aborting attempts
Once you commit to a mission attempt, you must continue it for as long as you can.
Major Clarification | Active
FAQ v.1 (25 Nov 1994)
Self-controlling cards move like ships but aren't
Borg Ship (and similar self-controlling cards) move like ships, but are not ships -- they JUST move like them. (Show Archivist's Comment)
This is a precursor of the modern like/as rule. And, of course, the Borg Ship was the ONLY self-controlling ship for the next 19 years!
Moderate Clarification | Superseded
FAQ v.1 (25 Nov 1994)
Superseded by:
Cards used "like" or "as" another card type - I (1996 Dec) Self-Controlling cards (2013 Apr)
Inequality signs are not distributed
If a card requires "SCIENCE + CUNNING>35", you need at least 1 SCIENCE and at least 36 CUNNING -- not 36 units of (SCIENCE OR CUNNING).
Moderate Clarification | Active
FAQ v.1 (25 Nov 1994)
Cloaked cards can be targeted where logical
Cards can play on cloaked ships if "logically independent of cloaking ability." For example, a Plasma Fire may play on a cloaked ship, but Long-Range Scan may not.
Major Clarification | Superseded
FAQ v.1 (25 Nov 1994)
Superseded by:
Cloaked ship targeting overhaul
Prior Ruling:
Cloaked ships cannot be targeted
Ships may not report cloaked
Ships cannot use their Cloaking Devices until after reporting, so they cannot report cloaked.
Minor Clarification | Active
FAQ v.1 (25 Nov 1994)
"End of Turn"
The "end of turn" phase takes place after orders are complete but before the end-of-turn card draw. You may take end-of-turn actions in any sequence (but only if they expressly occur at end-of-turn).
Major Addition | Active
FAQ v.1 (25 Nov 1994)
Modified by:
Mandatory start/end-of-turn actions are first
Skills aren't classifications
When a card (like Medical Tricorder) looks specifically at a card's classification, it looks only at the classification, not the skill box.
Moderate Clarification | Active
FAQ v.1 (25 Nov 1994)
Docked ships can cloak
A docked ship can use its Cloaking Device to cloak and decloak.
Minor Clarification | Active
FAQ v.1 (25 Nov 1994)
Cloaking requires a personnel aboard
A personnel (not necessarily a matching personnel) must be aboard a cloaked ship in order to operate its Cloaking Device.
Minor Addition | Rescinded
FAQ v.1 (25 Nov 1994)
Rescinded by:
Matching personnel required for cloaking (1998 Aug)
Cloaking Devices can operate without people (2000 Jul)
Prior Ruling:
Order: Cloak
"Overcome" defined
Overcoming a dilemma means meeting its conditions, or, if it has no conditions, playing out its effects automatically overcomes it.
Terminology Addition | Superseded
FAQ v.2 (11 Dec 1994)
Superseded by:
Curing or nullifying a dilemma overcomes it
No counting seeded cards
You can check to see if there are cards seeded under a mission, but may not count how many. (Show Archivist's Comment)
"Too much of a chance for cheating."
Moderate Addition | Rescinded
FAQ v.3 (11 Feb 1995)
Rescinded by:
You can count seed cards
"Each" vs. "Every"
Each turn means each of the subject's turns; "every" turn means all turns (both players).
Major Clarification | Active
FAQ v.3 (11 Feb 1995)
Half-species are both species
A personnel who is "half" two species is treated as belonging to both species. Spock is Human and Vulcan.
Moderate Clarification | Active
FAQ v.3 (11 Feb 1995)
Interrupts usable by both affiliation & species
References to "Klingon" in gametext include non- Klingons like Worf.
Moderate Clarification | Superseded
FAQ v.3 (11 Feb 1995)
Superseded by:
Equipment usable by affiliation, not species
Missions are unique
Each player may seed up to one copy of any given mission.
Moderate Clarification | Superseded
FAQ v.3 (11 Feb 1995)
Superseded by:
Missions are not duplicatable
Mixed force: choose attack restrict'ns w/Leadership
In a mixed force (e.g. Federation and Klingons together on a ship), you may follow the less-restricted (or unrestricted) affiliation's attack rules if you have Leadership skill (not just a leader!) of that affiliation present. Gowron can attack Romulans from the Enterprise; Kargan cannot.
Moderate Clarification | Superseded
FAQ v.3 (11 Feb 1995)
Superseded by:
Follow all attack restrictions in mixed force
Counterattacks as continuation
If attacked, all your forces may initiate battle during your next turn against any of your opponent's forces at the location of the original attack. Affiliation attack restrictions do not apply and no leader is required. This is a continuation of the original battle.
Major Addition | Superseded
FAQ v.3 (11 Feb 1995)
Superseded by:
Counter-attacks as separate battle
All compatible Away Teams merge
If you beam down Away Teams to a mission from two ships, it is assumed they are intended to be there together. If you want to operate them separately, first beam down one, try the mission (or battle, etc.), and if they get stopped then beam down another, etc..
Moderate Addition | Active
FAQ v.3 (11 Feb 1995)
No combined crews
Crew from two different ships can't count as a single "crew" for a space mission attempt. One ship = one attempt.
Moderate Clarification | Active
FAQ v.3 (11 Feb 1995)
Cloaked ships may not attempt
Cloaked ships may not attempt missions. They must decloak.
Major Addition | Active
FAQ v.3 (11 Feb 1995)
Interrupts play "at any time" speed
Interrupts do not allow you to interrupt another action in progress. For example, you cannot play Rogue Borg Mercenaries on an opponent while he is moving over Gaps in Normal Space to stick him there. In modern parlance, they play at any time but can not suspend play.
Epochal Change | Active
FAQ v.3 (11 Feb 1995)
Prior Ruling:
Interrupts suspend play
Valid responses
Although interrupts generally can no longer suspend an action in progress, cards [can] interrupt an action as it is happening *if the card itself says so*. (Show Archivist's Comment)
It took several FAQs for the implications of this epochal timing change to sink in, and you can see Decipher discovering new facets of the problem in FAQs 4 and 6 especially.
Epochal Change | Modified
FAQ v.3 (11 Feb 1995)
Modified by:
Interrupts may be played BETWEEN dilemmas (1996 Jun)
Actions: Initiation, responses, results (1998 Aug)
Prior Ruling:
Interrupts are FIFO unless nullified
Discard pile inspection prohibited
Discard piles are not public information. Neither player may inspect either discard pile unless a card allows it.
Moderate Clarification | Superseded
FAQ v.3 (11 Feb 1995)
Superseded by:
Discard pile inspection allowed (2009 May)
Face-up cards are public information (2022 Feb)
Losing first-listed skill blanks it
When a first-listed skill is lost (e.g. to Tsiolkovsky Infection), it is simply turned into a blank skill. The second-listed skill does not "slide over" and become first-listed.
Minor Clarification | Active
Brady Strategy Guide (29 Jun 1995)
Mis-seeds go out-of-play
Mis-seeds are placed out-of-play when encountered (not discarded).
Minor Change | Active
Warp Pack Rules Supplement (1 Aug 1995)
Prior Ruling:
Mis-seeds: Discard mis-seeds
Neutral affiliation
Neutral has all the same rules as
Non-Aligned, but is not affected by cards that specifically target "Non-Aligned" cards. (Show Archivist's Comment)
Neutral affiliation appears to have been developed so that you could seed a Non-Aligned outpost without being required to stock
Non-Aligned cards in your deck. When the rule requiring decks to stock matching cards for all outposts went away (#1930, 12 Dec 1997), the reason for the separate existence of the Neutral affiliation went with it -- but too late to easily uproot it.
Major New Affiliation | Active
Warp Pack Rules Supplement (1 Aug 1995)
Doorway Phase
The seed phases now begin with a Doorway Phase (before the mission phase). In this phase, Doorway cards are seeded and side decks are opened.
Major Addition | Active
Alternate Universe Rules Supplement (8 Dec 1995)
Alternate Universe cards are restricted
Represents cards from outside the game's normal reality and time frame. Cards with this icon are restricted from entering play unless another card (such as an Alternate Universe Doorway or Time Location native text) explicitly allows them to do so.
Major "Loaded" icon | Active
Alternate Universe Rules Supplement (8 Dec 1995)
Doorway cards
Doorway cards may play at any time during your turn (between other actions), for free. Some can also be seeded.
Major New Card Type | Active
Alternate Universe Rules Supplement (8 Dec 1995)
Cards that are not universal are unique (unless otherwise stated). Each player may have only one copy of that card / version of that persona in play.
Terminology Addition | Active
Alternate Universe Rules Supplement (8 Dec 1995)
Prior Ruling:
Non-Universal and Universal
Not Duplicatable
For a card marked "not duplicatable" ("non-dupe" for short), there can only be one copy in play for EITHER player.
Moderate Addition | Active
Alternate Universe Rules Supplement (8 Dec 1995)
A card in stasis is stopped and unconscious, unable to defend itself if attacked.
Moderate Addition | Modified
Alternate Universe Rules Supplement (8 Dec 1995)
Captives are placed in your "core".
Major Addition | Superseded
Alternate Universe Rules Supplement (8 Dec 1995)
Superseded by:
Capturing overhaul
"Side Game"
Some cards (like Royale Casino: Blackjack) can activate a quick "game within a game."
Terminology Addition | Active
Alternate Universe Rules Supplement (8 Dec 1995)
Multi-affiliation personnel
These cards must pick an "active" affiliation. They may switch to one of their other affiliations at any time (between other actions).
Major Addition | Active
Alternate Universe Rules Supplement (8 Dec 1995)
The Colon Rule
When a card references a particlar card title, cards that have that EXACT title followed by a colon, dash, or the numeral "II" are equivalent to that card title. (NOTE: This was renamed the "card title groups" rule in 1997 or 1998, but it never stuck, and is now again called "The Colon Rule.")
Moderate Addition | Active
Alternate Universe Rules Supplement (8 Dec 1995)
Special skills
Personnel may have special skills. These skills cannot be selected, added, or increased (for example, by Frame of Mind, Vina, Fitting In, and Ishka).
Major Addition | Active
Alternate Universe Rules Supplement (8 Dec 1995)
Carried and landed ships
Some ships can be carried and launched by other ships, or can land, if a card allows it. If the mothership is destroyed, carried ships are destroyed. If a carried ship is destroyed, the mothership is damaged.
Moderate Addition | Active
Alternate Universe Rules Supplement (8 Dec 1995)
One staffing requirement per person
A single personnel cannot meet multiple staffing requirements (unless specifically permitted by a card).
Moderate Addition | Active
Alternate Universe Rules Supplement (8 Dec 1995)
Asymmetric missions
Some missions have different requirements, points, or other features on each end of the mission. Each player uses the version facing that player.
Moderate Addition | Active
FAQ v.5 (AU FAQ) (31 Dec 1995)
Responses to dilemmas follow encounter
When you are going to respond to a dilemma (for example, by nullifying Q with the Q2 interrupt), you can wait to see whether your opponent is going to meet requirements, which targets are chosen, etc. In circa-2021 rules wonk language, responses to dilemmas take place after the encounter step, not the reveal step.
Moderate Clarification | Active
FAQ v.4 (31 Dec 1995)
"Tamarian-related dilemmas" defined
The "Tamarian-related dilemmas" Dathon nullifies are El-Adrel Creature and Shaka, When The Walls Fell.
Terminology Addition | Superseded
FAQ v.5 (AU FAQ) (31 Dec 1995)
Superseded by:
"Tamarian-related" redefined
"Anywhere" means anywhere in-game
If a card allows you to play a noun card (personnel, equipment, or ship) "anywhere", that means anywhere within the scope of the game, including your discard pile, opponent's hand, or on the table in a useless and irretrievable situation forever. (Originally applied to Devidian Door.)
Minor Clarification | Superseded
FAQ v.5 (AU FAQ) (31 Dec 1995)
Superseded by:
"Anywhere" means anywhere in play
"Advanced" option for an 80-card deck
At the option of the players / tournament director, players may opt for an 80-card deck instead of a 60-card deck.
Major Addition | Superseded
Tourney Rules 5/1/96 (1 May 1996)
Superseded by:
30/30 Rule (60-card deck limit eliminated)
Prior Ruling:
60-card deck
Artifact seed limit
Each player may seed a maximum of one Artifact at each mission (unless otherwise specified).
Moderate Addition | Active
Tourney Rules 5/1/96 (1 May 1996)
Modified by:
Artifact seed limit: penalty for violating
"Discarded" artifacts leave play
When an artifact would be discarded, it is placed out-of-play instead. (Rule deleted after "earning" rules instituted in FC.)
Moderate Addition | Superseded
Tourney Rules 5/1/96 (1 May 1996)
Superseded by:
"Earning" Artifacts
Alien Probe + Telepathic Alien Kidn. is banned
The combination of Alien Probe plus Telepathic Alien Kidnappers is not allowed. A player cannot have both in play at the same time. Players are allowed to discard one in order to play the other.
Major Change | Superseded
Tourney Rules 5/1/96 (1 May 1996)
Superseded by:
Alien Probe + Telepathic Alien Kidn. restricted
Interrupts may be played BETWEEN dilemmas
Despite the rule that mission attempts are a single action (therefore not interruptable), interrupts may be played before the first dilemma is encountered and between dilemmas. (Show Archivist's Comment)
It was originally ruled the other way, and that's logical given how the rule was worded, but "Due to popular vote, this ruling was changed." That's a direct quote. 1996 FAQs, man, what a time.
Major Change | Rescinded
FAQ v.6 (1 Jun 1996)
Rescinded by:
No interrupts between dilemmas
Prior Ruling:
Valid responses
"Start of Turn"
The "start of turn" phase of a turn starts when opponent has drawn a card (transferring the turn to you) and ends when you start your card play phase by playing a card or using at "at any time" action. Only things that specify they take place at the "start of turn" may do so.
Major Clarification | Active
FAQ v.6 (1 Jun 1996)
Attributes: Modify in any order
When two cards modify the attributes on the same card at the same time, you may apply the modifiers in any order to your card in order to gain the highest possible advantage.
Moderate Clarification | Superseded
FAQ v.6 (1 Jun 1996)
Superseded by:
Attributes: Add Then Multiply ("ATM Rule")
Non-Aligned: loose attack restriction
Non-Aligned cards may attack cards of any affiliation, including other
Non-Aligned cards.
Moderate Clarification | Active
FAQ v.6 (1 Jun 1996)
Follow all attack restrictions in mixed force
In a mixed force (e.g. Federation and Klingons together on a ship), you must follow all attack restrictions from all parts of your force -- which generally means the most restrictive attack restrictions. (In the example, the Federation attack restrictions prevail.) (Show Archivist's Comment)
The ruling in FAQ v6 doesn't quite say this; it merely says to follow the "affiliation rules for the affiliation which is under the most affiliation restrictions," which, you may notice, is not precisely the same thing. After all, what about a mixed Romulan/Bajoran crew? They are equally restrictive, so can player choose either affiliation's attack restrictions? Well, Bajorans didn't exist yet. That scenario was impossible. "Obey all attack restrictions" seems to have been what Decipher meant, and it never flagged anything to the contrary as a change in future documents.
Moderate Change | Active
FAQ v.6 (1 Jun 1996)
Prior Ruling:
Mixed force: choose attack restrict'ns w/Leadership
Ship Battle: no "first strike."
A badly worded sentence on page 27 of the Premiere Rulebook gave the impression that the return fire step of battle only happens if the attacker misses -- a kind of "first strike." This clarification made clear that this implication was unintentional, and errata'd the rulebook.
Moderate Clarification | Active
FAQ v.6 (1 Jun 1996)
Outposts encompass planet and orbit
An Outpost seeded at a planet location is on the planet, but is a separate locale from the planet surface, but it is also in space (for docking). Thus, a ship can dock, personnel can walk out from the ship to the outpost, then immediately walk out from the outpost to the planet surface, no beaming required. (Show Archivist's Comment)
The FAQ called this "amorphous." I call it "confusing," but Decipher was understandably committed to outposts being at least sometimes on planets, because *every outpost has a planet image!* Still, they were soon forced to relent, and, ever since then, generic Outpost images have made no sense.
Major Clarification | Superseded
FAQ v.6 (1 Jun 1996)
Superseded by:
Outposts are in space
Cloaked ships cannot use tractor beams
A cloaked ship cannot use its tractor beams.
Minor Clarification | Active
FAQ v.6 (1 Jun 1996)
Curing or nullifying a dilemma overcomes it
You overcome a dilemma whenever you meet its conditions, including cures and nullifiers. It doesn't just have to be when encountered.
Terminology Clarification | Superseded
FAQ v.6 (1 Jun 1996)
Superseded by:
Overcome redefined
Prior Ruling:
"Overcome" defined
Equipment usable by affiliation, not species
The "Klingon use only" and similar text on Equipment means the affiliation, not the species. Worf cannot use a Klingon Disruptor without a treaty. (Show Archivist's Comment)
This is only glancingly implied in FAQ v.6, slightly more strongly implied in the Comprehensive Rulings Document, but seems to have been accepted strongly enough to require an explicit rescission later on.
Minor Clarification | Rescinded
FAQ v.6 (1 Jun 1996)
Rescinded by:
Equipment affiliation limits may include species (1998 Oct)
Affiliation and Species (1998 Jul)
Prior Ruling:
Interrupts usable by both affiliation & species
Any affil can have equipment, just not use it
Anybody, anytime, can move or beam Equipment around, because they are "things". It's just that in game terms only certain affiliations can actually use that Equipment as stated on the individual cards.
Minor Clarification | Superseded
FAQ v.6 (1 Jun 1996)
Superseded by:
Affiliation-based equipment plays restricted
Outposts do not repair
Non-Aligned ships
Just gonna quote the 1996 FAQ here: The rules say, "A damaged ship can be repaired by returning to its outpost." You may NOT repair them at an affiliated outpost. However, Non-Aligned ships CAN repair at a Spacedock, as is stated on the Spacedock card.
Moderate Clarification | Superseded
FAQ v.6 (1 Jun 1996)
Superseded by: Non-Aligned ships repair at compatible outposts
Side decks
Side decks are shuffled and placed face-down on the table at the start of the game. They do not count as part of your other decks. They are then opened by a Doorway. (The Doorway does count as part of your seed deck.)
Major Addition | Active
Q Continuum Rules Supplement (1 Oct 1996)
Q-Icon cards
These cards may be used only in a Q-Continuum side deck.
Major Addition | Active
Q Continuum Rules Supplement (1 Oct 1996)
Q-Continuum side deck
A side deck, originally both opened and encountered through Q-Flash cards. (Since 2021, it is opened through a Q-Continuum card and encountered through Q-Flashes.)
Moderate New Side Deck | Active
Q Continuum Rules Supplement (1 Oct 1996)
Discarding as a mission requirement
When a mission requires you to discard a card, that card must generally come from the crew or away team.
Moderate Clarification | Active
Q Continuum Rules Supplement (1 Oct 1996)
Stations are a type of facility. They do not automatically allow reporting or repair ships. They do what exactly what their card text says.
Major New Card Type | Modified
Q Continuum Rules Supplement (1 Oct 1996)
Modified by:
Stations usable by all
Dual-Icon Missions
Missions can be both planet and space. They must be attempted by a crew and away team in tandem. The away team faces planet dilemmas, the crew space dilemmas, and BOTH teams face dual dilemmas.
Major Addition | Modified
Q Continuum Rules Supplement (1 Oct 1996)
Modified by:
Dual dilemmas at dual-icon missions
"Android" is equivalent to "Soong-Type android"
Under this ruling, "android" was considered an abbreviation for "Soong-type android".
Minor Equivalence | Rescinded
Q Continuum Rules Supplement (1 Oct 1996)
Rescinded by:
Android not equivalent to "Soong-Type android"
Disabled personnel are unconscious, unable to defend themselves if attacked, but can be moved like equipment.
Moderate Addition | Active
Q Continuum Rules Supplement (1 Oct 1996)
Restriction box
This is a new area on some cards that states limitations or restrictions on a card, such as "Dies if targeted by a gender-related dilemma."
Moderate Addition | Active
Q Continuum Rules Supplement (1 Oct 1996)
"Does not work with"
This phrase prevents a card from being compatible with another card, even if another card would allow it.
Moderate Addition | Active
Q Continuum Rules Supplement (1 Oct 1996)
Some cards in the game are different versions of the same persona (identified by card title or bold text in lore). If a persona is unique, you may have only one version in play at a time.
Major Addition | Active
Q Continuum Rules Supplement (1 Oct 1996)
Prior Ruling:
Non-Universal and Universal
Transporter Skill
Each Transporter Skill on a ship allows you to beam one additional personnel through an anti-beaming card (such as Distortion Field).
Moderate Addition | Rescinded
Q Continuum Rules Supplement (1 Oct 1996)
Rescinded by:
Transporter Skill unloaded
If your crew or Away Team has Guramba, your opponent must have TWO leaders present to initiate personnel battle. (Instead of one.)
Moderate Addition | Active
Q Continuum Rules Supplement (1 Oct 1996)
When Cybernetics skill is present where you report an android for duty, that android reports for free.
Moderate Addition | Rescinded
Q Continuum Rules Supplement (1 Oct 1996)
Rescinded by:
Cybernetics free reports cancelled (2001 Dec)
Cybernetics: Once per turn limit (1997 Dec)
Tal Shiar
Tal Shiar may initiate battle against other Romulans, and qualify as leaders for battle (if no other leaders present).
Moderate Addition | Rescinded
Q Continuum Rules Supplement (1 Oct 1996)
Rescinded by:
Tal Shiar skill unloaded
Miracle Worker
This skill includes Transporter Skill.
Moderate Addition | Rescinded
Q Continuum Rules Supplement (1 Oct 1996)
Rescinded by:
Miracle Worker offloaded
Undefined variables
An undefined variable (such as Mortal Q's CUNNING or Kivas Fajo's NO INTEGRITY) is treated as zero, and cannot be boosted.
Minor Clarification | Active
Q Continuum Rules Supplement (1 Oct 1996)
Outside the game defined
Cards that are not otherwise part of the game may be referenced on cards, and perhaps even pulled into play from your binder!
Terminology Addition | Active
Q Continuum Rules Supplement (1 Oct 1996)
Outside the game restriction
Cards brought in from outside the game cannot be copies of cards placed out-of-play.
Minor Clarification | Rescinded
Q Continuum Rules Supplement (1 Oct 1996)
Rescinded by:
Outside the game restriction lifted
"Once in play…"
Once in play effects persist for the rest of the game, even if the card causing it leaves play.
Minor Addition | Active
Q Continuum Rules Supplement (1 Oct 1996)
Q-Related Dilemmas
Q-related dilemmas are Q-icon dilemmas and dilemmas with the word "Q" in title.
Minor Clarification | Modified
Q Continuum Rules Supplement (1 Oct 1996)
Modified by:
"Q-related dilemmas" clarified
Matching personnel NOT required for ship actions
A ship can be fully staffed/used/cloaked/moved by compatible but non-matching personnel. "You don't have to have a 'host' aboard the ship."
Major Clarification | Superseded
FAQ December 1996 (19 Dec 1996)
Superseded by:
Matching personnel required for ship actions
Cards used "like" or "as" another card type - I
A card used "like" or "as" another card type does NOT count as both card types for any other purpose. For example, Rishon Uxbridge cannot protect an Artifact played as an Event.
Minor Clarification | Superseded
FAQ December 1996 (19 Dec 1996)
Superseded by:
Cards used "like" or "as" another card type - II
Prior Ruling:
Self-controlling cards move like ships but aren't
Artificial life immune to DNA-related dilemmas
Androids, holograms, and Exocomps are immune to dilemmas that affect aging or DNA, namely Barclay's Protomorphosis Disease, Hyper-Aging, Rascals, Yuta, and (by the time this rule was cancelled) Coalescent Organism, DNA Metamorphosis, Interphasic Plasma Creatures, and Microvirus.
Moderate Addition | Rescinded
FAQ December 1996 (19 Dec 1996)
Rescinded by:
Artificial life not immune to DNA-dilemmas
Prior Ruling:
Artificial life-forms immune to some effects
Holograms immune to Mindmeld
Holograms are immune to Vulcan Mindmeld.
Minor Addition | Rescinded
FAQ December 1996 (19 Dec 1996)
Rescinded by:
Holograms are no longer immune to Mindmeld
Prior Ruling:
Artificial life-forms immune to some effects
Cards are not cumulative unless so marked
Unless a card is marked "cumulative," it is not cumulative. (This reverses the original rule.)
Major Change | Active
FAQ December 1996 (19 Dec 1996)
Prior Ruling:
Cards are cumulative unless otherwise specified
Quarantined cards cannot leave the planet/ship/facility where they are quarantined, but others can join them. (Originally defined just for Hyper-Aging.)
Terminology Clarification | Modified
FAQ December 1996 (19 Dec 1996)
Modified by:
Quarantine unconditional exception
Discard pile is face-up
The discard pile is face-up instead of face-down. (Show Archivist's Comment)
Although the discard pile was now face-up, the ruling that discard piles were private information was unaffected. Discard piles flip-flopped between public and private information a couple more times before (finally?) settling on public information in change #7320 (7 Feb 2022).
Minor Change | Active
FAQ December 1996 (19 Dec 1996)
Prior Ruling:
Discard pile face-down
Holograms deactivate when killed
Holographic re-creations deactivate when killed (or Disruptor Overloaded, or similar), even if already aboard their home ship.
Moderate Change | Active
FAQ December 1996 (19 Dec 1996)
Prior Ruling:
Holograms cannot die
Holograms reactivate start of following turn
Holographic re-creations do not immediately reactivate. They do so automatically at the start of the next turn.
Moderate Change | Superseded
FAQ December 1996 (19 Dec 1996)
Superseded by:
Holograms reactivated by unstopped personnel
Prior Ruling:
Holograms need holodecks to activate
Playing an affiliation - I
You are considered to be “playing an affiliation” if you have at least one non-outpost card of the affiliation in your play deck. Cards in your side deck do not count. Dual-affiliated personnel only contribute one of their affiliations to this count.
Moderate Clarification | Superseded
FAQ Supplemental May 1997 (16 May 1997)
Superseded by:
Playing an affiliation - II
Stopped cards may contribute traits/skills
A stopped card cannot take actions, but may still contribute traits and skills (for example, to cure a dilemma, or provide matching commander bonuses).
Moderate Clarification | Rescinded
FAQ Supplemental May 1997 (16 May 1997)
Rescinded by:
Stopped cards no longer contribute traits/skills
Prior Ruling:
Disabled/stasis may not contribute traits/skills
Disabled and in-stasis personnel may not contribute skills to (for example) cure a dilemma, or prevent a Paxan "Wormhole" relocation.
Moderate Clarification | Active
FAQ Supplemental May 1997 (16 May 1997)
Classifications and skills clarified
When a requirement does not specifiy that it must be met by a classification or skill, either (or both) may contribute.
Negligible Clarification | Active
FAQ Supplemental May 1997 (16 May 1997)
Suspend play defined
When an card/card play is suspended (typically by another card), that card/card play is “put on hold” and not yet resolved until the action suspending it is resolved. The suspended card, if being played, is not in your hand and is not in play.
Moderate Addition | Active
FAQ Supplemental May 1997 (16 May 1997)
Non-moving required actions are immediate
If a ship is targeted by a non-moving required action, you must perform that action as soon as is possible, typically as your next action.
Moderate Addition | Rescinded
FAQ Supplemental May 1997 (16 May 1997)
Rescinded by:
Moving and non-moving required actions reconciled
Scoring points includes point loss
Scoring points refers to any change in a player's score, either gaining or losing points.
Minor Clarification | Active
FAQ Supplemental May 1997 (16 May 1997)
You can count seed cards
You may always count the number of seed cards underneath a mission.
Moderate Rescission | Active
FAQ Supplemental May 1997 (16 May 1997)
Prior Ruling:
No counting seeded cards
Curing happens after encounter
When a dilemma has an effect that can be cured, that effect happens, and, if the required skills are still present, it may be cured. Note that the cure occurs before proceeding to the next dilemma.
Major Clarification | Active
FAQ Supplemental May 1997 (16 May 1997)
Winning a ship battle
You win a ship battle by inflicting more damage. A hit = one "unit" of damage; a direct hit = two "units."
Minor Clarification | Modified
FAQ Supplemental May 1997 (16 May 1997)
Outposts are in space
Outposts are space facilities. You must beam from an outpost to a planet mission.
Major Change | Active
FAQ Supplemental May 1997 (16 May 1997)
Prior Ruling:
Outposts encompass planet and orbit
Outposts stopped by failed attempts
Outposts are stopped if involved in a failed mission attempt. Neither the outpost nor its crew may take any further actions (presumably including repairs) for the rest of the turn.
Major Clarification | Superseded
Current Rulings 9/25/97 (25 Sep 1997)
Superseded by:
Space missions need a ship to attempt
Prior Ruling:
Space mission attempted by outpost crew
Personnel can fill one staffing requirement
A personnel may only fill one staffing requirement at a time. For example, Major Rakal (who is both and
) can fill either the
OR an
requirement on the Future Enterprise, but not both at once. (She does, however, count as its required matching personnel.) (Show Archivist's Comment)
It is not entirely clear that this is a clarification and not a change, but it seems implicit in the way Command stars could be interchanged with Staff star requirements.
Moderate Clarification | Active
Comprehensive Rulings 1.11 (23 Oct 1997)
The "Bobs"
The "Bobs" are the unseen personnel aboard a ship ("Ensign Bob and Lieutenant Commander Bob") who conceptually perform the day-to-day functions which are necessary to run a ship, like operating the transporters, even when no personnel cards are physically aboard the ship. Their fate is tied to the fate of the "real" crew. The "Bobs" are still sometimes talked about informally, but this was their only appearance in a rules document (and their existence was somewhat undermined by later cards like Commandeer Ship).
Terminology Addition | Rescinded
Comprehensive Rulings 1.11 (23 Oct 1997)
Rescinded by:
Certain terminology deprecated
Alien Probe + Telepathic Alien Kidn. restricted
Alien Probe and Telepathic Alien Kidnappers may now be used together… "as long as you allow your opponent to shuffle and conceal his hand before you make the selection (but after you guess a card type)." This plainly violates the text of TAK, and so it is still a rule, not a ruling. (Show Archivist's Comment)
As of March 2023, this special rule-based override of TAK's gametext is still the rule, in the Glossary entry for TAK.
Major Change | Active
Comprehensive Rulings 1.11 (23 Oct 1997)
Prior Ruling:
Alien Probe + Telepathic Alien Kidn. is banned
Matching commanders match title (not class)
Or, to put it in 1997 terms: Tomalak is not the matching commander of a universal D'Deridex. (Show Archivist's Comment)
This isn't really formally ruled here. Tomalak is simply not listed in the matching commander pairings as commanding a D'Deridex. There is some textual evidence in the superseding ruling that there were informal online rulings to this effect, though, and those rulings appear to be embodied here.
Minor Clarification | Rescinded
Comprehensive Rulings 1.11 (23 Oct 1997)
Rescinded by:
Matching commanders can match class (not title)
30/30 Rule (60-card deck limit eliminated)
Game decks are no longer limited to 60 cards. Instead, they are divided into a seed deck, which has a MAXIMUM of 30 cards, and a draw deck, which has a MINIMUM of 30 cards.
Epochal Change | Modified
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Modified by:
6 Sites seed "for free"
Prior Rulings:
60-card deck (1994 Nov)
"Advanced" option for an 80-card deck (1996 May)
First player rule
One player is chosen to go first in all seed phases and takes the first turn.
Minor Clarification | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Missions are not duplicatable
Missions (unless marked universal) are not duplicatable. If you try to seed a unique mission that is already in play, set your copy out-of-play and replace it with a universal mission from outside the game.
Major Change | Modified
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Modified by:
Duplicated missions are shared
Prior Ruling:
Missions are unique
Missions that state a region in their location text (like "Bajor Region" or "Neutral Zone Region") must be adjacent to each other. New members of a region already in play may be inserted anywhere into the region, or at either end of the region.
Major Addition | Modified
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Modified by:
Regions: must seed at either end of region
Artifact seed limit: penalty for violating
Violation of the artifact seed limit makes all your artifacts at a location mis-seeds.
Moderate Change | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Prior Ruling:
Artifact seed limit
"Earning" Artifacts
Artifacts are "earned" by acquiring them at the end of a successful mission solve, or by using a Special Download that names a specific artifact. Artifacts cannot be used it they have not been earned. If they later leave play, they must be re-earned before they can be used again.
Moderate Change | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Prior Ruling:
"Discarded" artifacts leave play
Unused cards in the seed deck go out-of-play
Unused seed cards are no longer discarded. Instead, they are placed out-of-play at the end of the seed phases.
Moderate Change | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Prior Ruling:
Discard unused seed cards
Outposts no longer required
You no longer have to seed an outpost for each affiliation in your deck. You can seed just one outpost -- or none, if you can get away with it!
Moderate Change | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Prior Ruling:
Must seed one outpost per affiliation
Game ends if both players deck out
The game ends if BOTH players run out of cards in their deck. In that case, the player with the most points is the winner. (Previously, any player decking out ended the game.)
Moderate Change | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Prior Ruling:
Win with most points when either deck empties
Downloading means searching your hand, draw deck, Q's Tent, and Zalkonian Storage Capsule for a card and putting it directly into play (or directly into your hand).
Major Addition | Modified
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Modified by:
Download from hand, draw deck, or side deck (2022 Mar)
Downloads must go into play (2000 Apr)
[DL] Special downloading
The [DL] icon allows you to suspend play to download the named card at any time, even during a mission attempt or battle. The card must be downloaded to this location, if applicable. It works once per game and counts as a special skill.
Major "Loaded" icon | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Personnel battle overhaul
Personnel battles no longer simply sum up STRENGTH from both sides to result in a single casualty for the loser. Instead, individual combatants first pair off and fight 1-on-1.
Major Overhaul | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Prior Ruling:
Away Team Battle: Sum STRENGTH
Holographic Safety Protocols
Holographic personnel can only stun (not mortally wound) opponents, and an all-Holographic force cannot kill a casualty in personnel battle.
Moderate Addition | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Leader not required for defense
Leaders are now required only to initiate battle. A defending ship without a leader can return fire, and a defending Away Team without a leader does not automatically lose.
Moderate Change | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Federation may attack Borg
cards may attack
cards. (Previously, Federation could ONLY battle defensively.)
Moderate Affiliation: Federation | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Prior Ruling:
Federation: Strict attack restriction
Counter-attacks as separate battle
If attacked, all your forces may initiate battle during your next turn against any of your opponent's forces at the location of the original attack. Affiliation attack restrictions do not apply and no leader is required. This is a separate battle.
Moderate Addition | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Prior Ruling:
Counterattacks as continuation
Borg affiliation
A new affiliation that moves slowly but surely, unlike anything you've seen before.
Major New Affiliation | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Borg: Missions are irrelevant
Instead of attempting missions, Borg complete Borg-Only Objectives that target missions. They scout missions instead of attempting them (although they still face dilemmas).
Major Affiliation: Borg | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Borg: Bonus points are irrelevant
Borg players cannot score bonus points (unless a card specifically allows it).
Major Affiliation: Borg | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Borg: Gender is irrelevant
Borg personnel (even the few with gender) ignore gender-related gametext on all cards (except Borg-related cards like Borg Kiss).
Moderate Affiliation: Borg | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Borg: No tolerance for imperfection
The Borg are incompatible with all other affiliations, including Non-Aligned. A Borg player cannot even stock non-Borg cards in their deck or side decks.
Major Affiliation: Borg | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Delta Quadrant Interim Rules
Borg players may seed an Outpost off to the side of the table. This facility/location is conceptually in the Delta Quadrant and cannot be reached by opponent. Borg may construct other outposts in the Alpha Quadrant, but may not report cards to them (because they are not native to the quadrant).
Major Affiliation: Borg | Rescinded
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Rescinded by:
Delta Quadrant Interim Rules rescinded
Borg: Borg SHIELDS do not block transporters
Opponents may freely beam on and off of Borg ships (using their own transporters), because Borg SHIELDS do not block transpoter beams.
Moderate Affiliation: Borg | Rescinded
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Rescinded by:
Borg: No beaming through SHIELDS
Borg: Borg ships score points when destroyed
Borg ships have a bonus point box. A non-Borg opponent who destroys a Borg ship scores those points.
Moderate Affiliation: Borg | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Borg: Borg subcommand icons
Borg use Communications, Navigation, and Defense subcommand icons in lieu of staffing icons.
Minor "Unloaded" icon | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Borg: Borg "leaders" in battle
Instead of a leader, Borg may use a Defense subcommand icon (the red one) to initiate battle. (A leader will also work.)
Moderate Affiliation: Borg | Modified
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Modified by:
Borg leaders may not initiate battle
Borg: Current Objective
Borg may have only one face-up Objective in play at a time. This is referred to as the current objective.
Moderate Affiliation: Borg | Modified
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Modified by:
Non- Objectives Unlimited for
Borg: Single scout at planet missions
Borg may beam down only one personnel at a time to participate in planet mission attempts.
Moderate Affiliation: Borg | Rescinded
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Rescinded by:
Borg: More than one scout at a planet
Borg: Abduction
Abduction allows you to disable an opponent's personnel (usually in combat) and immediately beam away with that personnel under escort. (Show Archivist's Comment)
Why is this different from capture? Because the modern capture rules didn't exist yet.
Minor Affiliation: Borg | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Borg: Personnel assimilation
An opponent's non-Borg personnel who is assimilated by the Borg undergoes a series of transformations into a proper Borg personnel, and is then under your control.
Major Affiliation: Borg | Modified
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Modified by:
Borg Assimilation: drones retain characteristics
Borg: Ship assimilation
An opponent's non-Borg personnel that is assimilated by the Borg undergoes a series of transformations into a proper Borg ship, and is then under your control.
Major Affiliation: Borg | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Borg: Planet assimilation
When a planet is assimilated, it becomes unattemptable by opponent, and all personnel, equipment, landed ships, and facilities at the location are assimilated.
Major Affiliation: Borg | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Borg: Skill-sharing
When Borg cards allow skill-sharing, all your Borg in the same hive (at the same location) who meet the requirements gain each different skill from other skill-sharing Borg in the hive.
Major Affiliation: Borg | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Borg: Special attack restrictions
Borg may not initiate battle unless permitted or required by a card (such as Assimilate Starship).
Moderate Affiliation: Borg | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Borg: Away Team restrictions
Borg may not form Away Teams unless permitted by another card or when counter-attacking.
Moderate Affiliation: Borg | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Borg: "Hive"
A Borg "hive" is all Borg at the same location.
Terminology Affiliation: Borg | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Borg: Counterpart Limit
Some Borg are counterparts, as stated in their lore. You may have only one counterpart in play at a time.
Moderate Affiliation: Borg | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Borg: Drone Gender
Borg personnel who are not the Borg Queen and are not counterparts are drones. All drones are genderless.
Moderate Affiliation: Borg | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
ANIMALs immune to assimilation
ANIMAL personnel may not be assimilated nor targeted for assimilation.
Minor Addition | Rescinded
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Rescinded by:
ANIMAL restrictions cancelled
Persona "swapping"
At the start of your turn, you may exchange a ship or personnel in play for a different version of the same persona in your hand (for free).
Moderate Addition | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Modified by:
Persona replacements simultaneous
[EE] Enterprise-E icon
Typically used in association with the Enterprise-E
Minor "Unloaded" icon | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Optical Compact Disc
Typically used in association with the Phoenix and Zefram Cochrane
Minor "Unloaded" icon | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Personnel with the "enigma" icon are neither unique nor universal. However, you can only have one in play at a time, so they are effectively unique.
Moderate Addition | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Hidden Agenda
Cards with this icon are seeded or played face-down, and are revealed later in the game at a time of your choosing.
Major "Loaded" icon | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Countdown icons
A countdown icon "counts down" by 1 at the end of each of its owner's turns. When the countdown reaches zero, it nullifies itself.
Major "Loaded" icon | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Hand weapon
Equipment cards identifed in lore as "phasers," "disruptors," or "weapons" are considered "hand weapons."
Minor Equivalence | Modified
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Modified by:
Blade weapons are "hand weapons"
Some cards use or target "homeworlds." These are missions that state in lore that they are the homeworld for a given affiliation.
Terminology Clarification | Modified
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Modified by:
Homeworlds use the exact word "homeworld"
Species: Human: determine by image
For humans: determine a personnel's species by the image, unless lore contradicts.
Terminology Addition | Modified
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Modified by:
Species: determine by image
Hologram erasure
A hologram who is "erased" is discarded (not merely deactivated).
Moderate Addition | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Your personnel in an Away Team aboard an opponent's ship or facility are "intruders."
Terminology Addition | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
You own the cards you began the game with (even if you lose control of them later).
Terminology Addition | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
"Report with crew"
Some cards allow a "report with crew" action, in which, using a single group reporting action (which normally uses your normal card play), you report a ship plus compatible personnel and equipment aboard. (They must meet staffing requirements.)
Moderate Addition | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Modified by:
"Report with"
Other seeds: any phase
Some cards state that they may be seeded, even though they are not Doorways, Missions, Dilemmas, Artifacts, or Facilities. These cards can seed in any seed phase.
Moderate Addition | Superseded
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Superseded by:
Other seeds: facility phase only
Suspends Play
New term allowing you can take an action truly at any time, even in the middle of any other action.
Terminology Addition | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Time Location
Represents a location in the timestream outside the late-24th-century setting of the game. Ships and personnel may time travel here using cards that allow it. Plays like an Event.
Major New Card Type | Modified
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Modified by:
Time locations require corresponding location
Time Location reporting allowance
When a card native to a time location reports there, it does not need an -enabling card (like Alternate Universe Door).
Moderate Addition | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Time Location reporting restriction
When a time location is in play, cards native to that location may ONLY report there, nowhere else. This applies to BOTH players.
Moderate Addition | Rescinded
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Rescinded by:
Time Location reporting restriction rescinded
A card type that plays like an Event.
Major New Card Type | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
A way for the game to create semi-random outcomes. One player reveals the top card of his or her deck, then sees whether any of the icons match one of the icons on the card's probe list. Happens at the end of turn.
Moderate Addition | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Timeline Disrupted in 2063
If Borg complete Stop First Contact, they erase humanity and the Federation from the game. All human or Federation cards in play or in draw decks or side decks are placed out of play, except cards and those currently at a time location.
Moderate Addition | Modified
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Modified by:
2063 Timeline disruption affects ,
(2011 Dec)
2063 Timeline disruption does not affect (2000 Nov)
Matching Commanders
Some personnel command or commanded certain ships. This is identified in the lore of either the ship or the personnel card. Those personnel are called "matching commanders" of those ships, and there are several cards they can use as a result.
Terminology Clarification | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Cybernetics: Once per turn limit
Use of the Cybernetics skill to report an android for free is limited to once each turn.
Moderate Change | Superseded
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Superseded by:
Cybernetics free reports cancelled
Prior Ruling:
Bonus points
Points that are not scored from missions or objectives are bonus points.
Terminology Clarification | Modified
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Modified by:
Only objectives score "mission points"
Mission points are (pretty) safe
If a mission's value is affected after you solve it (for example, by Supernova or Biosphere Toxin), the points you've already scored are unaffected.
Minor Clarification | Active
First Contact Rules Supplement (17 Dec 1997)
Nemesis relationships
When cards with Nemesis icons that are the same color but point opposite directions are present together, then, at end of every turn, player whose turn it is most choose one to die / be destroyed.
Moderate "Loaded" icon | Active
Fajo Rules Booklet (31 Dec 1997)
Dual-Personnel Cards
Two personnel on one card. Just about anything that happens to one automatically happens to the other.
Moderate Addition | Active
Fajo Rules Booklet (31 Dec 1997)
Modified by:
Not ALL effects mirror on dual-personnel cards (2013 Apr)
Dual-Personnel Cards: Random Selection - I (1997 Dec)
Dual-Personnel Cards: Random Selection - I
In random selections of more than one personnel, if a dual-personnel card is selected, opponent chooses: increase the selection threshold to accommodate the extra personnel, or redo the selection. (However, if the limit is one, it increases to two automatically.)
Moderate Clarification | Modified
Fajo Rules Booklet (31 Dec 1997)
Modified by:
Dual-Personnel Cards: Random Selection - II
Prior Ruling:
Dual-Personnel Cards
ANIMALs may not attempt missions / staff ships
ANIMALs may not attempt missions alone or staff ships. (Although this document acts like this is well-established, it is in fact the first time these restrictions have ever been mentioned in the history of the game.) (Show Archivist's Comment)
The Fajo Supplement presents this casually, like it has been a rule for a while and they're just reminding you. I have demonstrated to my own satisfaction that this is false. The Fajo Collection INTRODUCED this rule, which is never mentioned in any other rules document between June 1995 and December 1997, a time period for which I have a pretty complete record.
Moderate Addition | Rescinded
Fajo Rules Booklet (31 Dec 1997)
Rescinded by:
ANIMAL restrictions cancelled
All cards in a force must be compatible
You cannot start a battle with an incompatible force, even if the incompatible personnel are on entirely different ships.
Minor Clarification | Active
Contemporary but indefinite rulings* (31 Dec 1997)
ANIMAL not a selectable skill
ANIMAL may not be selected as a skill when adding skills to a personnel (for example, when Soong-Type Android selects a classification.)
Minor Addition | Rescinded
Current Rulings 2/13/98 (13 Feb 1998)
Rescinded by:
ANIMAL restrictions cancelled
Affiliation-based equipment plays restricted
Affiliation specific equipment is treated as affiliated and therefore may only report aboard a compatible outpost.
Minor Change | Rescinded
Current Rulings 2/13/98 (13 Feb 1998)
Rescinded by:
Affiliation-based equipment plays unrestricted
Prior Ruling:
Any affil can have equipment, just not use it
Landed ships immune to targeting
A landed ship may be targeted / attacked only when a card specifically allows it.
Moderate Addition | Active
Current Rulings 2/13/98 (13 Feb 1998)
Space missions need a ship to attempt
Away Teams may no longer attempt missions directly from an outpost. Instead, they must board a ship. (It need not be staffed.) Unclear from this text whether the ship had to be undocked when this ruling was made, but it certainly has to be undocked now.
Major Change | Active
Current Rulings 2/13/98 (13 Feb 1998)
Non-Aligned ships repair at compatible outposts
Just quoting the CRD: The rulebook states, “A damaged ship can be repaired by returning to its outpost.” Previously, “its outpost” was interpreted as an outpost of matching affiliation, so non-aligned ships could not be repaired without a Spacedock. We are adopting a more liberal interpretation. Your ships may now be repaired at any of your outposts of compatible affiliation (except the Neutral Outpost, which allows no repairs). If the ship is able to report for duty at an outpost, it may be repaired there.
Moderate Change | Active
Current Rulings 2/13/98 (13 Feb 1998)
Prior Ruling:
Outposts do not repair Non-Aligned ships
When a dilemma specifies a superlative such as “strongest,” “most CUNNING” or “highest total attributes” and there is a tie, the opponent of the player encountering the dilemma gets to choose. To determine such things as “nearest planet” and “far end of spaceline,” compare the number of cards in each direction; if there is a tie, then compare the total span needed to go in each direction. If still a tie, the opponent chooses.
Major Clarification | Modified
Current Rulings 2/13/98 (13 Feb 1998)
Modified by:
Ties rule extended
Matching commanders can match class (not title)
Tomalak is the matching commander of the universal D'Deridex card, as well as the Decius. (Show Archivist's Comment)
The document says that this reverses "other online rulings," which appears to indicate informal Rules Master forum/email rulings that are now lost to us.
Moderate Change | Rescinded
Current Rulings 2/13/98 (13 Feb 1998)
Rescinded by:
Matching commdrs. match ship name (not class)
Prior Ruling:
Matching commanders match title (not class)
Borg dual-icon mission scouting: dilemmas left
When Borg scout a dual-icon mission, attempting it as planet or space according to their current objective, any dilemmas they can't encounter (e.g. planet dilemmas) are disregarded and move to the back of the stack like an artifact.
Minor Clarification | Superseded
Current Rulings 2/13/98 (13 Feb 1998)
Superseded by:
You may only scout a Dual-Icon mission once (2000 Jul)
Borg need ship + Away Team to scout dual-icon (2000 Jul)
Personnel in house arrest can leave freely
Personnel in house arrest may now move normally (even using incompatible transporters) to any place where they won't be under house arrest, such as a planet surface. (Previously, they could only leave house arrest by moving to a matching ship or outpost.)
Minor Change | Active
DS9 Change Summary (23 Jul 1998)
Ships in stasis are fully in stasis
All cards on a ship in stasis are also in stasis. Countdowns on such ships are suspended. (Personnel could be shielded by a Cyber Drone or similar card, in which case they cannot move the ship or use its transporters)
Minor Addition | Active
DS9 Change Summary (23 Jul 1998)
Resolve ambiguities by text only
Common sense and the story and spirit of the Star Trek universe should no longer be considered when resolving ambiguities on cards. The cards' texts and the rules should be the only things considered. (Show Archivist's Comment)
Not actually flagged a change at the time, but this is when the TrekSense rule dropped out of the game.
Minor Rescission | Rescinded
DS9 Rulebook (23 Jul 1998)
Rescinded by:
TrekSense rule restored and modified
Prior Ruling:
Resolve genuine ambiguities by TrekSense
Slide out dilemmas one at a time in attempts
Rather than flipping over the entire mission to reveal its dilemma stack during an attempt, instead, slide the bottom seed card out for each encounter. (Show Archivist's Comment)
This table-management change, which had already likely been implemented informally in much of the world, prevents accidentally seeing seed cards you're not supposed to see yet.
Moderate Change | Active
DS9 Rulebook (23 Jul 1998)
Prior Ruling:
Flip over the mission to reveal seed cards
The spaceline is divided into different quadrants. Missions have an icon in the point box indicating their quadrant (Alpha Quadrant missions have no icon). Cards may not move between quadrants unless allowed by a card (such as Bajoran Wormhole).
Major Addition | Active
DS9 Rulebook (23 Jul 1998)
Must (normally) report to native quadrant
Cards that are using their a facility or site to report must report only to a facility or site in their native quadrant.
Major Addition | Active
DS9 Rulebook (23 Jul 1998)
Gamma Quadrant
The Gamma Quadrant, home of the Dominion, has the
symbol on its missions and native cards.
Major New Quadrant | Active
DS9 Rulebook (23 Jul 1998)
Certain terminology deprecated
Certain terms from early documents, especially the Premiere Rulebook (like "Space/Time Continuum" and having to say "Interrupt!"), are no longer used in this document or thereafter, and are implicitly rescinded.
Terminology Change | Active
DS9 Rulebook (23 Jul 1998)
Bajoran affiliation
Ancient, religious people oppressed by Cardassians for decades, then aided by the
Major New Affiliation | Active
DS9 Rulebook (23 Jul 1998)
Cardassian affiliation
A crumbling military dictatorship that eventually aligned itself with the Dominion
Major New Affiliation | Active
DS9 Rulebook (23 Jul 1998)
You may use certain cards to commandeer facilities and ships. Their affiliation changes to your affiliation and you seize control of them.
Major Addition | Active
DS9 Rulebook (23 Jul 1998)
Certain cards allow you to "steal" equipment from the opponent. You may then use them as your own.
Terminology Addition | Modified
DS9 Rulebook (23 Jul 1998)
Modified by:
Stealing lifts restrictions
Sites play on facilities (specifically, Nor-type stations) and represent different places within the facility. Personnel on the facility are located at a specific site.
Major New Card Type | Active
DS9 Rulebook (23 Jul 1998)
Site lines
Sites are placed on the table near their facility in a horizontal line, with each site placed next to other sites in the module defined at the bottom of the card (left to right).
Moderate Addition | Modified
DS9 Rulebook (23 Jul 1998)
Modified by:
Sites: line is now conceptual
6 Sites seed "for free"
You may seed up to 6 Site cards "for free". (Like missions, they do not count toward your 30-card seed limit.) If you can't seed them or decide not to, place them out-of-play as usual.
Major Addition | Active
DS9 Rulebook (23 Jul 1998)
Prior Ruling:
30/30 Rule (60-card deck limit eliminated)
Site walking limits
When your personnel walk to a site and stop there, they may not walk to a different site on the same turn. (They may still move to other sites using other cards, like The Celestial Temple.)
Moderate Addition | Rescinded
DS9 Rulebook (23 Jul 1998)
Rescinded by:
Sites: walking limits rescinded
Sites are "not duplicatable per station"
Each player may seed only one copy of a given site on a given station, unless it has the universal icon. (NOTE: The original rulebook called this "unique per station," but this was a misnomer.)
Minor Addition | Active
DS9 Rulebook (23 Jul 1998)
Nor defined
A Station identified in its title or lore as a "Nor" is a Nor. These stations were all constructed as Cardassian mining outposts, although some were abandoned.
Terminology Addition | Active
DS9 Rulebook (23 Jul 1998)
Nor beaming restrictions
Neither player may beam through the SHIELDS of a Nor. Thus, there is no beaming between a Nor and ships (even docked ships), a Nor and a planet, or between sites on a Nor.
Major Addition | Superseded
DS9 Rulebook (23 Jul 1998)
Superseded by:
Nors: beaming restrictions lifted (2021 Mar)
"Large" Tribbles override Nor beaming limits (2000 Aug)
No beaming within a Nor's SHIELDS (1998 Oct)
Nor docking site requirement
If a Nor does not have a docking site (Docking Pylons, Ports, or Pads), no player may report cards to ANY of its sites.
Moderate Addition | Rescinded
DS9 Rulebook (23 Jul 1998)
Rescinded by:
Nors: docking sites no longer required
Nors must staff Ops in battle
To initiate battle, a Nor must have a leader at the Ops site. To return fire in battle, a Nor must at least have a matching personnel in Ops.
Minor Addition | Rescinded
DS9 Rulebook (23 Jul 1998)
Rescinded by:
Nors: personnel use WEAPONS outside Ops
"Here" means at the location, except on sites
In the context of a specific site, the word "here" or "there" means at that site. Otherwise, in the context of a location, it means anywhere at that location.
Terminology Addition | Modified
DS9 Rulebook (23 Jul 1998)
Modified by:
Headquarters reporting "here" = inside
Affiliation and Species
Some words refer to both an affiliation AND a species. Both count. For example, Odo is changeling by species but Bajoran by affiliation. He benefits from Shakaar Edon's STRENGTH enhancement.
Moderate Change | Modified
DS9 Rulebook (23 Jul 1998)
Modified by:
Equipment affiliation limits may include species
Prior Ruling:
Equipment usable by affiliation, not species
Mission cards seed for free
Your 6 mission cards do not count toward your 30-card seed deck limit.
Major Change | Active
Current Rulings 8/24/98 (24 Aug 1998)
Headquarters are planet facilities. Both players may use them.
Major New Card Type | Active
Current Rulings 8/24/98 (24 Aug 1998)
Outposts may not seed at homeworlds
Outposts may no longer seed at homeworlds.
Major Change | Active
Current Rulings 8/24/98 (24 Aug 1998)
Outposts, Stations, and Headquarters are collectively a single card type: "Facilities." (Previously, they were considered entirely different card types.)
Terminology Equivalence | Active
Current Rulings 8/24/98 (24 Aug 1998)
Prior Ruling:
Outpost cards
One facility per location
If you already have a facility in play at a location, you may not seed or play another facility at the same location.
Moderate Change | Active
Current Rulings 8/24/98 (24 Aug 1998)
Facility damage
Facilities are no longer destroyed after a single hit. Facilities now take hits, direct hits, and damage in the same way as Outposts. They cannot repair themselves. Facilities with WEAPONS (introduced in this set) may use them like ships do.
Moderate Change | Active
Current Rulings 8/24/98 (24 Aug 1998)
Prior Ruling:
Outpost battle: hit causes destruction
Docking is a form of movement
Your ships no longer automatically dock at outposts where present. You must dock and undock as a form of movement, which requires staffing.
Major Change | Active
Current Rulings 8/24/98 (24 Aug 1998)
Prior Ruling:
Docking means at the Outpost location
Docked ships can't return fire
To return fire in a battle, a ship must be undocked. (This forfeits the 50% SHIELD extension from the outpost.)
Major Addition | Active
Current Rulings 8/24/98 (24 Aug 1998)
Actions: Initiation, responses, results
This entry marks the development of the initiation/responses/resolution model of actions.
Major Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 8/24/98 (24 Aug 1998)
Prior Ruling:
Valid responses
Hidden Agenda retroactivity
If a hidden agenda is activated as a response to an action, all of its effects are retroactive to the start of the initiation of the action, as if the hidden agenda had already been revealed before the action was initiated. Thus, if the hidden agenda invalidates a condition for an action, the action becomes illegal.
Moderate Change | Active
Current Rulings 8/24/98 (24 Aug 1998)
Intruders may erase a holographic crew
When intruders are aboard a ship whose crew is all holographic (or empty), they may erase (discard) all holographic re-creations associated with that ship (on the ship or projected to the planet below).
Minor Addition | Rescinded
Current Rulings 8/24/98 (24 Aug 1998)
Rescinded by:
Intruders may not erase a holographic crew
Matching personnel required for ship actions
A ship must have at least one personnel of matching affiliation aboard to move, attempt a mission, or fire WEAPONS.
Major Change | Active
Current Rulings 8/24/98 (24 Aug 1998)
Prior Ruling:
Matching personnel NOT required for ship actions
Matching personnel required for cloaking
A ship must have at least one personnel of matching affiliation aboard to cloak. (Show Archivist's Comment)
This was part and parcel of change #2690 ("matching personnel required for ship actions," 24 Aug 1998). I have listed this part of it separately simply because this part was later rescinded, but the rest stayed. -Archivist
Minor Change | Rescinded
Current Rulings 8/24/98 (24 Aug 1998)
Rescinded by:
Cloaking Devices can operate without people
Prior Ruling:
Cloaking requires a personnel aboard
Tal Shiar skill unloaded
Tal Shiar skill no longer includes built-in ability to attack other Romulans or act as a leader in battle. It has been offloaded to the card HQ: Defensive Measures.
Moderate Rescission | Active
Current Rulings 8/24/98 (24 Aug 1998)
Prior Ruling:
Tal Shiar
Transporter Skill unloaded
Transporter Skill no longer includes built-in ability to beam through anti-beaming cards.
Moderate Rescission | Active
Current Rulings 8/24/98 (24 Aug 1998)
Prior Ruling:
Transporter Skill
"Outpost Phase" renamed
The "Outpost Phase" is now called the "Facility Phase."
Terminology Change | Active
Current Rulings 8/24/98 (24 Aug 1998)
Prior Ruling:
Outpost phase
Stopped cards no longer contribute traits/skills
Stopped cards may no longer contribute traits or skills for cards that require they be "present" or "aboard."
Major Change | Rescinded
Current Rulings 8/24/98 (24 Aug 1998)
Rescinded by:
Stopped cards can do some actions
Prior Ruling:
Stopped cards may contribute traits/skills
No beaming within a Nor's SHIELDS
That means you can't beam site-to-site or between docked ships at a Nor.
Moderate Clarification | Superseded
Current Rulings 10/19/98 (19 Oct 1998)
Superseded by:
Nors: beaming restrictions lifted
Prior Ruling:
Nor beaming restrictions
Opponent's choice allows full-card examination
Opponent may examine entire card for opponent's choice dilemmas, not just the portion relevant to the selection.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 10/19/98 (19 Oct 1998)
Missions w/o point box go to any quadrant
A mission with no point box may be seeded in any quadrant.
Minor Clarification | Superseded
Current Rulings 10/19/98 (19 Oct 1998)
Superseded by:
No-point-box missions are Alpha Quadrant
Objectives score bonus points
Points scored from Objectives are bonus points, not mission points. (EXCEPTION: Points scored from Borg-Only Objectives still are not bonus points.)
Moderate Change | Active
Current Rulings 10/19/98 (19 Oct 1998)
Affiliation-based equipment plays unrestricted
Because equipment cards have no affiliation icons, they may be reported and carried in Away Teams or aboard ships without regard to affiliation compatibility. Thus, a Bajoran Phaser may be reported to a Federation Outpost and carried by a Federation Away Team. However, to use equipment that is restricted to the use of a specific affiliation/species, the Away Team or crew must contain at least one member of that affiliation or species. If the equipment also allows
Non-Aligned use, any Non-Aligned personnel in the Away Team or crew will enable its use.
Minor Rescission | Active
Current Rulings 10/19/98 (19 Oct 1998)
Prior Ruling:
Affiliation-based equipment plays restricted
Equipment affiliation limits may include species
When an Equipment card is restricted to a single affiliation using a word that is also the name of a species (e.g. "Klingon use only"), that species can activate it. (For example, a Away Team with Worf present may use Klingon Disruptor, because he is Klingon by species.) (Show Archivist's Comment)
This seems implicit in the recent affiliation & species rule, but Decipher apparently felt it needed public confirmation, perhaps due to wide player acceptance of the opposite ruling for Equipment cards.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 10/19/98 (19 Oct 1998)
"ENGINEER," "SCIENCE-related," etc. defined
Any Equipment card with the given classification in gametext qualifies.
Terminology Addition | Superseded
Current Rulings 10/19/98 (19 Oct 1998)
Superseded by:
"ENGINEER," "SCIENCE-related," etc. redefined
ANIMALs may not use hand weapons
ANIMALs can't use hand weapons.
Minor Addition | Rescinded
Glossary 12/7/98 (7 Dec 1998)
Rescinded by:
ANIMAL restrictions cancelled
ANIMALs may not initiate ship battle
An ANIMAL cannot, by itself, initiate a ship battle.
Minor Addition | Rescinded
Glossary 12/7/98 (7 Dec 1998)
Rescinded by:
ANIMAL restrictions cancelled
"Anywhere" means anywhere in play
If a card allows you to play a noun card (personnel, equipment, or ship) "anywhere", that means anywhere within the scope of the game, including your discard pile, opponent's hand, or on the table in a useless and irretrievable situation forever. (Originally applied to Devidian Door.)
Minor Change | Active
Glossary 12/7/98 (7 Dec 1998)
Prior Ruling:
"Anywhere" means anywhere in-game
"Use" (ship): U.S.S. Yangtze Kiang
The Yangtze Kiang's text allows it to be staffed and generally used (for WEAPONS, missions, etc.) with no matching personnel, as long as a
personnel is there to act as its "matching" personnel.
Terminology Addition | Modified
Glossary 12/7/98 (7 Dec 1998)
Modified by:
"Use" (ship)
Species: determine by image
The ruling for humans is extended to all species in the game.
Terminology Addition | Superseded
Glossary 12/7/98 (7 Dec 1998)
Superseded by:
Species overhaul
Prior Ruling:
Species: Human: determine by image
Incident cards
An Incident plays like an Event. It uses your normal card play. However, it has more room for gametext than Events and is immune to cards that affect Events.
Major New Card Type | Active
Enhanced First Contact Rules Supplement (13 Jan 1999)
Ship battle: matching personnel on each ship
Each ship or facility involved in a ship battle must have a personnel of matching affiliation aboard in order to fire its WEAPONS (even in retaliation).
Moderate Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 1/99 (18 Jan 1999)
objectives score "mission points"
The original rule that points scored from objectives were "mission points" (not bonus points) is cancelled. For non-Borg players, all points not scored from missions are bonus points. For Borg players, all points not scored from objectives are bonus points.
Major Change | Active
Current Rulings 1/99 (18 Jan 1999)
Prior Ruling:
Bonus points
Stopped Borg can share skills
The Borg Queen (and other Borg) may skill-share even when stopped, because this is not an action, even though contributing traits or abilities is.
Minor Clarification | Superseded
Current Rulings 1/99 (18 Jan 1999)
Superseded by:
Stopped cards can do some actions
Special reporting ignores native quadrants
When reporting using a special card (like The Emissary or Assign Mission Specialists) that provides an alternate reporting destination, quadrant restrictions do not apply.
Major Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 1/99 (18 Jan 1999)
Seeded personnel
Pulling together several rulings on various individual cards over the years, there is now a general rule: seeded personnel and equipment are seeded face-down in the same manner as dilemmas. They are earned by the player who solves the mission. If you earn opponent's: they are captured. If you earn yours and they are compatible: they join your crew. If you earn yours and they are not compatible: they form a separate Away Team or go into house arrest, as appropriate. Mirasta Yale is an exception.
Minor Addition | Active
Current Rulings 1/99 (18 Jan 1999)
Dominion affiliation
A new affiliation that is the antithesis of the Federation's vision of peace, justice, and harmony. (Standard attack restrictions.)
Major New Affiliation | Active
Dominion Rules Supplement (20 Jan 1999)
Jem'Hadar Suicide
When a Founder dies, all Jem'Hadar present (both players) also die.
Major Affiliation: Dominion | Rescinded
Dominion Rules Supplement (20 Jan 1999)
Rescinded by:
Jem'Hadar Suicide cancelled
Ketracel-White icon
Indicates a physical dependence on the enzyme Ketracel-White. Relevant for White Deprivation.
Minor "Unloaded" icon | Active
Dominion Rules Supplement (20 Jan 1999)
White Deprivation
Personnel with the icon must be supplied with Ketracel-White each turn, or they uncontrollably kill others and each other.
Major Affiliation: Dominion | Rescinded
Dominion Rules Supplement (20 Jan 1999)
Rescinded by:
White Deprivation cancelled
Personnel with the right icon may infiltrate opponent's cards, reporting to their outposts and joining their crews and Away Teams… while wreaking havoc!
Major Addition | Active
Dominion Rules Supplement (20 Jan 1999)
Some personnel impersonate others. This is identified by bold italic text in lore (this does not make them versions of the same persona). When infiltrators encounter the person they're impersonating, they are exposed.
Moderate Addition | Active
Dominion Rules Supplement (20 Jan 1999)
Changelings are shape-shifters
All personnel with changeling species also have the shape-shifter characteristic.
Moderate Equivalence | Active
Dominion Rules Supplement (20 Jan 1999)
Referee Icon
Cards with this icon are used to prevent or punish "cheesy" strategies that go against the spirit of the game.
Minor "Unloaded" icon | Active
Dominion Rules Supplement (20 Jan 1999)
Facilities restricted outside native quadrant
Facilities must seed in their native quadrant. (They may be built elsewhere later.) You may only report cards to a facility/site if BOTH the card reported AND the facility/site are in their native quadrant.
Moderate Addition | Active
Dominion Rules Supplement (20 Jan 1999)
Personnel on outposts no longer visible
You no longer have to show opponent all your personnel/equipment on an outpost who have not yet boarded a ship. Once such a card has reported and opponent has had the opportunity to inspect it, you can immediately stop showing it.
Major Change | Active
Dominion Rules Supplement (20 Jan 1999)
Prior Ruling:
Personnel lines
Seed cards "unique per mission"
If BOTH players seed one copy of the same seed card beneath the same mission, neither is a mis-seed anymore. (Other seed limits are unchanged.)
Minor Change | Active
Dominion Rules Supplement (20 Jan 1999)
Prior Ruling:
Mis-seeds: One copy per location
Facilities no longer go beneath missions
Place facilities in front of missions. This allows you to indicate docking, undocking, embarking, and disembarking as you would for any ship, and eliminates the idea of "personnel rows" for each outpost.
Moderate Change | Active
Dominion Rules Supplement (20 Jan 1999)
Prior Ruling:
Outposts: slide beneath missions
Ships report docked (if possible)
Ships MUST report docked at space facilities where they may dock.
Moderate Change | Active
Dominion Rules Supplement (20 Jan 1999)
Affiliation Attack Restrictions workaround
If a card specifically allows you to attack a particular affiliation, you may attack any force including that affiliation (even if that force includes cards you generally could not attack).
Minor Clarification | Active
Dominion Rules Supplement (20 Jan 1999)
Away Team and Crew
Your personnel on your ship or facility are a crew. Otherwise, they are an Away Team. (They may ADDITIONALLY be intruders.)
Minor Equivalence | Active
Dominion Rules Supplement (20 Jan 1999)
Disguises don't count for characteristics
A changeling who "appears as an admiral" is not an admiral - he's an imposter! (Show Archivist's Comment)
Never widely known, never included in a formal rules document, this ruling was half-followed and half-ignored. On the one hand, everyone agreed Selok was not Vulcan. On the other hand, everyone agreed Vedek Dax was a Vedek. And, after this ruling was lost to history, there was renewed argument about whether Leyton Founder was a Founder after all. This led to its formal supercession in 2020.
Minor Clarification | Superseded
Rakal's Romulan Review #79 (16 Jun 1999)
Superseded by:
Disguises count for characteristics
Objectives Unlimited for ![[Bor] [Bor]](/images/icons/1e/1E-BORG.gif)
Borg players may still only have one active
current objective at a time. However, non-
objectives no longer count toward this limit.
Moderate Change | Active
Current Rulings 6/21/99* (21 Jun 1999)
Prior Ruling:
Borg: Current Objective
Infiltrate at reporting only if playing affiliation
Your infiltrators may only report to an compatible opponent's reporting location (as infiltrators) if opponent has played at least one card of the matching affiliation at some point. (Show Archivist's Comment)
As of this ruling, you could still report an infiltrator to your reporting location normally, take that infiltrator to your opponent's cards, and then infiltrate as long as you were compatible (even if opponent was not playing that affiliation). Of course, as you can see, this ruling would be modified to eliminate that option as well.
Minor Change | Modified
Current Rulings 6/21/99* (21 Jun 1999)
Modified by:
Opponent must play affiliation to be infiltrated
Fair Play prevents solving -- not attempting
You may, with the appropriate Espionage card, attempt a mission protected by Fair Play. You just will not be able to solve it.
Moderate Clarification | Reaffirmed
Current Rulings 6/21/99* (21 Jun 1999)
Reaffirmed by:
Espionage cards don't overcome Fair Play (card or rule)
Default gender male
If not otherwise indicated (by lore, image, or rule), personnel are male.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 6/21/99* (21 Jun 1999)
"Empok Nor-related" defined
Cards are "related" to Empok Nor if they have "Empok Nor" in lore.
Terminology Addition | Superseded
Current Rulings 6/21/99* (21 Jun 1999)
Superseded by:
"Empok Nor-related" redefined
Stopped cards can do some actions
Stopped cards cannot: move, cloak, initiate battle, staff a ship, or participate in a mission/commandeering/scouting attempt. They may take other actions, including using their skills or traits.
Major Change | Modified
Current Rulings 6/21/99* (21 Jun 1999)
Cloaked ships cannot affect things unless logical
Cloaked ships cannot affect anything external to the ship, unless the ability is logically unrelated to the visibility of the ship. Therefore, not only can they not be Hailed, they also cannot nullify Post Garrison, scout missions, or trigger probes for objectives that are considered "not logical" by Decipher.
Moderate Clarification | Superseded
Current Rulings 6/21/99* (21 Jun 1999)
Superseded by:
Cloaked ships are not "here"
Your cards may report to cloaked ships
If an appropriate card allows it (like The Emissary), you can report cards to your cloaked ships.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 6/21/99* (21 Jun 1999)
Transporter Skill must remain to operate
The Transporter Skill must remain behind to operate the transporters for cards that ask for Transporter Skill (like Invasive Beam-In, Dropping In, and Subspace "Seaweed").
Minor Addition | Rescinded
Current Rulings 6/21/99* (21 Jun 1999)
Rescinded by:
Transporter Skill doesn't have to stay to operate
"Advanced" or "Modified" classes: D'deridex
A ship with class "Modified D'deridex" counts as a D'deridex-class ship, which matters for cards like Romulan Ambush.
Minor Addition | Modified
Current Rulings 6/21/99* (21 Jun 1999)
Modified by:
"Advanced" or "Modified" classes: all ships
Mission points scored before artifacts earned
Mission points are scored before artifacts are earned or acquired.
Minor Clarification | Modified
Current Rulings 7/26/99 (26 Jul 1999)
Modified by:
Mission gametext: after points, before Artifacts
Ship battle overhaul
At the start of battle, draw two Tactics. Choose one as your current Tactic. It boosts your offensive and/or defensive power and tells you how to apply damage on a hit.
Major Overhaul | Active
Blaze of Glory Rules Supplement (18 Aug 1999)
Battle Bridge Side Deck
Side deck opened by a Battle Bridge Door. Players using it draw from it during ship battle and when opponent's cards are damaged. (Players not using it continue using old battle and "rotation damage" rules.)
Major New Side Deck | Active
Blaze of Glory Rules Supplement (18 Aug 1999)
These cards go in your Battle Bridge Side Deck. They are used during ship battle and for damage. (Players not using them continue using old "rotation damage" rules.)
Major New Card Type | Active
Blaze of Glory Rules Supplement (18 Aug 1999)
Tactics are cumulative
All Tactics cards are cumulative, which only matters when they are placed as damage markers.
Minor Addition | Active
Blaze of Glory Rules Supplement (18 Aug 1999)
Default damage
If using Tactics, and a ship is damaged without the amount of damage being specified (e.g. by Null Space), default damage is drawing two tactics from your Battle Bridge.
Major Addition | Active
Blaze of Glory Rules Supplement (18 Aug 1999)
Repairing Tactics damage
When a ship is damaged by tactics, and is docked at a repair facility, you may remove one damage marker (random selection) for each full turn it is there.
Moderate Addition | Active
Blaze of Glory Rules Supplement (18 Aug 1999)
Self-Controlling tactics & damage
Self-controlling cards (like the Borg Ship dilemma) do not use either player's Tactic cards; thus, your cards suffer default damage (or rotation damage) if hit by one, depending on whether your opponent is using Tactics.
Moderate Clarification | Superseded
Blaze of Glory Rules Supplement (18 Aug 1999)
Superseded by: Self-Controlling cards
Capturing overhaul
Captives are no longer placed on table in your "core". They are "held" by cards that capture them until opponent is able to come get them and take them into custody.
Major Overhaul | Active
Blaze of Glory Rules Supplement (18 Aug 1999)
Prior Ruling:
Captives are disabled
Captives are disabled.
Moderate Clarification | Active
Blaze of Glory Rules Supplement (18 Aug 1999)
Rescue of unattended captives
A captive who is not held by a trap card and is not under escort by opponent's personnel has been "tied up and left behind" and can be rescued.
Moderate Addition | Active
Blaze of Glory Rules Supplement (18 Aug 1999)
A brig is a holding area on a ship or facility that allows you to hold a captive even while unattended.
Moderate Addition | Active
Blaze of Glory Rules Supplement (18 Aug 1999)
"Capturing-related card"
A card that causes capture or affects captives.
Minor Addition | Modified
Blaze of Glory Rules Supplement (18 Aug 1999)
Modified by:
"Capturing-related" definition expanded
commandeering doesn't change affiliation
If Non-Aligned or
Neutral personnel commandeer a ship or facility, its affiliation does not change to match.
Minor Addition | Rescinded
Blaze of Glory Rules Supplement (18 Aug 1999)
Rescinded by: commandeering changes affiliation to
Attributes: Add Then Multiply ("ATM Rule")
When two cards modify the attributes on the same card at the same time, first do any addition/subtraction, then any multiplication/division. For example, RANGE on a U.S.S. Nebula with Defiant Dedication Plaque and Kurlan Naiskos = (8 + 2) * 3 = 30. (Show Archivist's Comment)
This rule bounced around the Glossary occasionally (incl. on 2001-02-26), but was the same rule even as its location shifted (at least, up until it was clarified). It was only briefly called the "ATM Rule" (add-then-multiply) in the late 2010s.
Moderate Change | Modified
Current Rulings 8/30/99 (30 Aug 1999)
Modified by:
Modifier order: Set, Add, Multiply ("SAM Rule")
Prior Ruling:
Attributes: Modify in any order
"Does not work with" & "regardless of affiliation"
Does not work with restrictions that are affiliation-based are overcome by any card that allows cards to mix "regardless of affiliation" (and ONLY those cards), such as Brainwash or the Ferengi Trading Post. (A treaty will not do the trick, nor will -- later on -- Release This Pain.) (Show Archivist's Comment)
Decipher actually rewrote this Glossary entry on 7/26/1999, but the original wording was not very clear, so they stealth rewrote it on 8/30/1999 to emphasize the importance of "regardless of affiliation."
Minor Clarification | Superseded
Current Rulings 8/30/99 (30 Aug 1999)
Superseded by:
Treaty trumps affiliation does-not-work-with
Prior Ruling:
"Does not work with"
"Opposing" defined
An “opposing” personnel or ship is one controlled by your opponent, and your cards are "unopposed" if no opponents' cards are at the same place (the rule had not yet been refined to "present with each other"). (Show Archivist's Comment)
Even at the time, Patrol Neutral Zone had an exception/clarification carved out, so opponent's cloaked ships didn't work there. This was really a negligible clarifaction as a result. (Had it affected PNZ, it would have been rated minor.)
Terminology Clarification | Modified
Glossary 1.6 (1 Oct 1999)
Modified by:
Cloaked/disabled cards are not "opposing"
Stations usable by all
Station-type facilities may be used equally by all players (for boarding, beaming, docking, holodeck, etc.) even when not stated by gametext.
Moderate Change | Rescinded
Glossary 1.6 (1 Oct 1999)
Rescinded by:
Stations: Usable only by controller
Prior Ruling:
Mandatory start/end-of-turn actions are first
Any mandatory start-of-turn actions must take place before optional start-of-turn actions. Other than that, the player whose turn it is chooses the order of start-of-turn actions. For example, at the start of your turn, a Rogue Borg battle and scoring of Colony points are scheduled to take place (mandatory), and you may process ore (optional). You may choose whether to score the Colony points or conduct the Rogue Borg battle first.
Minor Change | Rescinded
Glossary 1.6 (1 Oct 1999)
Rescinded by:
Order of start/end-turn acts: your choice again
Prior Ruling:
"End of Turn"
Moving-required actions must resolve first
When the same ship is compelled by both a moving-required action (like Cytherians) and a non-moving required action (like Samaritan Snare), the moving-required action has priority.
Minor Clarification | Rescinded
Glossary 1.6 (1 Oct 1999)
Rescinded by:
Required actions resolve in chosen order
Discard cards on a card when it leaves play
Originally ruled for Spacedoor only: when a card leaves play with cards played on it, cards played on it are discarded (even in a return-to-hand action.)
Moderate Clarification | Superseded
Glossary 1.6 (1 Oct 1999)
Superseded by:
Cards on/aboard cards that leave play do likewise
Voluntarily split Away Teams on your turn
On a planet surface, you may voluntarily split (or merge) your compatible personnel into separate Away Teams on a planet.
Moderate Addition | Rescinded
Glossary 1.6 (1 Oct 1999)
Rescinded by:
No voluntary splitting of Away Teams
Major cumulative rule rewrite - I
No functional changes, so would not ordinarily be part of this list, but it's good to track cumulative rule rewrites because they come up so often!
Minor Clarification | Active
Glossary 1.6 (1 Oct 1999)
Ranks and Titles rule
A card has a rank or title (e.g. "admiral" or "DaiMon" or "ambassador") if the card says so in its title or lore.
Minor Clarification | Superseded
Glossary 1.6 (1 Oct 1999)
Superseded by:
Counting Cards
You may count the cards in your hand or opponent's hand. You may count seed cards beneath a mission and their owners.
Minor Clarification | Active
Glossary 1.6 (1 Oct 1999)
Modified by:
Counting draw deck restricted
Quarantine unconditional exception
Cards cannot leave a quarantine except when compelled to by the effects of a dilemma with no conditions, such as Abandon Ship!.
Minor Change | Rescinded
Glossary 1.6 (1 Oct 1999)
Rescinded by:
Quarantines are exceptionless again
Prior Ruling:
No interrupts between dilemmas
According to early rulings, you could play Interrupts (and, on your turn, Doorways) between each dilemma during a mission attempt (and before the first dilemma). Now, mission attempts are treated like all other actions: they are uninterruptable, except by valid responses or cards that suspend play. (Show Archivist's Comment)
Epochal Change | Active
Current Rulings 10/25/99 (25 Oct 1999)
Prior Ruling:
Interrupts may be played BETWEEN dilemmas
"any" means ANY version except infiltrators
If a card refers to a specific Star Trek character with "any," it means any personnel card representing that character, except infiltrators, who don't count.
Terminology Clarification | Modified
Current Rulings 10/25/99 (25 Oct 1999)
Modified by:
"any" includes Mirror Opposites (2000 Nov)
"Any" always looks for characteristics (2021 Mar)
Cards used "like" or "as" another card type - II
A card that says it is "played as" or "used like" another card type counts as that card type for all purposes.
Minor Change | Superseded
Current Rulings 10/25/99 (25 Oct 1999)
Superseded by:
Cards used "like" or "as" another card type - III
Prior Ruling:
Cards used "like" or "as" another card type - I
If no personnel remain to resolve a dilemma, reseed
If no personnel remain to resolve a dilemma at the end of the responses step (before resolution begins), it cannot be resolved and is reseeded.
Minor Clarification | Superseded
Current Rulings 10/25/99 (25 Oct 1999)
Superseded by:
Reseed an escaped dilemma if pre-effect
Ferengi affiliation
A new affiliation that exploits others through business and currency. (Standard attack restrictions.)
Major New Affiliation | Active
Rules of Acquisition Rules Supplement (1 Dec 1999)
Variable attributes
Whenever you need to know the value of a variable attribute, you can choose what it is at that moment.
Minor Clarification | Active
Rules of Acquisition Rules Supplement (1 Dec 1999)
Phasing cloak
Phasing Cloaks are ship special equipment that allowed phasing. This is similar to cloaking, but even harder to detect or counter.
Moderate Addition | Active
Rules of Acquisition Rules Supplement (1 Dec 1999)
Phased cards immune to external phenomena
Phased cards are not affected by external phenomena (like Q-Net, Stellar Flare, or Black Hole), but are affected by things that don't depend on the phase of the ship (Incoming Message) or that globally affect the entire galaxy (Stop First Contact, Anti-Time Anomaly).
Moderate Addition | Superseded
Rules of Acquisition Rules Supplement (1 Dec 1999)
Superseded by:
Phased cards cannot interact
Dual dilemmas at dual-icon missions
A dual dilemma at a dual-icon mission is faced by only the crew OR the Away Team (attempter's choice), not both.
Moderate Change | Active
Rules of Acquisition Rules Supplement (1 Dec 1999)
Prior Ruling:
Dual-Icon Missions
Rule icon
This icon represents the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition, and is fleshed out by a number of cards that have or use the icon.
Minor "Unloaded" icon | Active
Rules of Acquisition Rules Supplement (1 Dec 1999)
Jem'Hadar Suicide cancelled
The Jem'Hadar Suicide rule is cancelled.
Major Rescission | Active
Rules of Acquisition Rules Supplement (1 Dec 1999)
Prior Ruling:
Jem'Hadar Suicide
Required actions resolve in chosen order
When the same ship is compelled by multiple required actions, the ship's controller chooses the order in which to resolve them. (The rule that moving-required actions have priority is rescinded.)
Minor Rescission | Active
Current Rulings 2/28/00* (28 Feb 2000)
Modified by:
Moving and non-moving required actions reconciled
Prior Ruling:
Moving-required actions must resolve first
Native quadrant rules apply to Borg
Alpha Quadrant-native Borg may report to Alpha Quadrant-native facilities in the Alpha Quadrant (presumably assimilated facilities), even under the Borg Interim Delta Quadrant rules.
Minor Clarification | Superseded
Current Rulings 2/28/00* (28 Feb 2000)
Superseded by:
Delta Quadrant Interim Rules rescinded
Android not equivalent to "Soong-Type android"
The rule declaring "android" and "Soong-Type android" equivalent terms is cancelled.
Minor Rescission | Active
Current Rulings 2/28/00* (28 Feb 2000)
Prior Ruling:
"Android" is equivalent to "Soong-Type android"
Artificial life not immune to DNA-dilemmas
The rule that androids are immune to dilemmas that involve aging or DNA is cancelled.
Moderate Rescission | Active
Current Rulings 2/28/00* (28 Feb 2000)
Prior Ruling:
Artificial life immune to DNA-related dilemmas
Start/End-of-turn actions simultaneous for cumulativity
For cumulativity only, start-of-turn and end-of-turn actions are considered to take place at the "same time." (Show Archivist's Comment)
WHY? Probably to block multiple Process Ore, prior to the conceptualization of Process Ore having a continuous effect (by providing a player a power). Or possibly to stop multiple Telepathic Alien Kidnappers.
Minor Change | Active
Current Rulings 2/28/00* (28 Feb 2000)
Time Location reporting restriction rescinded
Cards native to a time location are no longer REQUIRED to report there if the time location is in play. They may report normally as well (with an -enabling card, if necessary).
Moderate Rescission | Active
Current Rulings 2/28/00* (28 Feb 2000)
Prior Ruling:
Time Location reporting restriction
Mission gametext: after points, before Artifacts
When solving a mission, special gametext related to solving the mission (like "When solved, you may download a personnel here") is resolved after points are scored but before artifacts are earned.
Minor Clarification | Superseded
Current Rulings 2/28/00* (28 Feb 2000)
Superseded by:
Mission points scored after artifacts/gametext
Prior Ruling:
Mission points scored before artifacts earned
Once per turn limits looser on
and Cumulative
Each copy of a or cumulative card may use a "once per turn" effect once during a turn. (Show Archivist's Comment)
WHY? Probably so Bajoran Interceptor fleets don't break. SOMEBODY erred when they formalized the once-each-turn rule.
Minor Change | Active
Current Rulings 2/28/00* (28 Feb 2000)
Towed ships cannot tow
A ship in tow cannot tow another ship.
Minor Addition | Active
Current Rulings 2/28/00* (28 Feb 2000)
Dilemmas can whiff for lack of target
If a dilemma has targets, and no valid targets are present (for example, no Diplomacy when facing Zaldan), the dilemma is overcome even if the conditions are not met. (Before this change, the dilemma would be reseeded and the mission team stopped for failing the conditions.) (Show Archivist's Comment)
Cardassian Trap seemed likely, but Rachmaninoff says Thought Fire was the true culprit: https://www.trekcc.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=564460#p564460
Major Change | Rescinded
Current Rulings 3/27/00 (27 Mar 2000)
Rescinded by:
Number is not a "specific characteristic" (2000 Aug)
Whiffing for lack of target cancelled (2022 Aug)
No voluntary splitting of Away Teams
You may no longer voluntarily split your compatible personnel on a planet surface into separate Away Teams.
Moderate Rescission | Active
Current Rulings 3/27/00 (27 Mar 2000)
Prior Ruling:
Voluntarily split Away Teams on your turn
Cards that are "vice"-something are that
A personnel whose lore states it is a "vice"-something is that something. For example, Alynna Nechayev (a "Vice-Admiral") is an Admiral and may report to Office of the President.
Moderate Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 3/27/00 (27 Mar 2000)
Cards that were "formerly" something aren't
A personnel whose lore states it "formerly" had a characteristic no longer has that characteristic. For example, Bok (Premiere) is a "former DaiMon"; his attributes are not boosted by Calandra.
Moderate Clarification | Rescinded
Current Rulings 3/27/00 (27 Mar 2000)
Rescinded by:
Cards that were "formerly" something are
Draws from side decks are not targetable
A draw from a side deck is not a "card draw" for purposes of cards like Subspace Schism, which target such draws.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 3/27/00 (27 Mar 2000)
Cards on cards in stasis are suspended (not in stasis)
A card already in play on a card in stasis is suspended, unless its game text affects a player or other cards not in stasis. (Crews of ships are not played on ships, but rather aboard the ship, so they are in stasis as before.)
Minor Change | Active
Current Rulings 3/27/00 (27 Mar 2000)
Holograms are no longer immune to Mindmeld
Holograms can be targeted by Vulcan Mindmeld. (Formerly, they could not.)
Minor Rescission | Active
Current Rulings 4/25/00 (25 Apr 2000)
Prior Ruling:
Holograms immune to Mindmeld
Non-Aligned is now a "true" affiliation
Non-Aligned (as well as
Neutral) is now considered an affiliation, and is treated as an affiliation for all purposes. For example, a Non-Aligned ship now must have a matching
Non-Aligned personnel aboard to operate, like any other aligned ship.
Non-Aligned and
Neutral cards remain special, though, because they remain compatible with all non-
Major Change | Active
Current Rulings 4/25/00 (25 Apr 2000)
Prior Ruling: Non-Aligned is not a "true" affiliation
commandeering changes affiliation to ![[NA] [NA]](/images/icons/1e/1E-NON.gif)
If Non-Aligned or
Neutral personnel commandeer a ship or facility, its affiliation does change to match. (This reverses a prior ruling from before
was considered a "true" affiliation.)
Minor Rescission | Active
Current Rulings 4/25/00 (25 Apr 2000)
Prior Ruling: commandeering doesn't change affiliation
Borg leaders may not initiate battle
ONLY a Borg personnel with a red Defense subcommand icon may initiate battle; a Borg personnel with OFFICER or Leadership alone can no longer do it. (Except when counter-attacking, in which case no icon is required.)
Minor Change | Active
Current Rulings 4/25/00 (25 Apr 2000)
Prior Ruling:
Borg: Borg "leaders" in battle
Downloads must go into play
Downloaded cards may not go to hand anymore unless the downloader card works "in place of one card draw" (or if the downloader card expressly allows it). (Show Archivist's Comment)
WHY? From context, evidently to avoid (or, rather, rescind) an erratum to Scanner Interference. Players were doing SOMETHING nefarious by downloading the three listed cards to hand, although I do not know what it was.
Moderate Change | Active
Current Rulings 4/25/00 (25 Apr 2000)
Prior Ruling:
Needn't play an affiliation to seed its outpost
You no longer have to be "playing" an affiliation (that is, have cards from that affiliation stocked in your deck) to seed or build that affiliation's outpost. All outposts later received conforming errata to match this ruling.
Minor Change | Active
Current Rulings 4/25/00 (25 Apr 2000)
Attacking uncontrolled cards is allowed
Rules had previously implied that uncontrolled cards could attack, but not be attacked. Unclear whether anyone actually played that way.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 5/30/00 (30 May 2000)
"Capturing-related" definition expanded
Definition now includes ANY card that mentions or affects ANY card that fit the previous definition of "capturing-related". (And created the possibility of capturing-related "chains.")
Moderate Change | Modified
Current Rulings 5/30/00 (30 May 2000)
Modified by:
"Capturing-related" no longer recursive
Prior Ruling:
"Capturing-related card"
Cards on/aboard cards that leave play do likewise
Reverses a prior ruling that, during Spacedoor replacement, cards played on the ship are discarded. (Instead, this ruling has them return to hand.) Also affected persona replacement, because of another ruling (of unclear provenance) that some cards could not transfer to the replacement persona.
Moderate Change | Active
Current Rulings 5/30/00 (30 May 2000)
Prior Ruling:
Discard cards on a card when it leaves play
Cloaked/disabled cards are not "opposing"
An "opposing" personnel or ship is one controlled by your opponent and which is not cloaked, phased, disabled or in stasis.
Minor Change | Active
Current Rulings 5/30/00 (30 May 2000)
Prior Ruling:
"Opposing" defined
Stasis is "suspended animation": no effects/attacks
Cards in stasis are now considered to be in "suspended animation" (not merely unconscious) and may not be attacked or otherwise targeted or affected, except by cards that have a global effect or which specifically allow it.
Moderate Change | Active
Current Rulings 5/30/00 (30 May 2000)
Prior Ruling:
Time locations require corresponding location
You cannot play a time location unless its corresponding spaceline location is in play. (Show Archivist's Comment)
WHY? Possibly the release of Orb of Time, which allowed time travel outside corresponding spaceline location for the first and last time?
Major Change | Active
Current Rulings 5/30/00 (30 May 2000)
Prior Ruling:
Time Location
Closed doorways still have other features
A closed doorway still has other features outside its gametext, such as a Alternate Universe or Referee icons.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 6/26/00 (26 Jun 2000)
Cloaking Devices can operate without people
A ship may cloak or decloak (as an action) even if no personnel are aboard. This is similar to how transporters work.
Minor Rescission | Active
Current Rulings 7/31/00 (31 Jul 2000)
Duplicated missions are shared
Instead of placing a duplicated mission out of play and replacing it with a universal mission, the location becomes shared by both players.
Major Change | Active
Current Rulings 7/31/00 (31 Jul 2000)
Prior Ruling:
Missions are not duplicatable
Cards that were "formerly" something are
A personnel whose lore states it "formerly" had a characteristic still has that characteristic. For example, Bok (Premiere) is a "former DaiMon"; his attributes are boosted by Calandra.
Moderate Change | Active
Current Rulings 7/31/00 (31 Jul 2000)
Modified by:
Future characteristics count
Prior Ruling:
Cards that were "formerly" something aren't
No beaming cards into space
Cards can only be beamed or otherwise transferred into space when a card specifically allows it (e.g. Anti-Matter Pod, Airlock)
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 7/31/00 (31 Jul 2000)
Hologram capture doesn't deactivate
When a hologram is captured, it is not immediately deactivated, but if the ship the hologram is associated with moves away from the location, or if the capturing player tries to move the hologram away from the location of that ship, it then deactivates (and is released).
Moderate Clarification | Superseded
Current Rulings 7/31/00 (31 Jul 2000)
Superseded by:
Holograms not projected from ships to planets
Dual-Personnel persona replacement how-to
You need versions of BOTH personas on the dual-personnel card.
Minor Clarification | Modified
Current Rulings 7/31/00 (31 Jul 2000)
Modified by:
Persona replacements simultaneous
You may only scout a Dual-Icon mission once
Borg players can only scout a dual-icon mission once, not twice with different objectives as was previously ruled.
Moderate Change | Active
Current Rulings 7/31/00 (31 Jul 2000)
Prior Ruling:
Borg dual-icon mission scouting: dilemmas left
Borg need ship + Away Team to scout dual-icon
Borg players must scout a dual-icon mission with both a crew in orbit and an Away Team on planet, like other affiliations, even if their objective only targets the location as a space or planet location.
Moderate Change | Active
Current Rulings 7/31/00 (31 Jul 2000)
Prior Ruling:
Borg dual-icon mission scouting: dilemmas left
When adding skills, existing skills are increased
Best shown with an example: it was previously ruled that, if Sarek used Vulcan Mindmeld on Riva, he would have Diplomacy x3, Mindmeld, Diplomacy x2. The new ruling is that Sarek would have Diplomacy x5, Mindmeld, which is more intuitive anyway.
Negligible Change | Active
Current Rulings 7/31/00 (31 Jul 2000)
Cards used "like" or "as" another card type - III
A card that says it is played or used "as" another card type still counts as that card type for all purposes. However, a card that is played or used "like" another card type does not count anymore.
Minor Change | Superseded
Glossary 1.7 (1 Aug 2000)
Superseded by:
Cards used "like" or "as" another card type - IV
Prior Ruling:
Cards used "like" or "as" another card type - II
The "Frool Rule": Cumulative contribution limits
Multiple copies of the same universal personnel cannot contribute to a trigger or requirement simultaneously (such as Colony, Ressikan Flute, or Duck Blind) except on dilemmas and missions. Known as "The Frool Rule" due to popular belief that this was an attempt by Decipher to block a Frool + 211th Rule combo.
Major Addition | Rescinded
Glossary 1.7 (1 Aug 2000)
Rescinded by:
Frool Rule cancelled
Matching person needed to continue attempt
If all matching personnel leave the attempt / die at any point during a mission attempt, the mission attempt ends immediately.
Moderate Addition | Rescinded
Glossary 1.7 (1 Aug 2000)
Rescinded by:
Matching affiliation not needed to continue attempt
Matching person needed to solve mission
In addition to requiring a matching personnel to BEGIN a mission attempt (a rule since Premiere), a matching personnel must remain in the attempt in order to solve it.
Moderate Addition | Active
Glossary 1.7 (1 Aug 2000)
Infiltrators move independently on either turn
An infiltrator, on either player's turn, may independently move around by beaming, walking, etc., operating opponent's transporters and SHIELDS in the process.
Minor Addition | Modified
Glossary 1.7 (1 Aug 2000)
Modified by:
Infiltrators move independently on other turn
Playing an affiliation - II
You are playing an affiliation (for, e.g., purposes of Tekeny Ghemor's special skill) if you have seeded or played any cards in that affiliation, or attempted to do so in the case of Terok Nor -- except Borg, which continue to use the old "if any card in your deck is " rule. (Show Archivist's Comment)
There was some kind of "playing an affiliation" rule way back in the day because of outpost seed restrictions.
Minor Change | Modified
Glossary 1.7 (1 Aug 2000)
Modified by:
Playing an affiliation - III
Prior Ruling:
Playing an affiliation - I
Number is not a "specific characteristic"
For purposes of whiffing on a dilemma due to lack of target, a dilemma targeting a set NUMBER of personnel is not a "specific characteristic" and so the dilemma does not whiff if that number is not present. (Show Archivist's Comment)
WHY? Most likely because the whiffing rule change on 3/27/2000 had an unexpected side effect of causing cards like El-Adrel Creature to whiff if the mission is redshirted.
Minor Clarification | Superseded
Glossary 1.7 (1 Aug 2000)
Superseded by:
Whiffing for lack of target cancelled
Prior Ruling:
Dilemmas can whiff for lack of target
"Solar System" now "Sector 001"
The "Solar System" region is renamed the "Sector 001" region. All cards in the former Solar System received unprinted errata to reflect their new name.
Terminology Change | Active
Glossary 1.7 (1 Aug 2000)
Ship origin
A ship may be "Klingon" either by affiliation (e.g. I.K.S. Pagh) or by characteristic as stated in lore (e.g. Naprem).
Moderate Clarification | Active
Glossary 1.7 (1 Aug 2000)
Invalid target rule for Objectives
Objectives may require you to target (select) a ship, planet, personnel, etc. If the target of an objective is removed from play or becomes an invalid target, the Objective card is immediately discarded. Otherwise, the objective remains in play until nullified, discarded, or relocated according to its game text.
Minor Addition | Superseded
Glossary 1.7 (1 Aug 2000)
Superseded by:
Long-term targets "as if played on" (2021 Sep)
Invalid target rule for Events & Incidents (2014 Dec)
Tribble side deck
The Tribble Side Deck is opened by Storage Compartment Door and contains Tribble and Trouble cards.
Major New Side Deck | Active
Tribbles Rules Supplement (9 Aug 2000)
Tribble cards
Tribbles may only be stocked in a Tribbles side deck. You may play Tribbles anywhere. They cause problems. (The "Go," "Poison", and "Bonus" icons are for a different game and should be ignored.)
Major New Card Type | Active
Tribbles Rules Supplement (9 Aug 2000)
Trouble cards
Troubles may only be stocked in a Tribbles side deck. You may play Troubles anywhere you have any Tribbles. Gametext activates when the necessary number of Tribbles is reached. Troubles discard if no Tribbles present.
Major New Card Type | Active
Tribbles Rules Supplement (9 Aug 2000)
Moving Troubles
Whenever one of your Tribble cards is moved, you may choose to move any or all Trouble cards present with them.
Moderate Addition | Active
Tribbles Rules Supplement (9 Aug 2000)
Tribble play limit
A maximum of one Tribble card and one Trouble card may be played on each group of Tribbles each turn.
Moderate Addition | Active
Tribbles Rules Supplement (9 Aug 2000)
"Breeding" Tribbles
If a Tribble card's gametext lists a "breeding" requirement, you can only play that Tribble card at locations where the named Tribble card is already present.
Moderate Addition | Active
Tribbles Rules Supplement (9 Aug 2000)
Carrying "Small" Tribbles
1 Tribbles and 10 Tribbles may be carried similar to Equipment, except the player must identify which specific personnel is carrying it. Each personnel may carry only one Tribble card at a time. When they drop their Tribble, they are stopped.
Moderate Addition | Active
Tribbles Rules Supplement (9 Aug 2000)
Beaming "Large" Tribbles
100 Tribbles and larger may not be beamed by Transporter Skill (one Tribble card per level of Transporter Skill). After beaming, that personnel is stopped.
Moderate Addition | Active
Tribbles Rules Supplement (9 Aug 2000)
"Large" Tribbles override Nor beaming limits
When beaming a "large" Tribble card, you may lower the SHIELDS of a Nor you control to complete the transport.
Moderate Change | Rescinded
Tribbles Rules Supplement (9 Aug 2000)
Rescinded by:
Nors: beaming restrictions lifted
Prior Ruling:
Nor beaming restrictions
Stealing lifts restrictions
When a card allows you to steal an equipment, it also removes affiliation/species requirements on the equipment card (such as "Klingon use only"). (Show Archivist's Comment)
This clarification was presaged by a ruling in Glossary 1.6: Equipment that pertained specifically to Procurement Drone.
Minor Addition | Active
Tribbles Rules Supplement (9 Aug 2000)
Prior Ruling:
Original Series icon
This icon represents cards from the era of Star Trek: The Original Series.
Minor "Unloaded" icon | Active
Tribbles Rules Supplement (9 Aug 2000)
Downloading Tactics
A downloaded Tactic must still come your Battle Bridge and must be downloaded as your current tactic at the start of battle. May not be downloaded as damage.
Minor Clarification | Active
Tribbles Rules Supplement (9 Aug 2000)
Time travel from any location
Unless specifically restricted by gametext (e.g. "time travel to corresponding spaceline location"), time travel can be from any location (even another time location).
Minor Clarification | Active
Tribbles Rules Supplement (9 Aug 2000)
Exchanges, retrievals, & switches are not "plays"
This ruling originally applied specifically to Council of Warriors, and was worded thus: "Bringing a non-Klingon personnel into play by persona exchange, earning a Cryosatellite, or switching the affiliation of a multi-affiliation personnel is not 'playing a non-Klingon personnel.'" The ruling has since been extended to similar cards like Continuing Mission and Kolinahr.
Moderate Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 9/25/00 (25 Sep 2000)
Captures go to the capturing team
When a personnel is captured, they relocate to the Away Team or crew that captured them (if possible), not just to any crew or Away Team at the location.
Minor Change | Active
Current Rulings 9/25/00 (25 Sep 2000)
Effects on cards end when they leave play
When a card leaves play, all effects on it are cancelled. It is no longer stopped, its RANGE is unused, any cards played on it leave play, etc.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 10/30/00 (30 Oct 2000)
Dual-personnel free plays/effects
If one member of a dual-personnel card is reported for free, the other comes along with. If one is changed significantly (e.g. by Lore's Fingernail into ) the other is changed the same way.
Moderate Clarification | Superseded
Current Rulings 10/30/00 (30 Oct 2000)
Superseded by:
Not ALL effects mirror on dual-personnel cards
Combo Dilemmas
A combo dilemma has two dilemmas printed on it. They are treated as separate dilemmas on separate cards, encountered separately (in order), but they're on one card and only cost one seed card.
Major New Card Type | Active
Enhanced Premiere Rules Supplement (1 Nov 2000)
Mission II's
A Mission II has either a built-in Outpost (which functions like an Outpost but doesn't count against your Outpost seed limit) or a built-in Wormhole (which works slightly different from normal Wormhole interrupts but that's explained on the cards)
Major New Card Type | Active
Enhanced Premiere Rules Supplement (1 Nov 2000)
Resolve current dilemma if personnel remain
If anyone is left when a mission attempt ends due to lack of matching personnel, first resolve the current dilemma.
Minor Clarification | Rescinded
Current Rulings 11/27/00 (27 Nov 2000)
Rescinded by:
Matching affiliation not needed to continue attempt
"any" includes Mirror Opposites
…but NOT impersonators, who use the same text style, so good luck with that.
Terminology Clarification | Superseded
Current Rulings 11/27/00 (27 Nov 2000)
Superseded by:
"Any" always looks for characteristics (2021 Mar)
"any" treats most card types as characteristics (2011 Jul)
Prior Ruling:
"any" means ANY version except infiltrators
2063 Timeline disruption does not affect ![[MQ] [MQ]](/images/icons/1e/MirrorQuadrant.jpg)
Mirror Quadrant personnel are immune to the timeline-disruption effects of Stop First Contact.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 11/27/00 (27 Nov 2000)
Prior Ruling:
Timeline Disrupted in 2063
Equipment stoppage
Equipment is stopped if the entire Away Team or crew carrying it is stopped.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 11/27/00 (27 Nov 2000)
Mirror Quadrant
The Mirror Quadrant, representing the entire Mirror Universe, is home of the Terran Empire and
Klingon-Cardassian Alliance and has the
symbol on its missions and native cards.
Major New Quadrant | Active
Mirror, Mirror Rules Supplement (6 Dec 2000)
Mirror "Universe"
Some cards in the Mirror Quadrant, especially locations, are "parallel" to locations in the Alpha Quadrant. Something that affects a location in one quadrant does not affect the location (or cards related to it) in the opposite quadrant. For example, Mirror Universe Bajorans are native to Mirror Bajor, not Alpha Quadrant Bajor. Completing Assimilate Homeworld on Alpha Bajor has no effect on
Major Addition | Active
Mirror, Mirror Rules Supplement (6 Dec 2000)
"Opposite Quadrant"
The "opposite quadrant" to the Mirror Quadrant is the Alpha Quadrant, and vice versa. Other quadrants have no opposite.
Terminology Addition | Active
Mirror, Mirror Rules Supplement (6 Dec 2000)
Mirror Opposites
Some personnel are the mirror versions of their regular-universe selves. This is identified by bold italic text in lore (this does not make them versions of the same persona). Note that bold italic text is also used for impersonators.
Moderate Addition | Active
Mirror, Mirror Rules Supplement (6 Dec 2000)
Terran Empire
This icon represents Mirror Universe Terrans, whether in the Terran Empire or in the later Terran Rebellion, and is used by various other cards.
Minor "Unloaded" icon | Active
Mirror, Mirror Rules Supplement (6 Dec 2000)
This icon represents the Mirror Universe Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, and is used by various other cards.
Minor "Unloaded" icon | Active
Mirror, Mirror Rules Supplement (6 Dec 2000)
Downloading Artifacts
When an Artifact is specifically downloaded by a card, that artifact is automatically "earned" and can be used. (For example, James Tiberius Kirk can download Tantalus Field by name. Mila still cannot download any use-as-equipment Artifact and actually use it.)
Minor Addition | Active
Mirror, Mirror Rules Supplement (6 Dec 2000)
Card title groups include downloads
The colon rule includes downloading cards. A card that downloads Bajoran Wormhole can download either Bajoran Wormhole or Bajoran Wormhole: Mirror Universe.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 12/27/00 (27 Dec 2000)
Headquarters reporting "here" = inside
Even though Headquarters say "here" (normally anywhere at a location), it means inside the HQ for personnel reporting to the HQ. (HQ cards may play anywhere at the location.)
Minor Clarification | Superseded
Current Rulings 12/27/00 (27 Dec 2000)
Superseded by:
"Here" exceptions redefined
Prior Ruling:
"Here" means at the location, except on sites
A personnel, ship, or equipment is a thing ("admiral," "disruptor," "perfume salesman") if it says so, in title or lore (or, in rare specific exceptions for gender and species, card image).
Major Clarification | Modified
Current Rulings 1/29/01 (29 Jan 2001)
Modified by:
characteristics rule applies to all card types
Prior Ruling:
Ranks and Titles rule
Card exchange is not reporting; replacement is
Exchanging a card (e.g. persona replacement) is not reporting for duty. Replacing a card (e.g. with Transporter Mixup) is reporting for duty.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 1/29/01 (29 Jan 2001)
Planet references include Mirror Planets
A card referencing a planet by name (such as Bajor) can refer to versions of that planet in either universe. (The 1/29/01 Chamber of Ministers ruling.)
Minor Clarification | Superseded
Current Rulings 1/29/01 (29 Jan 2001)
Superseded by:
Planet references exclude Mirror planets
Two locations remain adjacent even if a card is played between them, like a Q-Net. However, if the card played between forms a new location, like Gaps in Normal Space, the original two are no longer adjacent.
Terminology Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 2/26/01 (26 Feb 2001)
Corresponding means one thing for Time Locations (it's their corresponding location identified in lore on the spaceline) and a slightly different thing for the Mirror Universe (it’s the location in the opposite quadrant with the same location text in lore).
Terminology Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 2/26/01 (26 Feb 2001)
Ships can't report landed
A ship, even if landable, always reports in space unless a card (like Hidden Fighter) specifically allows it to report landed. Thus, you may not report a Rebel Interceptor landed.
Minor Addition | Active
Current Rulings 2/26/01 (26 Feb 2001)
No aborting actions (after target choice begins)
You may not abort an action, such as a download, by failing to choose a target when one is available.
Minor Addition | Active
Current Rulings 2/26/01 (26 Feb 2001)
Dual-Personnel Cards: Random Selection - II
In random selections of more than one personnel, dual-personnel are treated as a single personnel for the duration of the random selection. Group limit choices then apply as normal.
Moderate Change | Superseded
Current Rulings 3/26/01 (26 Mar 2001)
Superseded by:
Dual-Personnel Cards: Random Selection - III
Prior Ruling:
Dual-Personnel Cards: Random Selection - I
Quarantines are exceptionless again
The exception to quarantines for Abandon Ship! and similar dilemmas is revoked.
Minor Rescission | Rescinded
Current Rulings 3/26/01 (26 Mar 2001)
Rescinded by:
Dilemmas override quarantines
Prior Ruling:
Quarantine unconditional exception
Selections are your choice by default
Random selections are always stated explicitly. When selection method is not given in gametext, the selection is made by the person who played the card or encountered the dilemma.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 3/26/01 (26 Mar 2001)
Cards with different images (and possibly lore) that have the same title and gametext are copies.
Terminology Addition | Active
Current Rulings 4/30/01 (30 Apr 2001)
Actions - initiation of dilemma encounter
Initiation of a dilemma encounter is complete and the dilemma is "just encountered" once any targets for the dilemma have been chosen and you have checked to see if the team can meet the dilemma's conditions (if any).
Moderate Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 4/30/01 (30 Apr 2001)
Kazon affiliation
A new affilation in the Delta Quadrant, representing a primitive spacefaring race divided into gang-like "sects".
Major New Affiliation | Active
Voyager Rules Supplement (23 May 2001)
Kazon have no attack restrictions
Kazon have no attack restrictions, like
Klingons and
Major Affiliation: Kazon | Active
Voyager Rules Supplement (23 May 2001)
Vidiian affiliation
A new affilation in the Delta Quadrant, representing a once-great empire dying of a terminal disease called The Phage. (Standard attack restrictions.)
Major New Affiliation | Active
Voyager Rules Supplement (23 May 2001)
Delta Quadrant
The Delta Quadrant, where Voyager got lost and the Kazon,
Vidiians, and
Hirogen make their home, has the
symbol on its missions and native cards.
Major New Quadrant | Active
Voyager Rules Supplement (23 May 2001)
Delta Quadrant Interim Rules rescinded
Now that the Delta Quadrant is a regular quadrant with regular rules, the interim rules introduced for it in First Contact are rescinded.
Major Rescission | Active
Voyager Rules Supplement (23 May 2001)
Holograms reactivated by unstopped personnel
Instead of automatically activating/reactivating, holograms are reactivated by other personnel (even other activated holograms) on a subsequent turn (after the turn where the deactivation happened.)
Moderate Change | Active
Voyager Rules Supplement (23 May 2001)
Prior Ruling:
Holograms reactivate start of following turn
Holograms not projected from ships to planets
Holograms who reach a planet (by some means) are no longer projected from their ships. If the ship leaves orbit, they're still on the planet, and still activated if they already were activated. (Show Archivist's Comment)
This was an implied repeal of the old rule. The Hologram rules got an overhaul and restatement, and this was no longer part of them afterward. Decipher may have viewed an explicit statement as unnecessary, since (due to this month's errata of Holo-Projectors, which was completely redone seven months later for Holodeck Adventures), the only way for a Hologram to get to a planet during this time period was with Mobile Holo-Emitter.
Moderate Rescission | Active
Voyager Rules Supplement (23 May 2001)
Dilemmas override quarantines
Dilemmas that require the movement of personnel, such as Abandon Ship! and Terellian Plague Ship, override quarantine. Nothing else does.
Moderate Addition | Active
Current Rulings 6/25/01 (25 Jun 2001)
Prior Ruling:
Quarantines are exceptionless again
No-point-box missions are Alpha Quadrant
Missions without point boxes (Space, Nebula) may now be seeded or played ONLY in the Alpha Quadrant.
Moderate Change | Active
Current Rulings 6/25/01 (25 Jun 2001)
Prior Ruling:
Missions w/o point box go to any quadrant
"Held atop mission with dilemma" = no skills
Cards "held atop mission" by a dilemma (or similar) may not share or use skills or attributes.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 6/25/01 (25 Jun 2001)
Region references include Mirror Regions
A card referencing a region by name (such as Badlands Region) can refer to versions of that region in either universe. (The mid-2001 Caretaker's Array ruling.)
Minor Clarification | Rescinded
Current Rulings 6/25/01 (25 Jun 2001)
Rescinded by:
Location references exclude Mirror locations
Launching from a landed ship is taking off
If a carried ship launches from a landed ship, it counts as both launching and as taking off.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 6/25/01 (25 Jun 2001)
Order of start/end-turn acts: your choice again
The rule that, during the start-of-turn and end-of-turn phases, mandatory actions must precede voluntary options is cancelled.
Minor Rescission | Active
Current Rulings 7/31/01 (31 Jul 2001)
Prior Ruling:
Mandatory start/end-of-turn actions are first
Seed phase actions expressly restricted
The only actions you may take during the seed phases are (1) seeding cards and (2) carrying out game text that takes place immediately upon seeding a card face-up, such as downloading Bajoran Wormhole with Ultimatum or downloading an Emblem card with Disrupt Alliance. You may not activate a hidden agenda, use special download icons, or use "play phase" game text such as effects that suspend play or may happen "at any time" or "each turn" .
Negligible Clarification | Modified
Current Rulings 8/27/01* (27 Aug 2001)
Modified by:
Special downloads allowed in seed phases
Borg Assimilation: drones retain characteristics
Some modifications were made to the Borg assimilation transformations, especially in how they handle characteristics like title, species, lore, icons, and restriction box. (Gender is still ignored.)
Moderate Change | Active
The Borg Rules Supplement (19 Sep 2001)
Prior Ruling:
Borg: Personnel assimilation
Borg: No beaming through SHIELDS
The rule that Borg SHIELDS do not block transporters is cancelled. You may not beam through any SHIELDS unless a card allows it.
Moderate Rescission | Active
The Borg Rules Supplement (19 Sep 2001)
Prior Ruling:
Borg: Borg SHIELDS do not block transporters
Borg: More than one scout at a planet
The rule that Borg must beam down one scout at a time to scout a planet is cancelled. An objective that allows scouting a planet allows beaming down an away team of any size.
Moderate Rescission | Active
The Borg Rules Supplement (19 Sep 2001)
Prior Ruling:
Borg: Single scout at planet missions
Hirogen affiliation
A new affilation in the Delta Quadrant, representing a race of hunters. (Standard attack restrictions.)
Major New Affiliation | Active
The Borg Rules Supplement (19 Sep 2001)
"Species-8472-related dilemma" defined
A "species 8472-related dilemma" is one that mentions Species 8472 in lore.
Minor Addition | Superseded
The Borg Rules Supplement (19 Sep 2001)
Superseded by:
"Species 8472-related dilemma" redefined
An active personnel (for the purposes of cards like Assimilate Starship, and possibly just that card), is a personnel who is not stopped, not disabled, and not in stasis. Presumably also in play.
Terminology Clarification | Active
The Borg Rules Supplement (19 Sep 2001)
Borg NEVER use hand weapons
personnel never use hand weapons, even if stolen. (Show Archivist's Comment)
The reasons for this rule are a genuine mystery to your faithful archivist, but it was important enough to make the Rules Supplement and remained with the game for the next two decades.
Minor Change | Rescinded
The Borg Rules Supplement (19 Sep 2001)
Rescinded by:
Borg hand weapon restriction cancelled
are drones
Non--affiliation personnel are not drones, even if they are listed as former Borg (or current Borg).
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 9/24/01 (24 Sep 2001)
Borg skill sharing doesn't work through cloak
This was implicit in the cloaking rules, but here was clarified.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 9/24/01 (24 Sep 2001)
cards are ONLY
The species rule already implied this, but now it is spelled out clearly: cards with the icon are hologram species, and no other species, regardless of lore.
Minor Clarification | Active
Holodeck Adventures Rules Supplement (21 Dec 2001)
Captain Proton cards
The black-and-white Captain Proton cards are treated exactly as if they were in color (for purposes like probing, etc.).
Negligible Clarification | Active
Holodeck Adventures Rules Supplement (21 Dec 2001)
Cybernetics free reports cancelled
Cybernetics skill no longer allows you to report androids, for free or otherwise. (The new card Cybernetics Expertise does that instead.)
Moderate Rescission | Active
Holodeck Adventures Rules Supplement (21 Dec 2001)
White Deprivation cancelled
White Deprivation is no longer a rule. Jem'Hadar without Ketracel-White will now fight each other only if the new card White Deprivation is in play.
Major Rescission | Active
Holodeck Adventures Rules Supplement (21 Dec 2001)
Prior Ruling:
White Deprivation
Only special downloading into mission attempts
If a card allows you to download a personnel or equipment card during a mission attempt, it cannot join the attempt unless downloaded by a special download icon at the mission location.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 1/28/02 (4 Feb 2002)
First-listed skill clarified
A personnel's "first-listed skill" is the first skill printed in the skill box (whether a regular or special skill), that skill as transformed by another card, or (if assimilated) his former classification.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 1/28/02 (4 Feb 2002)
Terran equivalent to Human
Terrans are humans and humans are terrans. (Mirror Universe cards usually use Terran instead of human.)
Minor Equivalence | Active
Current Rulings 1/28/02 (4 Feb 2002)
Humanoid not a distinct species
Humanoid is not a distinct species and cannot be selected (for example, by Assimilate Species).
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 1/28/02 (4 Feb 2002)
Opponent must play affiliation to be infiltrated
You may not infiltrate an opponent's crew or away team by ANY means unless opponent has played at least one card matching your infiltrator's infiltration icon.
Minor Change | Active
Current Rulings 4/9/02 (16 Apr 2002)
Prior Ruling:
Infiltrate at reporting only if playing affiliation
Infiltrators move independently on other turn
An infiltrator's special independent movement (using their transporters, etc.) may now occur on opponent's turn only.
Minor Change | Active
Current Rulings 4/9/02 (16 Apr 2002)
Prior Ruling:
Infiltrators move independently on either turn
Infiltrators exposed by returning to your team
If an infiltrator returns to your crew or Away Team, ending his infiltration, he is exposed by doing so.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 4/9/02 (16 Apr 2002)
Blade weapons are "hand weapons"
Along with the other characteristics that count as "hand weapons," a card identifying itself as a "blade weapon" is also a "hand weapon."
Minor Equivalence | Active
Current Rulings 4/9/02 (16 Apr 2002)
Prior Ruling:
Hand weapon
Intruders may not erase a holographic crew
Intruders may no longer erase holograms when the crew is all-holographic.
Minor Rescission | Active
Current Rulings 4/9/02 (16 Apr 2002)
Prior Ruling:
Intruders may erase a holographic crew
Holograms must report deactivated
Even if reporting to a location where they may exist activated, holograms must report deactivated and be activated by an active personnel. (This rule change was completely unannounced, even in CRD 200210, and it is possible that it was introduced by accident, during a routine rewrite of the passage. But, because Glossary 1.8 became definitive, it stuck around for a lonnnnnng time.)
Moderate Change | Rescinded
Glossary 1.8 (27 Aug 2002)
Rescinded by:
Holograms can report activated
Skills as ship special equipment
Starship Excelsior has a regular skill as special equipment. This skill can be used as though possessed by a member of the ship's crew (to overcome space dilemmas, meet requirements of space missions, et cetera).
Minor Addition | Modified
Glossary 1.8 (27 Aug 2002)
Modified by:
Skills as ship special equipment: all ships
Docked ships gain only DEFENSE, not SHIELDS
An ambiguous section of this Glossary -- one that was not advertised to anyone as a substantive change -- seems to indicate that a docked ship gains SHIELD extension from the facility only during battle, and only to add it to the ship's DEFENSE total (rather than its SHIELDs). This matters for cards like Romulan Ambush. It may have been a change made in error; nevertheless, it was upheld repeatedly by future Rules Committees until formally reversed.
Minor Change | Rescinded
Glossary 1.8 (27 Aug 2002)
Rescinded by:
Facility shield "extension" is permanent
Prior Ruling:
Docked ships get 50% SHIELD extension
Matching commdrs. match ship name (not class)
Personnel lore must specify a ship by name (not as a class) to qualify as matching commander. (Tomalak and Ocett are no longer matching commanders of the universal D'deridex or Galor ships.)
Minor Change | Modified
Current Rulings 8/27/02 (3 Sep 2002)
Modified by:
The Named-In-Lore Rule
Prior Ruling:
Matching commanders can match class (not title)
Dual-Personnel Cards: Random Selection - III
When a dual-personnel card is randomly selected, the effects apply to both personnel equally, regardless of "group limits" on the card requiring the selection. (The "group limits" rule is superseded by this rule.)
Moderate Change | Active
Current Rulings 8/27/02 (3 Sep 2002)
Prior Ruling:
Dual-Personnel Cards: Random Selection - II
Crews are "present" with cards at spaceline loc.
Personnel and equipment aboard a ship or facility may now be considered "present" with cards on the spaceline at a space location, such as event, interrupt, or doorway cards, seeded cards outside the context of a mission attempt, or dilemmas that enter play. For example, Ocular Implants may be used to look at a card under a space mission and Borg Nanoprobes can nullify Your Galaxy Is impure at a space location (even after the mission attempt) if aboard a ship at that location.
Minor Change | Active
Current Rulings 8/27/02 (3 Sep 2002)
Borg need express permission to scout
It is not enough for a Borg player's current objective to target a mission; if you want to scout it, the objective targeting it has to specifically allow the Borg player to scout it.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings 10/28/02 (4 Nov 2002)
2002 World Championship Bans / Errata
Barzan Wormhole, Ooby Dooby, Revolving Door, Rogue Borg Mercenaries, and Vic Fontaine are banned. Caretaker's Array's report-with-crew function is deleted.
Major Change | Rescinded
Current Rulings 10/28/02 (4 Nov 2002)
Rescinded by:
2002 World Championship Bans cancelled
2002 World Championship Bans cancelled
The bans from October 2002 are cancelled now that the World Championship is over.
Major Rescission | Active
Current Rulings 11/25/02 (2 Dec 2002)
Prior Ruling:
2002 World Championship Bans / Errata
Backwards Compatible support added
Added support for "backwards compatible" cards from the Star Trek CCG: Second Edition, via a new rules document: the First Edition Conversion Rules.
Epochal Addition | Rescinded
Current Rulings 11/25/02 (2 Dec 2002)
Rescinded by:
Backwards Compatible no longer supported
2E Intelligence formally added
The Second Edition skill of Intelligence is formally added to First Edition by allowing it to "map" to the various affiliation-specific 1E intelligence skills. (Show Archivist's Comment)
The article explaining this change, released five years later, is a bit of a wild ride.
Minor Addition | Rescinded
First Edition Conversion Rules (8/25/03) (25 Aug 2003) (Article)
Rescinded by:
"Intelligence" skill removed (2014 Oct)
"Intelligence" means "Intelligence" (2010 Jun)
Starfleet affiliation
Before the Federation, the Earth Starfleet strove to make its mark on the galaxy. (Standard attack restrictions.) (Show Archivist's Comment)
The document link for this item is always going to be a fallback. We aren't looking for an "Enterprise Collection Rules Supplemental" or anything. It simply doesn't exist. Starfleet was introduced as a new affiliation without Decipher ever writing it down in any official rules document. Not until the Continuing Committee arrived was the affiliation formally inducted into the rules. (Change #4900, 4 Dec 2008) That CRD is the fallback link we are using here. C'est la vie.
Major New Affiliation | Active
Enterprise Collection* (7 Jul 2006)
Starfleet really is an affiliation
Due to Decipher's neglect of First Edition rules documents after 2002, the Starfleet affiliation was not formally added to the rules until the Continuing Committee included it in its first CRD.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 200812 (4 Dec 2008) (Article)
Mission attempt ends if dilemma reseeds
Certain Second Edition Backwards Compatible cards made it possible to reseed a dilemma without being stopped by it. It was ruled that this ended the attempt automatically. (Show Archivist's Comment)
It is perhaps surprising that this ruling remained on the books after the end of official 2EBC support, but it turned out to be useful in other contexts as well, and remains in the rulebook today.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 200812 (4 Dec 2008) (Article)
Special downloads allowed in seed phases
Special downloads are added to the list of things allowed during the seed phase.
Moderate Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 200903 (1 Mar 2009) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Seed phase actions expressly restricted
Error: special download seed phase unclear
Not all sections of the rules fully reflected the fact that you could now use special downloads in the seed phase.
Negligible Error | Corrected
Current Rulings Document 200903 (1 Mar 2009) (Article)
Corrected by:
Special download rules error corrected
No playing cards that violate uniqueness rule
You can't play a card that violates the uniqueness rule in order to discard your other copy or similar shenanigans. You can't play another copy or persona version of a unique or non-duplicatable card you already have in play.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 200903 (1 Mar 2009) (Article)
Rule of Four: Card Limit
Your game deck may not include more than four copies of any one card.
Major Addition | Rescinded
Revised Format v5.6 (24 May 2009) (Article)
Rescinded by:
Rule of Four: Card Limit cancelled
Rule of Four: Ability Limit
The same gametext (on a verb card) cannot be used more than four times during a single turn.
Major Addition | Rescinded
Revised Format v5.6 (24 May 2009) (Article)
Rescinded by:
Rule of Four: Ability Limit cancelled
Seed Deck Rule of Two: dilemmas and artifacts
Your seed deck may not include more than two copies of any one dilemma or artifact.
Major Addition | Superseded
Revised Format v5.6 (24 May 2009) (Article)
Superseded by:
Seed Deck Rule of Two: all seed cards
Referee Pile
You may have one copy of each Referee-icon card in a pile. This is not a side deck. You may download cards from this pile, and may ignore any cards preventing you from downloading cards from this pile.
Major Addition | Rescinded
Revised Format v5.6 (24 May 2009) (Article)
Rescinded by:
Referee Side Deck cancelled (2010 Jul)
Referee Pile is now a Side Deck (2009 Aug)
Dilemmas placed out-of-play
When a dilemma would be discarded, place it out-of-play instead (like artifacts were in 1996-97).
Major Addition | Modified
Revised Format v5.6 (24 May 2009) (Article)
Modified by:
Dilemmas optionally placed out-of-play
Batch seeding: original
You must "batch seed" your dilemmas and cards that seed like dilemmas. Opponent's batch is encountered first, then owner's batch. Shared missions are "owned" by the first player who seeded for purposes of this rule.
Major Addition | Modified
Revised Format v5.6 (24 May 2009) (Article)
Modified by:
Batch seeding: modified (2009 Jul)
Batch seeding: alternate at shared missions (2010 Jul)
Prior Ruling:
Seed phase passing
Interrupt limit
You may not play an interrupt if another copy of that interrupt is in your discard pile.
Major Addition | Rescinded
Revised Format v5.6 (24 May 2009) (Article)
Rescinded by:
Interrupt limit cancelled
Discard pile inspection allowed
Discard piles are public information
Moderate Rescission | Rescinded
Revised Format v5.6 (24 May 2009) (Article)
Rescinded by:
Discard pile inspection forbidden (again)
Prior Ruling:
Discard pile inspection prohibited
Interquadrant movement order
Any ship may, as an order, use its full range to move from the end of a spaceline in one quadrant to the end of the spaceline in another quadrant, then is stopped.
Major Addition | Rescinded
Revised Format v5.6 (24 May 2009) (Article)
Rescinded by:
Interquadrant movement order cancelled
The Big Picture rule
Any player who does not solve (or score Borg objective points from) at least one planet and one space mission must score an additional 40 points to win.
Major Addition | Rescinded
Revised Format v5.6 (24 May 2009) (Article)
Rescinded by:
The Big Picture rule reinstated (2010 Jul)
The Big Picture rule suspended (2009 Jul)
Intermix Ratio rule (I): Differential and mod wins OK
Bonus points scored in excess of mission points cannot be used to meet the win conditions (but can be used to score a modified win in timed games, and do count toward differential).
Major Addition | Modified
Revised Format v5.6 (24 May 2009) (Article)
Modified by:
Intermix Ratio rule (V): Differentials OK again (2023 May)
Intermix Ratio rule (IV): No mod win (2016 Mar)
Intermix Ratio rule suspended (2009 Jul)
Prior Ruling:
Win by scoring 100 points / most points
Dilemmas optionally placed out-of-play
A discarded dilemma does not HAVE to be placed out-of-play. It can optionally be discarded.
Moderate Change | Superseded
Revised Format v6* (6 Jul 2009)
Superseded by:
Dilemmas must be placed out-of-play
Prior Ruling:
Dilemmas placed out-of-play
Batch seeding: modified
Both players make batches for opponent's missions first, then shared missions, then their own missions
Moderate Change | Modified
Revised Format v6* (6 Jul 2009)
Modified by:
Batch seeding: alternate at shared missions
Prior Ruling:
Batch seeding: original
The Big Picture rule suspended
The rule that implemented The Big Picture as a win condition is cancelled (for now).
Major Rescission | Rescinded
Revised Format v6* (6 Jul 2009)
Rescinded by:
The Big Picture rule reinstated
Prior Ruling:
The Big Picture rule
Intermix Ratio rule suspended
The rule that implemented Intermix Ratio as a win condition is cancelled.
Major Rescission | Superseded
Revised Format v6* (6 Jul 2009)
Superseded by:
Intermix Ratio rule (II): No differentials, no mod wins
Prior Ruling:
Intermix Ratio rule (I): Differential and mod wins OK
Dilemmas must be placed out-of-play
When a dilemma would be discarded, you MUST place it out-of-play instead. (It is no longer optional.)
Moderate Rescission | Active
Revised Format v7 (3 Aug 2009) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Dilemmas optionally placed out-of-play
Interrupt limit cancelled
There is no longer a limit on playing interrupts (even when another copy of the same interrupt is already in your discard pile).
Major Rescission | Active
Revised Format v7 (3 Aug 2009) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Interrupt limit
Interrupts placed out-of-play
When Interrupts would be discarded, they are instead placed out-of-play (except Referee cards).
Major Addition | Rescinded
Revised Format v7 (3 Aug 2009) (Article)
Rescinded by:
Interrupts out-of-play rule cancelled
Seed Deck Rule of Two: all seed cards
Your seed deck may not include more than two copies of any card.
Major Change | Superseded
Revised Format v7 (3 Aug 2009) (Article)
Superseded by:
Seed Deck Rule of Two: dilemma-like cards
Prior Ruling:
Seed Deck Rule of Two: dilemmas and artifacts
Referee Pile is now a Side Deck
The Referee Side Deck, previously considered a pile, is now a side deck that requires no Doorway to open, cannot be closed, and can be inspected by its owner at any time.
Negligible Change | Rescinded
Revised Format v7 (3 Aug 2009) (Article)
Rescinded by:
Referee Side Deck cancelled
Prior Ruling:
Referee Pile
Discard pile inspection forbidden (again)
The rule that discard piles are public information is cancelled. The 1996 ruling that discard piles may not be inspected by either player without a special card is restored.
Moderate Rescission | Rescinded
Revised Format v8 (2 Nov 2009)
Rescinded by:
Face-up cards are public information
Prior Ruling:
Discard pile inspection allowed
Characteristics referred to by other cards are known as keywords.
Terminology Addition | Rescinded
Current Rulings Document 201006 (11 Jun 2010) (Article)
Rescinded by:
"Keyword" definition rescinded
"any Intelligence"
Several skills are considered "Intelligence" skills and may meet requirements that ask for "any Intelligence."
Terminology Addition | Active
Current Rulings Document 201006 (11 Jun 2010) (Article)
O.G. Intelligence skills
FCA, Klingon Intelligence, Obsidian Order, Section 31, Tal Shiar, and (2EBC-only) Intelligence are all "Intelligence" skills for the purposes of the "any Intelligence" rule.
Terminology Addition | Active
Current Rulings Document 201006 (11 Jun 2010) (Article)
"Intelligence" means "Intelligence"
Although "any Intelligence" requirements may be met by several cards, the requirement of "Intelligence" may be met only by the actual skill of "Intelligence" (which exists only on 2EBC cards, but can be selected by K'ChiQ, etc.)
Minor Clarification | Superseded
Current Rulings Document 201006 (11 Jun 2010) (Article)
Superseded by:
"Intelligence" means "any Intelligence"
Prior Ruling:
2E Intelligence formally added
Converted card indicators
The gray bar in the bottom-left corner of some cards indicates that they were converted from Second Edition Backwards Compatible cards. It has no gameplay meaning.
Minor "Unloaded" icon | Active
Current Rulings Document 201006 (11 Jun 2010) (Article)
This icon represents cards related to capture and punishment (although some cards you might expect don't have the icon).
Minor "Unloaded" icon | Active
Current Rulings Document 201006 (11 Jun 2010) (Article)
A player has examined a mission if that player has revealed, glanced, or peeked at any card seeded face down at that mission, regardless of which player’s card caused that player to see the card. If a mission has been attempted or scouted, it has been examined for both players.
Terminology Addition | Active
Current Rulings Document 201006 (11 Jun 2010) (Article)
22nd Century
This icon marks a card as being from the 22nd Century.
Minor "Unloaded" icon | Active
Current Rulings Document 201006 (11 Jun 2010) (Article)
Fair Play rule (mission "theft" restricted)
Players may not attempt, scout, target for scouting, or complete missions they did not seed unless that mission shows at least 40 points or is .
Epochal Addition | Modified
Official Tournament Format (8 Jul 2010) (Article)
Modified by:
Universal missions not automatically stealable (2020 Oct) can't complete scouting of unstealable missions (2023 Jun)
Prior Ruling:
Mission theft
Error: Fair Play rule doesn't cover Borg
Although announced as a general ban on mission theft, the OTF rules failed to prevent Borg from scouting opponent's missions (as did Fair Play, the rule on which it was based). This was quickly ruled an error, and Borg scouting barred. (Show Archivist's Comment)
Unlike most errors, which are usually never even noticed by the community, this was a real mess. The 1E Rules Master announced on the forum that it was an error, but did so in a really bad way that made the rule less clear. He promised to announce this in a front-page article and put it in a CRD, but did not. This led to large parts of the community IGNORING this ruling and playing the OTF rules as-written instead (as shown here: https://www.trekcc.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=11794). It finally fell to new Rules Master Allen Gould to clean the mess up in his first monthly update. (See also: https://www.trekcc.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=9092&p=93633#p93633)
Negligible Error | Corrected
Official Tournament Format (8 Jul 2010) (Article)
Corrected by:
Borg cannot steal missions either
Ban list instituted
Some cards are banned from tournament play (other than Raise the Stakes, which has been banned since 1995). This list is updated monthly.
Epochal Addition | Active
Official Tournament Format (8 Jul 2010) (Article)
The Big Picture rule reinstated
The Big Picture rule is reinstated. (Any player who does not solve (or score Borg objective points from) at least one planet and one space mission must score an additional 40 points to win.)
Major Rescission | Active
Official Tournament Format (8 Jul 2010) (Article)
Intermix Ratio rule (II): No differentials, no mod wins
Bonus points scored in excess of mission points do not count toward winning (even for calculating differential in timed games).
Major Change | Modified
Official Tournament Format (8 Jul 2010) (Article)
Modified by:
Intermix Ratio rule (III): Mod wins OK
Prior Ruling:
Intermix Ratio rule suspended
Error: Misstatement of victory conditions
Victory conditions are misstated so that, if the game ends because Player 1 has met victory conditions, while Player 2 has 130 points but has not met the victory conditions, Player 2 wins anyway. (Show Archivist's Comment)
Everyone accepted this was an error and nobody ever played into it and it was corrected in the official document VERY fast, but the public still noticed the error (it usually doesn't) and took it seriously. See also: https://www.trekcc.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=11977
Negligible Error | Corrected
Official Tournament Format (8 Jul 2010) (Article)
Corrected by:
Correction: Victory conditions "fixed"
Seed Deck Rule of Two: dilemma-like cards
You may not seed more than 2 copies of any card beneath a mission like a dilemma. (Copies not seeded like a dilemma do not count toward this limit.)
Moderate Change | Active
Official Tournament Format (8 Jul 2010) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Seed Deck Rule of Two: all seed cards
Batch seeding: alternate at shared missions
At shared missions, instead of placing the "owner's" pile atop opponent's pile, "owner" places the bottom seed card, then both players alternate until both stacks are seeded.
Moderate Change | Active
Official Tournament Format (8 Jul 2010) (Article)
Error: Batch Dilemma Step Incomplete
The original OTF rules did not have an "everything else" step in its dilemma phase, and its wording was more restrictive than the parallel batch seeding rules it copied forward from Revised Format, so there was technically no opportunity to seed Deep Space 9 in the dilemma phase... or ever. But this was universally recognized as an error and never enforced. (Show Archivist's Comment)
See https://www.trekcc.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=9092&p=93633#p93633
Negligible Error | Corrected
Official Tournament Format (8 Jul 2010) (Article)
Corrected by:
Correction: Batch dilemma steps complete now
Batch seeding in Doorway Phase
In the Doorway Phase, both players simultaneously seed all their cards, then announce their titles (or face-down status) in alternating order.
Moderate Addition | Active
Official Tournament Format (8 Jul 2010) (Article)
Batch seeding in Facility Phase
Batch seeding is applied to the Facility Phase as well (just like the Doorway Phase; see Rule #5405).
Moderate Addition | Rescinded
Official Tournament Format (8 Jul 2010) (Article)
Rescinded by:
Batch seeding in facility phase rescinded
Rule of Four: Card Limit cancelled
There is no limit on the number of copies in your game deck.
Major Rescission | Active
Official Tournament Format (8 Jul 2010) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Rule of Four: Card Limit
Rule of Four: Ability Limit cancelled
There is no limit on the number of times you can use the same gametext on a single turn.
Major Rescission | Active
Official Tournament Format (8 Jul 2010) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Rule of Four: Ability Limit
Referee Side Deck cancelled
There is no longer an automatic Referee Side Deck. Instead, seed Q's Tent: Civil War + Tribunal of Q.
Major Rescission | Active
Official Tournament Format (8 Jul 2010) (Article)
Interrupts out-of-play rule cancelled
Interrupts are discarded normally when they discard, not placed out-of-play.
Major Rescission | Active
Official Tournament Format (8 Jul 2010) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Interrupts placed out-of-play
Interquadrant movement order cancelled
There is no longer an order allowing ships to move between quadrants without the help of another card.
Major Rescission | Active
Official Tournament Format (8 Jul 2010) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Interquadrant movement order
Vulcan affiliation
Before they joined the Federation, the Vulcan species explored the galaxy on its own. (Standard attack restrictions)
Major New Affiliation | Active
Current Rulings Document 201010 (29 Oct 2010) (Article)
This icon marks a card that relates to criminal activity.
Minor "Unloaded" icon | Active
Current Rulings Document 201010 (29 Oct 2010) (Article)
No orders in the play phase (even downloads)
The card play phase is for card plays only. (Downloads may occur incidentally, e.g. in place of your normal card play.) Orders may not be executed, even if those orders generate downloads. For example, 1st Rule of Acquisition and Defend Homeworld's last function are both orders, and must be used during your orders phase. (Show Archivist's Comment)
This was one of the single most notoriously bitter rules arguments in the history of the game. Whether it was a clarification or a change was and remains controversial. It was ultimately ruled to be a clarification, and that is at least quite plausible, so that's what is listed here.
Major Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201010 (29 Oct 2010) (Article)
Error: Turn - play-phase downloads
The turn entry retained some text that contradicted the major clarification this month about download orders having to occur in the play phase.
Negligible Error | Corrected
Current Rulings Document 201010 (29 Oct 2010) (Article)
Corrected by:
Error: turn - play-phase downloads - corrected
Special download rules error corrected
A stray Glossary entry continued to reflect the prior rule that special downloads were not allowed in the seed phases. That entry is corrected here.
Negligible Correction | Active
Current Rulings Document 201012 (6 Dec 2010) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Error: special download seed phase unclear
Correction: Batch dilemma steps complete now
An "everything else" step is formally added to the dilemma phase to allow cards like Deep Space 9 to seed in OTF.
Negligible Correction | Active
OTF Update March 2011 (7 Mar 2011) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Error: Batch Dilemma Step Incomplete
Borg cannot steal missions either
The Fair Play rule applies to Borg as well. They can't scout missions they didn't seed unless those missions meet the exceptions.
Negligible Correction | Active
OTF Update March 2011 (7 Mar 2011) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Error: Fair Play rule doesn't cover Borg
Batch seeding in facility phase rescinded
Batch seeding in the facility phase is rescinded. Batch seeding in the Doorway and Dilemma phases remain unchanged. (Show Archivist's Comment)
The announcement article misidentified this as batch seeding in the missions phase, which has never been a thing and would not make sense.
Moderate Rescission | Active
OTF Update March 2011 (7 Mar 2011) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Batch seeding in Facility Phase
Correction: Victory conditions "fixed"
The misstatement of victory conditions is corrected. (Show Archivist's Comment)
However, it was corrected in a way that changed the rule for timed games. (See #5305, on the same day, "Intermix Ratio rule (III): Differential OK AGAIN".) Because this correction actually caused a rule to permanently change, I've included it here as a minor change. (All other errors and corrections in this database are considered Negligible changes, since no one actually played by the errors or considered them official and they had no practical impact. This one did!)
Minor Correction | Active
OTF Update March 2011 (7 Mar 2011) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Error: Misstatement of victory conditions
Intermix Ratio rule (III): Mod wins OK
Bonus points scored in excess of mission points count in a game that ends because the time limit expired; they are only ignored when used to claim full victory.
Major Change | Superseded
OTF Update March 2011 (7 Mar 2011) (Article)
Superseded by:
Intermix Ratio rule (IV): No mod win
Prior Ruling:
Intermix Ratio rule (II): No differentials, no mod wins
Downloading dilemmas into play
A dilemma may be downloaded into play only when expressly allowed by a card (often making it play as an Interrupt).
Minor Addition | Active
Current Rulings Document 201103 (14 Mar 2011) (Article)
Download and seed
A dilemma downloaded and seeded is placed under the mission as the next seed card to be encountered.
Moderate Addition | Modified
Current Rulings Document 201103 (14 Mar 2011) (Article)
Modified by:
Download-and-seed cards are hidden
"Here" exceptions redefined
On a site or card that plays on a site, "here" means at that site only. On a facility, while playing personnel and equipment (not ships), "here" means inside that facility. Otherwise, "here" means at this location as ever.
Minor Change | Superseded
Current Rulings Document 201103 (14 Mar 2011) (Article)
Superseded by:
"Here" redefined
Prior Ruling:
Headquarters reporting "here" = inside
Pursuit [Pur] icon
This icon marks a card as being related to pursuit of various objects or vessels.
Minor "Unloaded" icon | Active
Current Rulings Document 201103 (14 Mar 2011) (Article)
Cloaked ship targeting overhaul
Cloaked ships can be affected by opponent's cards (and count for requirements toward such cards) that affect all ships at a location (or similar). Q-Net, Navigate Plasma Storms, and Gomtuu Shock Wave will target/affect a cloaked ship. Plasma Fire and Long-Range Scan cannot.
Minor Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201104 (4 Apr 2011) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Cloaked cards can be targeted where logical
Cloaked ships are not "here"
Cloaked ships at a location (and cards aboard them) are not considered "at" that location, for purposes of cards outside the cloak, like Captain Chakotay's enhancements if Chakotay is on a different ship.
Minor Change | Modified
Current Rulings Document 201104 (4 Apr 2011) (Article)
Modified by:
Cloaked ships are at locations
Prior Ruling:
Cloaked ships cannot affect things unless logical
Phased cards cannot interact
Phased ships cannot be targeted even by your own cards, and cannot directly interact with outside cards, such as Q-Net, Bajoran Wormhole, or an outpost's dock (except the span on missions). They can be externally affected only by global effects like Anti-Time Anomaly and Stop First Contact.
Minor Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201104 (4 Apr 2011) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Phased cards immune to external phenomena
Memory Omega is an Intelligence skill
Memory Omega is an Intelligence skill for purposes of the "any Intelligence" rule.
Minor Addition | Active
Shades of Gray Rules Supplement* (16 Apr 2011) (Article)
Downloading dual-personnel - I
If you download multiple personnel with some kind of limit (e.g. "download 3 Treachery personnel"), and one (or more) of the personnel you download is on a dual-personnel card, the other personnel on the dual personnel (even if otherwise eligible). (Show Archivist's Comment)
The lack of official publication for this binding ruling doubtless led to some of the later confusion about it.
Moderate Clarification | Superseded
Forum Ruling 130618 (22 Apr 2011)
Superseded by:
Downloading dual-personnel - II
"any" treats most card types as characteristics
Any X means a card with X characteristic for all card types except personnel. (The "X card" rule is thus cancelled; Minuet allows 10 and 01 to play for free as well as the cards with "Bynar" in title.)
Minor Change | Superseded
Current Rulings Document 201107 (4 Jul 2011) (Article)
Superseded by:
"Any" always looks for characteristics
Prior Ruling:
"any" includes Mirror Opposites
characteristics rule applies to all card types
Instead of only applying to Personnel, Equipment, and Ships, the characteristics rule applies to all card types; an "Interrupt card" is any card that self-identifies as an Interrupt, not just "cards that have 'Interrupt' in the title" as under the former rule.
Terminology Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201107 (4 Jul 2011) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Homeworlds use the exact word "homeworld"
Cards that do not use the exact word "homeworld" are not homeworlds. (Show Archivist's Comment)
This rule was made to ensure Ancestral Vision / Duck Blind could still play on Symbiont Diagnosis, Liberation, and (at the time) Observe Ritual. When the Vulcans became an affiliation, it ruined Decipher's original justification for not counting those worlds as homeworlds. (Decipher had ruled that only affiliations have homeworlds, but now Vulcans were an affiliation.) Observe Ritual was eventually updated to make it a homeworld, but the ruling remains applicable to the Trill and Ocampa "home planets." This is, to be sure, a deviation from the usual characteristics rule that a card doesn't have to use the exact term for something in order to count as that something. I wouldn't be surprised to see Trill and Ocampus given clarifying errata one day to abolish this rule.
Negligible Addition | Active
Current Rulings Document 201107 (4 Jul 2011) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
I.K.C. = I.K.S.
I.K.C. and "I.K.S." are considered equivalent and interchangeable. Different prints of the I.K.C. Pagh may be titled the I.K.S. Pagh instead; they are still copies of each other.
Minor Equivalence | Active
Current Rulings Document 201109 (12 Sep 2011) (Article)
"alone" defined
A personnel is alone if there are no other personnel present. (This had previously been defined in the Ajur entry and only formally applied to Ajur personally, but the word had been used on other cards, so…)
Terminology Addition | Active
Glossary 1.9 (7 Nov 2011) (Article)
2063 Timeline disruption affects
, ![[22] [22]](/images/icons/1e/22nd.jpg)
affiliation cards on the spaceline are erased by Stop First Contact, and
, and
cards that would be affected are no longer protected by their
icon (if they have one).
Minor Addition | Active
Current Rulings Document 201112 (5 Dec 2011) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Timeline Disrupted in 2063
Warp Core icon added
These cards are designed to "power" your deck, usually providing free plays or card draws at the price of following certain restrictions on your deck design. They are normally found in decks.
Minor "Unloaded" icon | Active
Current Rulings Document 201205 (7 May 2012) (Article)
Next Generation icon added
Cards with this icon are from the time period and milieu of Star Trek: The Next Generation, approximately 2364-2371. No card in the game actually has this icon, but it can be added to hundreds of cards using Continuing Mission.
Minor "Unloaded" icon | Active
Current Rulings Document 201205 (7 May 2012) (Article)
"Tamarian-related" redefined
Tamarian-related cards are cards with "Tamarian" or "El-Adrel" in title or lore. (Functionally, this adds the new card I'm Not Going To Fight You to Dathon's special ability.)
Minor Change | Superseded
Current Rulings Document 201205 (7 May 2012) (Article)
Superseded by:
"Tamarian-related" redefined
Prior Ruling:
"Tamarian-related dilemmas" defined
Assimilation staffing tweak - I
When a non-Borg personnel is assimilated, it retains its subcommand icons if it already had some.
Minor Clarification | Modified
Current Rulings Document 201206 (11 Jun 2012) (Article)
Modified by:
Assimilation staffing tweak - II
Borg battle prevents probing
Any battle with a -affiliated card, even an empty ship or outpost, prevents probing at that location for the rest of the turn.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201301 (7 Jan 2013) (Article)
Skill multipliers contain themselves
A personnel who has a skill with an integral multiplier also has the skill at all lower positive integral multipliers. For example, Sarek has Diplomacy x3. He can also count as a personnel with Diplomacy x2 for the purpose of passing a dilemma that requires a personnel with 2 Diplomacy.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201301 (7 Jan 2013) (Article)
Downloading dual-personnel - II
If you download multiple personnel with some kind of limit (e.g. "download 3 Treachery personnel"), and one (or more) of the personnel you download is on a dual-personnel card, the other personnel on the dual personnel MUST be counted if otherwise eligible for the download and MUST NOT be counted if ineligible (and thus downloads "free" by riding along). The order does not matter. (Although never a rule, there was a popular belief, sometimes used in informal rulings, that the other personnel on a dual-personnel card ALWAYS rode along for free, regardless of eligibility just as long as that personnel was downloaded last in the group.) (Show Archivist's Comment)
There was a widespread -- but completely false -- belief in roughly 2011-2012 that you could download Sons of Mogh using MAH NIV and count them as a single card, but you had to download them last. I can't figure out where the idea came from, but it was on display here
Moderate Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201301 (7 Jan 2013) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Downloading dual-personnel - I
Separately stopped groups stay separate
If multiple groups of personnel are stopped at the same place (for example, by a series of dilemmas), they form separate crews / Away Teams (instead of merging into one while stopped.)
Minor Clarification | Superseded
Current Rulings Document 201303 (4 Mar 2013) (Article)
Superseded by:
Cards separated from attempts form one team
"Different" defined
A card is different from another card if they are neither copies of each other, nor versions of the same persona. Two copies of a ? mission represent different locations, and, if applicable, different planets
Terminology Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201303 (4 Mar 2013) (Article)
"Same" defined
Copies of a card are not the same card.
Terminology Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201303 (4 Mar 2013) (Article)
"Other" defined
Refers to any appropriate target that is not the physical card referenced.
Terminology Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201303 (4 Mar 2013) (Article)
"Do nothing but" targets same spaceline
The destination of a moving-required action (Cytherians, Conundrum, Issue Secret Orders, Incoming Message) must be on the same spaceline to be valid. If no valid target is available, the card requiring the target discards.
Minor Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201303 (4 Mar 2013) (Article)
Cures/mtng conditions allowed in req. actions
Curing a card or otherwise meeting conditions (e.g. of a Q-Net) is allowed even when a ship and its crew are under the compulsion of a required action like Cytherians. (Show Archivist's Comment)
Today -- 202109 -- using skills to cure or meet conditions is not generally considered an action at all, so it is not barred by a "do nothing but" instruction. At the time, the Rules Committee was agnostic on this question, and the wording in the Glossary reflects that agnosticism.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201303 (4 Mar 2013) (Article)
Not ALL effects mirror on dual-personnel cards
Not literally everything that happens to a personnel on a dual-personnel card happens to the other. For example, if Kurn gets MEDICAL from a Medical Kit, non-OFFICER Worf will not also gain it. The "mirrored" effects are: stopped, killed, captured, moved (including to somewhere not in play such as hand, discard, etc.), changes affiliation, played for free, downloaded, or otherwise has its status or position changed (e.g. phased, "held by aliens", etc.)
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201304 (1 Apr 2013) (Article)
Self-Controlling cards
Self-controlling cards fly, on their own power, toward their preselected destination. They don't use either player's tactics, but damage caused by them to your ships comes from opponent's Battle Bridge damage markers or Rotation damage markers, as appropriate. (Show Archivist's Comment)
If you read the article, you will see that, at launch, there was a rule which limited Self cards to only one copy per player. That rule has since been rescinded. It's change #5670, 26 April 2013 -- but, if you are viewing the Rule Change Viewer in "Just what I need" mode, you won't see that one, because it's been rescinded! Hence this note: there is NO LIMIT on Self-Controlling cards. Seed two different Selfs under the same mission, if you want. Heck, seed 18 selfs and no other dilemmas! The game doesn't care anymore.
Major "Loaded" icon | Active
The Sky's The Limit Rules Supplement (26 Apr 2013) (Article)
per player at a time
Each player may have only one card in play at any given time. If another enters play, their owner must discard one (their choice).
Moderate Addition | Rescinded
The Sky's The Limit Rules Supplement (26 Apr 2013) (Article)
Rescinded by:
No limit on cards
Converting planet missions to space
A planet can be destroyed ("converted to space"). This destroys everything on the planet, changes the mission's icon to , and counts as a
mission for the win conditions.
Moderate Addition | Active
The Sky's The Limit Rules Supplement (26 Apr 2013) (Article)
Countdowns "tick" at end of owner's turn
At the end of each of the owner’s turns, the card counts down (subtracts one from the countdown total.) When the countdown total reaches zero (0), the card nullifies itself and is discarded.
Negligible Clarification | Active
The Sky's The Limit Rules Supplement (26 Apr 2013) (Article)
Species overhaul
The species rules are completely replaced (and much expanded) with a new "algorithm" for determining each card's species, eliminating many ambiguities (e.g. what species is Stefan deSeve?), firmly grounding a card's species in its lore, and more clearly tying it in to the characteristics rule.
Moderate Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201305 (13 May 2013) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Species: determine by image
Soong-Type Android "selected" restriction
The classic example of a selected or shared skill that can't be used until playing the card is complete is Soong-Type Android. This refers to the card, not the characteristic. (Show Archivist's Comment)
Legit, this ruling was SIMPLY to clarify what the example embedded in the Glossary was referring to -- the card or the characteristic. I include it in this document even though it barely even theoretically counts as a generally applicable rule, just because I had such a hard time figuring out what this ruling was actually trying to SAY based just on public information.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201305 (13 May 2013) (Article)
"appears" defined
A target “appears” at a location by decloaking, dephasing, reappearing from a Temporal Rift, time travel, emerging from The Nexus, or reporting.
Terminology Addition | Active
Current Rulings Document 201305 (13 May 2013) (Article)
Trill is a species
Trill is a species, not merely a characteristic. Some Trills are joined with a symbiont; that is a characteristic.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201305 (13 May 2013) (Article)
Specific species clarifications: "native" / "from"
If the lore does not otherwise indicate the species, but says that they are "from" some particular planet, or a "native" of some particular planet, that indicates the species.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201306 (3 Jun 2013) (Article)
Cards played as a cost
Some actions require a specific card to be played as a cost in order to resolve. When this is the case, use only the game text of the action; ignore the game text of the card being played as a cost.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201307 (1 Jul 2013) (Article)
Mission personas
Missions may have personas, based on their location text. Stack them upon one another, reading from only your side. Each player may only have one of any given persona. One may not switch personas.
Moderate Addition | Modified
Homefront IV Rules Supplement (14 Aug 2013) (Article)
Modified by:
Missions in different quadrants not same persona
The First Stable Wormhole works
Deleted a couple words from the Bajoran Wormhole Glossary entry to allow The First Stable Wormhole to carry out its "outside the game" download of both ends of the Bajoran Wormhole. (Show Archivist's Comment)
This entry, despite its specifity, is included in this document, solely because it took me such a long time to figure out what it was supposed to mean.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201312 (2 Dec 2013) (Article)
Corresponding for Time Locn's = same quadrant
The corresponding spaceline location of a time location must be in the same quadrant.
Terminology Addition | Active
Current Rulings Document 201312 (2 Dec 2013) (Article)
Corresponding in opposite quadrant undefined
The definition of a "corresponding" mission or region in "opposite quadrant" was accidentally deleted this month.
Negligible Error | Corrected
Current Rulings Document 201312 (2 Dec 2013) (Article)
Corrected by:
Corresponding in opposite quad. un-un-defined
Reactor Core icon
These cards are designed to "power" your deck, usually providing free plays or card draws at the price of following certain restrictions on your deck design. They are normally found in decks.
Minor "Unloaded" icon | Active
Current Rulings Document 201312 (2 Dec 2013) (Article)
Deep Space Nine icon
Cards with this icon are from the time period and milieu of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, approximately 2368-2375. No card in the game actually has this icon, but it can be added to hundreds of cards using Reshape the Quadrant.
Minor "Unloaded" icon | Active
Current Rulings Document 201312 (2 Dec 2013) (Article)
DS9 equivalent to Deep Space 9
References to "DS9" are equivalent to references to "Deep Space 9." (Show Archivist's Comment)
At this stage, the equivalence was technically limited to lore, but this changed when the Rulebook came out and never had a gameplay effect.
Minor Equivalence | Active
Current Rulings Document 201312 (2 Dec 2013) (Article)
Facility commanders
Facility commanders are personnel who, according to title or lore, command a specific facility, like matching commanders but for facilities.
Terminology Addition | Active
Current Rulings Document 201312 (2 Dec 2013) (Article)
Facility commanders are their own thing
Facility commanders are not the same as matching commanders, and may never make use of text that applies to matching commanders.
Minor Clarification | Rescinded
Current Rulings Document 201312 (2 Dec 2013) (Article)
Rescinded by:
"Facility commander" equivalent to "matching"
Facility commanders only count while aboard
Facility commanders work just like matching commanders, except that they only count as facility commanders while aboard their station, and cannot use text that calls for a "matching commander."
Minor Addition | Rescinded
Current Rulings Document 201312 (2 Dec 2013) (Article)
Rescinded by:
"Facility commander" equivalent to "matching"
Enigma time locations are not duplicatable
Enigma-icon time locations, like unique time locations, are non-duplicatable and, once in play, neither player may play another copy of it.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201312 (2 Dec 2013) (Article)
, and
are now defined as "factions" so the rules can refer to all of them at once.
Terminology Addition | Active
The Maquis Rules Supplement (30 Jun 2014) (Article)
Playing, infiltrating, and attacking factions
Cards that talk about "playing a faction," authorize attacks against a faction, or can infiltrate a faction work exactly the same as they do for affiliations.
Negligible Addition | Active
The Maquis Rules Supplement (30 Jun 2014) (Article)
Cloaking rewrite to cover facilities / Stations
Cloaking rules had small tweaks to account for Son'a Observatory (a facility that could cloak) and it being a Station (thus, under the rules in force at the time, either player could use its cloaking device, even without personnel aboard; the tweaks were intended to thwart that).
Negligible Clarification | Active
The Maquis Rules Supplement (30 Jun 2014) (Article)
Counting requirements
Each skill, skill-level, attribute total, personnel total, characteristic (or combined characteristic), or named card is considered a single mission requirement for cards that require mission requirements to be counted or replaced (like Cytoplasmic Life-Form or For the Cause). For example, Verify Evidence has 8 requirements.
Minor Clarification | Active
The Maquis Rules Supplement (30 Jun 2014) (Article)
Mission points scored after artifacts/gametext
When a mission is solved, first resolve gametext triggered or allowed by the solve, then acquire personnel (e.g. from Dozaria), then earn artifacts, then score points (even if crew has been moved away by, for example, acquiring Magic Carpet Ride OCD). (Show Archivist's Comment)
This was motivated by the discovery that, under the Decipher rules made in 1999/2000, The Earring of Li Nalas did not function. Research determined that Magic Carpet Ride OCD and Devidian Door were slightly affected by this, and so a carve-out was made for Magic Carpet Ride.
Minor Change | Active
The Maquis Rules Supplement (30 Jun 2014) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Mission gametext: after points, before Artifacts
The Named-In-Lore Rule
A card is "named in lore" by another card if the other card uses the exact card title of the named card. There are various detailed rules about how to determine exact card title given variations in capitalization, articles, apostrophes, and so forth.
Major Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201409 (1 Sep 2014) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Matching commdrs. match ship name (not class)
Cards on a ship are unstopped when ship is
Your cards aboard your ship when it becomes "unstopped" are also "unstopped". (Show Archivist's Comment)
Arguably a change based on literal text, but to my knowledge nobody ever played it otherwise, so this is a clarification, in practical terms.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201409 (1 Sep 2014) (Article)
Borg NEVER join mission attempts EVER
Even if controlled with Alien Parasites or You Could Be Invaluable, do not ever join or in any way participate in mission attempts.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201409 (1 Sep 2014) (Article)
may only scout missions with point boxes
If playing Borg, you may only scout a location that has a point box.
Moderate Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201410 (6 Oct 2014) (Article)
Multipart dilemmas clarified
The way that multipart dilemmas work is fleshed out, since the dilemma rules mostly assume each dilemma has only one effect or section.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201410 (6 Oct 2014) (Article)
"Intelligence" skill removed
The specific skill of Intelligence (which exists only on some 2EBC cards) is removed from the game and no longer selectable by K'chiQ etc.
Minor Rescission | Active
Conversion Rules 201410 (6 Oct 2014) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
2E Intelligence formally added
"Romantic partner" and "couple" defined
A personnel is the romantic partner of another personnel if the lore (on either card) both names the other and states that they are or were "romantically involved". A "couple" is a personnel and their romantic partner.
Terminology Addition | Modified
Current Rulings Document 201411 (3 Nov 2014) (Article)
Modified by:
Romantic partner: "bride" (2019 Jan)
Romantic partner: "beloved" (2020 Oct)
"Intelligence" means "any Intelligence"
Requirements of "Intelligence" skill can be met by any Intelligence.
Minor Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201412 (1 Dec 2014) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
"Intelligence" means "Intelligence"
Compatibility of cards not yet in play
After the errata of Going To The Top, questions were raised about how a card in the deck could be "compatible" with a card in play if it wasn't "part of the game" yet. The compatibility rules were rewritten to account for these questions while preserving current gameplay.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201412 (1 Dec 2014) (Article)
Multi-affiliation cards count as ALL while in deck
Cards like the errata version of Going To The Top raised questions about what a multi-affiliation card was "compatible" with while still in the deck, not having selected an affiliation yet. Answer: they count as all their affiliations until one is selected when they enter play.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201412 (1 Dec 2014) (Article)
Download-and-seed cards are hidden
Cards downloaded and seeded should NOT be visible to opponents, even to confirm the legality of the download. However, status can be verified after the game, and illegally downloading and seeding a card results in a forfeit.
Moderate Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201412 (1 Dec 2014) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Download and seed
Invalid target rule for Events & Incidents
The invalid targets rule is extended from Objectives only to include Events & Incidents as well.
Minor Change | Superseded
Current Rulings Document 201412 (1 Dec 2014) (Article)
Superseded by:
Long-term targets "as if played on"
Prior Ruling:
Invalid target rule for Objectives
Error: turn - play-phase downloads - corrected
Strike the text, "after which you may no longer play cards (except interrupts and doorways)" from the turn entry.
Negligible Correction | Active
Current Rulings Document 201501 (5 Jan 2015) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Error: Turn - play-phase downloads
Invalid downloads: always can verify
You can ALWAYS verify that an opponent was unable to complete a download abandoned as invalid by checking their game deck, not JUST when the download was mandatory (e.g. Deep Space Station K-7). (Show Archivist's Comment)
Edit caused by Dunnagh's argument here: https://www.trekcc.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=286231#p286231
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201501 (5 Jan 2015) (Article)
Corresponding in opposite quad. un-un-defined
The accidental deletion of text defining a "corresponding location" in "opposite quadrant" is rectified; the text is restored, word-for-word, to the corresponding entry.
Negligible Correction | Active
Current Rulings Document 201502 (2 Feb 2015) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Corresponding in opposite quadrant undefined
Skills as ship special equipment: all ships
This ruling applies to any ship with skills as special equipment, not just Starship Excelsior. The U.S.S. Pasteur may (finally) use its MEDICAL to help overcome The Cloud, not just contribute to a Kurlan Nasikos.
Minor Addition | Active
Current Rulings Document 201502 (2 Feb 2015) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Skills as ship special equipment
"Advanced" or "Modified" classes: all ships
This ruling applies to all ship classes with "Advanced" or "Modified" in the class identifier, not just the D'deridex Advanced. For example, the I.K.C. Kla'diyus ("Modified B'Rel Class") may use Duj Saq.
Minor Addition | Active
Current Rulings Document 201502 (2 Feb 2015) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
"Advanced" or "Modified" classes: D'deridex
Missions in different quadrants not same persona
A mission must not only have the same location text, but be located within the same quadrant, to be members of the same mission persona.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201507 (6 Jul 2015) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Mission personas
"Use" (ship)
This ruling apples to all ships, not just the U.S.S. Yangtze Kiang. (Show Archivist's Comment)
This extension of the Yangtze Kiang ruling was precipitated by Treaty: The Alliance, allowing KCA personnel to fly each other's ships.
Terminology Addition | Active
Current Rulings Document 201507 (6 Jul 2015) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
"Use" (ship): U.S.S. Yangtze Kiang
"Place on [target]" effects are contingent
Text on a dilemma that comes after the phrase "place on mission" (or another target, like a ship) only comes into effect if the dilemma is placed on the target. (Show Archivist's Comment)
IIRC, nobody ever doubted this, but some pedant, possibly me, pointed out there was nothing in the rules saying so.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201507 (6 Jul 2015) (Article)
Mis-seeds based on current mission type
A space dilemma seeded beneath a planet mission is not a mis-seed if the mission is a space mission by the time the dilemma is revealed and encountered. (Show Archivist's Comment)
This tweak was made to accommodate Buried Alive.
Negligible Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201507 (6 Jul 2015) (Article)
"Capturing-related" no longer recursive
Cards that were capturing-related only because they named another card that was capturing related which was in turn only considered capturing-related because they named a THIRD card that ACTUALLY had something to do with capturing… are not longer capturing-related. A card must either modify capture or directly modify/download such a card in order to be capturing-related. (Show Archivist's Comment)
A much shorter way of explaining this change is "no, c'mon, Smiley is not a capturing-related card just because he downloads Crossover which downloads Benjamin Sisko (Chain of Command) which downloads Emergency Evacuation which modified Abandon Ship! which is actually directly related to capture." Actually, that doesn't seem that much shorter at all! But, until this rule change, the quoted sentence was correct.
Minor Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201512 (7 Dec 2015) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
"Capturing-related" definition expanded
Planet references exclude Mirror planets
When a card refers to a planet with an Alpha Quadrant original and a Mirror Quadrant counterpart, it means the Alpha Quadrant original unless the card has an on it anywhere (even as gametext). (Formerly, Fal-Tor-Pan could play on BOTH Alpha Vulcan and Mirror Vulcan.) (Show Archivist's Comment)
This change applied to planet references only. The 6/25/2001 ruling on mirror regions counting equally remained intact for another nine years.
Moderate Change | Modified
Current Rulings Document 201512 (7 Dec 2015) (Article)
Modified by:
Mirror planet references modified
Prior Ruling:
Planet references include Mirror Planets
Stopped cards can staff a ship except to move
A stopped crewmember can staff a ship (for purposes of, say, Quantum Fissure), but simply can't allow the ship to move.
Minor Change | Modified
Current Rulings Document 201512 (7 Dec 2015) (Article)
Modified by:
Stopped cards can staff a stopped ship (only)
Prior Ruling:
Stopped cards can do some actions
Mirror Planet reference rule added wrong
The "Planet references exclude Mirror planets" rule was accidentally added to the missions entry rather than the Mirror Quadrant entry.
Negligible Error | Corrected
Glossary 1.9.3 (4 Jan 2016) (Article)
Corrected by:
Mirror Planet reference rule partly restored
"Q-related dilemmas" clarified
The word "Q" is in the title of a card even if it's a word form or offset by hyphens (e.g. Exe-Q-tioner).
Negligible Clarification | Superseded
Current Rulings Document 201601 (4 Jan 2016) (Article)
Superseded by:
"Q-related" redefined
Prior Ruling:
Q-Related Dilemmas
"infiltration-related" defined
any non-personnel card whose gametext mentions "infiltrating", "infiltrator(s)", or "infiltration icon(s)" (ignoring the ordinary related rule). (Show Archivist's Comment)
Strictly speaking, there was no "ordinary 'related' rule" at the time this ruling came out, but this special definition persisted even after the standardization of most "related" terms in CRD 201801.
Terminology Addition | Active
Current Rulings Document 201601 (4 Jan 2016) (Article)
"morph card" defined
any non-personnel card whose gametext includes "morph", "morphs", or "morphing" (Show Archivist's Comment)
Interestingly, as of this writing (September 2021) you could redefine "morph card" to just mean "morph-related card," fall back on the "-related" rule, and it would work equivalently. But that is not the rule at present!
Terminology Addition | Active
Current Rulings Document 201601 (4 Jan 2016) (Article)
Stopped cards can staff a stopped ship (only)
If a ship is stopped, its entire crew is automatically stopped, but the ship is still staffed (assuming it was already staffed). (Show Archivist's Comment)
Arguable whether this is a clarification or a change; universal usage always followed this rule, but the R.C. ruled explicitly a different way the month before, so it seems like a change. This change means you can't (for example) battle a ship to automatically make it unstaffed, allowing you to pass Quantum Fissure. Likewise, Pride of the Fleet still draws cards if the ship failed a mission attempt or battled this turn. That's the same purpose as the superseded change of CRD 201512, but THAT change broke cards like The Arsenal: Divided, which suddenly could no longer destaff a ship by stopping personnel.
Minor Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201601 (4 Jan 2016) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Stopped cards can staff a ship except to move
"Download and seed" works at Empok Nor
At Empok Nor, a downloaded-and-seeded card works just like it would if Empok Nor were a mission. The rules now say so explicitly.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201601 (4 Jan 2016) (Article)
Borg ignore gender-related targets, too
Borg cards ignore gender-related targets on cards, not just gender-related requirements. (Show Archivist's Comment)
It had already been played like this from time immemorial.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201601 (4 Jan 2016) (Article)
General Quarters: Personnel download limit
You may only download personnel into play once every turn. (Show Archivist's Comment)
This rule had appeared on the card General Quarters in 2012 and had become ubiquitous before ascending to be a rule.
Major Addition | Active
OTF Update March 2016 (7 Mar 2016) (Article)
If no Alpha mission solved, add'l 40 pts to win
If any Alpha Quadrant mission has been seeded, each player who has not solved (or placed a Objective on) an Alpha Quadrant mission needs an additional 40 points to win. (Show Archivist's Comment)
This rule had appeared on the card You Are A Monument in 2012 and had become ubiquitous before it ascended to a rule. The wording was "solved (or scouted)" at the time, but this terminology was updated in RRD 2020-10, so that's what this entry uses here.
Major Addition | Active
OTF Update March 2016 (7 Mar 2016) (Article)
Intermix Ratio rule (IV): No mod win
Bonus points scored in excess of mission points do not count toward winning (even for calculating differential or in timed games). (Show Archivist's Comment)
This change was implemented accidentally-on-purpose. It initially was rewritten this way simply because the sentence structure was cleaner; the implications for timed games were not initially noticed (in part because tournament timing is part of Organized Play, not the Rules Committee; the STCCG is an untimed game). However, when the change was pointed out, the Rules Committee decided it liked the cleaner implementation of Intermix Ratio and the cleaner rule for tournament environments. It would be interesting to review the impact of this change, now that several years have gone by, and whether it really was a desirable change.
Major Change | Modified
OTF Update March 2016 (7 Mar 2016) (Article)
Enterprise Collection cards are ![[22] [22]](/images/icons/1e/22nd.jpg)
Each card that has both the and the
icon is considered to have errata assigning it the
icon. (Show Archivist's Comment)
Seat of Starfleet was doing this for most decks anyway, but the addition of new time locations and treaties to the 22nd Century, especially MACO Training Camp, meant SoS could no longer reliably ensure the icon on all Enterprise Collection cards.
Moderate Addition | Rescinded
Current Rulings Document 201606 (5 Jun 2016) (Article)
Rescinded by:
Enterprise Collection icon rescinded
There are no "turns" in the seed phases
Instead of taking "turns" in the seed phases, players "alternate." All references to seed phase "turns" are expected to be removed in the future. (Show Archivist's Comment)
Seeded face-up cards that interact with "turns" could get weird otherwise. Your archivist does not remember which specific interaction triggered this rule change. Your archivst also wonders idly whether that intention to say "alternate" was followed through on. I do know that the R.C. errata'd Space-Time Portal in 2021 to avoid this issue, and it was the only card that expressly referenced seed phase "turns" known at the time.
Terminology Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201606 (5 Jun 2016) (Article)
Gendered characteristic equivalence: "Empress"
The gendered term "Emperor" is equivalent to the distaff synonym "Empress." Evil Empress Hoshi can meet requirements for an Emperor.
Terminology Equivalence | Superseded
Current Rulings Document 201606 (5 Jun 2016) (Article)
Superseded by:
Gendered characteristics are equivalent
Mirror Planet reference rule added right (again)
The "Planet references exclude Mirror planets" rule was added again to the Glossary, this time in the right place, but without fixing the other reference, compounding rather than solving the error. (Show Archivist's Comment)
I was there for this one, and we actually didn't notice the mistake until something like a year later. We added it in December, forgot we'd added it, checked the Glossary, saw it wasn't there, and so just added it again. The fun we have!
Negligible Error | Corrected
Current Rulings Document 201606 (5 Jun 2016) (Article)
Corrected by:
Errorneous Mirror Planet reference removed
Using regular skills not generally an action
Typically, regular skills are not used as an action, but as a condition or response for accomplishing some other action or in-game operation. Their use is almost always simultaneous (for example, when solving a mission). Using special skills is more often an action (although there are many plainly-printed exceptions). (Show Archivist's Comment)
This ruling was because a question arose about whether Khan! nullified all Assign Mission Specialist bonus points from a mission solve, or just one personnel's points. There was some Glossary text that suggested maybe. It was removed and replaced with this.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201610 (3 Oct 2016) (Article)
Starfleet affiliation is not
There is another organization within the Federation affiliation which is also called "Starfleet," but this organization is not part of the Starfleet affiliation, and members of it cannot use Starfleet-related gametext. For example, Calloway cannot use Starfleet Phaser Pistol.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201612 (5 Dec 2016)
"Standard attack restrictions"
Standard attack restrictions mean cards of an affiliation may not attack other cards of the same affiliation. This has always been understood (see Entry 910), but the term was added to the game formally in order to allow the term to be used on cards, like War Council.
Terminology Addition | Active
Current Rulings Document 201612 (5 Dec 2016)
Mirror Planet reference rule partly restored
The "Planet references exclude Mirror planets" rule was correctly added to the correct place in the full Glossary document, although the incorrect reference in the missions entry was still there as well.
Negligible Correction | Active
Glossary 1.9.4 (7 Feb 2017) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Mirror Planet reference rule added wrong
Overcome redefined
A dilemma is overcome when its conditions are met. Cures and nullifiers do not count. (Show Archivist's Comment)
It was not realized at the time that this was a redefinition, because the early FAQ definitions had not been carried forward into contemporary rules documents and were forgotten.
Terminology Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201702 (7 Feb 2017) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Curing or nullifying a dilemma overcomes it
Mirror planet references modified
A planet reference on a card only means the Mirror Quadrant version of the planet if the card says so explictly (e.g. if City of B'Hala said "
Bajor") or if the referring card is already
(so Mirror Terok Nor seeds at Mirror Bajor, not Alpha Bajor). (Show Archivist's Comment)
This modification was made because, under the prior rule (which counted it as an reference if the card had
printed anywhere on it), MACO Training Ground technically said, "Any player who did not seed Mirror Earth," which was not the intent of the restriction and was not intuitive either.
Minor Change | Superseded
Current Rulings Document 201702 (7 Feb 2017) (Article)
Superseded by:
Location references exclude Mirror locations
Prior Ruling:
Planet references exclude Mirror planets
Worth points clarification
Clarification of how and when points are scored on cards that are worth points (so that cards that nullify points, such as Khan!, work correctly).
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201703 (3 Mar 2017)
Q-icon relocation does not allow time travel
Q-icon "relocator" cards, such as Jealous Amanda and Where's Guinan? no longer allow time travel.
Minor Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201705 (1 May 2017) (Article)
Cards scoring bonus points of 0 resolve normally
When you resolve scoring from a card with a bonus point box of 0, it resolves normally. (Everyone has played it this way for a long time.)
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201705 (1 May 2017) (Article)
Botany Bay icon
If a player examines a card with a icon any time other than during a mission or scouting attempt, place it on the mission where it was seeded. It may not be re-attempted until another mission has been completed or scouted by either player.
Moderate "Loaded" icon | Active
Current Rulings Document 201705 (1 May 2017) (Article)
Special downloads that insert insert adjacent
A card like The Emissary, which special downloads a card that must insert into the spaceline, may meet the requirement that location-based special downloads download to the location by downloading adjacent to the location.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201707 (3 Jul 2017) (Article)
Gendered characteristics are equivalent
A requirement of "priest" may be met by a "priestess," a requirement of a "queen" can be met by a "king," and so forth.
Terminology Equivalence | Active
Current Rulings Document 201707 (3 Jul 2017) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Gendered characteristic equivalence: "Empress"
Dilemmas are revealed, then encountered
A timing clarification that dilemmas are revealed before they are encountered, and thus there is a timing step for dilemmas before targets are chosen and requirements checked.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201710 (2 Oct 2017) (Article)
Dilemmas are revealed by attempting player
Dilemmas are revealed by the player who attempts the mission, not the opponent.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201711 (6 Nov 2017) (Article)
V'Shar is any Intelligence
V'Shar was formally added to the list of Intelligence skills.
Minor Addition | Active
Current Rulings Document 201711 (6 Nov 2017) (Article)
Facilities follow persona & uniqueness rules
Extremely minor tweaks in the wake of errata to Nor giving it a universal icon (removing the need for a special exception to the uniqueness rule).
Negligible Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201712 (4 Dec 2017) (Article)
Change to Mirror planet references reverted
The modification of the mirror planet references rule from CRD 201702 was not included in this Glossary, accidentally reverting the rule to the rule of CRD 201512. (Show Archivist's Comment)
For those playing along at home: yes, this was the SECOND time that the Mirror planet references rule got mixed up in a Glossary switchover, which is remarkably bad luck and why you can identify certain members of the Rules Committee from that time based on how jumbled they are about what the state of this rule actually currently is. :)
Negligible Error | Corrected
Glossary 1.9.5 (1 Jan 2018) (Article)
Corrected by:
Mirror planet references modification restored
"in place of card draw" w/empty deck allowed
You can do an "in place of card draw" action even if your draw deck is currently empty.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201801 (1 Jan 2018) (Article)
"becomes" defined
When a card "becomes" something, it gains that characteristic and loses all other characteristics of the same kind. So a human who becomes a Q-Type Android gains species Q-Type Android but loses species human.
Terminology Addition | Active
Current Rulings Document 201801 (1 Jan 2018) (Article)
"Tamarian-related" redefined
Any card with "Tamarian" in title, lore, or gametext qualifies, as part of a general standardization of -relatedness rules. (Functionally, this makes El-Adrel Creature no longer nullifiable by Dathon. Which, to be fair, the El-Adrel Creature nullified Dathon, not vice versa. Hey, Kailash when it rises. ;-) )
Minor Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201801 (1 Jan 2018) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
"Tamarian-related" redefined
"ENGINEER," "SCIENCE-related," etc. redefined
Any card with the given classification in title, lore, or gametext (not just gametext) qualifies.
Terminology Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201801 (1 Jan 2018) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
"ENGINEER," "SCIENCE-related," etc. defined
"Q-related" redefined
Any card with the word "Q" in icon, title, lore, or gametext (not just title) qualifies. The card Helpless therefore becomes a Q-related dilemma.
Minor Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201801 (1 Jan 2018) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
"Q-related dilemmas" clarified
"gender-related" defined
Any card with "male," "female," or "gender" in title, lore, or gametext qualifies.
Terminology Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201801 (1 Jan 2018) (Article)
"Empok Nor-related" redefined
Any card with "Empok Nor" in title, lore, or gametext qualifies, as part of a general standardization of -relatedness rules.
Terminology Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201801 (1 Jan 2018) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
"Empok Nor-related" defined
"Contender-related" defined
Any card with "Contender" in title, lore, or gametext qualifies, as part of a general standardization of -relatedness rules.
Terminology Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201801 (1 Jan 2018) (Article)
"Virus-related" defined
Any card with "virus" in title, lore, or gametext qualifies, as part of a general standardization of -relatedness rules.
Terminology Addition | Active
Current Rulings Document 201801 (1 Jan 2018) (Article)
"temporal agent-related" defined
Any card with "temporal agent" in title, lore, or gametext qualifies, as part of a general standardization of -relatedness rules.
Terminology Addition | Active
Current Rulings Document 201801 (1 Jan 2018) (Article)
"Species 8472-related dilemma" redefined
Any dilemma with "Species 8472" in title, lore, or gametext qualifies, as part of a general standardization of -relatedness rules.
Terminology Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201801 (1 Jan 2018) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
"Species-8472-related dilemma" defined
Holograms can report activated
Holograms no longer have to report deactivated and then get activated by an already-active personnel. If there is holotech allowing them to exist activated where reported, they may report in that state. (If not, they report deactivated, and must be activated by another personnel when activation becomes possible.)
Moderate Rescission | Active
Current Rulings Document 201802 (5 Feb 2018) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Holograms must report deactivated
Attempt restrictions checked at attempt start
Cards like Quantum Torpedo or Homefront (which add restrictions for mission attempts) are checked only at the start of the mission attempt.
Minor Change | Superseded
Current Rulings Document 201802 (5 Feb 2018) (Article)
Superseded by:
Attempt restrictions checked at start and solve
Headquarters count as "yours" if playing same aff.
You can use cards like Assign Support Personnel at a headquarters you did not seed, treating it as "your" facility, as long as you have played a card from the matching affiliation. (The rules already allowed you to report compatible cards and beam up or down from the HQ normally, so this affects only a few cards that care about "your" facility.)
Minor Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201803 (5 Mar 2018)
Frool Rule cancelled
The rule that multiple copies of the same personnel cannot contribute to requirements or effects (for example, Duck Blind or Ressikan Flute) is cancelled.
Major Rescission | Active
Current Rulings Document 201805 (7 May 2018) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
The "Frool Rule": Cumulative contribution limits
Generalized definition of AU-enabling cards
Any card that grants permission for an card to enter play (using the icon) grants permission to play that
card, even without another doorway. (Show Archivist's Comment)
This clarification affirmed a card-specific ruling for Seal Rift and reversed a contradictory card-specific ruling for Sigmund Freud.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201805 (7 May 2018) (Article)
Stopped cards cannot encounter dilemmas
Stopped cards cannot encounter dilemmas. (Show Archivist's Comment)
They already could not attempt missions, so you can thank Receptacle Stones for forcing this addition.
Minor Addition | Active
Current Rulings Document 201806 (4 Jun 2018) (Article)
"Genetically enhanced"
The "genetically enhanced" characteristic is NOT equivalent to "genetically engineered," despite some community confusion about it.
Terminology Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201806 (4 Jun 2018) (Article)
Treaty trumps affiliation does-not-work-with
Does not work with restrictions that are completely affiliation-based are overcome by ANY card that makes incompatible affiliations compatible, such as Release This Pain, Brainwash, or an appropriate Treaty. ("Regardless of affiliation" is no longer a magic term for this.)
Minor Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201806 (4 Jun 2018) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
"Does not work with" & "regardless of affiliation"
Humanoids are different species (even copies)
Any humanoid is the only member of its species, even copies of the same humanoid.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201807 (2 Jul 2018)
TrekSense rule restored and modified
TrekSense should be considered in resolving ambiguities only when all other avenues of resolution (game text, rules documents, a local tournament director) fail or are unavailable, and is typically used only in casual games where correct play is less important. Text may trump TrekSense.
Minor Rescission | Active
Rulebook 2.0.5 (16 Nov 2018) (Article)
Ties rule extended
In general, the player who controls a card breaks ties for that card. For example, if you play Arbiter of Succession and there is a tie for strongest two Klingons, you determine who battles. Since just-encountered dilemmas are not controlled by either player, the opponent of the player encountering the dilemma breaks the tie. Thus, if you encounter Archer, and your crew has a tie for highest total attributes, your opponent chooses the victim. (Show Archivist's Comment)
This appears to have been added to the Rulebook after a discussion on the Rules board but without official notice (since the Rulebook was still an unofficial document). The ruling on Arbiter came into official force, then, the day the Rulebook became official.
Minor Clarification | Active
Rulebook 2.0.5 (16 Nov 2018) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Counting draw deck restricted
You may NOT count the number of cards in your draw deck or a side deck. (Show Archivist's Comment)
The Rulebook author interpreted the Counting Cards ruling of 1999 to imply that anything it didn't explicitly allow you to count could not be counted. This slipped by the Rules Committee without formal approval, and would be in the rules for the next several years.
Minor Clarification | Rescinded
Rulebook 2.0.5 (16 Nov 2018) (Article)
Rescinded by:
Counting decks un-restricted
Prior Ruling:
Counting Cards
Mirror planet references modification restored
The Glossary's omission of the February 2017 modification to the mirror planet references rule is corrected here. (However, the incorrectly-added reference to it in missions, introduced in Glossary 1.9.3, remains in place.)
Negligible Correction | Active
Glossary 1.9.6 (7 Jan 2019)
Prior Ruling:
Change to Mirror planet references reverted
"Facility commander" equivalent to "matching"
Facility commanders are the matching commanders of facilities, period. Additional rules specific to the facility commander concept are cancelled. (Show Archivist's Comment)
Listed as an Equivalence rather than a Change because there were no cards at the time that this declaration actually affected. The "facility commanders are special" rules had no functional effect on the game.
Minor Rescission | Active
Current Rulings Document 201901 (7 Jan 2019) (Article)
Romantic partner: "bride"
The phrase "bride" now qualifies for romantic partners.
Terminology Addition | Active
Current Rulings Document 201901 (7 Jan 2019) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
"Romantic partner" and "couple" defined
Printed numbers defined
Cards that increase all printed numbers on a card increase ALL printed numbers, including countdowns. The words "one" and "first" are numbers. ("A", "an", and "the" are not numbers and are not increased.)
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201902 (4 Feb 2019) (Article)
Planet references in lore
Minor clarifications of how planet references in lore work, especially viz. planets that are located in the Mirror Quadrant. NOTE: Due to a clerical error, the rules text that was published for this change was based on Glossary text from 2016, which had already been superseded as of 201702. The only real change that happened here was that lore references were expressly included.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201902 (4 Feb 2019) (Article)
A ship is exposed when it is undocked, uncloaked, unphased, and not landed or carried.
Terminology Addition | Active
Current Rulings Document 201902 (4 Feb 2019) (Article)
Backwards Compatible no longer supported
Second Edition "backwards-compatible" cards are no longer supported in First Edition. The "conversion" rules are rescinded and cancelled. 2EBC are no longer considered legal cards for First Edition play.
Epochal Rescission | Active
Current Rulings Document 201902 (4 Feb 2019) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Backwards Compatible support added
Other seeds: facility phase only
Some cards state that they may be seeded, even though they are not Doorways, Missions, Dilemmas, Artifacts, or Facilities. These cards may now seed ONLY in the Facility Phase.
Moderate Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201903 (4 Mar 2019) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Other seeds: any phase
Missions may only be seeded, not played
Unless a card explicitly allows it (Q's Planet, Persistence of Memory), missions may not be played.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201905 (6 May 2019) (Article)
Modifier order: Set, Add, Multiply ("SAM Rule")
When multiple effects are modifying a value (even a non-attribute value), first set the attribute, then add to or subtract from the attribute, then multiply or divide the attribute. RANGE on a rotation-damaged U.S.S. Nebula (RANGE = 5) with Defiant Dedication Plaque and Kurlan Naiskos = (5 + 2) * 3 = 21. (Show Archivist's Comment)
The main clarification here is that "setting" happens before adding and multiplying, not after. This was already implicit in some text but there was widespread confusion. The other point clarified is that it applies to both attribute and non-attribute values.
Moderate Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201905 (6 May 2019) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Attributes: Add Then Multiply ("ATM Rule")
Borg gender for Borg-related cards
For Borg-related cards: Queens are female, counterparts are male, and drones are neither.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201905 (6 May 2019) (Article)
No limit on
There is no limit to the number of [self] self-controlling cards that may be in play at once. (It was previously one [self] per player.)
Moderate Rescission | Active
Current Rulings Document 201905 (6 May 2019) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
One per player at a time
Matching affiliation not needed to continue attempt
Only check at the start of a mission attempt (as since Premiere) and when solving (as since Glossary 1.7) whether a team can attempt it. Losing all matching personnel mid-attempt no longer immediately ends the attempt. (Show Archivist's Comment)
This really just extends the ruling on attempt restrictions (#6795), which covered cards like Quantum Torpedo already, to include the matching affiliation restriction as well.
Major Rescission | Active
Current Rulings Document 201908 (5 Aug 2019) (Article)
Attempt restrictions checked at start and solve
Cards like Quantum Torpedo or Homefront (which add restrictions for mission attempts) are checked at the start and the end of the mission attempt (not during it, and not just at the start). (Show Archivist's Comment)
This brings the "attempt restrictions" into alignment with the "matching affiliation restrictions," which had had slightly different rules from attempt restrictions since the 2018 ruling.
Minor Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201908 (5 Aug 2019) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Attempt restrictions checked at attempt start
Random selection at dual-icon missions
When cards attempting a dual-icon mission are randomly targeted (e.g. Kobayashi Maru Scenario, Your Galaxy Is Impure), attempting player chooses which group is affected. For Q-Flash, X = total in both teams combined.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201908 (5 Aug 2019) (Article)
Dual-icon mission are both
and ![[S] [S]](/images/icons/1e/Space.jpg)
Dual-icon missions count as both and
, and solving one counts as solving both types of mission.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201908 (5 Aug 2019) (Article)
Opposing force in battle is "opponent" of your cards
Cards like Honor Challenge may still be used in battles against cards not controlled by your opponent (e.g. Arbiter of Succession self-battles, self-controlling battles). They simply treat the opposing force as "opponent" after the battle is initiated.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201908 (5 Aug 2019) (Article)
Beaming must be to or from a usable transporter
You may not use transporters for "site-to-site" beaming; for example, you may not use Invasive Beam-In to board an opponent's outpost at Quash Conspiracy, then use your ship's transporters to beam directly from the outpost to an opponent's ship to get around the "no ship-to-ship beaming" restriction.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201908 (5 Aug 2019) (Article)
Scouting happens in the end-of-turn phase
Scouting happens during the normal end-of-turn phase of a turn. It does not have to be the very last thing before the card draw. It does not happen after the card draw.
Minor Clarification | Active
Current Rulings Document 201909 (9 Sep 2019) (Article)
Cards separated from attempts form one team
When personnel are stopped, disabled, or placed in stasis during a mission attempt, they form a single Away Team or crew of "separated" personnel -- not separate groups. They rejoin the "main" team when they become unstopped / un-disabled / leave stasis.
Minor Change | Active
Current Rulings Document 201909 (9 Sep 2019) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Separately stopped groups stay separate
Enterprise Collection
icon rescinded
Cancels rule that all cards in the Enterprise Collection except Daniels gain the icon. (They received errata instead.)
Moderate Rescission | Active
Current Rulings Document 201911 (4 Nov 2019) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Enterprise Collection cards are
Personnel are present with themselves
Longstanding understanding dating back to 1995, but never formally stated in a rules document.
Minor Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2020-03 (2 Mar 2020) (Article)
You "have in play" uncontrolled facilities you own
Uncontrolled facilities still count for the rule that "you may not seed or build any facility at a location where you already have a facility."
Minor Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2020-03 (2 Mar 2020) (Article)
"Keyword" definition rescinded
Since 2EBC cards are no longer part of the STCCG, the definition of "keyword" is no longer needed and expansion on the concept no longer anticipated. Characteristics suffice.
Terminology Rescission | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2020-03 (2 Mar 2020) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Opening draw moved to end of facility phase
The opening draw of seven cards used to be the first action of the play phase. It is now the last action of the last seed phase. This prevents a clever abuse a player discovered.
Negligible Change | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2020-04 (6 Apr 2020) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Draw 7 cards to start the game
Disguises count for characteristics
Cards that state they were disguised as something qualify as that thing. Vedek Dax counts as a Vedek for Chamber of Ministers. Selok counts as both Romulan and Vulcan species.
Moderate Change | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2020-04 (6 Apr 2020) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Disguises don't count for characteristics
Espionage cards don't overcome Fair Play (card or rule)
Cards may allow you to attempt a mission and this generally allows you to complete or solve that mission. However, if rules or cards specifically prevent you from completing or solving that mission, additional words are required. Espionage cards allow you to attempt all opponent's missions, but, if Fair Play is in play, you cannot complete them. Reaffirms rulings from mid-1999 and 2010.
Moderate Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2020-05 (4 May 2020) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Fair Play prevents solving -- not attempting
Playing an affiliation - III
The "Borg" and "non-Borg" definitions for "playing an affiliation" have been merged, with minor rephrasings but no substantial functional changes.
Negligible Change | Modified
Recent Rulings Document 2020-06 (1 Jun 2020) (Article)
Modified by:
Playing a card triggers "playing Borg" (2022 Aug)
Infiltrators don't affect "playing an affiliation" (2023 Apr)
Prior Ruling:
Playing an affiliation - II
"Planet surface" defined
A card is on a planet's surface when it is on a planet and NOT in a facility or landed ship.
Terminology Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2020-08 (3 Aug 2020) (Article)
Cards used "like" or "as" another card type - IV
When a card functions "like" another card type generally, it counts as that card type for all purposes. If it functions "like" another card type only in a particular context, it doesn't count as that card type for any other purpose. "Like" and "as" now mean the same thing.
Minor Change | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2020-08 (3 Aug 2020) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Cards used "like" or "as" another card type - III
Assimilation staffing tweak - II
Clarification that personnel with multiple staffing and special staffing icons do not gain multiple subcommands when assimilated. (Only their regular staffing icons are considered.)
Negligible Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2020-09 (7 Sep 2020) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Assimilation staffing tweak - I
Control begins when you start playing a card
Timing fix clarifies that a card becomes "yours" (for purposes of cards like Attention All Hands) as soon as you begin to play it. You don't have to wait until the report is finished (by which time it's too late to receive the benefits).
Negligible Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2020-10 (5 Oct 2020) (Article)
"Scouted" defined
If you have initiated a scouting attempt at a mission's location, you have scouted that mission -- even for cards like The Big Picture and A Real Game that previously ignored this. The phrase "placed a objective on" will be used going forward.
Minor Change | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2020-10 (5 Oct 2020) (Article)
Romantic partner: "beloved"
The phrase "beloved" now qualifies for romantic partners.
Terminology Addition | Active
A Private Little War Rules Supplement (16 Oct 2020) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
"Romantic partner" and "couple" defined
Universal missions not automatically stealable
Opponent's missions may now be attempted only if showing 40+ points or if more than one copy has been seeded. A single copy of a universal mission is not automatically "stealable."
Moderate Change | Active
A Private Little War Rules Supplement (16 Oct 2020) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Fair Play rule (mission "theft" restricted)
"Present" redefined
Present is more clearly defined to cover presence with space missions, planet surfaces, and other cards in the vicinity.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2020-12 (7 Dec 2020) (Article)
"Here" redefined
Here means "present" on facilities, sites, and on cards played on facilities or sites. (Previously, cards played on facilities were exempt.)
Negligible Change | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2020-12 (7 Dec 2020) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
"Here" exceptions redefined
Uniqueness is checked only when reporting
If your Clone Machine or similar card is destroyed, it prevents you from playing more duplicates, but does not destroy all your duplicates already in play.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2020-12 (7 Dec 2020) (Article)
Moving and non-moving required actions reconciled
Non-moving required actions may now be performed at any time during the Execute Orders step, like moving-required actions. (Formerly, they were ASAP.)
Minor Change | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2021-03 (1 Mar 2021) (Article)
"Any" always looks for characteristics
The adjective "any" now always refers to a card with a given characteristic. A card is "any disruptor" or "any Scotty" or "any Enterprise" if the card's title, lore, or other feature says so. There are no longer specific exceptions or carve-outs.
Minor Change | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2021-03 (1 Mar 2021) (Article)
ANIMAL restrictions cancelled
All special rules related to the ANIMAL classification are cancelled. ANIMALs are normal personnel and may attempt missions, staff ships, etc.
Moderate Rescission | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2021-03 (1 Mar 2021) (Article)
Miracle Worker offloaded
The skill Miracle Worker no longer includes Transporter Skill or any other skill. (Existing Miracle Workers receive errata.)
Moderate Rescission | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2021-03 (1 Mar 2021) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Miracle Worker
Dominion and Neutral "usual species"
The "usual species" of is Changeling. The "usual species" of
is Human.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2021-03 (1 Mar 2021) (Article)
Stations: Usable only by controller
Station SHIELDS can be lowered for beaming only by the player who controls the Station, like Outposts. (Formerly, either player could use Stations like this.)
Moderate Rescission | Active
Dogs of War Rules Supplement (26 Mar 2021) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Stations usable by all
Nors: personnel use WEAPONS outside Ops
The rule that a leader (to initiate battle) or a matching personnel (to return fire or counter-attack) must be in Ops specifically is cancelled. As on all other ships/facilities, a leader/matching personnel may be anywhere aboard.
Minor Rescission | Active
Dogs of War Rules Supplement (26 Mar 2021) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Nors must staff Ops in battle
Nors: docking sites no longer required
The rule that site reporting text is disabled without a docking site at the Nor is cancelled.
Moderate Rescission | Active
Dogs of War Rules Supplement (26 Mar 2021) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Nor docking site requirement
Nors: beaming restrictions lifted
The SHIELDS on a Nor may now be raised and lowered for beaming normally (by the Station's controller).
Major Rescission | Active
Dogs of War Rules Supplement (26 Mar 2021) (Article)
Sites: walking limits rescinded
The rule that a personnel may "walk" between sites only once each turn is cancelled.
Moderate Rescission | Active
Dogs of War Rules Supplement (26 Mar 2021) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Site walking limits
Sites: line is now conceptual
You are no longer technically violating the rules if you put your row of sites in a 3x2 rectangle or something instead. The sites are still conceptually a line.
Negligible Change | Active
Dogs of War Rules Supplement (26 Mar 2021) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Site lines
Regions: must seed at either end of region
When you seed a location into a region during the mission phase, you must seed on either end of the region; you may not insert into the region unless specifically allowed (e.g. by Bajoran Wormhole).
Major Change | Active
Dogs of War Rules Supplement (26 Mar 2021) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Nor beaming error: RB
Some references to the old Nor beaming rules remained in the Rulebook by mistake.
Negligible Error | Corrected
Rulebook 2.2.5 (4 Apr 2021)
Corrected by:
Nor beaming error: RB - corrected
Nor beaming error: Glossary
Some references to the old Nor beaming rules remained in the Glossary by mistake.
Negligible Error | Corrected
Glossary 2.2.5 (4 Apr 2021)
Corrected by:
Nor beaming error - Glossary: corrected
Entering play means completing the play
A card has entered play when the card play action is resolved, not when it initiates. (A card is still "played" at initiation and can be responded to, but is still "materializing" and has not fully entered play.)
Negligible Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2021-05 (3 May 2021) (Article)
No U-Turns
A normal ship movement action may go in only one direction. To fly the other direction, the ship must arrive at a location and initiate a new movement action.
Minor Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2021-05 (3 May 2021) (Article)
Nor beaming error: RB - corrected
Erroneous references to the Nor beaming rule were deleted.
Negligible Correction | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2021-07-05 (5 Jul 2021) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Nor beaming error: RB
Mission attempt error: RB/Glossary
During the move from the Glossary to the Rulebook, the rule that you check attemptability at solve time (as well as start time) was inadvertently dropped from the text.
Negligible Error | Corrected
Recent Rulings Document 2021-07-05 (5 Jul 2021) (Article)
Corrected by:
Mission attempt error: RB/Glossary - corrected
Being attacked does not "unstop"
Previously, cards that were attacked were unstopped for the duration of the battle. This rule was necessary when stopped cards were barred from taking any actions. Now that they are not prohibited from fighting defensively, the rule is no longer necessary.
Negligible Rescission | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2021-08 (2 Aug 2021) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Attacked cards are unstopped to battle
Macias Rule: Non-hand-based card exchanges
Cards like Macias and Borum, which cause cards to be exchanged from sources other from your hand, work the same way as other card exchanges.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2021-08 (2 Aug 2021) (Article)
Nor beaming error - Glossary: corrected
Erroneous references to the Nor beaming rule were deleted.
Negligible Correction | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2021-09-06 (6 Sep 2021) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Nor beaming error: Glossary
Long-term targets "as if played on"
When a card has a long-term target (like Assimilate Counterpart targeting a unique male for assimilation), treat the card as if it were played on that long-term target (even if it is not). If the target leaves play, the card leaves play the same way. Do not recheck the validity of the target after it has been selected. This replaces the invalid targets rule, which always led the targeting card to discard, which only applied to Events, Incidents, and Objectives, and which did recheck validity.
Minor Change | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2021-09-06 (6 Sep 2021) (Article)
Facility shield "extension" is permanent
Docked ships ALWAYS get 50% of the facility's SHIELDS, not just during battle. (The rules were somewhat ambiguous about this, but this is a change rather than a clarification because the ambiguity favored the idea that shield extension was only for battle.)
Minor Change | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2021-09-06 (6 Sep 2021) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Docked ships gain only DEFENSE, not SHIELDS
Targets are things altered by an effect
The target of an effect includes every card, every deck (or hand), and every player that is altered by the effect
Negligible Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2021-09-06 (6 Sep 2021) (Article)
Selecting a target is never part of resolution
An old passage of the Glossary (discard pile) stated that target selection sometimes occurred during the resolution step. This is incompatible with all other action rules and has been removed.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2021-09-06 (6 Sep 2021) (Article)
Ships must play docked at facilities with docks
When a space facility allows a ship to report there, the ship must report docked (even if using a special card and not a normal card play). (Show Archivist's Comment)
This updates the wording of a longstanding rule that goes back to Premiere, but clarifies behavior for Reunite Legends and similar cards. (There have been other wording updates to this rule since Premiere, but none that rose to the level of a clarification.)
Minor Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2021-09-06 (6 Sep 2021) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Ships report docked
Stations do not allow docking by default
Stations do not allow docking by default. Misleading language to the contrary has been removed from the Rulebook.
Negligible Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2021-09-06 (6 Sep 2021) (Article)
"Present" clarified for ships/facilities
Ships and facilities are present with all other ships and facilities (both players') at the same location (except carried ships), with other cards at the location like The Nexus, and with any site at which they are docked. They are not present with one another's crews. Planet facilities and landed ships are present with the planet
Minor Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2021-09-06 (6 Sep 2021) (Article)
Errorneous Mirror Planet reference removed
The false reference to the "Planet references exclude Mirror planets" rule under the mission entry is finally, five years later, removed, bringing an end to the weirdest comedy of minor STCCG transcription errors this archivist is aware of.
Negligible Correction | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2021-10-04 (4 Oct 2021) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Mirror Planet reference rule added right (again)
Gender overhaul
New gender rule: follow the card's lore, as with species. "Neuter" is no longer a gender. Not all cards have a gender, but genderlessness must be indicated explicitly.
Minor Overhaul | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2021-11-01 (1 Nov 2021) (Article)
Outside the game restriction lifted
The restriction that cards brought in from outside the game can't have been already sent out-of-play is cancelled (Show Archivist's Comment)
The restriction appears to have been in place due only to a bad interaction between Trust Me and Countermanda, back during the brief window when Countermanda was considered an "Amanda Rogers card." And it created a messy situation for Consume: Outpost players.
Minor Rescission | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2021-11-01 (1 Nov 2021) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Outside the game restriction
Face-up cards are public information
Discard piles, as well as other face-up piles (such as face-up cards in a Q's Tent: Civil War) may be inspected by either player.
Moderate Change | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2022-02-07 (7 Feb 2022) (Article)
Download from hand, draw deck, or side deck
Download sources now formally include all side decks, but no longer include Zalkonian Storage Capsules.
Minor Change | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2022-03-07 (7 Mar 2022) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Persona replacements simultaneous
Persona exchanges occur simultaneously. (This has no gameplay effect but clarifies how persona swaps work when dual-personnel cards are involved.)
Negligible Change | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2022-04-04 (4 Apr 2022) (Article)
Bonus points scored even if card diverted
When you score points from a card with a bonus point box, you score the points no matter what. If the card is diverted from your point area (by Fed Flag: Recovered or maybe You Can't Kill the Captain), then you still get the points, but just have to keep track of the points by some other means until the card is finally discarded. (Thenit finally arrives in your point area.)
Minor Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2022-04-04 (4 Apr 2022) (Article)
Counting decks un-restricted
The restriction on counting cards remaining in your draw deck or side deck is removed. (Show Archivist's Comment)
This ruling was never really made by an official act of the Rules Committee, but rather slipped into the Rulebook thanks to one person's interpretation of the counting cards rule. This interpretation is not widely shared, and players reacted with surprise when they discovered the ruling, so it was removed.
Minor Rescission | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2022-05-02 (2 May 2022) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Counting draw deck restricted
Gaining = Adding
Gaining means the same thing as "adding." This has been in the game since 1995, but never formally, legally clarified.
Terminology Equivalence | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2022-05-02 (2 May 2022) (Article)
Borg hand weapon restriction cancelled
personnel may once again use hand weapons (including stolen hand weapons) like other affiliations. (Show Archivist's Comment)
This restores the ruling in place from 1997-2001.
Minor Rescission | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2022-05-02 (2 May 2022) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Borg NEVER use hand weapons
Transporter Skill doesn't have to stay to operate
The ruling that Transporter Skill must remain behind to operate transporters for cards that ask for Transporter Skill (like Invasive Beam-In, Dropping In, and Subspace "Seaweed") is cancelled.
Minor Rescission | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2022-06-06 (6 Jun 2022) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Transporter Skill must remain to operate
Playing a
card triggers "playing Borg"
Seeding or playing a Borg Use Only card now means you are "playing Borg". (Previously, only a
Borg-affiliation card triggered this status.)
Negligible Change | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2022-08-01 (1 Aug 2022) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Playing an affiliation - III
Attribute reduction includes any reduction
Space Amoeba (among other cards) is included within the meaning of "attribute reduction".
Negligible Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2022-08-01 (1 Aug 2022) (Article)
Mission attempt error: RB/Glossary - corrected
The error is corrected.
Negligible Correction | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2022-08-01 (1 Aug 2022) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Mission attempt error: RB/Glossary
Calculate actual value of point box unless specified
If a card or rule wants to know what a mission is worth, but doesn't specifically ask what the point box is "showing" (which only cares about what's in the box and calculates variables as 0), you must calculate its full current value (for cards like Establish Trade Route).
Minor Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2022-08-01 (1 Aug 2022) (Article)
Whiffing for lack of target cancelled
If no valid targets are present, the effect cannot be carried out, but the rest of the dilemma plays out as normal (including "stopping" the team if it failed to meet the conditions).
Major Rescission | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2022-08-01 (1 Aug 2022) (Article)
Cloaked ships are at locations
…it's just that they can't be particularly targeted, while requirements and abilities that are dependent on the current location don't work outside the cloaking field.
Minor Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2022-09-06 (6 Sep 2022) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Cloaked ships are not "here"
Winning battle requires true opposition
A player cannot "win" (or "lose") a battle between two forces that she controls. (The forces involved still win or lose the battle, for cards like Arbiter of Succession, but the controlling player does not.)
Minor Change | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2022-11-07 (7 Nov 2022) (Article)
"Becomes": When the cause ends, so does the effect
Although a longstanding general principle of the rules, there was some confusion about whether a card that "became" something else could ever revert. It can and does if the thing that has changed it goes away.
Minor Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2022-11-07 (7 Nov 2022) (Article)
Shared missions are both "yours" and "opponent's"
A shared mission is both "your mission" and "opponent's mission" for purposes of all gametext. (Show Archivist's Comment)
This clarification was triggered by someone's public realization that Access Denied can lock out a Borg opponent's mission essentially for free.
Minor Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2022-11-07 (7 Nov 2022) (Article)
Reseed an escaped dilemma if pre-effect
Reseed the dilemma if the dilemma has not yet had any effects. Otherwise, resolve the remaining effects as though it were being faced by a crew or Away Team with zero members.
Minor Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2022-12-05 (5 Dec 2022) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
If no personnel remain to resolve a dilemma, reseed
No-point-box missions unsolvable
Even if a card gives you permission to attempt a mission without a point box, you can't solve it (unless a card also gives you permission to solve it).
Minor Addition | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2023-04-03 (3 Apr 2023) (Article)
Infiltrators don't affect "playing an affiliation"
In addition to cards you do not own, infiltrators who are actively infiltrating are not considered when determining whether you are playing an affiliation or faction.
Minor Change | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2023-04-03 (3 Apr 2023) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Playing an affiliation - III
Intermix Ratio rule (V): Differentials OK again
Bonus points scored in excess of mission points do not count toward winning, even in timed games, but they do count toward the final score used for calculating differential. (Show Archivist's Comment)
Intermix Ratio has remained nearly a constant since it was introduced as a card in 1997, but certain details of how it is handled in tournament play have been tweaked a lot in the past decade. This change was intended to allow defeated players to keep their points on the official scorecard, thus eliminating a common feels-bad moment without changing any game results, and with negligible effects on tournament results.
Major Change | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2023-05-01 (1 May 2023) (Article)
can't complete scouting of unstealable missions
Borg can target an opponent's unstealable mission for scouting, but may not scout or complete scouting of that location. (Show Archivist's Comment)
This was a pretty small tweak. The former rule was that Borg could neither scout opponent's unstealable missions nor even target them for scouting. (This was because the "no scouting" restriction, by itself, was not enough to prevent theft. Cards like Establish Gateway, which allow Borg to scout a location, override the "no scouting" aspect just like an Espionage card.) Preventing Borg from even targeting those missions for scouting prevented any interaction whatsoever with opponent's unstealable missions, slightly more restrictive than other affiliation. This change brought Borg into line with other affiliations. They can now scout a location if an Objective gave them express permission (analogous to Espionage cards), but not to complete scouting at those locations (which would be analogous to solving a mission, and which Espionage cards don't allow, either).
Minor Change | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2023-06-05 (5 Jun 2023) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Fair Play rule (mission "theft" restricted)
"Fat" and "skinny" attemptability icons clarified
Normal ("fat") attemptability icons
and summary ("skinny") attemptability icons
are equivalent, and you normally only pay attention to affiliation icons facing you. However, a card that uses both icons means the card deals with BOTH ends of the mission.
Minor Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2023-07-03 (3 Jul 2023) (Article)
"Report with"
This new term, which is (gradually) replacing "report with crew", works similarly, but does not inherently require staffing and is not inherently unlimited. Instead, from now on, cards that "report with" other cards specify what, exactly, they must (or can) report with.
Moderate Change | Active
Ships of the Line Rules Supplement (11 Aug 2023) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
"Report with crew"
Site special equipment is on the facility
Anything at a site, including special equipment, is also at the facility the site is aboard, but not at the facility's other sites.
Minor Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2023-08-14 (14 Aug 2023) (Article)
Each ship in an armada follows attack restrictions
in ship battles, affiliation attack restrictions work like Leadership: each ship in the battle must either follow affiliation attack restrictions or have permission to override them.
Minor Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2023-08-14 (14 Aug 2023) (Article)
Escape from pairings clarified
If either or both combatants are removed before comparing their STRENGTHs, do not compare their STRENGTHs. Proceed to the next combat pairing.
Minor Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2023-08-14 (14 Aug 2023) (Article)
Future characteristics count
A personnel whose lore states that it will in the future have a characteristic already has that characteristic. For example, Beyor ("future minister") may report for free to Chamber of Ministers. (Show Archivist's Comment)
Players had long assumed this was true, but this was the first actual statement about it.
Minor Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2023-08-14 (14 Aug 2023) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Cards that were "formerly" something are
Appearance is not sufficient to establish identity
For example, even though Eli Hollander took on Data's "traits," he does not have the characteristic "any Data". (Show Archivist's Comment)
This only slightly extended the longstanding ruling that Patrol Vessel is not a shuttlecraft.
Minor Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2023-08-14 (14 Aug 2023) (Article)
You can beam equipment by itself
You can beam equipment to or from a location even if not carried by personnel.
Minor Clarification | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2023-10-02 (2 Oct 2023) (Article)
Required actions must happen immediately
Instead of being performed at any time during the Execute Orders step, all required actions must happen as soon as possible.
Minor Change | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2023-12-04 (4 Dec 2023) (Article)
Prior Ruling:
Moving and non-moving required actions reconciled
Location references exclude Mirror locations
ANY location reference on a card identifies the Mirror Quadrant version of the location only if the card says so explicitly (e.g. Navigate Plasma Storms says "any Badlands (even
)") or if the referring card is already
(so Mirror Terok Nor seeds at Mirror Bajor, not Alpha Bajor). (Show Archivist's Comment)
The inconsistency between the Mirror Planet Exclusion rule and the Mirror Region Inclusion rule was not sustainable in the long term. They had to be reconciled, and careful study revealed that the most practical way to reconcile them was to keep the planet version of the rule. This is nevertheless known to players as "the rule change that broke They Call Themselves The Maquis in KCA decks".
Moderate Change | Active
Recent Rulings Document 2024-02-05 (5 Feb 2024) (Article)