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Chula: The Abyss


If Away Team/crew does not meet conditions (at least three personnel present), Away Team/ship and crew are stopped; replace dilemma under mission to be encountered again.

If at least three personnel in Away Team/crew, randomly select three and sum their CUNNING (apply enhancements). If total CUNNING is even, discard dilemma; mission continues. If total CUNNING is odd, all three are stopped; if Quark's Bar is in play, relocate personnel to that site (even across quadrants; if more than one Quark's Bar in play, player encountering dilemma chooses which one); discard dilemma.

Rest of Away Team/crew (if any) is not stopped; mission continues. Zero is even. Undefined CUNNING is treated as zero.

Applicable Cards: Chula: The Abyss;