•Varria Corona, Defeat Rogue Borg Vessel
Astrometrics, Science, Cunning>38, and (2 Engineer or 2 Navigation)
Region: Varria System. Mission attempts cannot begin here with fewer than six personnel. To attempt this mission, your Varria III must have six or more of your personnel on it or be complete.
"I think it's possible we could induce a solar fusion eruption that would destroy the Borg ship."
Any affiliation may attempt this mission.
Span 2
62 V 24
Legal Card Pools: Complete Traditional Virtual Academy Excelsior Hall of Fame
Legal Rules Sets: Standard Slipstream
Image Source: The Next Generation: "Descent: Part Two"
Watchlist Status:
Added to Watchlist on 2024-09-13: Monitored for being unbalanced regarding attributes / range
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