Collectors Info | Name | Type | Affiliation | Extra card info |
13 C 1 | Aftereffects | Dilemma | | |
13 C 2 | Alien Conspiracy | Dilemma | | |
13 U 3 | Captured by the Breen | Dilemma | | |
13 R 4 | Chula: The Dice | Dilemma | | |
13 C 5 | Crew Advancement | Dilemma | | |
13 U 6 | Dangerous Missions | Dilemma | | |
13 C 7 | Disarming Dream | Dilemma | | |
13 C 8 | Distraction | Dilemma | | |
13 C 9 | Fractured Time | Dilemma | | |
13 U 10 | Infestation | Dilemma | | |
13 C 11 | Interphasic Effects (Errata) | Dilemma | | |
13 U 12 | Key to the Alpha Quadrant | Dilemma | | |
13 U 13 | New Advancements | Dilemma | | |
13 R 14 | Paradan Replicant | Dilemma | | |
13 R 15 | Paranoid Escape | Dilemma | | |
13 C 16 | Preventative Repercussions | Dilemma | | |
13 C 17 | Reflections | Dilemma | | |
13 C 18 | Security Weapons | Dilemma | | |
13 U 19 | Shattered | Dilemma | | |
13 R 20 | The Dal'Rok | Dilemma | | |
13 U 21 | The Secret War | Dilemma | | |
13 C 22 | Multidimensional Transporter Device | Equipment | | |
13 R 23 | • Bigger Tattoo | Event | | |
13 C 24 | Call of the Nagus | Event | | |
13 U 25 | • Call to Arms | Event | | |
13 R 26 | • Captain's Log | Event | | |
13 U 27 | • Energize | Event | | |
13 R 28 | Guardian's Advice | Event | | |
13 R 29 | Necessary Evil | Event | | |
13 C 30 | • One Man Cannot Summon the Future | Event | | |
13 U 31 | Predicament | Event | | |
13 R 32 | Sabotaged Transporter (Errata) | Event | | |
13 C 33 | • Seasoned Leader | Event | | |
13 R 34 | • Strange New Worlds | Event | | |
13 R 35 | • Temporal Flux Energy Ribbon | Event | | |
13 R 36 | • The Inner Light | Event | | |
13 C 37 | These Are The Voyages | Event | | |
13 C 38 | • To Be a Warrior | Event | | |
13 R 39 | Unimatrix Zero | Event | | |
13 U 40 | • Vorta Experiment Tables | Event | | |
13 C 41 | • Watch Dog | Event | | |
13 R 42 | Brutal Experiments | Interrupt | | |
13 U 43 | Standard Punishment (Errata) | Interrupt | | |
13 U 44 | • Critical Care | Mission | | |
13 U 45 | • Gateway, Historical Research (Errata) | Mission | | |
13 U 46 | • Investigate Derelict | Mission | | World Champion Design-a-Card
2006 Caleb Grace
13 R 47 | • Bareil Antos, Petty Thief | Personnel | Bajoran | |
13 R 48 | • Kira Nerys, Resourceful Prisoner | Personnel | Bajoran | |
13 U 49 | • Leeta, Enticing Rebel | Personnel | Bajoran | |
13 R 50 | • Odo, Efficient Overseer | Personnel | Bajoran | |
13 U 51 | • Six of Ten, Invalidation Drone | Personnel | Borg | |
13 R 52 | • Damar, Cardassian Liberator | Personnel | Cardassian | Printed as U
13 R 53 | • Elim Garak, Crafty Underling (Errata) | Personnel | Cardassian | |
13 U 54 | • Mardel, Overseer | Personnel | Cardassian | |
13 U 55 | • Deyos, Ruthless Administrator | Personnel | Dominion | |
13 R 56 | • Gor, Thot | Personnel | Dominion | |
13 C 57 | Lam | Personnel | Dominion | |
13 R 58 | • Pran, Thot | Personnel | Dominion | |
13 C 59 | • Beverly Crusher, Battleship Doctor | Personnel | Federation | |
13 C 60 | • Data, Battleship Officer | Personnel | Federation | |
13 R 61 | • Erika Benteen, Leyton's Adjunct | Personnel | Federation | |
13 C 62 | Farrell | Personnel | Federation | |
13 C 63 | • Hikaru Sulu, Savage Security Chief | Personnel | Federation | |
13 C 64 | • Jean-Luc Picard, Battleship Captain | Personnel | Federation | |
13 R 65 | • James T. Kirk, Brutal Barbarian | Personnel | Federation | |
13 U 66 | • Keiko O'Brien, Botanist | Personnel | Federation | |
13 R 67 | • Leonard H. McCoy, Fiendish Physician | Personnel | Federation | |
13 C 68 | • Lwaxana Troi, Extravagant Ambassador | Personnel | Federation | |
13 C 69 | Marlena Moreau, (Mirror) | Personnel | Federation | |
13 U 70 | • Montgomery Scott, Uncivilized Engineer | Personnel | Federation | |
13 C 71 | • Pavel A. Chekov, Treacherous Underling | Personnel | Federation | |
13 U 72 | • Revised Chakotay, Imposturous First Officer | Personnel | Federation | |
13 U 73 | • Revised Doctor, Mass Murderer | Personnel | Federation | |
13 U 74 | • Revised Janeway, Cold-Blooded Killer | Personnel | Federation | |
13 U 75 | • Revised Kim, Interrogator | Personnel | Federation | |
13 U 76 | • Revised Neelix, Hedgehog Ops Officer | Personnel | Federation | |
13 U 77 | • Revised Paris, Female Ensign Chaser | Personnel | Federation | |
13 U 78 | • Revised Seven of Nine, Shock-Trooper | Personnel | Federation | |
13 U 79 | • Revised Tuvok, Evil Instrument of Destruction | Personnel | Federation | |
13 R 80 | • Spock, Man of Integrity | Personnel | Federation | |
13 C 81 | • Uhura, Unprincipled Technician | Personnel | Federation | |
13 C 82 | • Wesley Crusher, Battleship Helmsman | Personnel | Federation | |
13 C 83 | • William T. Riker, Battleship First Officer | Personnel | Federation | |
13 R 84 | • Worf, Defiant Commander | Personnel | Federation | |
13 U 85 | • Brunt, Nice Guy | Personnel | Ferengi | |
13 U 86 | • Gint, The First Grand Nagus | Personnel | Ferengi | |
13 U 87 | • Nog, Bar Owner | Personnel | Ferengi | |
13 R 88 | • Quark, Simple Barkeep | Personnel | Ferengi | |
13 U 89 | • Rom, Professional Soldier (Errata) | Personnel | Ferengi | |
13 R 90 | • Grilka, Glorious Lady | Personnel | Klingon | |
13 U 91 | • Telok, Bodyguard | Personnel | Klingon | |
13 C 92 | • Ezri Tigan, Soldier of Fortune | Personnel | Non-Aligned | |
13 C 93 | • Jadzia Dax, Soldier of Fortune | Personnel | Non-Aligned | |
13 C 94 | • Julian Bashir, Rebel Captain | Personnel | Non-Aligned | |
13 R 95 | • Laas, One of the 100 | Personnel | Non-Aligned | |
13 R 96 | • Slar, Gorn Slave Master | Personnel | Non-Aligned | |
13 R 97 | • Tuvok, Coldly Logical Soldier | Personnel | Non-Aligned | |
13 U 98 | • Weyoun, "Defective" Clone | Personnel | Non-Aligned | |
13 R 99 | • Data, From the City of Rateg | Personnel | Romulan | |
13 U 100 | • Rekar, Tool of the Tal'Shiar (Errata) | Personnel | Romulan | |
13 C 101 | Jera | Personnel | Romulan | |
13 C 102 | • Tomek, Displaced Alien | Personnel | Romulan | |
13 C 103 | Brennan Scott | Personnel | Starfleet | |
13 C 104 | • Charles Tucker III, Competent Engineer | Personnel | Starfleet | |
13 U 105 | • Hoshi Sato, Captain's Woman | Personnel | Starfleet | |
13 C 106 | • Hoshi Sato, Empress | Personnel | Starfleet | |
13 R 107 | • Jonathan Archer, Covetous Commander | Personnel | Starfleet | |
13 C 108 | Logan Black | Personnel | Starfleet | |
13 C 109 | • Malcolm Reed, Enthusiastic Major | Personnel | Starfleet | |
13 R 110 | • Maximilian Forrest, Confident Captain | Personnel | Starfleet | |
13 R 111 | • Phlox, Sadistic Physiologist | Personnel | Starfleet | |
13 U 112 | • Soval, Idealist | Personnel | Starfleet | |
13 U 113 | • T'Pol, Dutiful Commander (Errata) | Personnel | Starfleet | |
13 R 114 | • T'Pol, Not a Slave | Personnel | Starfleet | |
13 U 115 | • Travis Mayweather, Opportunistic Sergeant | Personnel | Starfleet | |
13 R 116 | • Tykk (Errata) | Ship | Dominion | |
13 C 117 | • U.S.S. Enterprise-D, Battleship | Ship | Federation | |
13 R 118 | • U.S.S. Lakota, Modified Starship | Ship | Federation | |
13 R 119 | • Defiant, Mirror Warship | Ship | Non-Aligned | |
13 R 120 | • Phoenix, Risen From the Ashes | Ship | Non-Aligned | |
13 U 121 | • I.S.S. Avenger, Admiral's Ship | Ship | Starfleet | |
13 R 122 | • I.S.S. Enterprise, Terran Flagship | Ship | Starfleet | |
13 A 1 | Chula: The Dice | Dilemma | | Foil
13 A 2 | Paranoid Escape | Dilemma | | Foil
13 A 3 | The Dal'Rok | Dilemma | | Foil
13 A 4 | • Temporal Flux Energy Ribbon | Event | | Foil
13 A 5 | • Elim Garak, Crafty Underling (Errata) | Personnel | Cardassian | Foil
13 A 6 | • Gor, Thot | Personnel | Dominion | Foil
13 A 7 | • Pran, Thot | Personnel | Dominion | Foil
13 A 8 | • James T. Kirk, Brutal Barbarian | Personnel | Federation | Foil
13 A 9 | • Spock, Man of Integrity | Personnel | Federation | Foil
13 A 10 | • Worf, Defiant Commander | Personnel | Federation | Foil
13 A 11 | • Slar, Gorn Slave Master | Personnel | Non-Aligned | Foil
13 A 12 | • Jonathan Archer, Covetous Commander | Personnel | Starfleet | Foil
13 A 13 | • T'Pol, Not a Slave | Personnel | Starfleet | Foil
13 A 14 | • Tykk (Errata) | Ship | Dominion | Foil
13 A 15 | • U.S.S. Lakota, Modified Starship | Ship | Federation | Foil
13 A 16 | • Defiant, Mirror Warship | Ship | Non-Aligned | Foil
13 A 17 | • Phoenix, Risen From the Ashes | Ship | Non-Aligned | Foil
13 A 18 | • I.S.S. Enterprise, Terran Flagship | Ship | Starfleet | Foil