Two of the game's oldest affiliations and rivals are the focus of Return to Grace, the thirteenth Second Edition Virtual Expansion from The Continuing Committee. The Prophets have smiled on Bajor with their Orbs and a brandnew headquarters mission, while the Cardassians gain new tools to pilfer any resources they can to ascend once more, and a fresh dilemma strategy emerges as well. You'll have to rethink what you discard; nothing goes to waste as these two bitter enemies Return to Grace.
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(These PDFs might not include Errata)
Return to Grace contains: 54 cards (54 V)
Collectors Info | Name | Type | Affiliation | Extra card info |
30 V 1 | Chained Environment | Dilemma | | |
30 V 2 | Chula: The Game (Errata) | Dilemma | | |
30 V 3 | Chula: Trickery | Dilemma | | |
30 V 4 | Discommendation | Dilemma | | |
30 V 5 | Legal Inflexibility | Dilemma | | |
30 V 6 | Nonlinear Existence | Dilemma | | |
30 V 7 | Pawn Against Pawn | Dilemma | | |
30 V 8 | "Rapid Progress" | Dilemma | | |
30 V 9 | Rejecting the Past | Dilemma | | |
30 V 10 | The Nth Degree | Dilemma | | |
30 V 11 | • Orb of Contemplation | Equipment | | |
30 V 12 | • Orb of Prophecy and Change | Equipment | | |
30 V 13 | • Orb of Time | Equipment | | |
30 V 14 | Clandestine Kidnapping | Event | | |
30 V 15 | Cutting the Strings | Event | | |
30 V 16 | Planned Provocation (Errata) | Event | | |
30 V 17 | Self-Replicating Roadblock | Event | | |
30 V 18 | Spiritual Exploration | Event | | |
30 V 19 | Swift Justice | Event | | |
30 V 20 | Trap Is Sprung | Event | | |
30 V 21 | Accession | Interrupt | | |
30 V 22 | Leap of Faith | Interrupt | | |
30 V 23 | The Warrior's Anthem | Interrupt | | |
30 V 24 | • Bajor, Blessed of the Prophets | Mission | | |
30 V 25 | • Cardassia IV, Hold Secret Prisoners | Mission | | |
30 V 26 | • Denorios Belt, Locate Celestial Temple | Mission | | |
30 V 27 | • Dyson Sphere, Explore Mysterious Structure | Mission | | |
30 V 28 | • Kreetassa, Perform Intricate Ritual | Mission | | |
30 V 29 | • Metron Arena, Resolve Standing Conflict | Mission | | |
30 V 30 | • Parada II, Expose Security Threat | Mission | | |
30 V 31 | • Sha Ka Ree, Quest for Infinite Knowledge | Mission | | |
30 V 32 | • Starbase 718, Investigate Cryosatellite | Mission | | |
30 V 33 | • Alenis Grem, Occupation Historian | Personnel | Bajoran | |
30 V 34 | • Deela, Weary Caretaker | Personnel | Bajoran | |
30 V 35 | Heyath Yar | Personnel | Bajoran | |
30 V 36 | Mond | Personnel | Bajoran | |
30 V 37 | • Opaka, Healer | Personnel | Bajoran | |
30 V 38 | • Winn Adami, Renegade Priest | Personnel | Bajoran | |
30 V 39 | Logistics Drone | Personnel | Borg | |
30 V 40 | • Corbin Entek, Inquisitor | Personnel | Cardassian | |
30 V 41 | • Dakol, Lecherous Overseer | Personnel | Cardassian | |
30 V 42 | Gollek | Personnel | Cardassian | |
30 V 43 | Tajor | Personnel | Cardassian | |
30 V 44 | Vengar | Personnel | Cardassian | |
30 V 45 | • Yteppa, Obsidian Order Asset | Personnel | Cardassian | |
30 V 46 | Brian Sofin | Personnel | Federation | |
30 V 47 | • Julian Bashir, Nostalgic Doctor | Personnel | Federation | |
30 V 48 | • Nilz Baris, Agricultural Undersecretary | Personnel | Federation | |
30 V 49 | • Paxton Reese, Stellar Cartographer | Personnel | Federation | |
30 V 50 | • Russell Toddman, Security Conscious | Personnel | Federation | |
30 V 51 | Prak | Personnel | Ferengi | |
30 V 52 | • Leskit, Embittered Warrior | Personnel | Klingon | |
30 V 53 | Orb Transport Vessel | Ship | Bajoran | |
30 V 54 | Type III Galor | Ship | Cardassian | |