Trekcc Second Edition

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2E Virtual editions map Finding Our Way Phage Continuing Mission Second Chances Timeless Second Skin The Menagerie Classification: Civilian Caretaker Heroes and Demons Shore Leave Move Along Home Apocalypse Rising All Our Yesterdays The Omega Directive Inheritance Borderless Promos Sacrifice of Angels A Less Perfect Union Qpid Shattered Mirror Warp Pack: Access Denied Far Beyond the Stars Symbiosis Dead Stop The Nth Degree Zero Hour Star Trek 50 Hard Time Infinite Diversity Remastered A Time to Stand Face of the Enemy Lower Decks Strange Bedfellows 20th Anniversary Collection Balance of Terror Return to Grace Unnatural Selection Matter of Time Tapestry Lineage Unity Tacking Into the Wind Extreme Measures Peak Performance Infinite Diversity Allegiance Legacy This Side of Paradise Raise the Stakes Virtual Archive Portrait Favor the Bold The Undiscovered Country Virtual Promo Cards
2E Virtual editions map Finding Our Way Phage Continuing Mission Second Chances Timeless Second Skin The Menagerie Classification: Civilian Caretaker Heroes and Demons Shore Leave Move Along Home Apocalypse Rising All Our Yesterdays The Omega Directive Inheritance Borderless Promos Sacrifice of Angels A Less Perfect Union Qpid Shattered Mirror Warp Pack: Access Denied Far Beyond the Stars Symbiosis Dead Stop The Nth Degree Zero Hour Star Trek 50 Hard Time Infinite Diversity Remastered A Time to Stand Face of the Enemy Lower Decks Strange Bedfellows 20th Anniversary Collection Balance of Terror Return to Grace Unnatural Selection Matter of Time Tapestry Lineage Unity Tacking Into the Wind Extreme Measures Peak Performance Infinite Diversity Allegiance Legacy This Side of Paradise Raise the Stakes Virtual Archive Portrait Favor the Bold The Undiscovered Country Virtual Promo Cards
2E Virtual editions map Finding Our Way Phage Continuing Mission Second Chances Timeless Second Skin The Menagerie Classification: Civilian Caretaker Heroes and Demons Shore Leave Move Along Home Apocalypse Rising All Our Yesterdays The Omega Directive Inheritance Borderless Promos Sacrifice of Angels A Less Perfect Union Qpid Shattered Mirror Warp Pack: Access Denied Far Beyond the Stars Symbiosis Dead Stop The Nth Degree Zero Hour Star Trek 50 Hard Time Infinite Diversity Remastered A Time to Stand Face of the Enemy Lower Decks Strange Bedfellows 20th Anniversary Collection Balance of Terror Return to Grace Unnatural Selection Matter of Time Tapestry Lineage Unity Tacking Into the Wind Extreme Measures Peak Performance Infinite Diversity Allegiance Legacy This Side of Paradise Raise the Stakes Virtual Archive Portrait Favor the Bold The Undiscovered Country Virtual Promo Cards
2E Virtual editions map Finding Our Way Phage Continuing Mission Second Chances Timeless Second Skin The Menagerie Classification: Civilian Caretaker Heroes and Demons Shore Leave Move Along Home Apocalypse Rising All Our Yesterdays The Omega Directive Inheritance Borderless Promos Sacrifice of Angels A Less Perfect Union Qpid Shattered Mirror Warp Pack: Access Denied Far Beyond the Stars Symbiosis Dead Stop The Nth Degree Zero Hour Star Trek 50 Hard Time Infinite Diversity Remastered A Time to Stand Face of the Enemy Lower Decks Strange Bedfellows 20th Anniversary Collection Balance of Terror Return to Grace Unnatural Selection Matter of Time Tapestry Lineage Unity Tacking Into the Wind Extreme Measures Peak Performance Infinite Diversity Allegiance Legacy This Side of Paradise Raise the Stakes Virtual Archive Portrait Favor the Bold The Undiscovered Country Virtual Promo Cards
2E Virtual editions map Finding Our Way Phage Continuing Mission Second Chances Timeless Second Skin The Menagerie Classification: Civilian Caretaker Heroes and Demons Shore Leave Move Along Home Apocalypse Rising All Our Yesterdays The Omega Directive Inheritance Borderless Promos Sacrifice of Angels A Less Perfect Union Qpid Shattered Mirror Warp Pack: Access Denied Far Beyond the Stars Symbiosis Dead Stop The Nth Degree Zero Hour Star Trek 50 Hard Time Infinite Diversity Remastered A Time to Stand Face of the Enemy Lower Decks Strange Bedfellows 20th Anniversary Collection Balance of Terror Return to Grace Unnatural Selection Matter of Time Tapestry Lineage Unity Tacking Into the Wind Extreme Measures Peak Performance Infinite Diversity Allegiance Legacy This Side of Paradise Raise the Stakes Virtual Archive Portrait Favor the Bold The Undiscovered Country Virtual Promo Cards
2E Physical editions map What You Leave Behind In A Mirror Darkly These Are The Voyages Genesis Captain\'s Log Dangerous Missions Adversaries Collection To Boldly Go Strange New Worlds Archive Portrait Reflections 2.0 Fractured Time Tenth Anniversary Collection Necessary Evil Call to Arms Energize Starter Reprints Second Edition Promo Cards
2E Physical editions map What You Leave Behind In A Mirror Darkly These Are The Voyages Genesis Captain\'s Log Dangerous Missions Adversaries Collection To Boldly Go Strange New Worlds Archive Portrait Reflections 2.0 Fractured Time Tenth Anniversary Collection Necessary Evil Call to Arms Energize Starter Reprints Second Edition Promo Cards
2E Physical editions map What You Leave Behind In A Mirror Darkly These Are The Voyages Genesis Captain\'s Log Dangerous Missions Adversaries Collection To Boldly Go Strange New Worlds Archive Portrait Reflections 2.0 Fractured Time Tenth Anniversary Collection Necessary Evil Call to Arms Energize Starter Reprints Second Edition Promo Cards
2E Physical editions map What You Leave Behind In A Mirror Darkly These Are The Voyages Genesis Captain\'s Log Dangerous Missions Adversaries Collection To Boldly Go Strange New Worlds Archive Portrait Reflections 2.0 Fractured Time Tenth Anniversary Collection Necessary Evil Call to Arms Energize Starter Reprints Second Edition Promo Cards
2E Physical editions map What You Leave Behind In A Mirror Darkly These Are The Voyages Genesis Captain\'s Log Dangerous Missions Adversaries Collection To Boldly Go Strange New Worlds Archive Portrait Reflections 2.0 Fractured Time Tenth Anniversary Collection Necessary Evil Call to Arms Energize Starter Reprints Second Edition Promo Cards
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A Virtual Expansion released on 2023-01-03.
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Second Skin contains: 45 cards (45 V)
Collectors InfoNameTypeAffiliationExtra card info
59 V 1 Adopted AuthorityDilemma
59 V 2 In DevelopmentDilemma
59 V 3 InfestationDilemma
59 V 4 KeevanEquipment
59 V 5 Orb of the EmissaryEquipment
59 V 6 The Sword of KahlessEquipment
59 V 7 Common CauseEvent
59 V 8 Holding CellEvent
59 V 9 New Power RisingEvent
59 V 10 Cascade VirusInterrupt
59 V 11 EscapeInterrupt
59 V 12 Our Death is Glory to the Founders (Errata)Interrupt
59 V 13 Bajoran Sector, Engage Enemy ForcesMission
59 V 14 Cardassia Prime, Secure HomeworldMission
59 V 15 Space Near New Bajor, Demonstrate Aggressive IntentMission
59 V 16 Kira Nerys, Grudging AllyPersonnelBajoran
59 V 17 Odo, ConstablePersonnelBajoran
59 V 18 Winn Adami, Kai of BajorPersonnelBajoran
59 V 19 Damar, Useful AdjutantPersonnelCardassian
59 V 20 Dukat, Cardassian RepresentativePersonnelCardassian
59 V 21 Elim Garak, Plain, Simple TailorPersonnelCardassian
59 V 22 Founder Leader, Beguiling TeacherPersonnelDominion
59 V 23 Remata'Klan, Steadfast SentinelPersonnelDominion
59 V 24 Weyoun, Dominion RepresentativePersonnelDominion
59 V 25 Benjamin Sisko, Defiant CaptainPersonnelFederation
59 V 26 Jadzia Dax, Science OfficerPersonnelFederation
59 V 27 Jake Sisko, Reporter Behind the LinesPersonnelFederation
59 V 28 Julian Bashir, "Frontier" PhysicianPersonnelFederation
59 V 29 Luther Sloan, Man of ActionPersonnelFederation
59 V 30 Michael Eddington, Traitor to StarfleetPersonnelFederation
59 V 31 Miles O'Brien, Repair ChiefPersonnelFederation
59 V 32 Nog, Defiant CaptainPersonnelFederation
59 V 33 Worf, Defiant CommanderPersonnelFederation
59 V 34 Ishka, MoogiePersonnelFerengi
59 V 35 Quark, Resistance InformantPersonnelFerengi
59 V 36 Rom, Undercover SpyPersonnelFerengi
59 V 37 Kang, Honored WarriorPersonnelKlingon
59 V 38 Koloth, D'akturakPersonnelKlingon
59 V 39 Kor, Noble Warrior to the EndPersonnelKlingon
59 V 40 Cretak, Supporter of the AlliancePersonnelRomulan
59 V 41 Enabran Tain, Prideful DirectorPersonnelRomulan
59 V 42 Letant, Sneering LiaisonPersonnelRomulan
59 V 43 Naprem, Renegade VesselShipCardassian
59 V 44 U.S.S. Defiant, Patrolling WarshipShipFederation
59 V 45 I.K.S. Rotarran, Ship of TearsShipKlingon