Trekcc Second Edition

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2E Virtual editions map Finding Our Way Phage Continuing Mission Second Chances Timeless Second Skin The Menagerie Classification: Civilian Caretaker Heroes and Demons Shore Leave Move Along Home Apocalypse Rising All Our Yesterdays The Omega Directive Inheritance Borderless Promos Sacrifice of Angels A Less Perfect Union Qpid Shattered Mirror Warp Pack: Access Denied Far Beyond the Stars Symbiosis Dead Stop The Nth Degree Zero Hour Star Trek 50 Hard Time Infinite Diversity Remastered A Time to Stand Face of the Enemy Lower Decks Strange Bedfellows 20th Anniversary Collection Balance of Terror Return to Grace Unnatural Selection Matter of Time Tapestry Lineage Unity Tacking Into the Wind Extreme Measures Peak Performance Infinite Diversity Allegiance Legacy This Side of Paradise Raise the Stakes Virtual Archive Portrait Favor the Bold The Undiscovered Country Virtual Promo Cards
2E Virtual editions map Finding Our Way Phage Continuing Mission Second Chances Timeless Second Skin The Menagerie Classification: Civilian Caretaker Heroes and Demons Shore Leave Move Along Home Apocalypse Rising All Our Yesterdays The Omega Directive Inheritance Borderless Promos Sacrifice of Angels A Less Perfect Union Qpid Shattered Mirror Warp Pack: Access Denied Far Beyond the Stars Symbiosis Dead Stop The Nth Degree Zero Hour Star Trek 50 Hard Time Infinite Diversity Remastered A Time to Stand Face of the Enemy Lower Decks Strange Bedfellows 20th Anniversary Collection Balance of Terror Return to Grace Unnatural Selection Matter of Time Tapestry Lineage Unity Tacking Into the Wind Extreme Measures Peak Performance Infinite Diversity Allegiance Legacy This Side of Paradise Raise the Stakes Virtual Archive Portrait Favor the Bold The Undiscovered Country Virtual Promo Cards
2E Virtual editions map Finding Our Way Phage Continuing Mission Second Chances Timeless Second Skin The Menagerie Classification: Civilian Caretaker Heroes and Demons Shore Leave Move Along Home Apocalypse Rising All Our Yesterdays The Omega Directive Inheritance Borderless Promos Sacrifice of Angels A Less Perfect Union Qpid Shattered Mirror Warp Pack: Access Denied Far Beyond the Stars Symbiosis Dead Stop The Nth Degree Zero Hour Star Trek 50 Hard Time Infinite Diversity Remastered A Time to Stand Face of the Enemy Lower Decks Strange Bedfellows 20th Anniversary Collection Balance of Terror Return to Grace Unnatural Selection Matter of Time Tapestry Lineage Unity Tacking Into the Wind Extreme Measures Peak Performance Infinite Diversity Allegiance Legacy This Side of Paradise Raise the Stakes Virtual Archive Portrait Favor the Bold The Undiscovered Country Virtual Promo Cards
2E Virtual editions map Finding Our Way Phage Continuing Mission Second Chances Timeless Second Skin The Menagerie Classification: Civilian Caretaker Heroes and Demons Shore Leave Move Along Home Apocalypse Rising All Our Yesterdays The Omega Directive Inheritance Borderless Promos Sacrifice of Angels A Less Perfect Union Qpid Shattered Mirror Warp Pack: Access Denied Far Beyond the Stars Symbiosis Dead Stop The Nth Degree Zero Hour Star Trek 50 Hard Time Infinite Diversity Remastered A Time to Stand Face of the Enemy Lower Decks Strange Bedfellows 20th Anniversary Collection Balance of Terror Return to Grace Unnatural Selection Matter of Time Tapestry Lineage Unity Tacking Into the Wind Extreme Measures Peak Performance Infinite Diversity Allegiance Legacy This Side of Paradise Raise the Stakes Virtual Archive Portrait Favor the Bold The Undiscovered Country Virtual Promo Cards
2E Virtual editions map Finding Our Way Phage Continuing Mission Second Chances Timeless Second Skin The Menagerie Classification: Civilian Caretaker Heroes and Demons Shore Leave Move Along Home Apocalypse Rising All Our Yesterdays The Omega Directive Inheritance Borderless Promos Sacrifice of Angels A Less Perfect Union Qpid Shattered Mirror Warp Pack: Access Denied Far Beyond the Stars Symbiosis Dead Stop The Nth Degree Zero Hour Star Trek 50 Hard Time Infinite Diversity Remastered A Time to Stand Face of the Enemy Lower Decks Strange Bedfellows 20th Anniversary Collection Balance of Terror Return to Grace Unnatural Selection Matter of Time Tapestry Lineage Unity Tacking Into the Wind Extreme Measures Peak Performance Infinite Diversity Allegiance Legacy This Side of Paradise Raise the Stakes Virtual Archive Portrait Favor the Bold The Undiscovered Country Virtual Promo Cards
2E Physical editions map What You Leave Behind In A Mirror Darkly These Are The Voyages Genesis Captain\'s Log Dangerous Missions Adversaries Collection To Boldly Go Strange New Worlds Archive Portrait Reflections 2.0 Fractured Time Tenth Anniversary Collection Necessary Evil Call to Arms Energize Starter Reprints Second Edition Promo Cards
2E Physical editions map What You Leave Behind In A Mirror Darkly These Are The Voyages Genesis Captain\'s Log Dangerous Missions Adversaries Collection To Boldly Go Strange New Worlds Archive Portrait Reflections 2.0 Fractured Time Tenth Anniversary Collection Necessary Evil Call to Arms Energize Starter Reprints Second Edition Promo Cards
2E Physical editions map What You Leave Behind In A Mirror Darkly These Are The Voyages Genesis Captain\'s Log Dangerous Missions Adversaries Collection To Boldly Go Strange New Worlds Archive Portrait Reflections 2.0 Fractured Time Tenth Anniversary Collection Necessary Evil Call to Arms Energize Starter Reprints Second Edition Promo Cards
2E Physical editions map What You Leave Behind In A Mirror Darkly These Are The Voyages Genesis Captain\'s Log Dangerous Missions Adversaries Collection To Boldly Go Strange New Worlds Archive Portrait Reflections 2.0 Fractured Time Tenth Anniversary Collection Necessary Evil Call to Arms Energize Starter Reprints Second Edition Promo Cards
2E Physical editions map What You Leave Behind In A Mirror Darkly These Are The Voyages Genesis Captain\'s Log Dangerous Missions Adversaries Collection To Boldly Go Strange New Worlds Archive Portrait Reflections 2.0 Fractured Time Tenth Anniversary Collection Necessary Evil Call to Arms Energize Starter Reprints Second Edition Promo Cards
previous cardFinding Our Way
A Virtual Expansion released on 2025-01-16.
Lead Designer:

The Continuing Committee invites you to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of Star Trek: Voyager with Finding Our Way, a forty-five (45) card boutique product featuring new art for Star Trek CCG Second Edition. Recreate classic scenes from U.S.S. Voyager's long journey home with a slew of memorable reprints, and relive the process of Finding Our Way!

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Finding Our Way contains: 45 cards (45 V)
Collectors InfoNameTypeAffiliationExtra card info
64 V 1 A Bad EndDilemma
64 V 2 Alluring SpyDilemma
64 V 3 Dragon's TeethDilemma
64 V 4 Enemy Boarding PartyDilemma
64 V 5 Justice or VengeanceDilemma
64 V 6 Night TerrorsDilemma
64 V 7 Racial TensionDilemma
64 V 8 The Weak Will PerishDilemma
64 V 9 TriageDilemma
64 V 10 Astrometrics LabEvent
64 V 11 Learning CurveEvent
64 V 12 Not Easily AvoidedEvent
64 V 13 Regeneration AlcovesEvent
64 V 14 Condition CaptiveInterrupt
64 V 15 ConflictInterrupt
64 V 16 Mission BriefingInterrupt
64 V 17 Shady ResourcesInterrupt
64 V 18 Adelaar System, Battle ReconnaissanceMission
64 V 19 Orlitus Cluster, Astronomical SurveyMission
64 V 20 Vhnori Graveyard, Investigate Unknown ElementMission
64 V 21 Tabor, Apoplectic BajoranPersonnelBajoran
64 V 22 Borg Queen, Guardian of the HivePersonnelBorg
64 V 23 Five of Twelve, Secondary Adjunct of Trimatrix 942PersonnelBorg
64 V 24 Four of Nine, Heuristics DronePersonnelBorg
64 V 25 Seven of Nine, Representative of the HivePersonnelBorg
64 V 26 Crell Moset, Notorious ExobiologistPersonnelCardassian
64 V 27 Seska, Pragmatic AgentPersonnelCardassian
64 V 28 B'Elanna Torres, Creative EngineerPersonnelFederation
64 V 29 Chakotay, Bridge Between Two CrewsPersonnelFederation
64 V 30 Harry Kim, Eager to PleasePersonnelFederation
64 V 31 Kathryn Janeway, Forceful CaptainPersonnelFederation
64 V 32 The Doctor, Emergency Medical HologramPersonnelFederation
64 V 33 Tom Paris, "Starfleet Observer"PersonnelFederation
64 V 34 Tuvok, Chief of SecurityPersonnelFederation
64 V 35 Arridor, "Great Sage"PersonnelFerengi
64 V 36 KolPersonnelFerengi
64 V 37 Kohlar, Pilgrim CommanderPersonnelKlingon
64 V 38 Kortar, Slayer of GodsPersonnelKlingon
64 V 39 Kes, Curious OcampaPersonnelNon-Aligned
64 V 40 Neelix, Morale OfficerPersonnelNon-Aligned
64 V 41 Telek R'Mor, Astrophysical ResearcherPersonnelRomulan
64 V 42 Delta Flyer, Innovative VesselShipFederation
64 V 43 U.S.S. Voyager, Home Away From HomeShipFederation
64 V 44 Baxial, Salvage ShipShipNon-Aligned
64 V 45 U.S.S. Prometheus, Stolen PrototypeShipRomulan