The Continuing Committee invites you to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of Star Trek: Voyager with Finding Our Way, a forty-five (45) card boutique product featuring new art for Star Trek CCG Second Edition. Recreate classic scenes from U.S.S. Voyager's long journey home with a slew of memorable reprints, and relive the process of Finding Our Way!
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Finding Our Way contains: 45 cards (45 V)
Collectors Info | Name | Type | Affiliation | Extra card info |
64 V 1 | A Bad End | Dilemma | | |
64 V 2 | Alluring Spy | Dilemma | | |
64 V 3 | Dragon's Teeth | Dilemma | | |
64 V 4 | Enemy Boarding Party | Dilemma | | |
64 V 5 | Justice or Vengeance | Dilemma | | |
64 V 6 | Night Terrors | Dilemma | | |
64 V 7 | Racial Tension | Dilemma | | |
64 V 8 | The Weak Will Perish | Dilemma | | |
64 V 9 | Triage | Dilemma | | |
64 V 10 | Astrometrics Lab | Event | | |
64 V 11 | Learning Curve | Event | | |
64 V 12 | Not Easily Avoided | Event | | |
64 V 13 | Regeneration Alcoves | Event | | |
64 V 14 | Condition Captive | Interrupt | | |
64 V 15 | Conflict | Interrupt | | |
64 V 16 | Mission Briefing | Interrupt | | |
64 V 17 | Shady Resources | Interrupt | | |
64 V 18 | • Adelaar System, Battle Reconnaissance | Mission | | |
64 V 19 | • Orlitus Cluster, Astronomical Survey | Mission | | |
64 V 20 | • Vhnori Graveyard, Investigate Unknown Element | Mission | | |
64 V 21 | • Tabor, Apoplectic Bajoran | Personnel | Bajoran | |
64 V 22 | • Borg Queen, Guardian of the Hive | Personnel | Borg | |
64 V 23 | • Five of Twelve, Secondary Adjunct of Trimatrix 942 | Personnel | Borg | |
64 V 24 | • Four of Nine, Heuristics Drone | Personnel | Borg | |
64 V 25 | • Seven of Nine, Representative of the Hive | Personnel | Borg | |
64 V 26 | • Crell Moset, Notorious Exobiologist | Personnel | Cardassian | |
64 V 27 | • Seska, Pragmatic Agent | Personnel | Cardassian | |
64 V 28 | • B'Elanna Torres, Creative Engineer | Personnel | Federation | |
64 V 29 | • Chakotay, Bridge Between Two Crews | Personnel | Federation | |
64 V 30 | • Harry Kim, Eager to Please | Personnel | Federation | |
64 V 31 | • Kathryn Janeway, Forceful Captain | Personnel | Federation | |
64 V 32 | • The Doctor, Emergency Medical Hologram | Personnel | Federation | |
64 V 33 | • Tom Paris, "Starfleet Observer" | Personnel | Federation | |
64 V 34 | • Tuvok, Chief of Security | Personnel | Federation | |
64 V 35 | • Arridor, "Great Sage" | Personnel | Ferengi | |
64 V 36 | Kol | Personnel | Ferengi | |
64 V 37 | • Kohlar, Pilgrim Commander | Personnel | Klingon | |
64 V 38 | • Kortar, Slayer of Gods | Personnel | Klingon | |
64 V 39 | • Kes, Curious Ocampa | Personnel | Non-Aligned | |
64 V 40 | • Neelix, Morale Officer | Personnel | Non-Aligned | |
64 V 41 | • Telek R'Mor, Astrophysical Researcher | Personnel | Romulan | |
64 V 42 | • Delta Flyer, Innovative Vessel | Ship | Federation | |
64 V 43 | • U.S.S. Voyager, Home Away From Home | Ship | Federation | |
64 V 44 | • Baxial, Salvage Ship | Ship | Non-Aligned | |
64 V 45 | • U.S.S. Prometheus, Stolen Prototype | Ship | Romulan | |