Trekcc Second Edition

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2E Virtual editions map Finding Our Way Phage Continuing Mission Second Chances Timeless Second Skin The Menagerie Classification: Civilian Caretaker Heroes and Demons Shore Leave Move Along Home Apocalypse Rising All Our Yesterdays The Omega Directive Inheritance Borderless Promos Sacrifice of Angels A Less Perfect Union Qpid Shattered Mirror Warp Pack: Access Denied Far Beyond the Stars Symbiosis Dead Stop The Nth Degree Zero Hour Star Trek 50 Hard Time Infinite Diversity Remastered A Time to Stand Face of the Enemy Lower Decks Strange Bedfellows 20th Anniversary Collection Balance of Terror Return to Grace Unnatural Selection Matter of Time Tapestry Lineage Unity Tacking Into the Wind Extreme Measures Peak Performance Infinite Diversity Allegiance Legacy This Side of Paradise Raise the Stakes Virtual Archive Portrait Favor the Bold The Undiscovered Country Virtual Promo Cards
2E Virtual editions map Finding Our Way Phage Continuing Mission Second Chances Timeless Second Skin The Menagerie Classification: Civilian Caretaker Heroes and Demons Shore Leave Move Along Home Apocalypse Rising All Our Yesterdays The Omega Directive Inheritance Borderless Promos Sacrifice of Angels A Less Perfect Union Qpid Shattered Mirror Warp Pack: Access Denied Far Beyond the Stars Symbiosis Dead Stop The Nth Degree Zero Hour Star Trek 50 Hard Time Infinite Diversity Remastered A Time to Stand Face of the Enemy Lower Decks Strange Bedfellows 20th Anniversary Collection Balance of Terror Return to Grace Unnatural Selection Matter of Time Tapestry Lineage Unity Tacking Into the Wind Extreme Measures Peak Performance Infinite Diversity Allegiance Legacy This Side of Paradise Raise the Stakes Virtual Archive Portrait Favor the Bold The Undiscovered Country Virtual Promo Cards
2E Virtual editions map Finding Our Way Phage Continuing Mission Second Chances Timeless Second Skin The Menagerie Classification: Civilian Caretaker Heroes and Demons Shore Leave Move Along Home Apocalypse Rising All Our Yesterdays The Omega Directive Inheritance Borderless Promos Sacrifice of Angels A Less Perfect Union Qpid Shattered Mirror Warp Pack: Access Denied Far Beyond the Stars Symbiosis Dead Stop The Nth Degree Zero Hour Star Trek 50 Hard Time Infinite Diversity Remastered A Time to Stand Face of the Enemy Lower Decks Strange Bedfellows 20th Anniversary Collection Balance of Terror Return to Grace Unnatural Selection Matter of Time Tapestry Lineage Unity Tacking Into the Wind Extreme Measures Peak Performance Infinite Diversity Allegiance Legacy This Side of Paradise Raise the Stakes Virtual Archive Portrait Favor the Bold The Undiscovered Country Virtual Promo Cards
2E Virtual editions map Finding Our Way Phage Continuing Mission Second Chances Timeless Second Skin The Menagerie Classification: Civilian Caretaker Heroes and Demons Shore Leave Move Along Home Apocalypse Rising All Our Yesterdays The Omega Directive Inheritance Borderless Promos Sacrifice of Angels A Less Perfect Union Qpid Shattered Mirror Warp Pack: Access Denied Far Beyond the Stars Symbiosis Dead Stop The Nth Degree Zero Hour Star Trek 50 Hard Time Infinite Diversity Remastered A Time to Stand Face of the Enemy Lower Decks Strange Bedfellows 20th Anniversary Collection Balance of Terror Return to Grace Unnatural Selection Matter of Time Tapestry Lineage Unity Tacking Into the Wind Extreme Measures Peak Performance Infinite Diversity Allegiance Legacy This Side of Paradise Raise the Stakes Virtual Archive Portrait Favor the Bold The Undiscovered Country Virtual Promo Cards
2E Virtual editions map Finding Our Way Phage Continuing Mission Second Chances Timeless Second Skin The Menagerie Classification: Civilian Caretaker Heroes and Demons Shore Leave Move Along Home Apocalypse Rising All Our Yesterdays The Omega Directive Inheritance Borderless Promos Sacrifice of Angels A Less Perfect Union Qpid Shattered Mirror Warp Pack: Access Denied Far Beyond the Stars Symbiosis Dead Stop The Nth Degree Zero Hour Star Trek 50 Hard Time Infinite Diversity Remastered A Time to Stand Face of the Enemy Lower Decks Strange Bedfellows 20th Anniversary Collection Balance of Terror Return to Grace Unnatural Selection Matter of Time Tapestry Lineage Unity Tacking Into the Wind Extreme Measures Peak Performance Infinite Diversity Allegiance Legacy This Side of Paradise Raise the Stakes Virtual Archive Portrait Favor the Bold The Undiscovered Country Virtual Promo Cards
2E Physical editions map What You Leave Behind In A Mirror Darkly These Are The Voyages Genesis Captain\'s Log Dangerous Missions Adversaries Collection To Boldly Go Strange New Worlds Archive Portrait Reflections 2.0 Fractured Time Tenth Anniversary Collection Necessary Evil Call to Arms Energize Starter Reprints Second Edition Promo Cards
2E Physical editions map What You Leave Behind In A Mirror Darkly These Are The Voyages Genesis Captain\'s Log Dangerous Missions Adversaries Collection To Boldly Go Strange New Worlds Archive Portrait Reflections 2.0 Fractured Time Tenth Anniversary Collection Necessary Evil Call to Arms Energize Starter Reprints Second Edition Promo Cards
2E Physical editions map What You Leave Behind In A Mirror Darkly These Are The Voyages Genesis Captain\'s Log Dangerous Missions Adversaries Collection To Boldly Go Strange New Worlds Archive Portrait Reflections 2.0 Fractured Time Tenth Anniversary Collection Necessary Evil Call to Arms Energize Starter Reprints Second Edition Promo Cards
2E Physical editions map What You Leave Behind In A Mirror Darkly These Are The Voyages Genesis Captain\'s Log Dangerous Missions Adversaries Collection To Boldly Go Strange New Worlds Archive Portrait Reflections 2.0 Fractured Time Tenth Anniversary Collection Necessary Evil Call to Arms Energize Starter Reprints Second Edition Promo Cards
2E Physical editions map What You Leave Behind In A Mirror Darkly These Are The Voyages Genesis Captain\'s Log Dangerous Missions Adversaries Collection To Boldly Go Strange New Worlds Archive Portrait Reflections 2.0 Fractured Time Tenth Anniversary Collection Necessary Evil Call to Arms Energize Starter Reprints Second Edition Promo Cards
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A Physical Expansion released on 2003-09-10.
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Raise the shields! The Gamma and Delta Quadrants are coming in full force to Star Trek CCG, with two of the most aggressive and dangerous affiliations in the Star Trek universe - the Borg and the Dominion. Alpha Quadrant beware: you're about to be assimilated and infiltrated!

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Call to Arms contains: 208 cards (60 C, 60 R, 28 S, 60 U)
Collectors InfoNameTypeAffiliationExtra card info
3 C 1 A Bad EndDilemma
3 S 2 An Old DebtDilemma
3 C 3 Close CallDilemma
3 C 4 Confined to Quarters (Errata)Dilemma
3 R 5 Dangerous ClimbDilemma
3 C 6 DepressionDilemma
3 S 7 DNA AnalysisDilemma
3 C 8 Don't Let It End This WayDilemma
3 U 9 Dressing Down (Errata)Dilemma
3 S 10 Failure To CommunicateDilemma
3 R 11 ForsakenDilemma
3 R 12 Gomtuu Shock WaveDilemma
3 C 13 Graviton WaveDilemma
3 C 14 History Repeats Itself (Errata)Dilemma
3 S 15 Inside CollaboratorsDilemma
3 S 16 Justice or VengeanceDilemma
3 C 17 Miner DisagreementDilemma
3 C 18 Murder Investigation (Errata)Dilemma
3 R 19 OverwhelmedDilemma
3 U 20 Psychic ReceptacleDilemma
3 S 21 Psycho-Kinetic AttackDilemma
3 R 22 Quantum FilamentDilemma
3 U 23 Restricted AreaDilemma
3 C 24 "Rock People"Dilemma
3 U 25 Rogue Borg AmbushDilemma
3 U 26 Secret IdentityDilemma
3 C 27 Sheer LunacyDilemma
3 U 28 Skeleton CrewDilemma
3 C 29 So Many Enemies (Errata)Dilemma
3 S 30 Sokath, His Eyes Uncovered!Dilemma
3 R 31 The Demands of DutyDilemma
3 U 32 Jem'Hadar Disruptor PistolEquipment
3 C 33 A Second Chance at LifeEvent
3 R 34 AbductionEvent
3 U 35 Adding to Our PerfectionEvent
3 S 36 Borg Cutting BeamEvent
3 R 37 Bred for BattleEvent
3 R 38 Building a BridgeEvent
3 R 39 Cavalry RaidEvent
3 U 40 Changeling SabotageEvent
3 C 41 Dispensing the WhiteEvent
3 U 42 Dissolving the SenateEvent
3 C 43 Enemy in Your MidstEvent
3 R 44 I Don't Like to LoseEvent
3 C 45 Jem'Hadar AmbushEvent
3 R 46 Jem'Hadar Birthing ChamberEvent
3 U 47 Jem'Hadar Strike ForceEvent
3 U 48 One With the BorgEvent
3 R 49 Psychological PressureEvent
3 C 50 Quite a CoincidenceEvent
3 C 51 Regeneration Alcoves (Errata)Event
3 U 52 Sabotage ProgramEvent
3 U 53 Sensing a TrapEvent
3 R 54 Set UpEvent
3 C 55 Severed LinkEvent
3 R 56 SluggoEvent
3 R 57 Steeled By LossEvent
3 C 58 Stir CrazyEvent
3 R 59 The BlightEvent
3 R 60 The Crystalline EntityEvent
3 R 61 The Enterprise IncidentEvent
3 R 62 The Manheim EffectEvent
3 U 63 The Trial Never EndedEvent
3 U 64 The Will of the CollectiveEvent
3 U 65 Trial of FaithEvent
3 U 66 Under SuspicionEvent
3 C 67 Vorta CloningEvent
3 U 68 We're MutantsEvent
3 U 69 AdaptInterrupt
3 S 70 Analyze (Errata)Interrupt
3 C 71 Cultist AttackInterrupt
3 R 72 Founder Trap (Errata)Interrupt
3 U 73 InsultInterrupt
3 R 74 Our Death is Glory to the Founders (Errata)Interrupt
3 R 75 Parting ShotInterrupt
3 R 76 PseudopodInterrupt
3 U 77 Security SweepInterrupt
3 C 78 The Founder is WiseInterrupt
3 C 79 We're EverywhereInterrupt
3 U 80 You Could Be InvaluableInterrupt
3 U 81 Archanis DisputeMission
3 S 82 Assault on Species 8472Mission
3 S 83 Adelaar System, Battle Reconnaissance (Errata)Mission
3 U 84 Camping TripMission
3 U 85 Clash at Chin'tokaMission
3 S 86 Vandros IV, Destroy Iconian Gateway (Errata)Mission
3 U 87 Destroy Transwarp HubMission
3 U 88 Evade Borg VesselMission
3 U 89 Evade Dominion SquadronMission
3 U 90 Expose Changeling InfluenceMission
3 U 91 Extract DefectorMission
3 S 92 Founders' Homeworld, Home of the Great LinkMission
3 U 93 Harness Omega ParticleMission
3 S 94 Akusei Belt, Hunt Alien (Errata)Mission
3 U 95 Instruct Advanced DroneMission
3 U 96 Mouth of the Wormhole, Terok NorMission
3 U 97 Pacify Warring FactionsMission
3 U 98 Peaceful ContactMission
3 U 99 Plot InvasionMission
3 U 100 Farius Prime, Political Intrigue (Errata)Mission
3 S 101 Rescue Prisoners of WarMission
3 U 102 Restock Ketracel-WhiteMission
3 S 103 Salvage Borg ShipMission
3 S 104 Torga IV, Salvage Dominion Ship (Errata)Mission
3 U 105 Signal for RescueMission
3 U 106 Stage BombardmentMission
3 U 107 Study Rare PhenomenonMission
3 S 108 Survey Star SystemMission
3 U 109 The Siege of AR-558Mission
3 S 110 Unicomplex, Root of the Hive MindMission
3 C 111 JoremPersonnelBajoran
3 R 112 Kira Nerys, Reformed CollaboratorPersonnelBajoran
3 R 113 Odo, Wayward LinkPersonnelBajoran
3 R 114 Porta, Advisor to the EmissaryPersonnelBajoran
3 U 115 Tahna Los, Voice of the Kohn-MaPersonnelBajoran
3 R 116 Yassim, Zealous ProtesterPersonnelBajoran
3 C 117 Yelsar (Errata)PersonnelBajoran
3 C 118 Acclimation DronePersonnelBorg
3 C 119 Allocation DronePersonnelBorg
3 C 120 Appraisal DronePersonnelBorg
3 C 121 Archival DronePersonnelBorg
3 S 122 Borg Queen, Bringer of OrderPersonnelBorg
3 R 123 Borg Queen, Guardian of the Hive (Errata)PersonnelBorg
3 S 124 Calibration DronePersonnelBorg
3 C 125 Cartography DronePersonnelBorg
3 C 126 Computation DronePersonnelBorg
3 C 127 Continuity DronePersonnelBorg
3 C 128 Evaluation DronePersonnelBorg
3 C 129 Guidance DronePersonnelBorg
3 C 130 Information DronePersonnelBorg
3 C 131 Invasive DronePersonnelBorg
3 R 132 Locutus, Voice of the Borg (Errata)PersonnelBorg
3 U 133 Negation DronePersonnelBorg
3 C 134 Opposition DronePersonnelBorg
3 C 135 Preservation DronePersonnelBorg
3 U 136 Reclamation DronePersonnelBorg
3 C 137 Research DronePersonnelBorg
3 R 138 Seven of Nine, Part of the Greater WholePersonnelBorg
3 S 139 Seven of Nine, Representative of the HivePersonnelBorg
3 C 140 Transwarp DronePersonnelBorg
3 R 141 Damar, Useful Adjutant (Errata)PersonnelCardassian
3 C 142 DavinPersonnelCardassian
3 R 143 Dukat, Liberator and ProtectorPersonnelCardassian
3 U 144 Elim Garak, Plain, Simple TailorPersonnelCardassian
3 C 145 MagrenPersonnelCardassian
3 U 146 Mavek, Science OfficerPersonnelCardassian
3 C 147 NerotPersonnelCardassian
3 C 148 ThorelPersonnelCardassian
3 R 149 Tora Ziyal, Beloved DaughterPersonnelCardassian
3 R 150 Bashir Founder, Nefarious SaboteurPersonnelDominion
3 R 151 Borath, Psychological ResearcherPersonnelDominion
3 C 152 Founder CouncilorPersonnelDominion
3 U 153 Founder Leader, Beguiling TeacherPersonnelDominion
3 S 154 Founder Leader, Forbidding JudgePersonnelDominion
3 R 155 Ikat'ika, Honorable Warrior (Errata)PersonnelDominion
3 C 156 Imat'KorexPersonnelDominion
3 U 157 Keevan, Conniving LiarPersonnelDominion
3 S 158 Kilana, Dissembling EnvoyPersonnelDominion
3 R 159 Kira Founder, ExaminerPersonnelDominion
3 U 160 Limara'Son, Fierce SoldierPersonnelDominion
3 U 161 Lovok Founder, Puppet MasterPersonnelDominion
3 S 162 Martok Founder, Poison of the EmpirePersonnelDominion
3 S 163 Noret'ikarPersonnelDominion
3 C 164 Odera'KlenPersonnelDominion
3 C 165 Rak'tazanPersonnelDominion
3 R 166 Remata'Klan, Unit LeaderPersonnelDominion
3 C 167 TholunPersonnelDominion
3 C 168 Tozara'KeshPersonnelDominion
3 C 169 Varen'agorPersonnelDominion
3 U 170 Weyoun, Instrument of the FoundersPersonnelDominion
3 R 171 Weyoun, Loyal Subject of the DominionPersonnelDominion
3 U 172 Yak'Talon, Deadly PatrollerPersonnelDominion
3 R 173 Yelgrun, Blunt Negotiator (Errata)PersonnelDominion
3 R 174 B'Elanna Torres, Creative EngineerPersonnelFederation
3 R 175 Jack, Maladjusted MisfitPersonnelFederation
3 R 176 Lauren, SeductressPersonnelFederation
3 R 177 Michael Eddington, Traitor to StarfleetPersonnelFederation
3 U 178 Norah Satie, Starfleet InvestigatorPersonnelFederation
3 U 179 Patrick, Idiot SavantPersonnelFederation
3 R 180 Reginald Barclay, Reclusive EngineerPersonnelFederation
3 U 181 Sarina Douglas, Cataleptic ConundrumPersonnelFederation
3 R 182 Quark, Resistance InformantPersonnelFerengi
3 R 183 Rom, Undercover SpyPersonnelFerengi
3 R 184 Alexander Rozhenko, Good Luck CharmPersonnelKlingon
3 R 185 Darok, Martok's AidePersonnelKlingon
3 R 186 Kor, Noble Warrior to the EndPersonnelKlingon
3 U 187 Larg, Piece of BaktagPersonnelKlingon
3 U 188 Martok, Leader of DestinyPersonnelKlingon
3 C 189 E'TyshraPersonnelNon-Aligned
3 C 190 JakinPersonnelNon-Aligned
3 R 191 Kasidy Yates, Maquis SmugglerPersonnelNon-Aligned
3 C 192 NydromPersonnelNon-Aligned
3 C 193 SharatPersonnelNon-Aligned
3 U 194 Karina, Intelligence AnalystPersonnelRomulan
3 C 195 MullenPersonnelRomulan
3 R 196 Pardek, BetrayerPersonnelRomulan
3 R 197 Ruwon, Intelligence AnalystPersonnelRomulan
3 C 198 Borg CubeShipBorg
3 S 199 Borg SphereShipBorg
3 R 200 Locutus' Borg CubeShipBorg
3 C 201 Modern GalorShipCardassian
3 S 202 Jem'Hadar Attack ShipShipDominion
3 C 203 Jem'Hadar WarshipShipDominion
3 R 204 Tenak'talar, Weyoun's WarshipShipDominion
3 R 205 U.S.S. Defiant, Stolen Warship (Errata)ShipFederation
3 R 206 I.K.S. PaghShipKlingon
3 R 207 XhosaShipNon-Aligned
3 R 208 SoterusShipRomulan