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Rule of Acquisition #33


[Int] Rule of Acquisition #33
Rule. When your [Fer] personnel is facing a dilemma, say "It never hurts to suck up to the boss" to choose one - make that personnel attributes +2 until the end of the turn; or replace all levels of any one skill in that dilemma's requirements with 3 Acquisition.
Tournament Promo - Series XII
0 VP 159 or 14 U 49

Negatives: Requires Ferengi personnel to activate. Only can be used when facing a Dilemma.

Positives: Rule Keyword. If the Player is short on an attribute thet can pop a Personnel +2; or if the Dilemma requires some Skill they do not have you can replace it with 3 Acquisition.

Extra: Interesting to note one of the things required to activate this Interrupt is to actually say, "It never hurts to suck up to the boss." This has the Rule Keyword, so it can be targeted by cards like Grimp, Pessimist and Gint, Avaricious Author. When skill Dilemmas are being faced this is great to make up for some Skill the Players doesn't have. Since there is usually tons of Acquisition in most Ferengi decks coming up with 3 of that is usually easier than whatever Skill the Dilemma requires. Plus, the extra +2 attribute pop may be just enough get the Player up enough to meet Mission requirements (just remember to check attributes while facing that last dilemma.) Even though Rule of Acquisition #33 is mostly going to be in Ferengi decks Deep Space Nine, Terok Nor and Voyager all have Personnel that can activate it (eg. Leeta, Devoted Wife, Rom, Undercover Spy and Neelix, Grand Proxy.

Applicable Cards: Rule of Acquisition #33; Gint, Avaricious Author; Grimp, Pessimist; Leeta, Devoted Wife; Neelix, Grand Proxy; Rom, Undercover Spy;