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Affiliation HQ
Bajoran Borg Cardassian Dominion Federation Ferengi Hirogen Imperial Starfleet Kazon KCA Klingon Maquis Non-Aligned Romulan Starfleet Terran Vidiian Vulcan
(Results reflect the previous 6 months worth of data; Updated nightly)
Top 10 missions
(across 715 decks)
Cardname# Decks
Alter Records48
Respond to Distress Call45
Make New Home45
Orb Negotiations44
Characterize Neutrino Emissions43
Bypass Warzone37
Intercept Dignitary33
Save Stranded Crew33
Rebuild Society33
Cloaked Mission33
Top 10 dilemmas
(across 715 decks)
Cardname# Copies# Decks
Dead End247245
Persistent Individuality296218
Rules of Obedience229188
Friendly Fire206178
Eminian Disintegration Protocol201168
Misinterpreted History196168
Denevan Neural Parasites192150
Experience Bij!137131
Scientific Method151129
Top 10 non-dilemma seed cards
(across 715 decks)
Cardname# Copies# Decks
Q's Tent402402
Defend Homeworld238237
Assign Mission Specialists204204
Temporal Conduit142142
Alternate Universe Door132132
Battle Bridge Door121121
Reshape the Quadrant120120
Assign Support Personnel108108
New Arrivals9797
Top 10 draw cards
(across 715 decks)
Cardname# Copies# Decks
Lower Decks230224
Ready Room Door388178
Captain's Log128128
I'm a Doctor, Not a Bricklayer118115
Stone Knives and Bearskins9595
Going to the Top15890
HQ: Secure Homeworld9585
Space-Time Portal14878
Palor Toff: Alien Trader32874
Defiant Dedication Plaque6969

Deck Size Information
Largest Deck520
   60 - 6938
   70 - 7921
   80 - 8950
   90 - 9963
   100 - 10964
   110 - 11971
   120 - 12953
   130 - 13960
   140 - 14930
   150 - 15920
   160 - 16916
   170 - 17914
   180 - 1896
   190 - 1992
   200 - 2092
   210 - 2192
   220 - 2294
   230 > 2590
   260 - 2691
   270 - 2791
   280 > 2890
   290 - 2991
   300 > 3290
   330 - 3391
   340 > 3790
   380 - 3891
   390 > 4290
   430 - 4391
   440 > 4590
   460 - 4691
   470 > 4790
   480 - 4891
   490 > 5190
   520 - 5291

Tournament Deck Statistics
Total known HQs300
Total attached decks149
Total known tournament winner HQs53
AffiliationAll TournamentsLvl 2+ Events
# Played# WinnersWin %# Played# WinnersWin %
Bajoran Decks1616.25%300%
Borg Decks22836.36%14428.57%
Cardassian Decks29517.24%7114.29%
Dominion Decks20210%10110%
Federation Decks44511.36%1815.56%
Ferengi Decks400%00
Hirogen Decks4375%11100%
Imperial Starfleet Decks100%00
Kazon Decks5360%00
KCA Decks1119.09%1000%
Klingon Decks17529.41%200%
Maquis Decks600%00
Non-Aligned Decks6350%00
Romulan Decks22627.27%8112.5%
Starfleet Decks1715.88%800%
Terran Decks12216.67%9222.22%
Vidiian Decks26311.54%1600%
Vulcan Decks1616.25%700%