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Bajoran Borg Cardassian Dominion Federation Ferengi Hirogen Imperial Starfleet Kazon KCA Klingon Maquis Non-Aligned Romulan Starfleet Terran Vidiian Vulcan
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(Results reflect the previous 6 months worth of data; Updated nightly)
Top 5 missions
(across 18 decks)
Cardname# Decks
Deliver Message9
Make New Home6
Search for Weapons4
Secure Covert Transportation4
Aftermath II4
Top 5 dilemmas
(across 18 decks)
Cardname# Copies# Decks
Dead End88
Ferengi Infestation97
Eminian Disintegration Protocol76
Rules of Obedience66
Denevan Neural Parasites65
Top 10 non-dilemma seed cards
(across 18 decks)
Cardname# Copies# Decks
Q's Tent1515
Assign Mission Specialists1313
Tower of Commerce99
The Unrelenting Lust for Profit99
Ferengi Trading Post99
Defend Homeworld87
Continuing Mission77
Attention All Hands77
A New Earth66
Whisked Away66
Top 10 draw cards
(across 18 decks)
Cardname# Copies# Decks
Mordoc (The Next Generation)1811
Gold-Pressed Latinum11310
Dr. Arridor (The Next Generation)1110
Grand Nagus Zek1010

Deck Size Information
Largest Deck464
   60 - 690
   70 - 792
   80 - 890
   90 - 992
   100 - 1091
   110 - 1193
   120 - 1295
   130 - 1391
   140 - 1490
   150 - 1592
   160 - 1690
   170 - 1791
   180 - 1890
   190 - 1990
   200 - 2090
   210 - 2190
   220 - 2290
   230 - 2390
   240 - 2490
   250 - 2590
   260 - 2690
   270 - 2790
   280 - 2890
   290 - 2990
   300 - 3090
   310 - 3190
   320 - 3290
   330 - 3390
   340 - 3490
   350 - 3590
   360 - 3690
   370 - 3790
   380 - 3890
   390 - 3990
   400 - 4090
   410 - 4190
   420 - 4290
   430 - 4390
   440 - 4490
   450 - 4590
   460 - 4691

Tournament Deck Statistics
AffiliationAll TournamentsLvl 2+ Events
# Played# WinnersWin %# Played# WinnersWin %

Ferengi Decks600%00
Ferengi / Bajoran200%00

Public Decklists
FerengiTNG Ferengi Starter Deckby TNG Design Team
This is the decklist for the Ferengi TNG Starter Deck. If you're inputting a sealed deck tournament decklist, you can use it as a starting template.
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FerengiOnce you have their Money, never give it back!by Sebastian Kirstein
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BajoranFerengiQuarks Mountain Retreatby Remo G
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FerengiDQ Profitby Michael Van Breemen
Make A Home For Profit
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FerengiFerengi Whisked Awayby Maggie Geppert
Exploiting the DQ
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BajoranFerengiFerengi Conference v2by Alexander Schmitz
Ferengi Conference deck updated to include Quark's Bar, Cargo Bay and Celestial Temple. Also Know Your Enemy [Kli] made it into the deck, that changed mission selection.
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FerengiFerengiFarby Jon Forsman
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