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Design Spotlight: Second Edition Romulan
So, You're New to Romulans?
Flashback: To Have and To Hold

(Results reflect the previous 6 months worth of data; Updated nightly)
Top 5 missions
(across 22 decks)
Cardname# Decks
Sector 1156, Investigate Rogue Comet8
Khitomer, Khitomer Investigation5
Alpha 5 Approach, Transport Crash Survivor5
Earth Outpost 4, Border Incursion4
Iconia, Iconia Investigation4
Top 5 dilemmas
(across 22 decks)
Cardname# Copies# Decks
More of Gravy Than of Grave125
Environmental Contaminants107
Chula: The Chandra106
The Weak Will Perish105
Top 10 draw cards
(across 22 decks)
Cardname# Copies# Decks
Unexpected Difficulties2612
D'deridex Advanced218
Cretak, Supporter of the Alliance1815
Neral, Seasoned Politician1613
Donatra, Honorable Commander1511
Power Shift149
Getting Under Your Skin146

Deck Size Information
Largest Deck156
   60 - 696
   70 - 793
   80 - 890
   90 - 993
   100 - 1093
   110 - 1194
   120 - 1290
   130 - 1390
   140 - 1490
   150 - 1591
Largest Dilemma Pile90
   20 - 298
   30 - 397
   40 - 493
   50 - 590
   60 - 691
   70 - 790
   80 - 890
   90 - 991
Largest Draw Deck80
   35 - 447
   45 - 544
   55 - 644
   65 - 744
   75 - 841

Tournament Deck Statistics
AffiliationAll TournamentsLvl 2+ Events
# Played# WinnersWin %# Played# WinnersWin %

Romulan Decks9222.22%100%

Public Decklists
RomulanRomulan Starterby Keith Morris
Its the Romulan Starter
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RomulanTranswarp Pre-Constructed Deck: Romulanby Project Transwarp
Basic Romulan pre-constructed deck - a simple deck built around the Romulans from freely available cards. REVISION HISTORY Version 1.1 (23rd October 2008) OUT Granthon Tolar, IN Berild Version 1.0 (15th July 2008) Beta deck completed.
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RomulanRomulan V-starter (Tapestry)by Torbjörn Lindquist
This deck revolvs around the the Klingon prisoners, living a peaceful life with their Romulan captors on Carraya IV with the Klingon L'Kor as their leader. Notable characters that has been included in the deck for their usefulness includes Sela and The Viceroy.
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RomulanRomulan Stooge Nonsenseby Brian Sykes
Aka Donatra 2024
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RomulanRomulans - Nimbusby Christopher Jansa
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