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(Results reflect the previous 6 months worth of data; Updated nightly)
Top 5 missions
(across 21 decks)
Cardname# Decks
Alpha 5 Approach, Transport Crash Survivor8
Delta Pavonis, Secure Expansion5
B'hava'el, Prevent Systemic Annihilation4
Earth Outpost 4, Border Incursion4
Organia, Secure Strategic Base4
Top 5 dilemmas
(across 21 decks)
Cardname# Copies# Decks
In Development2516
Gomtuu Shock Wave229
Polywater Intoxication2114
Vault of Tomorrow198
Top 10 draw cards
(across 21 decks)
Cardname# Copies# Decks
Unexpected Difficulties229
Benjamin Sisko, Command Staffer2010
U.S.S. Enterprise, Where She Belongs209
Carolyn Palamas188
U.S.S. Enterprise-B, Ill-Prepared Successor1610
Point Blank Strike166
Alice 471155
Lal, Beloved155

Deck Size Information
Largest Deck117
   60 - 692
   70 - 791
   80 - 892
   90 - 997
   100 - 1094
   110 - 1193
Largest Dilemma Pile53
   20 - 295
   30 - 392
   40 - 497
   50 - 595
Largest Draw Deck62
   35 - 447
   45 - 547
   55 - 645

Tournament Deck Statistics
AffiliationAll TournamentsLvl 2+ Events
# Played# WinnersWin %# Played# WinnersWin %

TOS Decks1100%400%
TOS / Ferengi100%100%

Public Decklists
TOSTranswarp Pre-Constructed Deck: TOSby Project Transwarp
Basic TOS pre-constructed deck - a simple deck built around TOS from freely available cards. REVISION HISTORY Version 1.2 (23rd October 2008) OUT George Stocker, IN Bhavani Version 1.1 (21st September 2008) Removed Gav and Skalaar. Added Sarek and Matthews. Version 1.0 (15th September 2008) Beta deck completed.
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TOSTOS V-starter (Extreme Measures)by Torbjörn Lindquist
This deck features iconic characters such as James Tiberius Kirk, Leonard H McCoy, Montgomory Scott and Spock.
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TOSTo Kirk or not to Kirk, that is the question by Sean O'Reilly
TOS-deck using Species 8472 dilemmas
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FerengiTOSMVB Doesn\'t Like Dilemmasby Michael Van Breemen
Two-mission win
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TOSExperienced = Expensiveby Daniel Giddings
A Finest Crew TOS deck where all the personnel cost 3 or more.
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TOSKirkoid Masters 24by Tjark Ott
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TOSKirkoid 10.24 DMby Tjark Ott
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TOSThis is the Nimbus Party...AYAYAYAYby Julius Melhardt
Nixon China
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TOSExperienced = Expensive v2by Daniel Giddings
A Finest Crew TOS deck where all the personnel cost 3 or more.
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