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Affiliation HQ
Bajoran Borg Cardassian Dominion DS9 DS9-Earth Ferengi Hell's Heart KCA Klingon Maquis Non-Aligned Relativity Romulan Starfleet Terok Nor TNG TOS Vidiian Voyager
(Results reflect the previous 6 months worth of data; Updated nightly)
Top 10 missions
(across 444 decks)
Cardname# Decks
Alpha 5 Approach, Transport Crash Survivor71
Ledos, Preserve Isolated Culture52
Varria III, Locate Missing Crewman32
Varria Corona, Defeat Rogue Borg Vessel32
Ilari, Oust Warlord29
Gateway, Historical Research26
Ocampa System, Salvage Debris24
Norcadia Prime, Shore Leave22
Provoke Interstellar Incident21
Nimbus III, Staff Backwater Embassy20
Top 10 dilemmas
(across 444 decks)
Cardname# Copies# Decks
The Weak Will Perish322182
In Development297206
More of Gravy Than of Grave246143
Adopted Authority245160
Polywater Intoxication240186
Chula: The Chandra231156
Gomtuu Shock Wave195138
Top 10 draw cards
(across 444 decks)
Cardname# Copies# Decks
Unexpected Difficulties258125
These Are The Voyages16061
Tacking Into the Wind12987
Vidiian Cruiser12450

Deck Size Information
Largest Deck197
   60 - 6961
   70 - 7943
   80 - 8944
   90 - 9969
   100 - 10953
   110 - 11942
   120 - 12914
   130 - 13910
   140 - 1493
   150 - 1593
   160 > 1890
   190 - 1991
Largest Dilemma Pile95
   20 - 2981
   30 - 3996
   40 - 4987
   50 - 5951
   60 - 698
   70 - 792
   80 - 891
   90 - 992
Largest Draw Deck106
   35 - 44117
   45 - 54139
   55 - 6472
   65 - 7432
   75 - 847
   85 - 945
   95 > 1040
   105 - 1143

Tournament Deck Statistics
Total known HQs301
Total attached decks149
Total known tournament winner HQs54
AffiliationAll TournamentsLvl 2+ Events
# Played# WinnersWin %# Played# WinnersWin %
Bajoran Decks6116.67%3133.33%
Borg Decks17635.29%400%
Cardassian Decks13215.38%8112.5%
Dominion Decks1119.09%600%
Ferengi Decks400%100%
Klingon Decks9444.44%3133.33%
Romulan Decks9222.22%200%
TNG Decks20315%400%
DS9-Earth Decks400%100%
TOS Decks1200%500%
DS9 Decks17423.53%10110%
Terok Nor Decks400%200%
Voyager Decks12325%6116.67%
Maquis Decks200%100%
Starfleet Decks500%300%
Non-Aligned Decks900%200%
Vidiian Decks28725%7114.29%
KCA Decks4250%11100%
Relativity Decks11100%00
Hell's Heart Decks7228.57%100%