The Period of Review is now under way. You may have already noticed that several threads have been posted to the Period of Review board to solicit questions for TrekCC Board Members. General members of the Continuing Committee, defined as those who have an active Premium Membership, may respond to the individual threads on that Forum. Members of the Board of Directors will answer questions directly on the forums this year. Members' questions for the Period of Review will be answered no later than January 31st, to allow our membership to view the answers before the vote goes live.
The Continuing Committee operates under our Bylaws. According to them, after the Period of Review is concluded, the general membership of the Continuing Committee will be able to vote on whether each member of the Board of Directors will retain their seats. These positions are the Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Director of First Edition, Director of Second Edition, Director of Organized Play, Director of Communications and Director of Operations. Members are defined as anyone with a Premium Membership. If you volunteer for the Continuing Committee, you will be granted a one-month Premium Membership in thanks for your service. If you do not currently volunteer, you will need to purchase one (minimum of a one-month membership for $5) that is active at the time of the vote.
We will be using an outside website (OpaVote) to conduct the vote. This will ensure both that each member gets only one vote and that those votes are confidential. Due to this use of an outside site, any member wishing to vote will also need to make sure that their email address on file with the Continuing Committee is current. Each email address will only get one vote, so if multiple members of a household are using the same email address, please change them so that they each have a unique one. To check on your email address, in the forum please go to User Control Panel --> Profile --> Account Settings.
Voting will take place from February 1st at 12:00 am EST (i.e., server time) to February 8th at 11:59 pm EST. This will ensure that members have time to review the Period of Review questions and answers before voting begins. Members will be asked if they wish to remove each Board member from their position. This question may seem odd, but we ask to remove based on the way the Bylaws are written. You will also be given a dedicated option to abstain from voting on a Board member if you don't feel you can make an informed vote.
If you have any questions about the Period of Review or are willing to host a session, please feel free to send me a PM.