Hoss-Drone: How's it going?
MidnightLich: I'm going to get creamed
Hoss-Drone: lol, you said it, not me. :)
Hoss-Drone: k, shuffling.
Hoss-Drone: alright, who's going first?
MidnightLich: i've got a die here
MidnightLich: you have one handy?
Hoss-Drone: 6 sided?
MidnightLich: yup
Hoss-Drone: k
Hoss-Drone: rolling.....5
MidnightLich: i got a 4
Hoss-Drone: alright drawing my 7
Hoss-Drone: ready?
MidnightLich: yessir
Turn 1
Hoss-Drone: Energize for 3, Ben sisko for 7 - downloading a ship
Hoss-Drone: 6 in hand - your turn (yt)
MidnightLich: start of turn, discard Attack the Crew to get Finding Our Way
MidnightLich: play Finding for 1
MidnightLich: draw 1
MidnightLich: play Energize (5)
MidnightLich: d2
MidnightLich: play UD
MidnightLich: discard Baxial to d/l Equinox
MidnightLich: 7 in hand, your turn
Turn 2
Hoss-Drone: energize away.,.....Julian Bashir, d2
Hoss-Drone: play Quark (VO) for free - get a d/l
Hoss-Drone play U.S.S. Centaur for 7
Hoss-Drone: dc Energize at eot. yt
MidnightLich: energizing: angelo tassoni
MidnightLich: play equinox @ array for 4
MidnightLich: play burke for 1, play thompson for free by discarding spacial fissures
MidnightLich: so d2
MidnightLich: 5 in hand, your turn
Turn 3
Hoss-Drone: Energize....Worf. play Jadzia Dax (science officer) for free. d1.
Hoss-Drone: d2
Hoss-Drone: play persis for 5. play tongo for 7
Hoss-Drone: let's stop quark to play tongo
Hoss-Drone: uss centaur - 5
MidnightLich: starting over - 1
Hoss-Drone: k - i score 5 points
Hoss-Drone: 7 in hand. yt
MidnightLich: energize: attack the crew
MidnightLich: play harad-sar for free
MidnightLich: d/l: Naras, Maras, and Maras
MidnightLich: Play Noah for 3, Maras for 2 (5), d2 (7)
MidnightLich: 7 in hand, yt
Turn 4
Hoss-Drone: energize - security drills
Hoss-Drone: william ross for free. d1
Hoss-Drone: george primmmin for 3, melora pazlar for 5
Hoss-Drone: play at what cost? - 9 counters now remaining
Hoss-Drone: d2
Hoss-drone: play Nog (little green man), Kurn and Miles O'Brien (vo) for other 7 counters
Hoss-Drone: beam up leaving X number behind
Hoss-Drone: Alrighty then....lets play tongo
Hoss-Drone: eesh, under siege - 2
MidnightLich: etu - 2
Hoss-Drone: k, we both score
MidnightLich: hurray
Hoss-Drone: fly centaur to Inv. Destruction
Hoss-Drone: attempt w/9
MidnightLich: yick ?
MidnightLich: well, lets see here
MidnightLich: 3 dilemmas
Hoss-Drone: k
MidnightLich: personal duty (2)
Hoss-Drone: 4 eligible....please name a number 1-4
MidnightLich: 2
Hoss-Drone: k, george primmin is about to stop
Hoss-Drone: He will declare that William Ross is untouchable for rest of turn so W.R. cannot be stopped by Pdiddy
Hoss-Drone: so W.R. and 1 other go through, GP and 1 other stop
Hoss-Drone: next dilemma
MidnightLich: command decisions (3)
Hoss-Drone: Ben Sisko elects to stop
Hoss-Drone: next
MidnightLich: counter insurgency
MidnightLich: i discard nothing
MidnightLich: your solve if you have it
Hoss-Drone: William for skills + nog, jadzia, persis, melora and miles = 30 base
MidnightLich: works for me
Hoss-Drone: k, staffing on will, persis and jadzia - fly remaining span home
Hoss-Drone: your turn
MidnightLich: energize: indebetness
MidnightLich: play d'nesh for free
MidnightLich: d1
MidnightLich: play Indebtedness for 1
MidnightLich: play morik
MidnightLich: play enterprise-j (5 used, 2 left)
MidnightLich: d2
MidnightLich: use indebtedness to discard baxial to draw a card
MidnightLich: attempt Caretaker's with 7
Hoss-Drone: k
Hoss-Drone: hmmm....well i can go assured stop or dangerous but huge gamble with possibly a huge reward......
Hoss-Drone: i think i will gamble because of your self deprecating sense of humor
Hoss-Drone: 3 dilemmas
MidnightLich: k
Hoss-Drone: first is hard time
Hoss-Drone: number 5
MidnightLich: okay
Hoss-Drone: last one you should have now
Hoss-Drone: Where no one has gone before
MidnightLich: i take a trip
Hoss-Drone: oh wow
MidnightLich: 5 in hand
Hoss-Drone: i thought you had the cunning. K, its in the core
Hoss-Drone: my turn?
MidnightLich: yeah
Turn 5
Hoss-Drone: energize. ... uss defiant. energize is gone.Turn 6
Hoss-Drone: k, i'll d1