Teching Against Your Opponent
If you're having trouble with a particular deck, there are some cards you can include in your dilemma pile that can shore you up against certain match-ups. The beginner piles include Moral Choice as an obvious example of a tech dilemma (against Federation), but some tech dilemmas are less obvious. For example, Intimidation (also in the base pile) is very good against Klingon decks, and insane against Borg decks, but will likely only ever stop two personnel against a DS9 deck.
The best tech dilemmas will have some effect even when facing a deck that they're not meant to beat, but a significantly improved effect in the right match-up. I'd caution against using too many tech dilemmas, but judicial use of some of them can do a lot to make a tough match-up a lot easier.
Here are some other examples:
Becalmed (Bajorans, Klingons, Dominion, Khan)
Affiliations that are rich with high attribute personnel get hit hard by this one.
Challenging Revision, Swashbuckler at Heart (Cardassians, Klingons, Borg)
Affiliations with powerful dilemma-busting interrupts can get stalled by these.
Cutting Remark, Zero Hour (Events)
You might wonder why someone would use so many events that these would be useful. I'll cover that in the next article.
Dereliction of Duty, The Captain's "Guest" (Keyword-focused decks)
Keywords are abilities, so Dereliction removes them, and Guest stops personnel who have them. Some examples are Cadet decks or Borg decks (Drone or Dissident).
Discommendation (Klingons)
It has the Klingon icon in the text!
In Development, Miner Revolt (Low cost personnel)
Most of the beginner decks are rich with low cost personnel, but in the wild you'll notice that some decks effectively reduce the cost of their personnel and aren't quite as effectively targeted by these dilemmas.
Elemental Instability (Delphic Starfleet)
Starfleet decks that focus on the "Damaged" versions of the SF crew and Delphic Expanse missions often use Trellium-D to cycle and fuel their own dilemmas.
Occupational Hazards (Most Federation, Starfleet, and Bajoran decks)
The "good guys" often lack the Treachery or Acquisition to pass this dilemma.
Quarren Labor Shortage, The Seen and the Unseen (Non-Aligned)
They have the Non-Aligned Icon in the text!
Rascals, The Dal'Rok, Unbelievable Emergency (Multiple Headquarters decks)
Some decks use multiple HQs in order to combine affiliations' strengths (the most powerful at the time of this writing is a DS9/TNG deck). Be careful though, these dilemmas have no effect against decks with no HQs (Voyager, Relativity, Khan).
Weight of Command (Romulans)
It has the Romulan icon in the text!
Xenophobic Outburst (DS9, Terok Nor Dissident)
These decks have many different affiliations and can be targeted by this dilemma.
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