On Saturday, February 10th, we held a live stream where we announced a ton of info about 2024. Here's a quick run down of everything we covered:
The 2024 World Championships will be in San Francisco, California, USA over Labor Day weekend. The events will run Friday, August 30th through Monday, September 2nd. More information, including the venue, room block options, and a firmer schedule will be coming. But you're safe to book your plane tickets! Just remember: avoid Sanctuary District A.
We have locations for North American Continental Championships and the First Edition European Continental Championship:
North American Continentals will be in Sioux Falls, South Dakota in July (exact dates and details to come). This event weekend will feature events for First Edition, Second Edition, and Tribbles.
The First EditionEuropean Continental Championships will be at Kaiserfest VII in Haimhausen, Germany, the weekend of August 16th - 18th. Kaiserfest has turned into one of the biggest annual Trek events, and we're excited to see European Continentals there!
We are looking for interested hosts for 2E European Continentals. Also, if any of our Australian players are interested in getting back into the game and hosting an event, we'd love to hear from you.
More details about all of the Continental Events will be coming soon.
Applications for 2024 National Championships are opening soon. For now, if you're interested in hosting a National Championship, contact Director of Organized Play Kris Sonsteby [LORE]. For now, we are happy to announce that the German National Championship for First Edition will be on March 16th in Monheim, Germany.
We will also soon be accepting applications for Trek Masters Events in 2024. As with Nationals, you can place an early bid for one by contacting Director of Organized Play Kris Sonsteby [LORE]. The first Trek Masters of the season will be for Second Edition in Fultondale, Alabama on March 2nd, 2024. This is part of the 2nd Annual Mark Phillips Open.
Regional applications are officially open. You can run a Regional event any time between April and November. Regionals can be in any format, from sealed to draft to constructed to whatever people want to play.
We're putting a pause on our "Year of the Affiliation" branding to really lean into everything "Past Tense." All of our organized play buttons, badges, play mats, and promos will be branded around the Bell Riots and Sanctuary District A. Here are some highlights:
For the first time since 2009, we're offering brand new cards as promos for Regionals, Trek Masters/Nationals, Continentals, and Worlds. You can read all about the cards in the article linked in the previous sentence. And you don't have to wait for the events - all 12 cards are printable right now, and become legal on February 19th, 2024!
Our collectable buttons will look quite different this year. This year's buttons are 1.5" square instead of 1" circles, and feature Sanctuary District A branding. The associated forum badges feature similar branding. You can get a look at all of these prizes in this article.
This year's playmats, for all 3 games, are something entirely new. You can take a look at them in this article, along with a rundown of how you can win one throughout the year. We've heard your feedback these have been too hard to get, so we've upped the amount we're offering significantly!
There is so much more information to come about these events and what you can find in all 3 of our games. Check out the entire video of the live stream to see everything, as well as hints and spoilers from upcoming First Edition, Second Edition, and Tribbles expansions! The entire Continuing Committee is thrilled to finally reveal all of this awesome 2024 news to you; we hope you're even more excited to see it!