Greetings, Trek players! The 2024 World Championships are taking place in San Francisco, California, in the United States. In just about a month, players with gather in the future home of Starfleet Academy from August 30th through September 2nd to vie for a World Championship title. Attendees will also get their hands on foil versions of in the form of Gabriel for First Edition, Benjamin Sisko (Preserving History) for Second Edition, and 10,000 Tribbles - Hate for Tribbles. The cards have been out, printable, and legal for most of 2024, but this event will be a great chance to get foil versions. And now, with the next installment of the Global Chair's Challenge, you'll have a chance to win this year's World Championship promos even if you can't make it to San Francisco.
A Global Chair's Challenge has historically been issued annually by the Chair of the CC's Board of Directors. Participation offers special prizes in exchange for playing in tournaments to celebrate the pinnacle of the Continuing Committee's championship season, with added incentives for meeting various deck building challenges. This year is The Year of Past Tense and our challenges are all designed to pay homage to one of Star Trek's best time travel stories. Here are the 3 ways can enter this year's challenge:
1. Participate in a Sanctioned Tournament
The Global Chair's Challenge will run from Friday, August 23rd through Sunday, September 8th. This time span includes the weekend of the World Championships, as well as the one before and the one after. Every participant that plays in an event that is not one of the World Championship tournaments during this time frame will be automatically entered into the drawing for a copy of that game's World Championship promo. Tournament directors will also earn an entry if they run (but do not play) in the tournament, and event winners will earn a bonus entry. Please note that each game is a separate contest, so playing in 1E tournaments gets you entries in the 1E contest, 2E tournaments for the 2E contest, and Tribbles tournaments for the Tribbles contest. So, why not run a local triple-header and get an entry in each drawing just for playing and / or running an event?
2. Play During Worlds Weekend
Should you elect to play during the actual weekend of the World championships, Friday, August 30th through Monday, September 2nd, bonus entries will be handed out to all tournament participants. So, why not run your own little local championship while rooting on your favorites in San Francisco? If you do, each event will count for two entries into the contest instead of just one, doubling your chances of winning a copy of these gorgeous promos!
3. Accept the Chair's Challenge
Finally, the third and final way to earn bonus entries into the drawing for an exclusive World Championship promo is to accept the Chair's Challenge for any one of the three games. What are those challenges, you ask? For this year, we have decided to embrace the year's temporal theme and make them all about time.
First Edition's Challenge:
This year's Chair's Challenge asks you to play a deck that includes at least 1 Time Location, and/or includes at least 1 copy of this year's Organized Play event promo personnel: Julian Bashir, Jadzia Dax, and Benjamin Sisko.
Second Edition's Challenge:
Although Second Edition doesn't have time locations, it does feature Temporal missions. Thus, to qualify for this achievement, you need to include at least 1 Temporal mission and/or include at least 1 copy of this year's Organized Play event promo personnel: Julian Bashir (Displaced Doctor), Gabriel Bell (American Hero), and Benjamin Sisko (Preserving History).
Tribbles Challenge:
Finally, the Chair's Challenge for Tribbles requires you to either include at least 1 copy of every Time Warp denomination (everything but 1 Tribble) and/or at least 1 copy of each of the 2024 Organized Play event promo cards: 10 Tribbles - Lock, 100 Tribbles - Organize, 1,000 Tribbles - Party, and 10,000 Tribbles - Hate.
Note that this these challenge are all and/or requirements, so you only need to include 1 side or the other. You can include both, but it doesn't count "extra." These will be made as special achievements to help track them, but you are welcome to get other achievements with your decks as well.
As the article's title said, all of the 2024 Chair's Challenges are about time. As a reminder, each event you participate in from Friday, August 23rd through Sunday, September 8th will automatically get you entered into the drawing for the appropriate World Championship promo. If you happen to win the tournament, you'll be given a bonus entry in the drawing for that specific game. And if you take up the Chair's Challenge by building your deck to qualify, you'll get a third entry. And that's each time you play during the challenge period! At this time, we expect to give out at least five (5) copies of each game's specific World Championship promo, but we may add more as well as other prizes to the cache based on community participation. So contact your local ambassador or regular T.D., schedule some events, and get entries into the 2024 Global Chair's Challenge event! But most of all, have fun and play Trek!
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