European Continentals held were the weekend of July 20. We ran a draft to see if anyone could predict what would be played. Did anyone pick a full slate? Find out that and more as we look at the decks!
We'll start with the only duplication of affiliations of decks posted, Defiant Soldiers EM 2024 by Jeronimo Mitaroff-Szecsenyi. With Noble Intentions, this deck has several copies of key personnel along with some MACOs to help out with skills and make each other better. There are also three missions to help Mirror Starfleet, including the recently minted Forcas Sector, Restore Quantum Barriers.
The other Starfleet deck is Cernunnos' Fast Starfleet made by LordZKrutor. A great deal of the speed can be accounted for there not being a lot of verbs in the deck, and two of the three Events being A Sight for Sore Eyes and At What Cost?, leading to a fairly streamlined play experience.
The Romulans are the minority in Romulan Klingons or Klingon Romulans by Julius Melhardt. Notulans, or a nominally Romulan deck populated largely if not entirely by non-Romulans are a popular build. In particular, there are so many Klingons in the deck that The Sword of Kahless is included! For cards that are generally seen as not the best in the game, this deck makes a strong case for their inclusion. Plus, the only ships are a trio of cheap Romulan Scout Vessels.
Johannes Mette ran Taking a solid Ken Deck and adapt it; Taking a solid MVB deck and trying to shoehorn in some different achievements. The latest attempt at the Varria missions from Continuing Mission, this deck was slightly reworked to allow for Achievement goodness. A bit of a potpourri solver, this is aimed at getting the mission solved as quickly as possible. Find out more in his tournament report, though do not be drinking something lest you need a new monitor.
Stefan Slaby would take Voyager in Rudy gib acht. With the Equinox subfaction, getting the Spend Money to Make Money achievement is a breeze since the requirement is to have twenty cards that cause you to lose points, and the U.S.S. Equinox, Determined To Fet Home, can laugh at that.
Martin Felber would bring back Chairs Challenge 2021, the only dual affiliated deck posted with Bajorans and the Cardassians. The Bajoran contingent is minimal, though there are enough to get the B'tanay out. Bariel Antos, Petty Thief is there to cycle your personnel around, Kira Kerys, Resourceful Prisoner can feed that cycling and get out of a jam, and Romara Cal, Personal Physician can also get cards out of the discard pile upon an opponent's successful solve. This smattering of Alternate Universe Bajorans more than justifies the inclusion of a second headquarters.
The day would ultimately go to Jirka Paska with EC Bajor. This deck has a good representation of clergy to include Vedek Assembly Transport, and a couple Orbs along with a multitude of Pah-Wraith cards to balance out the universe. Note that there are also some non-Orbs Artifacts in the mix to help with mission attempts and their aftermath.
Looking at the draft, no one picked a prefect slate. We’ll see what happens at Worlds this weekend. Remember there is a Chair’s Challenge involved as well! If you cannot make it to Worlds, Brian Sykes is running an online event! Speaking of videos, it might not be a bad idea to keep an eye on the Committee page over the Worlds weekend ….
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