Worlds were held the weekend of August 30. We ran a draft to see if anyone could predict what would be played. Did anyone get a perfect slate? Let's take a look at the decks and find out.
Eric R would bring Battle Bajorans and even though this deck has Bajor, Blessed by the Prophets, the Artifacts are The Stone of Gol and the Varon-T Disruptor. After adding in almost a half dozen hand weapons and a full dozen Bajoran Resistance personnel, this deck is ready to shoot first and ask questions later.
Richard New would play Borg vs. Borg. Completing the recently released Varria missions, this deck uses the Of Nines to ensure access to the right cards when they are needed. The dilemma pile has a Persistent theme.
The Dominion is on display with Christopher Jansa's Dominion - Alpha Q v1.3 (Worlds 2024). There are minimal Vorta but the newest headquarters of the affiliation is used having fun in the Alpha Quadrant and the Jem'Hadar serving their Founder overlords.
Remo G would bring Earth DS9 to play with “Past Tense Part IV.” Only five of the personnel are Earth or Deep Space Nine iconed, with the rest being Non-Aligned. In keeping with the Chairman's Challenge, there are a lot of personnel who cost two in this deck.
Justin Ford and Charlie Plaine would both rock Deep Space Nine with Rainbow Dash 2024 and Kris Sonsteby is Very Smart respectively. Both decks would only use one of the Common Cards, Common Enemy. Charlie would play his both days, but Markus Eberlein would play the faction with his Worlds 2024 which would have the other two Common Cards.
Not to be left out, Jeremy Benedict would Shake Yo Money Maker, shaking out all but two Deep Space Nine icon personnel; Lwaxana Troi, Extraordinary Ambassador who gets a discount when non-Federation affiliated personnel are in play and George Primmin, Starfleet Security to keep key personnel safe
Although Richard New titled his deck Proving Our Meddle 2.0, this is at least the fourth version of the deck. This is a little sleeker than the prior version and, per the description, adds capturing to the killing and annoyance with the Romulans.
The Vidiians, the newest affiliations on the scene, made appearances with both Trek Barnes's Vidians 1.0 and Eric R's Vidians v2.
Jusitn Ford would play TOS 2 Mission Win 2024 with a nice array of missions to choose from, very much going for the solver route with a bit of speed to get there quicker.
The Original Series would mix with the Ferengi courtesy of Michael Van Breemen. There are only two Federation personnel in the deck and more Non-Aligned than either of the other affiliations. As the title implies, MVB Doesn't Like Dilemmas indeed. This is a risky deck to play as it has only one ship.
Michael Van Breemen would also rock the Klingon Cardassian Alliance in Worlds KCA, focusing enough on the Klingons that Brute Force is in the mix and are the only affiliation of ships around with the Alliance Vor'cha.
Maggie Geppert would playfully borrow a deck she has played multiple times with I Dont Know Why Monty42 Calls This Deck Falling Toward Apotheosis. This Cardassian deck goes through Expedient Opportunity to run around using the power cards of the affiliation.
The event would ultimately go to Kenneth Tufts who play a Cardassian deck he used multiple times with Cardies 2.01 NACC 2023.
Looking at the draft, no one picked a perfect slate. At issue is that everyone picked at least one of Klingons or The Next Generation and no one played either! We'll see what the future brings with an online Masters later this month.
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