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Online Masters 2024 Draft Results

by Ross Fertel, Physical

19th December 2024

Second Edition Online Masters were played earlier this year. We ran a draft to see if anyone could predict what would be played. Did anyone pick a perfect slate of five? Let's look at the decks and find out!

Seven of Nine, Ideal CandidateWe'll start with a pair of Vidian decks that play in the same space. Masters of the Universe 2024 v1.6 by Ted Reebel and Organ Dontation v3 by Jon Carter are the latest interactions of Varria decks with the latter having a little more verb support. Find out more in Carter's Tournament Report including a matchup against another Vidiian deck and another Varria deck.

The Vidiians did not hold a monopoly over Varria as Christopher Jansa showed in Federation - TNG Varria. The lineup is a little more aimed at solving with optimization at high point missions and a few toys thrown in to speed things up, like Field Studies, or slow down an opponent, like Playing by the Rules.

Sticking with the Federation, Tjark Ott would bring Androids to the mix with Kirkoid Masters 24. The organic contingent includes a visiting Sisko, an Experienced Scotty and a Romulan Spock. The combination of personnel is just right for Stella!

The final non-winning Federation deck posted is DMZ Full Nelson by Steve Nelson. The deck uses thenewest Headquarters for the Maquis and several tricks familiar to Maquis players new and old in the draw deck.

Our Death is Glory to the FoundersIf you like your verbs, hope you are not facing Michael Van Breemen's I Do Not Want You to Do Things. This deck has enough missions to play Reprimand and enough Jem'Hadar to play Our Death is Glory to the Founders. The headquarters of Cardassia Prime, Subjugated Planet is there to get the early draws happening a bit faster.

Remo G would play Khanned Goods including Blue Match in the mix to speed things along, working well with their affiliation and fairly high strength to at least try and get a discount at the start of each turn.

Markus Eberlein would play a Cardassian By the early 2020s, there was a place like this in every major city in the United States. courtesy of Jared Hoffman, though only using one of the Organized Play Promos with Julian Bashir, Displaced Doctor, arguably the hardest to pull off.

Maggie Geppert played a Delta Quadrant Klingon deck He s not the Messiah. Mk II taking advantage of the new Delta Quadrant Missions from Phage. As of this writing, she is the sole player to rock Nechani Homeworld, Participate in Sacred Ritual, which fits in perfectly with most of the skills.

The event would ultimately go to Benjamin Liebich with Bierbadewanne | Masters of the Universe 2024 Edition a deck also taking advantage of what Phage has to offer. The deck features Seven of Nine, Ideal Candidate who is not usually used in a straight up Voyager deck.

Looking at the draft, no one picked a perfect slate. We'll see how things turn out next year, including a March Masters in Alabama and Worlds in Germany Next August.

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