Thirty years ago today the first episode of Star Trek: Voyager, Caretaker, originally aired. It was an exciting time! Star Trek: The Next Generation had just ended the previous year, and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was heating up in its third season. I absorbed every bit of information I could about the show before it released (including the eventually recycled name for The Doctor, Dr. Zimmerman). I also vaguely recall taking a virtual tour of the ship from the computer in my Dad's office (I found a site with something similar here, which also includes a bunch of other Trek starships).
Today I'd like to present to you the newest Second Edition expansion, Finding Our Way. It is a celebration of thirty years of Star Trek: Voyager. The first Voyager-themed Second Edition expansion, Captain's Log, pulled many of its images from the episode Caretaker; because of that focus, though this expansion is being released in response to the anniversary of Caretaker's release, images from this set come from episodes throughout the series.
High priority was given to cards that are not currently printable in high-resolution, with a focus on cards that are heavily used. Additionally, we wanted to make sure that every main character appeared in the set, and that as many factions received something new as we could manage. For example, there are two Tom Parises that have no high-resolution printing options: The Best Pilot You Could Have and "Starfleet Observer". "Starfleet Observer" both appears in more decks and gives some representation for Maquis decks to the set, so he gets a new image in this set. (Though a version of The Best Pilot You Could Have that doesn't look like he's cramped in the frame is high on my personal wishlist.)
Also appearing in this set are three new Archive Portrait mission cards. Similar to my experience when looking at Deep Space 9 imagery, I discovered that Voyager visited the same planet (image) very frequently. Fortunately, that was not the case in every episode, some of Voyager's destinations included amazing practical and digital effects. And - occasionally - those instances lined up with existing missions that would fit on the Archive Portrait template, so please enjoy adding these special missions to your decks!
This expansion goes live today in its entirety today, and none of these forty cards are new (six of them are receiving non-gameplay-relevant errata) so go ahead and print them out! I hope you have fun using them in your decks.
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