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Premiere Remastered First Edition Game Changes

by Charlie Plaine, Director of First Edition

24th January 2025

Happy Premiere Remastered release day! As mentioned at the beginning of the month, the release of this massive expansion is coming with it's own, super-sized game changes article. Nearly every card in Premiere has been touched in some capacity, so there is a lot of ground to cover. Today's update is entirely about the content in Premiere Remastered, with a few exceptions for cards that had to be changed to continue to function.

Note: Unlike most game changes articles, the changes outlined here do not take effect immediately. These changes will take effect one week from today - Friday, January 31st - to coincide with the tournament legal date of Premiere Remastered.

Let's get into the changes:

Modern Ban List
With the release of Premiere Remastered, a total of 7 cards are being removed from the Modern Ban List: Anti-Time Anomaly, Distortion of Space/Time Continuum, Red Alert!, Rogue Borg (formerly Mercenaries), Subspace Schism, Time Travel Pod, and Tox Uthat. Each card receives errata as of today's release, the details of which appear below.

There is one addition to the Modern Ban List today: Writ of Accountability. This card has been a frequent concern over the years, and with the change to Anti-Time Anomaly, we're removing the card from the card pool while we research the best way to reintroduce it.

Corrections are tweaks that have, at most, a minimal impact on how the card works, such as rewording a card for greater clarity, adding a canonical region to a card that was printed before the region existed, or clarifying a personnel's species or romantic relationship. This is a new type of update that was introduced with the 30th Anniversary.

A total of 255 cards have been updated with corrections as part of Premiere Remastered. Due to the number of corrections and length limitations of this website, the corrections have been split into 2 additional articles:

Corrections - Artifacts through Missions
Corrections - Personnel and Ships

Errata substantially change how the card works. This is often (but not always) because the card was too powerful and had to be balanced. We are issuing errata to 23 cards in today's update, as follows:

Interphase Generator
The original version of this card called out a specific list of 8 dilemmas; expanding the effect required using those titles as part of a card group, or printing "Nullified by Interphase Generator" on the new dilemma. We have introduced a new icon, the Interphase Generator icon - [IPG] - to indicate a dilemma can be nullified by this artifact. Here is the updated text:

Use as [Equipment]. Where present, nullifies [IPG] dilemmas.

Thought Maker
The original text allowed looking through an opponent's deck for "ten seconds." Aside from being impractical, the Department of First Edition has been actively working to eliminate such physical barriers from the game. The next text, which limits the effect and eliminates the timer, preserves Decipher's intent with this card as taken from the Brady Strategy Guide. Here is the updated text:

Place in hand. Plays as [Interrupt]: Name a card type, then take all cards with that card type from opponent's draw deck, shuffle them, and place them on bottom of deck.

Time Travel Pod
This article goes into more detail behind the reasoning for this change. The card returns to the card pool now with a shorter duration and using existing time travel mechanics. Here is the updated text:

Immediately play on table as a [Univ] [S] time location. Relocate opponent's ship here now OR once, at any time, relocate your ship here. Counts down only while a ship here. When countdown expires, return ship to former location.

Temporal Causality Loop
One of the quirkiest cards in First Edition, it was the opinion of the Rules Committee that this card never properly worked in the rules. You can read more about the origins of this change in this article. The new version provides much clearer guidance on exactly what this card does, and how. Here is the updated text:

Unless SCIENCE and CUNNING>35 present, returns here (re-plays) all cards in discard piles discarded from here this attempt (re-seed seed cards); turn ends. Otherwise, score points. Discard dilemma.

Anti-Time Anomaly
This card had the ability to remove all personnel in play, what is commonly known as a "board wipe" in card game parlence. The new version mitigates the power of such an effect by a) requiring it to come out of a Q-Flash side deck and returning personnel in play to their owner's decks instead of killing them. Here is the updated text:

[Q] [Event] Anti-Time Anomaly
"Oh! Nothing Happened. See what you've done?"
"...I caused the anomaly, and the anomaly somehow disrupted the beginnings of life on Earth?"

Plays on table. At the start of each turn, opponent may [Flip] one ship at any Devron System. When countdown expires, each player shuffles all personnel in play (even "for uniqueness only") that they own into their draw decks.

Gaps in Normal Space
The rework of this card now allows it to be used in multiple by allowing it to be inserted next to non-mission cards. It also clarifies what happens to ships and other cards at its spaceline location when the event is destroyed. Here is the updated text:

Insert in spaceline as a span 4 [S] location. When a ship moves to here, randomly kills a personnel aboard. If nullified, cards here relocate to adjacent location if possible (your choice).

Pattern Enhancers
The original card only worked on 2 very specific cards. Now, the rework of this card now expands the effects to many more effects as long as they are on dilemmas, events, or missions. Note: cards like Transport Inhibitor remain unaffected by this change. Here is the updated text:

Plays on table. You may ignore any effect on a dilemma, event, or mission that prevents beaming or targets your just-beamed personnel or equipment.

Red Alert!
The original card was incredibly powerful, allowing unlimited ships, personnel, and equipment to be played for free. The new version allows up to 5 personnel and equipment to be reported in place of a normal card play and comes with a 2 turn countdown. Here is the updated text:

[2] Red Alert!
Plays on table. In place of your normal card play, you may play up to five personnel and/or [Equipment]. When nullified, any player may immediately download Yellow Alert.

The exact effects of the card on a mission are now spelled out on the card itself. Specifically, the mission retains any of its original properties - as a homeworld, as a corresponding location for a time location, etc. Here is the updated text:

Requires Tox Uthat. Plays on a mission. Destroys all ships and facilities here. For rest of game, mission is unattemptable and unscoutable, converts to [S] (if [P]), and loses gametext, point box, and affiliation icons.

Amanda Rogers
The core functions of the card remains the same, providing the ability to nullify an interrupt. Amanda is revised to have - and use - the new [Shield] icon; additionally, the point box has been removed. Here is the updated text:

[Shield] Amanda Rogers
Nullifies an [Interrupt] being played (except [Shield] ). Place this [Interrupt] out-of-play.

Crosis still doubles the STRENGTH of your Rogue Borg aboard a ship, but he no longer counts as such an attacker. He does have language that allows Six of Nineteen to still discard him as if we here, however. Here is the updated text:

Plays on a ship. Doubles STRENGTH of all Rogue Borg present. At start of next turn, discard interrupt. (May be targeted as a Rogue Borg by Six of Nineteen.)

Distortion of Space/Time Continuum
This incredibly powerful card has been reworked to only work on a deck that is using non- [AU] cards versus a deck that is using [AU] cards. The power of the available options has also been mitigated somewhat, and only one copy of the card may be in play at a time. Here is the updated text:

[1] Distortion of Space/Time Continuum
Plays on your non- [AU] ship just after opponent plays an [AU] card. You may discard to unstop ship and crew OR restore full RANGE OR unstop an Away Team here. (Unique.)

Emergency Transporter Armbands
One of the quirkiest cards in First Edition, Emergency Transporter Armbands has been changed and revised many times in the game's history. This errata spells out exactly when and where the card can be used, introducing the new eponymous icon - [ETA] to mark dilemmas that can be escaped with this card. Here is the updated text:

Plays on your crew or Away Team, even during battle or while facing an [ETA] dilemma. Any of your personnel present may immediately beam away. (May not be played while two adversaries are in combat.)

Hugh gets a power boost, gaining the ability to cancel a battle initiated by a player using [Bor] cards as well as the Borg Ship dilemma. And, as always, he can wipe out a group of Rogue Borg. Here is the updated text:

Plays to cancel a battle just initiated by a [Bor] card or Borg Ship dilemma. OR Plays to kill all Rogue Borg at one location.

Kevin Uxbridge
Much like his counterpart Amanda, the core functions of Kevin Uxbridge remain the same, the card is revised to have - and use - the new [Shield] icon. Additionally, the point box has been removed. Here is the updated text:

[Shield] Kevin Uxbridge
Nullifies an [Event] (except a [Shield] or Treaty). Place this [Interrupt] out-of-play.

Rogue Borg
This infamous card - named on more cards than almost any other - now has a new name itself, dropping "Mercenaries" from the title. The card has been revised to use [Self] technology and has a reduced power level compared to the original. Here is the updated text:

Rogue Borg
Plays on an occupied ship. X=Number of Rogue Borg present; they form an Away Team. End of every player's turn: That Away Team battles that player's personnel present.

Subspace Schism
This card returns to First Edition with radically different timing, but a similar effect as the original. Instead of responding to a card draw - which introduced a host of other issues - the card triggers when an opponent would about to draw a card. Here is the updated text:

Subspace Schism
Plays when a player would draw a card (limit once each turn). Discards that card. (Player draws next card.)

Temporal Rift
Covered in the same article as Time Travel Pod, Temporal Rift is now reworked using existing time travel mechanics. Here is the updated text:

[2] Temporal Rift
Plays on table as a [Univ] [S] time location; relocate one of your exposed ships OR a [Self] dilemma here. Counts down only at the start of your turn. When nullified, return that ship or dilemma to its former location.

The following cards are not part of Premiere Remastered, but required errata to continue to function with Premiere Remastered's release:

The text targeting and nullifying Rogue Borg (Mercenaries) has been removed from this card, along with a slight tweak to the wording defining a homeworld's affiliation. Here is the updated text:

Seeds or plays on table. Ooby Dooby is nullified. Q's Planet may not enter play. Your opponent may not initiate battle at a homeworld against your force containing a card matching that homeworld.

These Are the Voyages
The location name of Pegasus Search was updated to the correct spelling, necessitating a change to this card. At the same time, the Rules Committee removed the unnecessary "even if not in play" text. Here is the updated text:

Plays on Devolin System Asteroid Belt. Your non-[MQ][Sta][22] personnel lose [AU] and [Sta] but add [Holo] and [Fed], and they (and Chef) add [TNG] while Continuing Mission in play. In place of your normal card play, you may download Chef. Once each turn, a unique [Holo][22] with INTEGRITY>6 may report for free to Chef. If Chef helps solve this mission, you may download U.S.S. Pegasus here.

The removal of point boxes from Kevin Uxbridge, Amanda Rogers, and Q2 necessitated an update to this card's text to preserve the functionality. Here is the updated text:

Once per game, opponent loses 5 points for each copy of Amanda Rogers, Kevin Uxbridge, and Q2 they have removed from this game. (Immune to Amanda Rogers.) OR Nullifies Fightin' Words.

Quinn has been updated to align its functionality with the new [Shield] icon. Here is the updated text:

Thrice per game, lose points to nullify an [Interrupt] or [Event] just played or activated, unless [Shield] or "immune" to Kevin Uxbridge or Amanda Rogers.

Lore's original special skill (Doubles all Rogue Borg and Crystalline Entities in play) caused some confusion with the new Rogue Borg (Mercenaries). It has been split, replacing the Rogue Borg part of his special skill with a special download of Crosis. Here is the updated text:

[SD] Doubles Crystalline Entity. [DL] Crosis

Watch List
A total of 8 cards are being added to the Watch List today. Our standard policy is that any card that is removed from the Modern Ban List will be automatically added to the Watch List for no less than 6 months. With the cards in Premiere Remastered being so historically overpowered, we're going to take extra care to monitor these cards. The following cards, having recently been unbanned, are placed on the watch list until at least July 24th, 2025:

Additionally, some concerns about Gaps in Normal Space discovered very late in the process also warrant its inclusion on the Watch List. Specifically, the ability to create a massive area of spaceline pollution has the potential of making games extremely tedious. For these reasons, we'll be keeping a close eye on Gaps in Normal Space via the Watch List.

A card is added to the Watch List when there are concerns about the card's impact to the health of the play environment. Watching a card allows the Department to keep a close eye on it's use and call up data on the card to make more informed decisions. Watching a card does not necessarily mean that something will happen to the card. While some cards on the Watch List to get added to the Modern Ban List or are issued errata, those changes aren't automatic because a card was being watched.

And that's all for this Premiere Remastered special First Edition Game Changes update! Remember that the changes outlined here do not take effect immediately; they will take effect one week from today to coincide with the tournament legal date of Premiere Remastered.

Our next regularly scheduled update will be Monday, February 3rd, 2025..

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