Premiere Remastered is tournament legal today! All three hundred and sixty-three cards have been reworked into glorious high definition and a great deal of things have been cleaned up.
A lot of the work is mechanical such as the shield icon and some have gone even further such as the removal of a time requirement for the scans. The cleanup goes beyond that as you'll notice that Nausicaans no longer pick a fight. Well, conceptually they do, but that portion no longer appears in the gametext.
The first few sets, commonly called PAQ named after Premiere, Alternate Universe and Q-Continuum, had some … interesting gametext. This is somewhat cumbersome to native speakers of the language, but with things like the Drought Tree, players might wonder if they have to actually plant a tree to score the points. For the record, they do not.
With Premiere Remastered, these are no longer there so the gametext makes a lot more sense.
Well, most of them are gone. The Klingon Death Yell incorporated literal yelling into the game text. On at least one occasion, this had scared some Magic players! The yell is still there but is now optional and in italics so if you want to scare the Magic players, that is now entirely optional.
We wish you many years of yelling to warn the dead but now, you can yell to warn the living about Premiere Remastered being tournament legal!
Huge thanks to the first edition staff, particularly Creative, Proofreading, and Programming to make this set possible. Also, the Balance Team did a lot of work getting these cards to work in the current environment. There are loads of accolades for Art who went out of their way to precisely match hundreds of images, the largest they have ever been asked to do all at once! Also, the Rules spent many months fine tuning these cards to get them just right. Be sure to thank them all for their hard work!
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