This forum group is home for information on and discussion about the First Edition Star Trek Customizable Card Game.
Title Statistics Last post
Gameplay (2E)
Discuss all of your questions, concerns, comments and ideas about Second Edition.
5655 Topics 
78571 Posts
Re: HumQ: Two Cards in Your D…
by abargar7510
Deck Designs (2E)
For posting deck designs for feedback from other players and members of the community.
459 Topics 
3608 Posts
Re: Vidiian Affiliation HQ?
by flrazor

I have all day free for this, so who wants to play[…]

Is Planet Killer on the ban list?

And that comes back to a basic tension in the play[…]

Sale of Goods Prohibitied

Juuuuust making sure.


Happy birthday to @JaglomShrek and @MrOberth !