Star Trek CCG LackeyCCG player pool
This list is used to keep track of all players that want to play using LackeyCCG, any of the formats. Testing out decks, casual play, learning LackeyCCG, etc. A list to find other players to play with in other words!
Try to keep the list in each added message, as below, that way the latest message in this topic is always the updated one. So please quote the last message containing the list and remove quote-tags each time you add a new name to the list (to keep the formatting).
TrekCCHandle: Skype name, Type of games, formats
Skype is ordinary system and implied, if other IM system, add that to the description.
List here updated from last added entry.
First Edition player pool
LuthySloan: thenextguyinoffice (Sloan) - Any type of game
nuttersuclan: nutters_uclan - Any type of game
pfti: Jonathan.s.carter - Any type of game
Scox: johan_scox - Any type of game - Munich CET (GMT +1)
warpaw: adamwarpinski - Any type of game
BaronMorrath: mark.patrick.morris - Any type of game
The Mad Vulcan: j.austill - Any type of game
Mogh, Son of Work: walfinho - Any type of game
Dornado: dornado83 - The older your cards are, the better
Boon of Bolian: BoonofBolian - Beginner to medium level games
sam2000: sam2000764 - Any type of game
OKCoyote: OKCoyote - Any type of game
MonkeyJamboree: Michael.Ciarlillo - wants to learn game
winterflames: Derek.marlar
abraxias: billwignall Lackey : abraxias (Prefer 2E. Very much a beginner so patience required!)
Onomy: trekindy - Any type of game
LORE: KMSonsteby - Sealed only
Worf Son of Mogh: kentufts1 - Any type of game (1e preferred)
Seamonster: david.krehbiel1 - wants to learn game
CaptMDKirk: CaptMDKirk - Any type of game
Cartagia: CartagiaLD - wants to learn game
Dunnagh: dunnagh - any type of game (but preferrably OTF complete)
DrNicket: DrNicket - Any type of game, prefer Warp Speed for online play
komitadji: komitadji - Block. newb play: whatever format.
TReebel: TReebel - Looking to Learn 1E - FL, EST (GMT -5)
VioletBlaze: Bishop2024 - Any type of game - CET (GMT +1)
Nerdopolis Prime
jadziadax8: jadziadax8888 - Any type of game - CST (GMT -6)
Ensign Q: name not listed - OTF - CET (GMT +1)
Second Edition player pool
warpaw: adamwarpinski - Any type of game
BaronMorrath: mark.patrick.morris - Any type of game
Boon of Bolian: BoonofBolian - Any type of game
The Guardian: Dickie1701 - Any type of game
Andrew: andrewwhatever555 - Any type of game
pfti: jonathan.s.carter - wants to learn game
sam2000: sam2000764 - Any type of game
jbwncster: jake.weiner44 - wants to learn game
MonkeyJamboree: Michael.Ciarlillo - wants to learn game
The Ninja Scot: theninjascot
abraxias: billwignall Lackey : abraxias (Prefer 2E. Very much a beginner so patience required!)
Onomy: trekindy - Any type of game
LORE: KMSonsteby - Any type of game
Worf Son of Mogh: kentufts1 - Any type of game (1e preferred)
Ventrue: VentrueCCG - Any type of game
OKCoyote: OKCoyote - Any type of game
CaptMDKirk: CaptMDKirk - Any type of game
kylerichardhudson: kyle.richard.hudson - wants to learn game
Comicbookhero: michael.moskop - Any type of game
Fritzinger: fritz-meissner - any type of game
DrNicket: DrNicket - Any type of game
komitadji: komitadji - Whatever format.
nickyank: nicholas.yankovec - Constructed only - UK, BST (GMT +1)
TReebel: TReebel - Any type of game - FL, EST (GMT -5)
Gorgo Primus: ferengi_captain - Constructed only - EST (GMT -5)
Mogor (Jordan Smith): Not stated - Any type of game - PST
VioletBlaze: Bishop2024 - Any type of game - CET (GMT +1)
Binx: Qualcunaltro1 - wants to learn game (2e preferred)
Santiago: live:.cid.412a699acfb23848 - wants to learn game (2e only)
Nerdopolis Prime
jadziadax8: jadziadax8888 - Any type of game - CST (GMT -6)
Tribbles CCG player pool
Scox: johan_scox - Any type of game
BaronMorrath: mark.patrick.morris - Any type of game
The Guardian: Dickie1701 - Any type of game
LORE: KMSonsteby - Any type of game
MonkeyJamboree: Michael.Ciarlillo - wants to learn game
Worf Son of Mogh: kentufts1 - Any type of game (1e preferred)
OKCoyote: OKCoyote - Any type of game
DrNicket: DrNicket - Any type of game
TReebel: TReebel - Any type of game - FL, EST (GMT -5)
Nerdopolis Prime
jadziadax8: jadziadax8888 - Any type of game - CST (GMT -6)
This list is used to keep track of all players that want to play using LackeyCCG, any of the formats. Testing out decks, casual play, learning LackeyCCG, etc. A list to find other players to play with in other words!
Try to keep the list in each added message, as below, that way the latest message in this topic is always the updated one. So please quote the last message containing the list and remove quote-tags each time you add a new name to the list (to keep the formatting).
TrekCCHandle: Skype name, Type of games, formats
Skype is ordinary system and implied, if other IM system, add that to the description.
List here updated from last added entry.
First Edition player pool
LuthySloan: thenextguyinoffice (Sloan) - Any type of game
nuttersuclan: nutters_uclan - Any type of game
pfti: Jonathan.s.carter - Any type of game
Scox: johan_scox - Any type of game - Munich CET (GMT +1)
warpaw: adamwarpinski - Any type of game
BaronMorrath: mark.patrick.morris - Any type of game
The Mad Vulcan: j.austill - Any type of game
Mogh, Son of Work: walfinho - Any type of game
Dornado: dornado83 - The older your cards are, the better
Boon of Bolian: BoonofBolian - Beginner to medium level games
sam2000: sam2000764 - Any type of game
OKCoyote: OKCoyote - Any type of game
MonkeyJamboree: Michael.Ciarlillo - wants to learn game
winterflames: Derek.marlar
abraxias: billwignall Lackey : abraxias (Prefer 2E. Very much a beginner so patience required!)
Onomy: trekindy - Any type of game
LORE: KMSonsteby - Sealed only
Worf Son of Mogh: kentufts1 - Any type of game (1e preferred)
Seamonster: david.krehbiel1 - wants to learn game
CaptMDKirk: CaptMDKirk - Any type of game
Cartagia: CartagiaLD - wants to learn game
Dunnagh: dunnagh - any type of game (but preferrably OTF complete)
DrNicket: DrNicket - Any type of game, prefer Warp Speed for online play
komitadji: komitadji - Block. newb play: whatever format.
TReebel: TReebel - Looking to Learn 1E - FL, EST (GMT -5)
VioletBlaze: Bishop2024 - Any type of game - CET (GMT +1)
Nerdopolis Prime
jadziadax8: jadziadax8888 - Any type of game - CST (GMT -6)
Ensign Q: name not listed - OTF - CET (GMT +1)
Second Edition player pool
warpaw: adamwarpinski - Any type of game
BaronMorrath: mark.patrick.morris - Any type of game
Boon of Bolian: BoonofBolian - Any type of game
The Guardian: Dickie1701 - Any type of game
Andrew: andrewwhatever555 - Any type of game
pfti: jonathan.s.carter - wants to learn game
sam2000: sam2000764 - Any type of game
jbwncster: jake.weiner44 - wants to learn game
MonkeyJamboree: Michael.Ciarlillo - wants to learn game
The Ninja Scot: theninjascot
abraxias: billwignall Lackey : abraxias (Prefer 2E. Very much a beginner so patience required!)
Onomy: trekindy - Any type of game
LORE: KMSonsteby - Any type of game
Worf Son of Mogh: kentufts1 - Any type of game (1e preferred)
Ventrue: VentrueCCG - Any type of game
OKCoyote: OKCoyote - Any type of game
CaptMDKirk: CaptMDKirk - Any type of game
kylerichardhudson: kyle.richard.hudson - wants to learn game
Comicbookhero: michael.moskop - Any type of game
Fritzinger: fritz-meissner - any type of game
DrNicket: DrNicket - Any type of game
komitadji: komitadji - Whatever format.
nickyank: nicholas.yankovec - Constructed only - UK, BST (GMT +1)
TReebel: TReebel - Any type of game - FL, EST (GMT -5)
Gorgo Primus: ferengi_captain - Constructed only - EST (GMT -5)
Mogor (Jordan Smith): Not stated - Any type of game - PST
VioletBlaze: Bishop2024 - Any type of game - CET (GMT +1)
Binx: Qualcunaltro1 - wants to learn game (2e preferred)
Santiago: live:.cid.412a699acfb23848 - wants to learn game (2e only)
Nerdopolis Prime
jadziadax8: jadziadax8888 - Any type of game - CST (GMT -6)
Tribbles CCG player pool
Scox: johan_scox - Any type of game
BaronMorrath: mark.patrick.morris - Any type of game
The Guardian: Dickie1701 - Any type of game
LORE: KMSonsteby - Any type of game
MonkeyJamboree: Michael.Ciarlillo - wants to learn game
Worf Son of Mogh: kentufts1 - Any type of game (1e preferred)
OKCoyote: OKCoyote - Any type of game
DrNicket: DrNicket - Any type of game
TReebel: TReebel - Any type of game - FL, EST (GMT -5)
Nerdopolis Prime
jadziadax8: jadziadax8888 - Any type of game - CST (GMT -6)
Last edited by scox on Thu Mar 18, 2021 4:25 am, edited 18 times in total.
Play 1E in LackeyCCG with the StarTrek1E Plugin! Check out the latest news and ask questions here.
Also check out the LackeyCCG plugins for 2E and Tribbles!
Also check out the LackeyCCG plugins for 2E and Tribbles!