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By Dukat (Andreas Rheinländer)
 - Gamma Quadrant
1E European Continental Semi-Finalist 2024
1E German National Runner-Up 2024
[1E-Fer] [NA] Devinoni Ral
Fomerly mediating great deals, Devinoni Ral now sells the best insurance on the market - for a modest fee, of course.
[SD] Acquisition [SD] Empathy -1 [SD] Diplomacy x2
Integrity 3 Cunning 8 Strength 2

Wow there are some tasty options in those previo[…]

It seeds as the next dilemma to be faced.

Congrats to @The Ninja Scot on winning the tourn[…]

Yes. I find it much easier to think of stopped per[…]