Attention, tributes, attention...
First round pairings for our combatants are cited below. As previously stated, pairings will be announced in this thread on Mondays. Players have until the following week to get together, play and report the result. For this week, that means I expect you all to play your games by September 30th. Results should be reported here via forum post or via PM to yours truly, LORE. As a reminder:
- Lackey and a mutually agreed upon voice communication (Skype, Discord, Zoom, etc.) are required to play
- You may NOT change your decks between rounds
- Deck lists are REQUIRED - please send the deck ID number to me as soon as possible, preferably within the first two weeks of the event
- Wins, Losses, Byes, and Missed Games for un-scheduled / un-played matches over the course of the event will be handled on a case-by-case basis by the Director of Organized Play or an outside neutral party (if it involves members of the OP team)
- 75 minute time limit per game (players are highly encouraged to enforce this)
Round 1:
Steve Nelson vs. Ted Reebel
Tjark Ott vs. Christopher Jansa
Remo G vs. Jared Hoffman
Markus Eberlein vs. Alexander Schmitz
Michael Van Breemen vs. Sebastian Kirstein
Trek Barnes vs. Ben Liebich
Maggie Geppert vs. Daniel Giddings
Jon Carter - BYE
If anyone would like to jump in and give Jon an opponent for Round 1, it still is not too late. Let's run this gig with an even Sweet 16!