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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
I didn't see any online events for January so I went and made one.

3 Rounds, 1e modern constructed, bumping to 4 rounds if we get more than 8 players. Nothing fancy, just a chance to play online

Pairings go up Friday 1/3/2025.
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
Hey, look at me get pairings up on time this time!

Round 1:
Kris Sonsteby (@LORE) vs. Jarrod Cafaro (@Takket)
Steven R. Sanders (@Spock with a Goatee) vs. Jon Forsman (@Smatchmo)
Sebastian Kirstein (@Caretaker's Guest) vs. Brian Sykes (@Armus)
Michael Van Breemen (@The Ninja Scot) vs. Matthew Zinno (@commdecker)
Alexander Schmitz (@TyKajada) vs. Maggie Geppert (@jadziadax8)
Joseph Wisniewski (@geraldkw) vs. Florian (

Since we got 12, we'll run 4 rounds, same as last month.

Please try to have your first round game in by NEXT Sunday (January 12, 2025). If we get all the results in before then I'll go ahead and pair round 2 early.

Good luck, everyone! :cheersL:
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Director of Organized Play
By LORE (Kris Sonsteby)
 - Director of Organized Play
1E North American Continental Semi-Finalist 2024
2E North American Continental Champion 2024
1E The Neutral Zone Regional Champion 2024
2E The Neutral Zone Regional Champion 2024
W.C.T. Chairman's Trophy winner 2014-2015
Full win for LORE over Takket 100-0. The score in no way reflects how the game went. Good one, dude! :cheersL:
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
Sykes MW Seppel 69-5.

Great chess match, sir! Good luck the rest of the way! :cheersL:
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 - Delta Quadrant
Thanks, Brian. You lifted my spirits up! I am playing to annoy. A former No1, was andere niemals waren, die glauben, sie könnten spielen. You navigated skillfully around my annoyance and being nice and supportative. Believe me, I will get to Worlds and there it will be a simple solver. Dark Horse. I await Sonsteby and Van Breemen :) . Ich habe viele Fehler begangen in meinem Leben, aber das, was mir vorgeworfen wurde, weise ich mit aller Entschiedenheit zurück. Der Südäquator darf sich auf Starfleet vorbereiten.
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 - Delta Quadrant
TaoTao. Tiergeschichten aus aller Welt. Die plappernde Schildkröte, der selbstsüchtige Wetterhahn. Sind Bilder für mich. Niemals hatte ich pädophile Ambitionen. Nie! Ich kann zeichnen und darf als gay niemals Kinder haben. Raff ist technik-interessiert, ich hasse Technik. Onkel Beppel. Raff war immer für seinen Bruder da, immer! Raff hat sich so viel gefallen lassen! Ich war chronisch erschöpft. Raff wird sich schon an mich erinnern. Und zu Worlds erscheine ich. Die Borderlinerin verzieht ihre Kinder. Aber Raff war so gut und nett. Nö, ich will nicht zu X Geburtstag! Aber Raff, er ist doch dein Freund, du möchtest doch auch, dass X zu DEINEM Geburtstag erscheint. Hat Raff sofort verstanden. Ich wehre mich gegen Dummvorwürfe. Ansonsten, schade um Raff. Weil er ist ein Goldjunge. MVB, wir werden uns sehen, wenn du da bist :) . Ich habe falsche Vorwürfe satt. Ich laufe zur Not zu Fuß. Tabletten, Alkohol, Koks, Speed. Und ich lebe immer noch. Myrkul! The tragic General. Undying. The Testament of Myrkul!
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
Florian and Joseph have been given an extension, so we're moving ahead with Round 2 pairings as we have enough results in to keep moving forward.

Without further ado:

Kris Sonsteby (@LORE) vs. Alexander Schmitz (@TyKajada)
Michael Van Breemen (@The Ninja Scot) vs. Florian (
Joseph Wisniewski (@geraldkw) vs. Stephen R. Sanders (@Spock with a Goatee)
Brian Sykes (@Armus) vs. Maggie Geppert (@jadziadax8)
Sebastian Kirstein (@Caretaker's Guest) vs. Matthew Zinno (@commdecker)
Jarrod Cafaro (@Takket) vs. Jon Forsman (@Smatchmo)

Please try to have your Round 2 results in by Sunday, January 19, 2025.

Good luck, everyone! :cheersL:
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Director of Organized Play
By LORE (Kris Sonsteby)
 - Director of Organized Play
1E North American Continental Semi-Finalist 2024
2E North American Continental Champion 2024
1E The Neutral Zone Regional Champion 2024
2E The Neutral Zone Regional Champion 2024
W.C.T. Chairman's Trophy winner 2014-2015
FYI, I can likely only play 3 of the 4 rounds as we go on winter vacation at the end of the month. Depending on how things go over the next two games, I will either drop along the way or somehow try to play the fourth round prior to my family's departure on 1/30. :cross:
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor

Sorry to interrupt your regularly scheduled programming, but I've been asked to make a ruling based on an apparent contradiction in the rulebook:

Effective immediately, and consistent with Appendix A, [SD] Orion Syndicate is considered an intelligence skill for all in-game purposes.

This ruling is binding, but ONLY for THIS specific event. My official ruling blue text isn't as dark and binding as James's. :wink:

@BCSWowbagger is aware of the issue and has committed to reconciling the difference in a future rules update. That resolution may or may not be consistent with this ruling and this ruling is not intended to set precedent beyond the scope of this singular event.

Please feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions or concerns regarding this ruling.


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