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A few months ago I introduced Webula for mobile-friendly 2e card search. Now, you can design an entire deck in the beta Webula deck builder:


I used this for my worlds 2023 prep, or more correctly, used my worlds 2023 prep time to build the webula deckbuilder and then copied a deck from someone else.

You can upload decks in LackeyCCG format, and export your decks to Lackey (or TrekCC using the import Lackey deck function).

If you're building from scratch, just click on the Search button and click on the card images that you want to add. The search bar works in the same way as the original webula search.

Everything is saved in your browser, so you can close the tab, switch off your computer and so on, then just go back to the same URL and your deck will still be there, so long as you don't clear your browser's local storage. Incognito mode probably also will not save anything. This does mean that you can't switch between devices easily.

Please bring your feedback here!

  • [x] analytics so I can prioritise this list based on how many people use what
  • [x] search by HoF
  • [x] negative search terms, e.g. -skills:astro
  • [ ] floating search controls that don't disappear when you scroll down
  • [x] abbreviations for columns
  • [x] default simple search by name New!
  • [ ] fix inconsistent hover
  • [ ] Boolean operators (or, and, etc)
  • [ ] "attemptable by (including any)" search for missions
  • [ ] "reports at HQ" search for personnel/ships
  • [ ] saved searches
  • [ ] format validation (HoF, academy etc)
  • [ ] dark mode
  • [ ] benchmarks/trend lines for cost curves (e.g. ability to compare your dilemma pile costs with average of all beginner decks, or of a world champs deck etc)
  • [ ] saving multiple lists to a google account
Known issues:
  • After clearing a deck, uploading a deck does not work, until the page is refreshed
  • hover over sometimes shows the wrong version of a card
  • hover over in the right-hand column does not enlarge the card
  • searches in integrity also search range. Same for cunning/weapons, and strength/shields
  • exported decklists show 0x rows for cards that were added and then removed from the deck (breaks the lackey import)
Last edited by Fritzinger on Sun Aug 11, 2024 2:40 pm, edited 21 times in total.
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Default search behaviour is to find cards where what you type appears in the title. E.g. typing "cost" finds "Acost Jared", "At What Cost", etc.

Advanced search examples:
- name:Odo
- strength:8-10
- strength:8-8 (exactly 8 )
- gametext:"while facing"
- type:personnel text:selected
- keywords:drone icons:sta
- keywords:legate keywords:dissident
- skills:”2 astrometrics”

You can also use abbreviations: e.g. c:2-2 for cards with a cost of 2 or n:odo for name: odo.

General tips:

No spaces between the filter colon value. E.g. skills:astro

If you need spaces inside your advanced search value, use quotes (this doesn't matter for simple searches by card title).

If you have more than one filter:value criteria in your query, the search will only return cards that match all criteria.

Some values are abbreviated, e.g affiliation:fed for federation.

I’m lucky enough to be building on LackeyCCG card data (thanks @eberlems @Nava!) which is where those abbreviations come from (and in turn those come from 30 year old early Internet conventions for describing cards in text). If you’re familiar with search in the lackey filters you’ll be good here.
Last edited by Fritzinger on Sun Nov 26, 2023 10:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Second Edition Art Manager
By edgeofhearing (Lucas Thompson)
 - Second Edition Art Manager
Community Contributor
This is a really cool thing you've made! I like how streamlined it is, though I too got tripped up by the search formatting at first - I tried it in multiple browsers before I tried adding the categories to the search. Were we able to search without the categories in previous version of webula? It might be handy for the program to default to a generic text search when it finds that the search field doesn't start with one of the specified categories.

Next time I'm deckbuilding, I'll give it a full go (though the HoF functionality of the CC deckbuilder is pretty useful for building in that format).
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Chief Programmer
By eberlems
 - Chief Programmer
2E  National Second Runner-Up 2023
Since yesterday, I only see a white page.

When viewing it on desktop, the hover images seem to show other print variants for e.g. Odo Founder NE - NE with X, Odo 2E - Tournament foil

On mobile, I haven't found a way to show more than the first missions, the rest were off screen.

How are cards removed from deck on mobile?

Is there a way to exclude things or is that "Boolean operators (or, and, etc)"?

Can collector's info be searched?
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eberlems wrote: Sat Oct 07, 2023 2:41 am Since yesterday, I only see a white page.
Yikes, fixed that now, thanks
When viewing it on desktop, the hover images seem to show other print variants for e.g. Odo Founder NE - NE with X, Odo 2E - Tournament foil
Good catch!
On mobile, I haven't found a way to show more than the first missions, the rest were off screen.
Swipe left or right
How are cards removed from deck on mobile?
The +- buttons next to each card should still be visible
Is there a way to exclude things or is that "Boolean operators (or, and, etc)"?
Not yet
Can collector's info be searched?
You should be able to use collectorsinfo:1R27
Last edited by Fritzinger on Sat Oct 07, 2023 7:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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eberlems wrote: Sat Oct 07, 2023 3:52 am
Fritzinger wrote: Sat Oct 07, 2023 3:31 am
eberlems wrote: Sat Oct 07, 2023 2:41 am
How are cards removed from deck on mobile?
The +- buttons next to each card should still be visible
I was referring to the images during the search. Rightclick on desktop lowers the number for a card.
Oh right. I haven’t figured that out for mobile yet :/
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edgeofhearing wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 5:44 pm This is a really cool thing you've made! I like how streamlined it is, though I too got tripped up by the search formatting at first - I tried it in multiple browsers before I tried adding the categories to the search. Were we able to search without the categories in previous version of webula? It might be handy for the program to default to a generic text search when it finds that the search field doesn't start with one of the specified categories.

Thanks! It’s the same search as the webula main page. Early versions of that searched by everything but the behavior was unpredictable.

If I can get that right it will be an improvement :thumbsup:
Next time I'm deckbuilding, I'll give it a full go (though the HoF functionality of the CC deckbuilder is pretty useful for building in that format).
I’ve added format checking to the todo list :thumbsup:
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> Is there a way to exclude things or is that "Boolean operators (or, and, etc)"?

@eberlems your wish is my command!

Added negative search terms for text columns, e.g.
Code: Select all
-skills:acquisition affiliation:fer
shows all Ferengi affiliation cards that have no acquisition.

This does not work on number columns, e.g. you cannot do
Code: Select all
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 - Ambassador
edgeofhearing wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 5:44 pm I too got tripped up by the search formatting at first - I tried it in multiple browsers before I tried adding the categories to the search. Were we able to search without the categories in previous version of webula?
@edgeofhearing your wish is once again my command! the search now lets you search by title by default, e.g. "cost" finds Acost Jared, At What Cost, etc.

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