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Who should be captured?

Broca, "Leader" of the Cardassian Union
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Damar, Ambitious Glinn
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Elim Garak, Crafty Underling
Makbar, State Jurist
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Mardel, Overseer
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Teele, Macet's Aide
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Second Edition Playtest Manager
By Faithful Reader (Ross Fertel)
 - Second Edition Playtest Manager
Continuing Committee Member - Retired
It's Wednesday! We're more than halfway through the week. Since we are over the hump, let's look at a question!

Last Week: Underrated Jedi
11-15-23 Pick a Promo Two Tales of the Dominion War
11-8-23 Pick a Promo Two Eighteenth Promo Voting
11-1-23 Pick a Promo Two-rok Nor
10-25-23 A Good Seat
10-18-23 Alfred
10-11-23 Two of a Non-Aligned
10-4-23 DENIED!
9-27-23 A Saga for the Ages
9-20-23 When Will You Ferengi?
9-13-23 Pick a Promo Feedback
9-6-23 What Card Rules
8-29-23 My Kingdom for a Ship
8-22-23 Legends of Lorcana
8-16-23 Give Tholia a Hand
8-9-23 Bid For Your First Turn
8-2-23 Made to be Broken
7-26-23 Conjunction Junction
7-19-23 On Second Thought
7-12-23 A Mission You Reckon
7-5-23 If at First You Don't Succed ...
6-28-23 Second Page of Second Chances: First Blood
6-21-23 No Time To Die
6-14-23 Millennium Falcon
6-7-23 Unification III
5-31-23 Your Own Second Chances Story
5-24/23 New Affiliation? None of the Above!
5-17-23 Even Newer Than New
5-10-23 First Play Out of the Gate
5-3-23 Picard at His Best
4-26-23 A Pointed Discussion
4-19-23 Egomaniacal Artifacts
4-12-23 Give me a hand: Georgia Masters 2023
4-5-23 Stronger than Strongest of the Strong
3-29-23 GoFORever
3-22-23 Play Twenty Cards
3-15-23 aGarak
3-8-23 Rummage Sale!
3-1-23 Judge, Jury, Hall of Famer 2023
2-22-23 Gone Izing
2-15-23 Trading Cards: Timeless/Nemesis
2-8-23 Algebra!
2-1-23 What we Fifties Behind
1-25-23 Back to the Fifties
1-18-23 Pick a Promo: Story Voting
1-11-23 Vintage Archive
1-4-23 Pick a Promo: Tell me a Story (or Nine)

First Edition is getting some new toys! Showdown: Four Lights is a pair of decks meant to go at it. One of the decks is based around Cardassians, as the title implies, who like to capture and wreck havoc.

In that vein, let's do a capture together! I've used the winning deck form Worlds to attempt a mission, Eliminate Harvesters. You see the personnel attempting above and suppose that the opportunity came up to capture. Which personnel would you like to put in your brig? let us know the reason they are the superior choice. Remember, revoting is allowed.
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
Lotta good choices there. I think it partly depends on what my dilemma strategy is. Garak and Telle are both obvious choices, but grabbing Damar and shutting down a major draw engine is also a possibility.
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By ORION (Brad Snyder)
 - Alpha Quadrant
I don't play 2e but if it were 1e I would take a look at Rogesh if they were hopping between quadrants as he is a key piece to the wormhole schematic.
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 - Beta Quadrant
What a sh*tty name for a 1E expansion. LOL [WC] [Ref] [Q] [Trob]
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By GooeyChewie (Nathan Miracle)
 - Gamma Quadrant
Continuing Committee Member - Retired
I would be surprised to see Damar in the attempt, rather than safe at home where he can draw cards. But Garak and Telle are probably bigger threats to whatever I plan to do with dilemmas. In general I would go for Telle, but I might go for Garak instead if I’m running a lot of skill-based dilemmas.
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
GooeyChewie wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 9:25 am I would be surprised to see Damar in the attempt, rather than safe at home where he can draw cards. But Garak and Telle are probably bigger threats to whatever I plan to do with dilemmas. In general I would go for Telle, but I might go for Garak instead if I’m running a lot of skill-based dilemmas.
Maybe he got Scorpion'd into the attempt by Disconcerting Displacement?

If that's the case, then he'd be the answer because if you're going to bother with a Hero Trap, you better trap the fucking hero!

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