It's Wednesday! We're more than halfway through the week. Since we are over the hump, let's look at a question!
We are gearing up for a mission heavy set. Since almost the start of the game, the winning formula was to solve two planet missions and one space mission to get your one hundred points. There are reasons to not risk a second space mission. For one, you need a second ship for multiple attempts a turn. That is a cost that might eat up a turn. Also, Space missions would be more likely to have a larger span due to things like Nebulae and other navigational stuff.
There are in game incentives to go space heavy such as Necessary Evil and early Starfleet.
After sixty plus sets, are you still doing two planets and one space or two space and one planet? Let us know in the poll above and let us know your thoughts in the thread below.
We are gearing up for a mission heavy set. Since almost the start of the game, the winning formula was to solve two planet missions and one space mission to get your one hundred points. There are reasons to not risk a second space mission. For one, you need a second ship for multiple attempts a turn. That is a cost that might eat up a turn. Also, Space missions would be more likely to have a larger span due to things like Nebulae and other navigational stuff.
There are in game incentives to go space heavy such as Necessary Evil and early Starfleet.
After sixty plus sets, are you still doing two planets and one space or two space and one planet? Let us know in the poll above and let us know your thoughts in the thread below.
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