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Second Edition Playtest Manager
By Faithful Reader (Ross Fertel)
 - Second Edition Playtest Manager
Continuing Committee Member - Retired
It's Wednesday! We're more than halfway through the week. Since we are over the hump, let's look at a question!

The latest set in 2E just started testing. As alluded to in last week's question, there is a whole set dealing with separating TOS from Earth. Not surprisingly, there is a lot of TOS in this set. As such, we have had a focus of an affiliation/faction (or two) be a theme or subtheme of a set covering most of the group.


Except one.

The Ferengi will be the ones left out in the cold rain. They have always been a tough nut to crack and have a lot of avenues they can go in. There are Rules/Commodities, cards under their Headquarters, even a bit of battle.

So this week, sketch out what a Ferengi focused set would be. I am not looking for card by cards details, but what would the overview be? Note that it does not have to be enough to fill a full set; these tend to work best when they are roughly half and have other stuff to fill in the gaps.
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By TyKajada (Alexander Schmitz)
 - Delta Quadrant
First thing that comes to my mind, a new [Fer] only HQ. That would deal either
- with cards underneath Ferenginar, maybe something like Seven of Nine's order.
- or supports Commodities/Rules
- or supports interaction a la Rule #34 or Stargazer

These seem to be the three major ways to play [Fer] . I like affiliation only HQs that would be fun.

I can also see an equipment that enhances [Fer] integrity at a cost, maybe a certain book of rules. :P
In general the idea of (forced) trading equipment with your opponent could be enhanced, supporting Stem-Bolts or Berlinghoff Rasmussen.

I tried to build deck around Display of Wealth. Fun but not competitive. That could be thematic for [Fer].

Latinum Storage is a great ability, but the event is unplayable due to most likely destruction and Dreamer, needs protection, maybe a personnel ability.

Ferengi can get captives now but could use some support cards to do something greedy with them.. :wink: (not what you think, we have Oo-mox already :D )

[Fer] :thumbsup:
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By boromirofborg (Trek Barnes)
 - Delta Quadrant
1E World Quarter-Finalist 2024
Come to Quark's, Quark's is Fun

Quark is the focus of much of our insight into the Ferengi, and much of that revolves around his bar. A center for food, drinks, holosuites, and games.
There should be a reason for everyone to want to come to Quark's, and a bonus for the proprietor of the establishment.

Come to Quark's, don't walk... run!
The drum I continually beat in both 1E and 2E is the lack of highly incentivized interaction between players outside of dilemmas. 2E has some methods to go to the opponent and interact, but very few or none that make the opponent come to you.

Rule 62: The riskier the road, the greater the profit.
Quark could sit at his bar, making a small, but decent profit just by existing. But if he can entice the opponent to come play games there, then the risk goes up and he can lose, but when he wins, it's much more substantial.

cards where you can play tongo over the course of serval turns against your actual opponent. cards where you and your opponent make wagers on the outcome of mission attempts before you do them.

Quark can provide services to your opponent or yourself, but always for a fee.

Embrace the heart of ferengi capitalism.

I won 100-0. Michael

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