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When should the Power of 2 article come out?

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Second Edition Playtest Manager
By Faithful Reader (Ross Fertel)
 - Second Edition Playtest Manager
Continuing Committee Member - Retired
It's Wednesday! We're more than halfway through the week. Since we are over the hump, let's look at a question!

I've been doing these for years and I don't believe I have frequently, if ever, put my fate into the community's hands.

Well, here goes nothing!

Also, the most minor of minor spoilers ahead! They are very minor, and probably something you have already figured out, but in case you want to forge ahead unspoiled, now is your time to stop reading!

The next set is on the horizon. It will introduce the eleventh affiliation to the game. These cards have a cost and several of them have a pretend cost of two. I've been churning out an article series based on that what with the Project Sanctuary promos.

Obviously i have not written an article for these new cards, but now is as good a time as any.

There are two timeframes for me to release the article: Sooner or Later.

The advantage of soon is that the information is out there with the first volley of articles. They are in the mainstream and front of mind with thought. It will help sell the affiliation as a whole.

The advantage of later is that I can incorporate play data. Some affiliations have soooo many cards with a printed cost of two that I focus on the more popular ones. I will be able to discuss more of the meta effect by waiting a bit.

Let me know in the poll above and give me your thoughts in the thread below. Revoting is allowed but only for a week. Take care; my fate is in your hands.

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