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Second Edition Playtest Manager
By Faithful Reader (Ross Fertel)
 - Second Edition Playtest Manager
Continuing Committee Member - Retired
It's Wednesday! We're more than halfway through the week. Since we are over the hump, let's look at a question!

Last Week: Gimme Gimme, AU:T
10-16-24 Electric Boogaloo
10-9-24 The Next Notulans
10-2-24 German Nationals 2024 Draft
9-25-24 Unphaged
9/18/24 The Vidiian Who Came to Dinner
9/11/24 Draft and Furious
9/4/24 Worldly Observations
8/28/24 Confidence in Jeopardy
8/21/24 Vidiians at Worlds
8/14/24 Vidiian Prognostication
8/7/24 Vidiian Over/Under
7/31/24 The Good, the Bad and the Vidiian
7/24/24 Vidiian Conception
7/17/24 Mission Condiiton
7-10-24 New Affiliation Memoirs
7-3-24 Just for Fun
6-26-24 Signs of Life
6-19-24 Control my Life: Sooner or Later
6-12-24 Items Vs. Interrupts
6-5-24 Meanwhile, Back in the Delta Quadrant
5-29-24 There's Always Tomorrow
5-22-24 Sell Me on Ferengi
5-15-24 Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
5-8-24 Continuing Mission Draft Results
5-1-24 Tell me a (Vidiian) Story
4-24-24 Pick of the Tribbles
4-17-24 Eastward, Ho!
4-10-24 Hanging Around For a Bit
4-3-24 Ferengi. In the Delta Quadrant?
3-27-24 Extra Continues
3-20-24 Out of Continues
3-13-24 Continuing Mission Draft
3-6-24 Mission XXVI
2-28-24 People Vs. Places
2-21-24 Worst of 2024
2-14-24 2 Protect
2-7-24 PPS or SSP?
1-31-24 Four!
1-24-24 Hello, Old Friend
1-17-24 A Unique Preposition
1-10-24 A Certified Genius
1-3-24 Close Every Door to Me!

Forgive my bluntness, but what would it take for you to get to the Delta Quadrant?

Last week was all about the things from the latest First Edition set you would want in Second, and Alpha Quadrant in the Delta Quadrant was dead last. maybe because it kind of already exists in the game with Expedient Opportunity and Barzan Wormhole, Preliminary Incursion negate the added span. There's also Distant Exploration which gives you an extra five points a pop, and that's not even getting into The Stars are Made of Latinum.

So what will it take to get you to go outside? Do you need more incentives? Is the mission selection not to your liking?
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By boromirofborg (Trek Barnes)
 - Delta Quadrant
1E World Quarter-Finalist 2024
so, it's a mixed bag for me.

yes, the penalties are far less then in 1e, so there's no reason ANY deck can't just include a DQ mission. (Ok, maybe some reason Maquis, etc shouldn't)

However, because of the lack of seeding, there's also no consistent bonus for me to do so.

Why should I build my deck around something that I cannot guarantee to draw, and if I do draw, is vulnerable to destruction. I'm adding risk for minimal reward.

even looking at the cards you mentioned, 5 bonus points isn't exactly a great carrot, when most decks have easier ways of doing that. And then the Stars is Made of Latinum is - and I mean this is the nicest way possible - exactly the reasons why no one does it rolled up in to one card.

Let's look at The Stars:
To play this event, you must command Ferenginar and Founders' Homeworld. Plays on your headquarters mission (limit one per mission). When your ship here moves to a mission in a different quadrant, you may download a Commodity. While your opponent commands a Commodity, your ships are Range +2.
- I have to draw the card (not guaranteed)
- The event in limited to one per mission, so I'm punished for playing three.
- I have to be playing two homewards. (Not huge synergy between them, and a ton of cards that punish that.)
- The first time I move a ship, I'm still paying the range tax.
- If. give a commodity to the opponent, I get a bonus that offsets the tax.

So for adding variance to my deck and exposing myself to lots of downsides, I get the privilege of jumping thru hoops to finally get back to parity to what everyone else is doing. Why am I doing this again?
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By GooeyChewie (Nathan Miracle)
 - Gamma Quadrant
Continuing Committee Member - Retired
The reason I didn't vote for "AQ in the DQ" is because it feels like a "what if" scenario. That's the sort of thing 1E does a lot better than 2E. One or two seed cards can lay the groundwork for an entire alternate universe that never appeared on screen. In 2E, the only "seed" cards are missions, so there's not nearly as much room to create these "what ifs." An "AQ in the DQ" strategy needs some fairly hefty deck support, so there pretty much needs to be some on-screen support.

There's enough for [DQ] [Kli] , which we already have. Outside of them, I think we'd struggle to come up with enough support for any other [AQ] affiliation to get a full-fledged [DQ] strategy.

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