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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
Happy New Year!

As promised, with the dropping of the ball, the 2025 Hall of Fame (HoF) nomination window is now open!

To recap the HoF nominating process, the formal procedures are outlined below the tag:
Hall of Fame Format Nomination and Voting Process

Introduction: The Hall of Fame Format is a community-driven Star Trek CCG Second Edition tournament format. Each year, the community nominates and votes on eligible cards to be "Retired" into the Hall of Fame. Players may not use retired cards in Hall of Fame Format tournaments.

Hall of Fame (HoF) Community Coordinator: The HoF Community Coordinator is responsible for running the nomination and voting processes, to include managing any updates to the same, announcing newly retired cards after the voting concludes, and working with the CC staff to ensure the Hall of Fame Format Documents are properly updated. As HoF is a community-driven format, the HoF Community Coordinator is a community volunteer and not a member of any CC department.

Nomination Process: During the nomination window, each community member may submit up to three (3) valid nominations of eligible cards for the Hall of Fame. Nominations must be posted publicly in the appropriate thread on the TrekCC forum, or PMd to the Community Coordinator, for posting on the member's behalf. The Community Coordinator may also accept nominations through other channels (e.g., Discord) but must post the nominations in the nomination thread with attribution for the nominations to be considered official.

Nomination Window: The Nomination Window shall run from January 1st-January 31st. The Community Coordinator is responsible for opening and closing the nomination thread and compiling the list of valid nominations for voting.

Valid Nomination: In order to be considered valid, a nominated card must be eligible for retirement, not already retired, and not already nominated in the current year by another community member. An eligible card is a card that was released on or before December 31st of the year a decade prior to being nominated (e.g., for the 2022 voting period, all cards released on or before December 31st, 2012 are eligible for nomination).

Voting Process: The Community Coordinator will provide a complete ballot of all valid nominations to the community at the start of the voting window. Each community member is eligible to vote, and in order for their ballot to be counted, must vote Yes or No on each nomination. The question to be voted on is "should this card be in the Hall of Fame?" As such, a Yes vote means the community member wants to retire the card, while a No vote means they do not want to retire the card. Community Members must submit their completed ballot to the Community Coordinator (generally, but not necessarily, via PM). At the end of the voting window, the Community Coordinator will tabulate the results and announce the new class of retired cards. In order to be retired, a card must receive at least a 65% Yes vote from all ballots received.

Voting Window: The Voting Window will open on February 1st and close on the last day of February. The Community Coordinator is responsible for opening and closing the voting thread and compiling and posting the voting results.

Post-Voting Actions: Once the results of the voting have been posted in the forum, the CC staff is responsible for updating the official Hall of Fame retired list and making the appropriate updates to the database. This should be done as soon as possible so as to facilitate upcoming Hall of Fame events.

New Class "Induction": The updated Hall of Fame list, to include the cards retired in the current year's ballot, will take effect as soon as the official list is updated, or March 15th, whichever comes first. If the official list is not updated by March 15th, the forum post announcing the results will serve as a supplement to the official list until such time as the list is updated.

However, if you just want to get right to it, here's the short version:

[SD] You can nominate up to 3 eligible cards

[SD] Eligible cards consist of any cards released on or before December 31, 2015 that aren't already in the Hall of Fame (you can find the list of retired cards here). Newly-eligible sets this year are Strange Bedfellows, Lower Decks, and Face of the Enemy, plus all previous sets. Additionally, all promos released prior to the end of 2015 are eligible.

[SD] To make your nominations, please post them here in this thread or PM me and I'll post them here on your behalf. I will also maintain a master list of all nominations at the bottom of this post.

[SD] Once a card has been nominated there's no need for someone else to nominate it.

[SD] The Nomination Window closes January 31. Voting begins on February 1. I'll have more details when I put the voting thread up next month.

So there it is! Start thinking about what cards' times have come and get those nominations in so we can start the new year on a fun note!

Here's to a great Trek-filled 2025! :cheersL:

Cards nominated so far:
Homeward Bound
Coil Spanner
Chakotay, Steadfast Commander
Common Purpose
Common Enemy
Confessions in the Pale Moonlight
Dignitaries and Witnesses
Stricken Dumb
Dead Ringer
Founders' Homeworld, Contingent Refuge
Crippling Strike
The Die is Cast
Imperial Entanglements
Cascade Virus
"Rapid Progress"
The Weak Will Perish
Chula: The Game
Quantum Drone
A Taste of Armageddon
Simulated Prey
Teplan Prime
One Man Can Summon the Future
The Caretaker's "Guests"
William Telfer
I.K.S. K'vort
Dukat, Cardassian Representative
Tom Paris, Competitive Pilot
Queen's Borg Sphere
Tactical Disadvantage
Kor, Courageous Governor
Delta Flyer, Rebuilt "Hot Rod"
Wolf 359, Assimilate Resistance
Mercenary "The Yellow Excelsior" Ship
U.S.S. Defiant, Commandeered Warship
Opaka, Healer
Benjamin Sisko, The Emissary of the Prophets
Xhosa, Sponsored Transport
Orb of Prophecy and Change
Running a Tight Ship
Jean-Luc Picard, Vintner
Ferenginar, Financial Hub
Enabran Tain, "Retired" Spymaster
Self-Replicating Roadblock
Ruling Council
Common Cause
T'Rul, Guarded Attaché
Thirst for Knowledge
Last edited by Armus on Fri Jan 31, 2025 11:16 am, edited 16 times in total.
Second Edition Balance Manager
 - Second Edition Balance Manager
Just a reminder that this year’s class of new inductees to the Hall of Fame will be announced at the Marc Phillips Greater Cardassian Open held in Fultondale Alabama on Friday February 28th, Saturday March 1st and Sunday March 2nd. The HoF event will be held Saturday evening the 1st at 7:30ish after the completion of the 1E event. We will be using the 2024 roster and hope to announce the new class after completion of the event. I hope you can make plans to join us in Fultondale for this year’s MPGCO and the announcement of the new class of inductees! :cheersL:
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
durgforaday wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2025 5:55 pm Just a reminder that this year’s class of new inductees to the Hall of Fame will be announced at the Marc Phillips Greater Cardassian Open held in Fultondale Alabama on Friday February 28th, Saturday March 1st and Sunday March 2nd. The HoF event will be held Saturday evening the 1st at 7:30ish after the completion of the 1E event. We will be using the 2024 roster and hope to announce the new class after completion of the event. I hope you can make plans to join us in Fultondale for this year’s MPGCO and the announcement of the new class of inductees! :cheersL:
Sounds great, Mike. Looking forward to it!

Now you and all the Birmingham boys get those nominations in! :wink:
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
Similar to previous years, if anyone is looking for nomination ideas, here's last years nominees that didn't get in:

As these cards get nominated again this year I'll strike them out on this list.

Orb of Prophecy and Change
Running A Tight Ship
Cascade Virus
Tom Paris, Competitive Pilot
Kor, Courageous Governor
Benjamin Sisko, The Emissary of the Prophets
Chula: The Game
The Dal'Rok
The Weak Will Perish
Standard Punishment
Opaka, Kai of Bajor
Luther Sloan, Man of Secrets
Reyga, Young Scientist
Queen's Borg Sphere, Contingency Vessel
Delta Flyer, Rebuilt "Hot Rod"
Greater Needs
Deliver Ancient Artifact
Wolf 359, Assimilate Resistance
Computation Drone
Observation Drone
Remata'Klan, Unit Leader
"Rapid Progress"
Tactical Disadvantage
Opposition Drone
Enabran Tain, "Retired" Spymaster
Harry Kim, Diligent Ensign
Slightly Overbooked
Jean-Luc Picard, Vintner
All-out War
Dukat, Cardassian Representative
Ikat'ika, Honorable Warrior
Cavit, Apprehensive First Officer
Karina, Hindering Analyst
The Caretaker's "Guests"
Self-Replicating Roadblock
Our Death Is Glory to the Founders
Denorios Belt, Locate Celestial Temple
Encounter at Farpoint
Keevan, Conniving Liar

Groumall, Inauspicious Command
Unfair Terms
Orb of Time
Ira Graves
Infinite Diversity
Rescue Captives
Preposterous Plan
Sphere 41, Eliminate Sphere Network
Continuity Drone
Neelix, Valued Guide
Dignitaries and Witnesses
Bajor, Blessed of the Prophets
Ro Laren, Maquis Sympathizer
Dukat, Ambitious Commander
Dukat, Prefect of Bajor
Enrique Muñiz, Dependable Troubleshooter
Noonien Soong, Often Wrong
Vedek Assembly Transport
Klingon Tea Ceremony
Torga IV, Strained Negotiations
Track Survivors
Confessions in the Pale Moonlight
One Man Can Summon the Future

Tallera, Covert Isolationist
Type III Galor
U.S.S. Bellerophon, Conference Host
D'Deridex Advanced
Unconventional Consideration
Alidar Jarok, Conscientious Admiral
Prevent Historical Disruption
Assist Rescue Operation
Nonlinear Existence
Earth, Lush and Beautiful Home
Ferenginar, Financial Hub
Unicomplex, Root of the Hive Mind
Time for Action
Qo'Nos, Heart of the Empire
Last edited by Armus on Fri Jan 31, 2025 10:56 am, edited 7 times in total.

I won 100-0. Michael

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