For all topic related to legitimate STCCG trades.
By LoadP2004
 - Alpha Quadrant
Hi all, I’ve tried to offload some of these on the Facebook Star Trek CCG group but I have the following available for trade or purchase (if that’s allowed here!). I don’t want to go through the hassle of eBay. Here’s what I have:

Enterprise Collection (sealed)
Future Enterprise (REF)
AU set (includes Future Enterprise)
First Officer Spock
Reginald Barclay (Borg)

I am missing the 34th Rule tournament foil and oversized Decaren and USS Pegasus (AGT)…so if you have either available (or want to purchase outside of eBay) LMK!
Last edited by LoadP2004 on Thu Aug 15, 2024 1:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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