This forums is for questions, answers, and discussion about First Edition rules, formats, and expansions.
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First Edition Creative Manager
By KazonPADD (Paddy Tye)
 - First Edition Creative Manager
1E British National Champion 2024
1E Omarion Nebula Regional Champion 2024
Hi all, and welcome to this week’s Friday Question!

We’re currently busy with the release of Showdown: Four Lights, and have been seeing lots of new Cardassian toys as part of Cardassian week.

But next week is Federation week. What do you expect to see during Federation week?

How will design have added some different flavour to the Fed Deck? Will this have made the Blue team overpowered? What twists on existing personnel could we see revealed?

Let us know your thoughts!
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By Iron Prime (Dan Van Kampen)
 - Delta Quadrant
I hope to see something very flavorful like we did for [1E-TNG] [Car] . Since these are designed for use against each other we should be able to see some extra flavorful things that we wouldn't normally see since it wouldn't be "top shelf tech". :twocents:
 - Beta Quadrant
Well, not next week but I *really* hope that a TNG Gul Evek and Vetar make it into the set; it's disappointing that he's been in quite a few episodes but can't really be used with his ship in either [WC] or [RC] because of property logo restraints.

Next week, I'd hope to see a new version of Benjamin Maxwell and maybe Admiral Nechayev (though tbh I always thought a 2nd version of her should be from DS9, an AU one like Garak also from The Search), but better than nothing I guess.

Beyond that, always keen to see more missions, love the new one revealed today. But my first admittedly probably useless choice would be that I'd really like to see the Cairo. :D
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Director of Communications
By OKCoyote (Daniel Matteson)
 - Director of Communications
Just a note that social media has been a bit light on off-site previews because most of the spoilers I claimed are for Federation week. (Oops!)

Starting Sunday, you'll see spoilers pop up on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and even Discord!
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By stressedoutatumc (stressedoutatumc)
 - Beta Quadrant
In general; I think we probably need to see an errata to Rescue Captives.

What’s the point of all the capture mechanics when I can destroy them all with a single card? Like all I have to do is play 2-3 of them and I don’t care about facing a tng cardi deck.

Hopefully something like “thrice per game…” or so so limit its set-destroying potential. Maybe you have to be at the location with a ship and personnel to play it.

Or, ideally, it becomes an Objective card that forced me to physically go with a ship and crew and rescue them. Honestly always thought it was dumb to have a 1 card instant rescue for everyone on the board.
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
stressedoutatumc wrote: Sat Dec 02, 2023 7:46 am In general; I think we probably need to see an errata to Rescue Captives.

What’s the point of all the capture mechanics when I can destroy them all with a single card? Like all I have to do is play 2-3 of them and I don’t care about facing a tng cardi deck.

Hopefully something like “thrice per game…” or so so limit its set-destroying potential. Maybe you have to be at the location with a ship and personnel to play it.

Or, ideally, it becomes an Objective card that forced me to physically go with a ship and crew and rescue them. Honestly always thought it was dumb to have a 1 card instant rescue for everyone on the board.
Bro, do you even Prepare the Prisoner?
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First Edition Creative Manager
By KazonPADD (Paddy Tye)
 - First Edition Creative Manager
1E British National Champion 2024
1E Omarion Nebula Regional Champion 2024
Armus wrote: Sat Dec 02, 2023 8:05 am
stressedoutatumc wrote: Sat Dec 02, 2023 7:46 am In general; I think we probably need to see an errata to Rescue Captives.

What’s the point of all the capture mechanics when I can destroy them all with a single card? Like all I have to do is play 2-3 of them and I don’t care about facing a tng cardi deck.

Hopefully something like “thrice per game…” or so so limit its set-destroying potential. Maybe you have to be at the location with a ship and personnel to play it.

Or, ideally, it becomes an Objective card that forced me to physically go with a ship and crew and rescue them. Honestly always thought it was dumb to have a 1 card instant rescue for everyone on the board.
Bro, do you even Prepare the Prisoner?
An essential! :thumbsup:
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 - Beta Quadrant
Cards look great. I'm hoping we see a new version of Benjamin Maxwell. Things I wouldn't mind seeing: Picard, Crusher and Worf in jump suits, Deana in her Starfleet uniform, pilot Riker, first officer Data. Prisoner O'Brien... wait, that's for the [Fed] [1E-DS9] vs. [Car] [1E-DS9] in a future set... might be a while but it'll be worth the wait. :cheersL: :cheersR:
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By stressedoutatumc (stressedoutatumc)
 - Beta Quadrant
Armus wrote: Sat Dec 02, 2023 8:05 am
stressedoutatumc wrote: Sat Dec 02, 2023 7:46 am In general; I think we probably need to see an errata to Rescue Captives.

What’s the point of all the capture mechanics when I can destroy them all with a single card? Like all I have to do is play 2-3 of them and I don’t care about facing a tng cardi deck.

Hopefully something like “thrice per game…” or so so limit its set-destroying potential. Maybe you have to be at the location with a ship and personnel to play it.

Or, ideally, it becomes an Objective card that forced me to physically go with a ship and crew and rescue them. Honestly always thought it was dumb to have a 1 card instant rescue for everyone on the board.
Bro, do you even Prepare the Prisoner?
Honestly, I don’t think I’ve read the entirety of that card because there was never really a reason to even play rescue captives.

 - Beta Quadrant
stressedoutatumc wrote: Sun Dec 03, 2023 10:42 am
Honestly, I don’t think I’ve read the entirety of that card because there was never really a reason to even play rescue captives.

First: Rescue Captives is OP, there should be errata.
Second: Prepare the Prisoner is a thing you know.
Third: Eh, Rescue Captives in spite of being too OP I've never bothered with.

That's funny. Maybe... just maybe we could be a little less quick on the draw for suggesting errata for things hmm?
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By stressedoutatumc (stressedoutatumc)
 - Beta Quadrant
princedetenebres wrote: Sun Dec 03, 2023 11:15 pm
stressedoutatumc wrote: Sun Dec 03, 2023 10:42 am
Honestly, I don’t think I’ve read the entirety of that card because there was never really a reason to even play rescue captives.

First: Rescue Captives is OP, there should be errata.
Second: Prepare the Prisoner is a thing you know.
Third: Eh, Rescue Captives in spite of being too OP I've never bothered with.

That's funny. Maybe... just maybe we could be a little less quick on the draw for suggesting errata for things hmm?
Or maybe keep your unsolicited snark to yourself, hmmmmmmmmm? If you can’t track a thought critically, maybe keep your embarrassment to yourself hmmmmmmm?
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