This forums is for questions, answers, and discussion about First Edition rules, formats, and expansions.
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By PantsOfTheTalShiar (Jason Tang)
 - Delta Quadrant
1E Andoria Regional Participant 2024
One way to think about this is: how often can your deck pass 6-7 dilemmas before your opponent can pass 5 dilemmas? Then it's a matter of personal preference whether that win rate is high enough to be satisfying, or if it even matters to you.

Anecdotally, most decks I've seen with fewer than 17 dilemmas have cards in the draw deck to stop/slow down their opponents. (Battle, capture + point loss, interrupt spam, etc.) Seeding Dead End by itself can work in those decks because they just need to stall enough for their draw deck shenanigans to come online. I don't like Dead End by itself if your draw deck is focused completely on solving, because it means that your opponent will have no resistance to solving their last mission.
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By Professor Scott (Mathew McCalpin)
 - Delta Quadrant
PantsOfTheTalShiar wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 4:57 pm I don't like Dead End by itself if your draw deck is focused completely on solving, because it means that your opponent will have no resistance to solving their last mission.
Nor will it slow down [1E-TNG] [Bor] if it is the last/only dilemma.
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By stressedoutatumc (stressedoutatumc)
 - Beta Quadrant
BCSWowbagger wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 1:49 pm
stressedoutatumc wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 1:39 pmGo nuts, do both.
I have a Borg solver deck that does this, and it's a lot of fun.

P.S. How more Borg decks aren't using Don't Provoke The Borg is beyond me. "Why yes sir I would like to score 10 points at some point this game just for existing, thank you."
I'm stealing that because I would like to get 10 points for just existing. Thanks :cheersL: :cheersR:

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Thanks Maggie!!

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