This forums is for questions, answers, and discussion about First Edition rules, formats, and expansions.
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By Maelwys (Chris Lobban)
 - Gamma Quadrant
Community Contributor
You've asked for it for a long time, and it's nearly ready. Right now, we just need proof-readers. So if you've got some time to kill, any amount of time at all, follow this link. It'll give you a chance to look at and edit a card from the set. It's setup so that you won't be duplicating anybody else's work, and it'll always remember where you've left off. So even if you just do one or two cards anytime you get a few minutes, with enough people working together eventually we'll get through all of them!

Some important things to know:
In gametext and skill boxes:
Skill dot = *
DL Icon = DL/
Other icons = Standard abbreviation wrapped in []
If you need to blank out a field (like the gametext box on a personnel, which currently duplicates their skill box), replace it with a single space (blanking it completely won't save the change)

Pay close attention to the card titles, most of them are in caps right now because that's how they appear on the card, so the system is automatically converting them to proper case... but that's not always the right answer (example Starfleet Type Iii Phaser Rifle is obviously wrong), so make sure to check that it looks okay.

Lore is optional at this point. If you've got time to fill it in, go ahead. If not, we can always come back for it so don't worry too much.

Dilemmas are grouped by general affect. Feel free to check more than one box if that applies.

If you're not sure how to deal with something, just make a note about it in the Notes box. That'll bring it to my attention, and I can figure out what to do.

If your changes don't appear to be affecting anything, don't fret. All changes need a quick confirmation viewing before they kick in, so you'll probably see them appear a little later.

Any questions, let me know here.

Oh, and the most productive proof-reader will probably get a prize. I just need to figure out what... ;-)
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By Danny (Daniel Giddings)
 - Gamma Quadrant
2E British National Runner-Up 2021
I'm happy to help, but as none 1E player, I've not got a scooby about the expansion, card number or rarity. Is it best I not help, or can I still do my part with lore and stuff that I can read/deduce from the card?
Last edited by Danny on Thu Nov 06, 2008 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Maelwys (Chris Lobban)
 - Gamma Quadrant
Community Contributor
Danny wrote:I'm happy to help, but as none 1E player, I've not got a scooby about the expansion, card number or rarity. Is it best I not help, or can I still do my part with lore and stuff that I can read deduce from the card?
The expansions should already be correct, card number is written on the card (or in most cases, not used at all), so rarity is the only issue. You can find a listing of the rarities here to check the cards against.
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By Maelwys (Chris Lobban)
 - Gamma Quadrant
Community Contributor
Also btw, when you load the screen it will lock that card record for 5 minutes (so that if two people are both proofing at the same time, they don't both get the same card to work on). That's why if you refresh the screen without submitting it, you won't get the same card the second time. But don't worry, if you didn't submit anything the card will unlock 5 minutes later and you (or somebody else) will get another crack at it.
This means two things:
1/ Try not to take more than 5 minutes to review a card, or somebody else might be assigned it as well before you submit, meaning the same work gets done twice.
2/ If you walk away from your computer for more than 5 minutes with the screen open, when you get back to it you'll need to refresh the screen, because somebody else might've already received and proofed that card.
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By Maelwys (Chris Lobban)
 - Gamma Quadrant
Community Contributor
Progress update on this:
  • Premiere set is now complete! Onwards with AU.
  • The search engine has been available for a while now, incase you hadn't noticed. (go to any of the cardlist pages and if you use Firefox, you'll find it under your search engine list)
  • Cards now display their corresponding commander/ship with each card, so at a quick glance you can tell what cards pair well together. Take a look through and you might even find some surprising commander/ship pairs available with BC cards that you might not've thought about before.
  • I'm working on getting them to display other useful lists or links as well. Any suggestions? Specialists and Support personnel are obvious choices. As are "cards that report free at X" lists. I'm also working on a list of related 6th Rule targets, but that obviously requires us to have a lot more lore's typed up than we do now before it'll be much use. Anything else you'd find useful, let me know.
By Qapla
 - New Member
Well I can give you a hand. I have nothing better to do here in Iraq. I work for 12 hours and don't do much but sit on my laptop so I should be able to knock out a decent amount a night.
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 - Delta Quadrant
Continuing Committee Member - Retired
Qapla wrote:Well I can give you a hand. I have nothing better to do here in Iraq. I work for 12 hours and don't do much but sit on my laptop so I should be able to knock out a decent amount a night.
Awesome. Thank you!
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 - Beta Quadrant
Continuing Committee Member - Retired
Maelwys wrote:Progress update on this:
  • Premiere set is now complete! Onwards with AU.
  • The search engine has been available for a while now, incase you hadn't noticed. (go to any of the cardlist pages and if you use Firefox, you'll find it under your search engine list)
  • Cards now display their corresponding commander/ship with each card, so at a quick glance you can tell what cards pair well together. Take a look through and you might even find some surprising commander/ship pairs available with BC cards that you might not've thought about before.
  • I'm working on getting them to display other useful lists or links as well. Any suggestions? Specialists and Support personnel are obvious choices. As are "cards that report free at X" lists. I'm also working on a list of related 6th Rule targets, but that obviously requires us to have a lot more lore's typed up than we do now before it'll be much use. Anything else you'd find useful, let me know.
I'd suggest matching Headquarters with the appropriate mission. I remember searching for hours trying to find Romulus once =P
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By Melas
 - Alpha Quadrant
I'm just proofing some cards. Now I'd like to know the correct abbreviation for the "universal" and the "enigma" icons.
I guessed ❖ and ✶ ?

Or is there an other abbreviation?.

Thanks, Melas
Last edited by Melas on Sun Jan 04, 2009 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Smiley (Cristoffer Wiker)
 - Gamma Quadrant
Continuing Committee Member - Retired
I'm not an expert programmer but wouldn't it be a little bit easier to handle if you made the card type selector manage which sections to show? As if I choose Personnel I don't get to see the game text filed as it is not used on that type of card.

Just an idea to minimize scrolling =)
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By Maelwys (Chris Lobban)
 - Gamma Quadrant
Community Contributor
Smiley wrote:I'm not an expert programmer but wouldn't it be a little bit easier to handle if you made the card type selector manage which sections to show? As if I choose Personnel I don't get to see the game text filed as it is not used on that type of card.

Just an idea to minimize scrolling =)
For the most part, it does this. There are just a few fields in the top section that aren't card specific, that don't react that way. In your example, for 1EC cards from 2E, they do have gametext seperate from their skills, so that's why that section doesn't go away.
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By Maelwys (Chris Lobban)
 - Gamma Quadrant
Community Contributor
scox wrote:There is a text field for Dilemma type; [S] for space, [P] for planet, what is the syntax for dual? [S/P]? Not sure if it is parsed by the web sever in any way; hence why I'm asking.
[S/P] is correct.
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