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By Azighal
 - Alpha Quadrant
1E World Quarter-Finalist 2024
So i'm working on a deck and the seed card amount is getting a bit high. I have never built a deck with less then 17 dilemmas. I can make the deck work with 14 seed cards but is 16 to few? The goal is to make a 2 mission deck. some advice on this would be appreciated. The deck is mirror universe so if my opponent is in alpha its going to be a short space line if that impacts things.
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Director of Operations
 - Director of Operations
Putting in Dead End and seeding it at a mission that you don’t think they can or will do would let you put 3-dilemma combos everywhere else.
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First Edition Rules Master
By BCSWowbagger (James Heaney)
 - First Edition Rules Master
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1E North American Continental Semi-Finalist 2024
16 is doable but obviously risky. You've got two 2-card combos that just aren't going to hold for that long. You will generally want to separate them, so opponent has a hard time exploiting both on his way to a victory. But this can be done. Alternatively, if you have firepower, you can just put a bunch of WEAPONS near the underseeded missions to threaten opponent if he dares try attempting them.

Once you go down to 15 dilemmas, you get into really dicey territory, since that's underseeding half his missions and opponent is pretty sure to be able to use that. And I would be nervous about 16 on a short spaceline. Still, it's risky but not insanely risky as long as your deck pops off fast.

I like a "Go Away!" combo: Experience Bij + Dead End or Edo Probe + Dead End.

Otherwise, plenty of decent 2-card combos out there. Unscientific Method + Scientific Method, any two of the three main kill-walls (Misinterpreted History, Rules of Obedience, Eminian Disintegration), etc.
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By Lobo
 - Alpha Quadrant
BCSWowbagger wrote: ...

Otherwise, plenty of decent 2-card combos out there. Unscientific Method + Scientific Method, any two of the three main kill-walls (Misinterpreted History, Rules of Obedience, Eminian Disintegration), etc.
-I really liked using at least 2 copies of Friendly Fire in my old decks as both a decent front for a Dead End or other 2-carder and just in case of a Nor.

Unsure if FF has been errata'd into oblivion or not, but i always had good luck with that dilemma.

The rest of my dilemma choices were always poo, but that one came through for me!
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
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Lobo wrote: Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:40 am
BCSWowbagger wrote: ...

Otherwise, plenty of decent 2-card combos out there. Unscientific Method + Scientific Method, any two of the three main kill-walls (Misinterpreted History, Rules of Obedience, Eminian Disintegration), etc.
-I really liked using at least 2 copies of Friendly Fire in my old decks as both a decent front for a Dead End or other 2-carder and just in case of a Nor.

Unsure if FF has been errata'd into oblivion or not, but i always had good luck with that dilemma.

The rest of my dilemma choices were always poo, but that one came through for me!
Not errataed but still pretty popular and thus people tend to prepare for it. Usually more effective if you set it up with something.
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By Professor Scott (Mathew McCalpin)
 - Delta Quadrant
Downloader dilemmas can help especially if you use several and sacrifice a slot to Dyson Sphere Door. One such combo is:

[1E-P] :Shore Leave(Parallel Romance/Female's Love Interest)/Matriarchal Society.

Yes, it's pretty telegraphed, and Hoshi Sato and Lt. Uhura can bust it up.

It's also fun in a Let Me Help Deck since it works on [Bor], but you have to run 18, and your OP is already looking at 12-14 range.

Another decent 2 card combo is:

[1E-S] : Scout Encounter (Scout Vessel, with at least one compatible crewmember)/ Quantum Singularity Lifeforms.

This can be broken up by any anti [1E-AU] tech like Madam Guinan and Timepod Ring. In fact, TR is called out as is ETA. Don't break any of your tech though, as the ship is not [MQ], [TE], [KCA], [OS] or [1E-DS9].
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By jadziadax8 (Maggie Geppert)
 - Executive Officer
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2E Deep Space 9 Regional Champion 2024
Lobo wrote: Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:40 am
BCSWowbagger wrote: ...

Otherwise, plenty of decent 2-card combos out there. Unscientific Method + Scientific Method, any two of the three main kill-walls (Misinterpreted History, Rules of Obedience, Eminian Disintegration), etc.
-I really liked using at least 2 copies of Friendly Fire in my old decks as both a decent front for a Dead End or other 2-carder and just in case of a Nor.

Unsure if FF has been errata'd into oblivion or not, but i always had good luck with that dilemma.

The rest of my dilemma choices were always poo, but that one came through for me!
My favorite two-card combo is Incentive-based Economics --> Friendly Fire.

Unfortunately, people are onto it and always try to complete the CIVILIAN side of the requirements.
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First Edition Rules Master
By BCSWowbagger (James Heaney)
 - First Edition Rules Master
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1E North American Continental Semi-Finalist 2024
I would be remiss if we talked about two-card Friendly Fire combos and didn't mention the classic: Personal Duty --> Friendly Fire.
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By stressedoutatumc (stressedoutatumc)
 - Beta Quadrant
Azighal wrote: Sat Aug 10, 2024 2:32 am So i'm working on a deck and the seed card amount is getting a bit high. I have never built a deck with less then 17 dilemmas. I can make the deck work with 14 seed cards but is 16 to few? The goal is to make a 2 mission deck. some advice on this would be appreciated. The deck is mirror universe so if my opponent is in alpha its going to be a short space line if that impacts things.
I hate using less than 20, tbh, but I settle for 18. One of my favorite ways of upping the dilemma count is to use a Dyson's Sphere door, then using as much dilemma as I can that will "download and seed". You'll go down to "17" dilemma, but really, effectively, as much as +13 with the dysons. Not all that kind of dilemma is great, but if you are looking to up your numbers, that might be your best bet. If you want to get nuts, you could use a Q's Flash to do the same thing. Go nuts, do both.
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By stressedoutatumc (stressedoutatumc)
 - Beta Quadrant
jadziadax8 wrote: Sun Aug 11, 2024 4:07 pm
Lobo wrote: Sun Aug 11, 2024 11:40 am
BCSWowbagger wrote: ...

Otherwise, plenty of decent 2-card combos out there. Unscientific Method + Scientific Method, any two of the three main kill-walls (Misinterpreted History, Rules of Obedience, Eminian Disintegration), etc.
-I really liked using at least 2 copies of Friendly Fire in my old decks as both a decent front for a Dead End or other 2-carder and just in case of a Nor.

Unsure if FF has been errata'd into oblivion or not, but i always had good luck with that dilemma.

The rest of my dilemma choices were always poo, but that one came through for me!
My favorite two-card combo is Incentive-based Economics --> Friendly Fire.

Unfortunately, people are onto it and always try to complete the CIVILIAN side of the requirements.
So, what I've found is that this honestly doesn't hit enough. I like how it becomes universal, but I've experienced if they don't have the Security + no Honor, they almost never have the second condition. For me, IBE, telegraphs that a friendly fire is behind it and they've set up to pass every time. Same in your area?
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First Edition Rules Master
By BCSWowbagger (James Heaney)
 - First Edition Rules Master
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1E North American Continental Semi-Finalist 2024
stressedoutatumc wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 1:39 pmGo nuts, do both.
I have a Borg solver deck that does this, and it's a lot of fun.

P.S. How more Borg decks aren't using Don't Provoke The Borg is beyond me. "Why yes sir I would like to score 10 points at some point this game just for existing, thank you."
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By WeAreBack
 - Beta Quadrant
Azighal wrote: Sat Aug 10, 2024 2:32 am is [dilemmas] 16 to few?
If you are already seeding a Q's tent that is not full (you need 3 slots for 3 dilemmas named Q), you can also try seeding Q-flash and Beware of Q, and cutting the number of dilemmas you seed to 14.

The trick with a Beware of Q set of dilemmas is that, as the first dilemma, you have to seed something that is pretty likely to stop the away team and get placed back under the mission. (So no Cytherians or other cards that get placed on a ship, or [Self] cards, cards that say "discard dilemma" or "mission continues" or cards that get placed on the mission.) Think dilemmas like Hanonian Land Eel.

Inevitably, when the opponent attempts a second time they will have everything they need to bust past your land eel (or whatever other dilemma you seeded) so at that point you activate Beware of Q and replace the dilemma you know they are going to overcome with Q to stop the whole away team if they can't beat it. You can also use one of the other Q dilemmas to stop, capture or Penalty Box enough people that they will have a tough time meeting the requirements on dilemma #2 when the rest of the crew/away team gets through.

Not perfect, but probably better than having 2 missions with only 2 dilemmas.
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 - The Center of the Galaxy
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Azighal wrote: Sat Aug 10, 2024 2:32 am is 16 to few?
I think the closest thing to a rule of thumb is that as you go under 18, you need to have some alternative defense plan. (Maybe that's Tribbles, maybe it's just being Super Aggressive.)
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By Lobo
 - Alpha Quadrant
BCSWowbagger wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 1:49 pm
I have a Borg solver deck that does this, and it's a lot of fun.
-So, dumb question: how do dilemmas get downloaded other than a regular Q-flash set-up? Is there a strategy article or something explaining this, or maybe just point me to the cards that work with the Dyson Sphere Door to make it happen.

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Executive Officer
By jadziadax8 (Maggie Geppert)
 - Executive Officer
The Traveler
1E North American Continental Quarter-Finalist 2024
2E North American Continental Semi-Finalist 2024
2E Deep Space 9 Regional Champion 2024
Lobo wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 4:39 pm
BCSWowbagger wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 1:49 pm
I have a Borg solver deck that does this, and it's a lot of fun.
-So, dumb question: how do dilemmas get downloaded other than a regular Q-flash set-up? Is there a strategy article or something explaining this, or maybe just point me to the cards that work with the Dyson Sphere Door to make it happen.

Using the 1E search engine and searching for the phrase download and seed on dilemmas, I found the following 13 dilemmas you can use in combination with the Dyson Sphere Door.
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