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By sekce31
 - Beta Quadrant
Let's say you know you will be facing a borg deck, and you don't have to consider other possible decks. What are some of the best dilemmas or combos you can use against such opponent. What would you suggest? Thank you for any input.
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Director of Operations
 - Director of Operations
Leading off at least 2 combos with Persistent Individuality is a must. I've had luck with V'Ger against Borg if you get lucky with the kills ahead of it. All in all, mass death ahead of skills they tend to have issues with (to limit the effectiveness of any skill sharing) is a good way to be thinking about it.
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By WeAreBack
 - Beta Quadrant
The use of any kind of "wall" against Borg is difficult because of Adapt:Negate Obstruction. The most popular dilemmas are "first kill, then wall" like:
Rules of obedience
Eminian Disintegration Protocol
Misinterpreted History

Normally, these are hard to get past even on a second time when encountered because the kill is going to happen before being able to meet the requirements (so you need to bring more than the actual requirements to guarantee getting past - particularly for EDP, unless you bring six ❖ with none of them being the target of the kill).

With Borg, I would think you would be better off with Dilemmas that (a) filter (b) enter into play and stay there or (c) Kill everyone or many many personnel. What do you know, this is exactly what I recommended in the last thread about dilemmas I responded to! :D viewtopic.php?f=24&t=50639

Dilemmas that you can't beat with Skill sharing because skills don't coem into it are great too.

Now, the Chandra does not work against Borg -- the drones all have same attributes. And if they are sharing skills Romulan Mindprobes won't work either. But they are incredibly easy to filter with Lineup or Chula: The Drink, all of which will stop for random drones.

Borg also lack classifications and "irrelevant" skills like officer, honor, greed,

So for palnet for planet:
Horta (Yes, it has skill requirements, but mindmeld You need the queen?)
All available Hands
Deliberate Tactical Error

Volcanic Erruption
Subspace Fracture

This kills a lot of drones, although they will still be able to finish the scouting attempt.

For Space:
The Weak Will Perish
Persistent Individuality

Persistent Individuality
The Weak Will Perish
Replicator Accident

You can insert any Q dilemma (except the original, which has a stop at the end) to act as a filter because you will stop a certain number of personnel using My ship, My Crew but likely not all of them while penalty boxing or mandarin bailifing one personnel as well (typically)
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By Takket
 - Delta Quadrant
Topological Anomaly 4747

I threw that in a deck just in case I faced Borg. Unfortunately it kind of sucks vs anyone else. But I threw a Borg opponent completely off balance for what he wanted to do even though he knew it was there from an Ocular Implant scan. He wasted a whole turn moving around a SCIENCE and some ships so he could pop it and then cure it.

The thing that stinks about this card is it only puts personnel in stasis, NOT the ship. So if they pop this and have, or can get, a SCIENCE into hand, and the ship allows Borg to report aboard, they can report the SCIENCE directly to the ship to cure it.
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By Armus (Brian Sykes)
 - The Center of the Galaxy
Community Contributor
WeAreBack wrote: Sat Dec 14, 2024 12:01 pm The use of any kind of "wall" against Borg is difficult because of Adapt:Negate Obstruction. The most popular dilemmas are "first kill, then wall" like:
Rules of obedience
Eminian Disintegration Protocol
Misinterpreted History

Normally, these are hard to get past even on a second time when encountered because the kill is going to happen before being able to meet the requirements (so you need to bring more than the actual requirements to guarantee getting past - particularly for EDP, unless you bring six ❖ with none of them being the target of the kill).

With Borg, I would think you would be better off with Dilemmas that (a) filter (b) enter into play and stay there or (c) Kill everyone or many many personnel. What do you know, this is exactly what I recommended in the last thread about dilemmas I responded to! :D viewtopic.php?f=24&t=50639

Dilemmas that you can't beat with Skill sharing because skills don't coem into it are great too.

Now, the Chandra does not work against Borg -- the drones all have same attributes. And if they are sharing skills Romulan Mindprobes won't work either. But they are incredibly easy to filter with Lineup or Chula: The Drink, all of which will stop for random drones.

Borg also lack classifications and "irrelevant" skills like officer, honor, greed,

So for palnet for planet:
Horta (Yes, it has skill requirements, but mindmeld You need the queen?)
All available Hands
Deliberate Tactical Error

Volcanic Erruption
Subspace Fracture

This kills a lot of drones, although they will still be able to finish the scouting attempt.

For Space:
The Weak Will Perish
Persistent Individuality

Persistent Individuality
The Weak Will Perish
Replicator Accident

You can insert any Q dilemma (except the original, which has a stop at the end) to act as a filter because you will stop a certain number of personnel using My ship, My Crew but likely not all of them while penalty boxing or mandarin bailifing one personnel as well (typically)
Romulan Mind Probes keys on printed skills, so it can actually be quite effective against the Borg.

Especially if you select a [SCD] or [SCN] Drone and stop all of the [SCC] drones, that turns off skill sharing which can lead to all sorts of bad things happening.
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First Edition Creative Manager
By KazonPADD (Paddy Tye)
 - First Edition Creative Manager
1E Omarion Nebula Regional Champion 2024
Armus wrote: Sat Dec 14, 2024 12:34 pm Romulan Mind Probes keys on printed skills, so it can actually be quite effective against the Borg.

Especially if you select a [SCD] or [SCN] Drone and stop all of the [SCC] drones, that turns off skill sharing which can lead to all sorts of bad things happening.
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