Player encounters Tricynate Poisoning while at a planet mission the closest space mission is ❖ Construct Depot, since there are no requirements on the ❖ Construct Depot card for the opponent does that make the mission worth zero points since the opponent could not even attempt it at all or does it default to no requirement?
Glossary Entry for reference: You may not substitute or ignore requirements for Tricyanate Poisoning, even requirements that are in principle impossible at the mission you are attempting. For example, if the nearest planet mission has a requirement that something be "in orbit" or that "Away Team" have certain attributes while you are at a space mission, or you are at a planet mission and must meet a requirement like "SHIELDS >8", you will fail to overcome the dilemma.
Glossary Entry for reference: You may not substitute or ignore requirements for Tricyanate Poisoning, even requirements that are in principle impossible at the mission you are attempting. For example, if the nearest planet mission has a requirement that something be "in orbit" or that "Away Team" have certain attributes while you are at a space mission, or you are at a planet mission and must meet a requirement like "SHIELDS >8", you will fail to overcome the dilemma.
"There's more to this than just the cards, Data." --LaForge to Data, The Measure of a Man
Ryan Sutton
Qo'noS Ambassador
Ryan Sutton
Qo'noS Ambassador