This forums is for questions, answers, and discussion about First Edition rules, formats, and expansions.
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First Edition Creative Manager
By KazonPADD (Paddy Tye)
 - First Edition Creative Manager
1E British National Champion 2024
1E Omarion Nebula Regional Champion 2024
Hello all and happy Friday!

With 2 major releases in Trek today (Premiere Remastered for 1E and the return of Emporer Georgiou in Section 31) there's a lot to talk about today!

So, simple question. What are your personal hits and misses in Premiere Remastered?

For me, I love all the lore fixes (and name fixes). One of the frequently used Premiere missions which I've wanted to make into a Tournament Promo Foil for ages is Repair Mission - but we've been holding off waiting for this release. Well now it's here - now using "Argus Array" as location, not "Edge of Federation Space". But for those of you who've watched the 30th Anniversary Live Stream, you'll know that Repair Mission is indeed listed as one of Promos coming soon!

To be fair, even I (as a member of the 1E staff) do have some misses though! I disagreed with many of the other 1E staff members over the return of Tox Uthat and Supernova largely unchanged, and I do anticipate trouble there. :cross:

But what are your selections? What have been done well? What would you have still improved on? Let us know your views!
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By boromirofborg (Trek Barnes)
 - Delta Quadrant
1E World Quarter-Finalist 2024
Hits: too much to name. the gorgeous art, the cleaner rule text. The return of Anti-Time Anomaly.... I really love the clean redo of Betazoid Gift Box and Thought Maker

Misses: Honestly, with the unveiling of Premere Traditional, I wish that the CC had gone further with some of the changes. More dual-affiliation, renaming the 1701-D, less of a "reword-this-card-in-modern-terms" and more of a "if we made this card today knowing all we know now, what would be different." Which is why I think ATA, B'Ael, and some of the un-banned cards stand out, because they have more of that reimagined spirit.

But a lot of the dilemmas are still unplayable, treaties still don't seed (a lesson Decipher learned with later ones).

Don't get me wrong. As far as the goals set out, I think it's fantastic and 11/10.
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 - Alpha Quadrant
boromirofborg wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 1:43 pm Hits: too much to name. the gorgeous art, the cleaner rule text. The return of Anti-Time Anomaly.... I really love the clean redo of Betazoid Gift Box and Thought Maker

Misses: Honestly, with the unveiling of Premere Traditional, I wish that the CC had gone further with some of the changes. More dual-affiliation, renaming the 1701-D, less of a "reword-this-card-in-modern-terms" and more of a "if we made this card today knowing all we know now, what would be different." Which is why I think ATA, B'Ael, and some of the un-banned cards stand out, because they have more of that reimagined spirit.

But a lot of the dilemmas are still unplayable, treaties still don't seed (a lesson Decipher learned with later ones).

Don't get me wrong. As far as the goals set out, I think it's fantastic and 11/10.
While I share pretty much all your hits and misses here, my real issues at the moment are:

1. Where is the link that lets you actually download the set?

2. Will there be any sample decks provided? I thought this would be a great time to introduce a friend to the game, would love some example decks to try out.
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Chief Programmer
By eberlems
 - Chief Programmer
2E  National Second Runner-Up 2023
Caffinicus wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:54 pm
boromirofborg wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 1:43 pm Hits: too much to name. the gorgeous art, the cleaner rule text. The return of Anti-Time Anomaly.... I really love the clean redo of Betazoid Gift Box and Thought Maker

Misses: Honestly, with the unveiling of Premere Traditional, I wish that the CC had gone further with some of the changes. More dual-affiliation, renaming the 1701-D, less of a "reword-this-card-in-modern-terms" and more of a "if we made this card today knowing all we know now, what would be different." Which is why I think ATA, B'Ael, and some of the un-banned cards stand out, because they have more of that reimagined spirit.

But a lot of the dilemmas are still unplayable, treaties still don't seed (a lesson Decipher learned with later ones).

Don't get me wrong. As far as the goals set out, I think it's fantastic and 11/10.
While I share pretty much all your hits and misses here, my real issues at the moment are:

1. Where is the link that lets you actually download the set?

2. Will there be any sample decks provided? I thought this would be a great time to introduce a friend to the game, would love some example decks to try out.
There will be a PDF, but it will take a few more days, probably next friday.
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Executive Officer
By jadziadax8 (Maggie Geppert)
 - Executive Officer
The Traveler
1E North American Continental Quarter-Finalist 2024
2E North American Continental Semi-Finalist 2024
2E Deep Space 9 Regional Champion 2024
Caffinicus wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:54 pm 2. Will there be any sample decks provided? I thought this would be a great time to introduce a friend to the game, would love some example decks to try out.
I think you actually just volunteered for that task. ;-)

Please share with the group when you get them built. :mrgreen:
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 - Alpha Quadrant
jadziadax8 wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 4:35 pm
Caffinicus wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:54 pm 2. Will there be any sample decks provided? I thought this would be a great time to introduce a friend to the game, would love some example decks to try out.
I think you actually just volunteered for that task. ;-)

Please share with the group when you get them built. :mrgreen:
Unfortunately I am a poor choice for that task. I just played my first game in nearly a decade two days ago, and I haven't built a deck and tried to be competitive in longer than that. I've basically just been an enthusiast for a while now, who loved the old Decipher game and has been keeping up on the CC stuff with excitement as it comes out. I barely qualify to teach anyone how to play, must less build a deck to present to people who actually know what they're doing.
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 - Alpha Quadrant
eberlems wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 3:53 pm
Caffinicus wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:54 pm
boromirofborg wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 1:43 pm Hits: too much to name. the gorgeous art, the cleaner rule text. The return of Anti-Time Anomaly.... I really love the clean redo of Betazoid Gift Box and Thought Maker

Misses: Honestly, with the unveiling of Premere Traditional, I wish that the CC had gone further with some of the changes. More dual-affiliation, renaming the 1701-D, less of a "reword-this-card-in-modern-terms" and more of a "if we made this card today knowing all we know now, what would be different." Which is why I think ATA, B'Ael, and some of the un-banned cards stand out, because they have more of that reimagined spirit.

But a lot of the dilemmas are still unplayable, treaties still don't seed (a lesson Decipher learned with later ones).

Don't get me wrong. As far as the goals set out, I think it's fantastic and 11/10.
While I share pretty much all your hits and misses here, my real issues at the moment are:

1. Where is the link that lets you actually download the set?

2. Will there be any sample decks provided? I thought this would be a great time to introduce a friend to the game, would love some example decks to try out.
There will be a PDF, but it will take a few more days, probably next friday.
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Executive Officer
By jadziadax8 (Maggie Geppert)
 - Executive Officer
The Traveler
1E North American Continental Quarter-Finalist 2024
2E North American Continental Semi-Finalist 2024
2E Deep Space 9 Regional Champion 2024
Caffinicus wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 4:44 pm
jadziadax8 wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 4:35 pm
Caffinicus wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:54 pm 2. Will there be any sample decks provided? I thought this would be a great time to introduce a friend to the game, would love some example decks to try out.
I think you actually just volunteered for that task. ;-)

Please share with the group when you get them built. :mrgreen:
Unfortunately I am a poor choice for that task. I just played my first game in nearly a decade two days ago, and I haven't built a deck and tried to be competitive in longer than that. I've basically just been an enthusiast for a while now, who loved the old Decipher game and has been keeping up on the CC stuff with excitement as it comes out. I barely qualify to teach anyone how to play, must less build a deck to present to people who actually know what they're doing.
Think of it as an opportunity to practice deckbuilding with a very small pool. I just did it for the Premiere Traditional event, and it is quite interesting.
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First Edition Art Manager
By jjh (Johnny Holeva)
 - First Edition Art Manager
The greatest hit of this Grand Project is that Premiere (no matter the flavor you prefer) now looks good digitally.
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Director of First Edition
By MidnightLich (Charlie Plaine)
 - Director of First Edition
1E World Runner-Up 2024
2E World Quarter-Finalist 2024
I can't speak highly enough about Johnny and Markus and the work they have had to do for this project. It's been an absolute bear with scope changes, planning misunderstandings, and just tons of hard work. They both deserve big raises, or a cold beverage of their choice the next time you see them.

And beyond Art and Operations, there are more thanks to go around. James H. and his rules team did herculean amounts of work, and deserve a month paid vacation. Creative, Balance, testing, and our proofreaders and writers all did so much to make this product, and the Traditional off-shoot, happen.

Even today, when I saw the final PDF come in, and in the days after when that PDF gets set up, the database gets synced up - it's so much. Please bear with everyone as it gets worked through.

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By WeAreBack
 - Beta Quadrant
I already had a whole post about how great I think the new anti-time anomaly is. Creating a WMD that can and (no doubt WILL) go off unintentionally is the most Q thing I can possibly imagine. The very definition of capricious nonsense.

Most of the other cards to get real changes, like Thought Maker (and honestly Horga'hn, although it was technically done before this set came out) and Temporal Causality Loop were very well executed.

Everything just makes a lot more sense than before.

We some opportunities missed? Sure. Like, honestly I don't understand how Energy Vortex is being unbanned with its current wording. This was a card I would have just completely re-written. Maybe as something that that triggers off a card time traveling? (I'm imagining something similar to Disruption of the Space Time Continuum, but that triggers off time travel instead of playing of [1E-AU] cards.)

The issue with even the revised Energy Vortex is that it can block the same card being played every single turn repetitively for as long as I have a copy in my hand.

For example, if you play a Brunt's Shuttle deck and I play with 10 copies of energy Vortex in a 75 card deck drawing 5-6 cards a turn (very dooable in most of my decks), you're toast. Every time you try that report with crew, I'm just going to not let you play it. Less extreme cases, I just don't let you ever play cards that your deck obviously needs to work at 100% capacity, like that copy of A better Alternative or Ekoor in your [Car] deck (he only plays without using your card play in Cardassian resistance decks that go without facilities or using Crell Mosset or something like Devidian Door). Or what about We are The Bordg in your [1E-TNG] deck where the Queen isn't there to download it for you? Or lets say I see you flip Quark's Isolinaear Rods and Grab Lewis Zimmerman. As a non- [1E-DQ] Voyager card he doesn't play free generally, so you can just keep vortexing him every turn.

Am I the person who is going to do this? No. Honestly, it's a little boring in addition to being a jerk move. But if someone can turn the original Double Dumbass into a tournament winning card by setting up a bunch of draws, I would watch out for Energy Vortex at major tournaments this year. (Paired with a 3-4 seeded computer crashes set off early, I can see most decks just being crippled, especially if they go second.) Energy Vortex followed by Maska on the next turn was always brutal in Premier (no downloading - that card is GONE) and could make a comeback.

Overall, this set is fantastic though. Beautiful cards. Easier to understand text. Things just making more sense. (Lore Returns makes so much more sense, for example. I love that I could use the stolen ship with other personnel staffing it if I want to.)
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First Edition Creative Manager
By KazonPADD (Paddy Tye)
 - First Edition Creative Manager
1E British National Champion 2024
1E Omarion Nebula Regional Champion 2024
Ummm, you mention unbanning Energy Vortex, but I don’t think that was ever banned originally??
By Dunnagh (Andreas Micheel)
 - Delta Quadrant
I started my STCCG "career" with Premiere and it will always hold a very good place in my heart. This thing is full of nostalgia!

Yes, the game was a mess back then. A lot of very unbalanced stuff and a VERY slow "play a card, draw a card" start until someone drew into a red alert, a traveller or a static warp bubble.

Q bypass was in every second deck... it was quite a mess.

And still: If you - and that is what I´m still doing today - play the game in the sense of telling a story, it is one of the best narrative star trek games I can think of.
Obviously, its still a card game and so people are still abusing the **** out of every card there is (Hexany, Regina Bartholomew, ❖ Space etc.) so the errata team (thanks for your existence and good work!!) has much work on their hands.
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By Dukat (Andreas Rheinländer)
 - Gamma Quadrant
1E European Continental Semi-Finalist 2024
1E German National Runner-Up 2024
Dunnagh wrote: Mon Jan 27, 2025 4:41 am I started my STCCG "career" with Premiere and it will always hold a very good place in my heart. This thing is full of nostalgia!

Yes, the game was a mess back then. A lot of very unbalanced stuff and a VERY slow "play a card, draw a card" start until someone drew into a red alert, a traveller or a static warp bubble.

Q bypass was in every second deck... it was quite a mess.

And still: If you - and that is what I´m still doing today - play the game in the sense of telling a story, it is one of the best narrative star trek games I can think of.
Obviously, its still a card game and so people are still abusing the **** out of every card there is (Hexany, Regina Bartholomew, ❖ Space etc.) so the errata team (thanks for your existence and good work!!) has much work on their hands.

1E tells a story and cards are based on the story.

Whilst with 2E, abilities of characters have absolutely nothing to do with what they do on the show.
It's mostly about getting skills or drawing cards.

One could easily erase any Star Trek from 2E personnel cards, it would not matter.
(Even the skills are oftentimes not really applying to the characters on the show.)

Ummm, you mention unbanning Energy Vortex, but I don’t think that was ever banned originally??
The older version was even more powerful, as it could be played on ANY card just played.
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